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Welcome to the ICONIC leader podcast. I’m your host life and business coach Sarah Plowman, here to help you embrace your ICON status while getting RICH with ease and style.


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Welcome to the ICONIC leader podcast. I’m your host life and business coach Sarah Plowman, here to help you embrace your ICON status while getting RICH with ease and style.



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Take What Serves You, Leave The Rest

Does your coach always know what's best for your business? How do you balance being coachable with trusting yourself above everyone else — even your coach? In this episode of the ICONIC Leader Podcast, I want to share with you how I choose to receive coaching and how I choose to think about my coaches. I send all of the coaching I receive through my own filter. Then I decide what serves me and I leave the rest. Because when you do this, you become the authority of your business... You stop being afraid to disappoint your coach, or people please them by going along with their coaching — and against your own inner knowing. And your decisions, thoughts and beliefs start to come from a place of authenticity and desire. Let your coach be the catalyst. Allow yourself to be The One who knows what's best for your business... because you do ICON. Ready to own embrace your ICON status? Head over to my website www.sarahplowmancoaching.com and download my free video "How to Sign 5 Figure Clients with Ease" and then apply for private mentorship.


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No Engagement, No Problem

Your ideal clients are ready to hire you. They may not be engaging with your content. They may not be in your DMs. But they are watching you. The key is to shift from making content that compels people to engage to copy that compels people to buy. In this episode, I'm sharing two ways to do this: 1. Creating awareness around the gap between where they are and where they want to be. 2. Telling them exactly what to do next. You know you're meant to make more money. This is how you do it, ICON. Ready to own embrace your ICON status? Head over to my website www.sarahplowmancoaching.com and download my free video "How to Sign 5 Figure Clients with Ease" and then apply for private mentorship.


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I Sell Because I Sell

I’ve sold $750k of coaching over the last three years because I SOLD $750k OF COACHING. But more importantly than that, after 100s of consults I’ve developed a selling process that feels safe, expansive and empowering for both me and my clients. And for the first time EVER, I’m going to teach you my exact method. Because no matter how much you’ve sold, I know you’re ready to fall madly in love with selling. You’re ready to love your consult process. You’re ready to fully embody that selling is in service to your people. And of course, you’re ready to get more yeses — and get PAID — from clients who are empowered and excited to work with you. In this episode I’m sharing my most useful thoughts on selling like: 1. It’s not my job to show them the value of working with me on the consult. It’s my job to help them uncover if they want to work with me, why, and help them decide if anything will stop them from giving themselves what they want. 2. What’s meant for me won’t miss me. 3. Selling is the best way to help my people. And because of these useful thoughts I create expansive and empowering buying experiences for my clients who then get the coaching they desire to transform their business. Win-win-win 😏🔥 Next week, I’m teaching you exactly how to love consults and selling. Inside my Telegram event, ICONIC Consults, I’m teaching you the mindset and energetics of empowering consults, my specific framework for consults that will help you love your consults process and get more yeses, questions to ask on consults to help your potential client reach clarity on working with you and handling “objections”. Join ICONIC Consults HERE. In addition, I’m opening a VIP Voxer chat for a month where you can come in to evaluate your consults and get my feedback. Join ICONIC Consults Eval Voxer Chat HERE. Ready to own embrace your ICON status? Head over to my website www.sarahplowmancoaching.com and download my free video "How to Sign 5 Figure Clients with Ease" and then apply for private mentorship.


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Time to Change Your Mind

It's time to change your mind. Because the truth is, as long as you are alive, some (or LOTS) of what you want will change. It's a sign of growth. The only two reasons you ever hold yourself back from making the change you know you want is because of your fear of: 1. What you’re going to make it mean about yourself 2. What you’re afraid other people will think about you But it’s safe to be a contradiction. Creating at your highest capacity requires a willingness to change your mind. In this episode I'm sharing with you how to know if you're making decisions out of alignment with what you want, tapping into what you do want and a simple exercise that will help you give yourself exactly what you want. Get ready to blow up your results after this ICON 😏 Ready to own embrace your ICON status? Head over to my website www.sarahplowmancoaching.com and download my free video "How to Sign 5 Figure Clients with Ease" and then apply for private mentorship.


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Make Your Results Inevitable

What do you want? What are you telling yourself is possible for you? Or are you trying to convince yourself that you don't want it, that while maybe it's possible for others, it's not available for you? That ends today ICON. Your job is to be unapologetically honest with yourself about what you want and then give it to yourself. Inside this episode I’m sharing the exact tool I've used over and over to make the results I want inevitable. Come share with me on IG the result you're making this month and LFG 😏🔥 The self coaching model that I refer to in this episode is: Circumstance: Thought: Feeling: Action: Result: Ready to own embrace your ICON status? Head over to my website www.sarahplowmancoaching.com and download my free video "How to Sign 5 Figure Clients with Ease" and then apply for private mentorship.


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Go Get Clients

The business you want? The wealth you know you’re meant for? It wants you back. It's waiting for you to show up and fucking claim it 🔥 I've made $735k cash since starting my business 3 years ago. And the one skill I see that overlaps at any level of income: You have to tell people who you are and what you do with shout-it-from-the-rooftops energy. You have to be willing to expose yourself. Over and over again. No matter what people think. No matter what discomfort it brings. Because when you put yourself out there... When you go and get clients... Everybody wins. Read my IG post where I share exactly what I'd do if I were trying to make $10-20k months, $30-50k months or $100k months HERE. Ready to own embrace your ICON status? Head over to my website www.sarahplowmancoaching.com and download my free video "How to Sign 5 Figure Clients with Ease" and then apply for private mentorship.


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Money Making Copy Formula

Ever wonder about the magic behind copy that compels people to buy? It's not nearly as complicated to create as you think. Listen to learn the exact formula to follow. After this episode you'll know how to: 1. Have clarity in who you're talking to 2. Convey the exact problem your copy is solving 3. Bring awareness to why your people aren't creating the results they want yet 4. Confidently share how you are going to help them create exactly what they want After you listen to this episode, go create copy following the formula I share and then watch how it calls in the exact clients you desire to work with. Ready to own embrace your ICON status? Head over to my website www.sarahplowmancoaching.com and download my free video "How to Sign 5 Figure Clients with Ease" and then apply for private mentorship.


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From $30k to $50k Months in 5 Steps

I went from averaging $30k cash months in 2023 to $50k months in the first two months of 2024...and I did it in 5 simple steps. In this episode, I'm teaching you exactly how I did it so that you can create quantum leaps in your business too. Join me as I reveal: - Why you've stopped betting on yourself and how it's keeping you stuck - Why it literally pays to double down on your beliefs - How to release the timeline and the power of slowing down to speed up - The impact of making business decisions based on desire - The power of elevating your thoughts about your audience Listen, apply, and watch the money flow. Ready to own embrace your ICON status? Head over to my website www.sarahplowmancoaching.com and download my free video "How to Sign 5 Figure Clients with Ease" and then apply for private mentorship.


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Activate Your Audience's Buy Now Energy

I know you're ready to become fully booked with an offer you and your clients are obsessed with. Not only is this possible for you, but it can happen fast... ask me how I know 😏 Today I'm sharing how to energetically and strategically activate your audience's desire to buy now, including: - The thoughts - feelings - action sequence for you and your audience - 3 simple shifts that will make your content more compelling - 3 ways to elevate your sales process that will have your clients ready to buy now Want more of this plus my eyes on your business?👇🏼 Apply for my ICONIC Coach Mastermind HERE before applications close 2/24. I know you're ready to: ✨Attract "hell yes!" clients through your Instagram content without posting a million times every week ✨Get paid today by high-ticket clients without needing to attract a whole new audience or go viral ✨Stop worrying about what people think of you and start being boldly and unapologetically YOU ✨Have fun on consults instead of worrying if your energy is too needy and graspy ✨Leap to your next income level now ✨Sell to clients who are excited to pay in full at your highest rates ✨Believe in your body that you know how to create consults, clients, and cash ✨Feel in control of your business results Every aspect of this 4 month group experience is designed to help you consistently attract high-ticket clients on Instagram (without a large following or going viral!) and elevate your sales process. Ready??? Because I know I am. LFG xx Your Coach Sarah Ready to own embrace your ICON status? Head over to my website www.sarahplowmancoaching.com and download my free video "How to Sign 5 Figure Clients with Ease" and then apply for private mentorship.


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[🤑 CLIENT INTERVIEW] Fully Booked with Michelle Joiner

Michelle is an ICON. Michelle was a single Christian woman ready for marriage, tired of being told "pray and wait" for a husband. So she took action to create the marriage of her dreams. Now she helps her clients do the same. Michelle came to me because she was sick of undercharging, but worried her current audience wouldn't be able to afford her new rates. We got to work, and within months Michelle was fully booked with both her 1:1 and group offers at DOUBLE her old rates. Listen in on our conversation where we talk about: - How pitying your potential clients doesn't serve them - Evaluating her sales process, doubling her rates and the easy yes's that followed - Doing things her way as she navigates motherhood and building her business - How our work went beyond just business coaching - Her advice to YOU if you're scared to invest in your business ... and so much more. Listen and then: 1) Follow Michelle on IG HERE. 2) Apply for the next round of ICONIC Coach Mastermind HERE. 🔥 This Mastermind is for you if you desire high-end strategic support that helps you create concrete, measurable outcomes like more consults, clients and cash. 🚀 This Mastermind is for you if you desire high-end emotional support - from someone who has been where you are - that will transform your mindset into your 7-figure self. 🫦 This mastermind is for you if you’re ready to break the rules (including the ones you’ve made for yourself) and watch your results explode - while having way more fun. 🕶️ ICONIC Coach is for you if you just love my vibe. Every aspect of this 3 month group experience is designed to help you consistently attract high-ticket clients on Instagram (without a large following or going viral!) and elevate your sales process. Ready??? Because I know I am. LFG xx Your Coach Sarah Ready to own embrace your ICON status? Head over to my website www.sarahplowmancoaching.com and download my free video "How to Sign 5 Figure Clients with Ease" and then apply for private mentorship.


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[🤑 CLIENT INTERVIEW] It Gets to be Easy with Debbie McTammany

Debbie is an ICON. Debbie left her corporate career after 26 years with no plan but knowing she was meant for more. During her first round of ICONIC Coach Debbie's self-confidence and trust skyrocketed, leading her to be nearly booked at *double* her old rates. And the best part? The surprise and delight she feels at just how easy signing clients is. So many wins, and she knows she's just getting started. Listen in on our conversation where we talk about: - Creating safety to feel all the big emotions of entrepreneurship - Celebrating some of her mind blowing results - Taking messy action and building her business in alignment with what she wants - My vibe as a mentor - Her advice to YOU if you're on the fence about working with me ... and so much more. Listen and then: 1) Follow Debbie on IG HERE. 2) Apply for my ICONIC Coach Mastermind HERE. 🔥 This Mastermind is for you if you desire high-end strategic support that helps you create concrete, measurable outcomes like more consults, clients and cash. 🚀 This Mastermind is for you if you desire high-end emotional support - from someone who has been where you are - that will transform your mindset into your 7-figure self. 🫦 This mastermind is for you if you’re ready to break the rules (including the ones you’ve made for yourself) and watch your results explode - while having way more fun. 🕶️ ICONIC Coach is for you if you just love my vibe. Every aspect of this 4 month group experience is designed to help you consistently attract high-ticket clients on Instagram (without a large following or going viral!) and elevate your sales process. Ready??? Because I know I am. LFG xx Your Coach Sarah Ready to own embrace your ICON status? Head over to my website www.sarahplowmancoaching.com and download my free video "How to Sign 5 Figure Clients with Ease" and then apply for private mentorship.


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[🤑 CLIENT INTERVIEW] Instant Results with Jennifer Delliquadri

Jennifer is an ICON. Over the last three years Jennifer created massive success with her 6+ figure business. But in 2023 her confidence took a dip and her revenue soon followed. In our first week of mentorship we focused on 2 main areas: reinvigorating her confidence and simplifying & clarifying her message. The result? She created the most consults in a single week since starting her business, and immediately - and easily - signed multiple clients at *double* her old rate. Grab a pen and paper and listen in on our conversation where we talk about: - Creating the confidence to invest even after a challenging year - Why she decided to work with me - The top things she's learned since signing up that have had the biggest impact on her results - My vibe as a mentor - Her advice to YOU if you're on the fence about working with me ... and so much more. Listen and then: 1) Follow Jennifer on IG HERE and make sure to check out her podcast Raising Happy Teens. 2) Apply for my ICONIC Coach Mastermind HERE. 🔥 This Mastermind is for you if you desire high-end strategic support that helps you create concrete, measurable outcomes like more consults, clients and cash. 🚀 This Mastermind is for you if you desire high-end emotional support - from someone who has been where you are - that will transform your mindset into your 7-figure self. 🫦 This mastermind is for you if you’re ready to break the rules (including the ones you’ve made for yourself) and watch your results explode - while having way more fun. 🕶️ ICONIC Coach is for you if you just love my vibe. Every aspect of this 4 month group experience is designed to help you consistently attract high-ticket clients on Instagram (without a large following or going viral!) and elevate your sales process. What you get: • A nineteen (19) week Mastermind • Weekly live Strategy/Copywriting mentorship call led by Sarah (Mondays at 11am EST) • Weekly Mindset Mentorship call led by Sarah (Thursdays at 1pm EST) • Consult Mastery training and evaluation • Lifetime access to the replays Investment: $10k pay in full or 6 payments of $1833 When you join today you get up to 4 weeks of bonus calls (that's 8 calls total!) so you can get start making more money now! AND when pay in full you get: - Up to 8 Strategy and Mindset bonus mentoring calls - $1,000 in savings - 1:1 call with me LFG 🔥🤑🙊💋💯💃🍿 Complete the application HERE. Ready to own embrace your ICON status? Head over to my website www.sarahplowmancoaching.com and download my free video "How to Sign 5 Figure Clients with Ease" and then apply for private mentorship.


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"Oh Lord, Please Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood"

The hardest part of running my business in 2023 may shock you. It wasn't making nearly $400k cash. It wasn't attracting high-ticket dream clients. It wasn't getting fully booked with a $30k offer. It wasn't launching my group program ICONIC Coach. It wasn't helping my clients create incredible results. It was...feeling misunderstood. When I started my coaching business 3 years ago I was ignorance on fire - I had a nothing to lose and everything to prove to myself and the world. And it worked. Every single goal I set for myself I hit. Over and over. With the success came attention. More scrutiny. More opportunities for people to disagree with me. And along with that intense feelings of rejection and misunderstanding. From my family... My partner... Internet trolls... and even past clients. It hurt. A lot. And for a long time. I grappled with it, cried (a lot), melted down, picked myself up, felt it all over again, and emerged safer in my body and more in love with myself, my process and my business. In this episode I share how to love yourself through rejection, judgement and being misunderstood so that you continue to build your sustainable coaching business while treating yourself with the grace you deserve. PLUS... At the end of this episode I share the THREE ways to work with me in 2024. Make sure you're connected with me on IG so you don't miss out on any of the deets. Ready to apply for ICONIC Entrepreneur? Every aspect of this 4 month group experience is designed to help you consistently attract high-ticket clients on Instagram (without a large following or going viral!) and master your consults. This Mastermind is for you if you desire high-end strategic support that helps you create concrete, measurable outcomes like more consults, clients and cash. This Mastermind is for you if you desire high-end emotional support - from someone who has been where you are - that will transform your mindset into your 7-figure self. ICONIC Coach is for you if you love my vibe. APPLY HERE: https://sdzlv3suosn.typeform.com/to/vL4I3Myr Ready to own embrace your ICON status? Head over to my website www.sarahplowmancoaching.com and download my free video "How to Sign 5 Figure Clients with Ease" and then apply for private mentorship.


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[🤑 CLIENT INTERVIEW] $150k in 4 Months with Client Meagan Norris

Meagan Norris is an ICON. I'm delighted to invite you in on this conversation between me and my friend and private client Meagan where we talk about all the things, including: Belief blueprints Self-trust, even when it doesn't make sense Redefining "it's working" How to crack the Instagram code P A T I E N C E Making so much money it doesn't make sense Get ready to be activated in the best possible way. Next connect with Meagan on IG by clicking HERE - she has a NO-BRAINER masterclass and program coming up in January, go check them out immediately! And then it's time to come create your own insane results by working privately with me. Start by filling out this APPLICATION and let's fucking go. Ready to own embrace your ICON status? Head over to my website www.sarahplowmancoaching.com and download my free video "How to Sign 5 Figure Clients with Ease" and then apply for private mentorship.


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The Being Behind the Buzzword

Let's talk about Embodiment, a buzzy word in our industry. What does it *really* mean to embody? 2023 has been a big year for my business... I doubled my rates from $15k to $30k - and renewed clients at my new rate. I became fully booked - with a paid waitlist. I created my first $100k cash month. I had the chance to travel twice for my business: once to enjoy a VIP experience with my coach and once for the Life Coach School Mastermind to receive my $100k earner award. I launched my first group coaching program of 2023: ICONIC COACH. I navigated some really hard shit including broken contracts and internet trolls. I launched my podcast and website. My revenue increased from last year by 67%. I hosted two in person events for my clients (something I said I would NEVER do). I've worked with DREAM clients - and helped them create their own dreamy results. I created so much success this year... ...and it was one of the hardest years yet for me. The great fear I faced was "NOW I have something to lose." What did I have to embody to push through the fear to create the most amazing year in my business to date? Listen to today's episode and then be sure to join my 5 Day Masterclass ICONIC EMBODIMENT to find out. Sign up here. Ready to own embrace your ICON status? Head over to my website www.sarahplowmancoaching.com and download my free video "How to Sign 5 Figure Clients with Ease" and then apply for private mentorship.


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Ode to Scraps of Paper Sarah

Join me for this episode of reflection as I say goodbye to the house where I really built my business. Here is where I experienced so many firsts... So many lessons. So many clients supported. So much cash created (over $600k cash!!!!!!). And so much growth. All of it rooted in my unwavering belief. How did I do it? One decision at a time. As I look back on all that I've accomplished and become, I can't help but to be in complete awe of that badass version of me who was scrappy af and committed to making it work no matter what. Join me in celebrating her and the milestones created in this house while anchoring in what's to come. Ready to own embrace your ICON status? Head over to my website www.sarahplowmancoaching.com and download my free video "How to Sign 5 Figure Clients with Ease" and then apply for private mentorship.


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The Pleasure and Power of Right Now

You're thinking "When I get through this, then I can show up differently". But life is always happening, ICONS. How you think about it directly impacts how you show up... and whether or not you create the results you want. Stop waiting for when. Start enjoying now - starting with this sweet and short riff on how to melt into the pleasure of the present. This skill is how you create exactly what you want, no matter what's happening in your life. Ready to own embrace your ICON status? Head over to my website www.sarahplowmancoaching.com and download my free video "How to Sign 5 Figure Clients with Ease" and then apply for private mentorship.


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Trending is the New Consistency

You’re putting consistency on a pedestal. You think the more consistent you are, the more you create. More confidence. More clients. More wealth. More growth. More peace of mind. But what if analyzing and striving for consistency is actually slowing you down AND making you feel like crap? In this episode I’m sharing the thing that is more important than consistency: trending. Are you trending upward? Of course you are. Always. Listen as I share examples from my personal and professional life of how I'm trending upwards, even when it doesn't feel like it. Then learn how you can do the same. LFG ICONS!!! Ready to own embrace your ICON status? Head over to my website www.sarahplowmancoaching.com and download my free video "How to Sign 5 Figure Clients with Ease" and then apply for private mentorship.


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It's Done Energizer

One of the main reasons I’ve created $600,000 cash since starting my business is because I’ve embodied “It’s Done Energy”. Before the engagement… Before the yes’s… Before the clients… And before the cash… I was committed to my belief that “It’s Done.” My success was inevitable as long as I didn't quit. And so is yours. Decide to not quit. No quitting with a capital Q or a baby q. Decide to keep going, no matter what you’re feeling. Even when you’re doubting. This is “It’s Done” energy. In this episode I’m sharing my simple exercise that you can do to get into “It’s Done” energy. Do this and then come share your results with me. Let’s fucking go ICONS. Ready to own embrace your ICON status? Head over to my website www.sarahplowmancoaching.com and download my free video "How to Sign 5 Figure Clients with Ease" and then apply for private mentorship.


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Aspirational Marketing

"You have a problem. I have the solution." This is how traditional marketing teaches us to talk to people. How do you know if this isn't working for you? You either aren't making consistent sales, you're having to convince people to buy, or they're joining your programs but not making progress with their mindset. Let me offer you a new way to market. Stop talking to people’s pain points and start speaking to their aspirations. When you learn to speak to people’s aspirations you’ll have more fun coaching your people, magnetize your ideal clients and make more money. In this episode, I’m shifting your perspective on marketing to people’s pain points. Get ready to elevate your marketing, selling and the caliber of clients you sign. Ready to own embrace your ICON status? Head over to my website www.sarahplowmancoaching.com and download my free video "How to Sign 5 Figure Clients with Ease" and then apply for private mentorship.
