Intuitive Leadership Podcast
Business & Economics Podcasts
044 Why The Words Your Prospects Say Can Lie And Their Body Says What They Are Really Thinking
Vicki Fitch talks about “Why The Words Your Prospects Say Can Lie And Their Body Says What They Are Really Thinking” in this episode of the Intuitive Leadership Mastery Podcast with host Michael Light. “I have a thing, and I call it the buying threshold, that we have this buying threshold. It’s an invisible number. […]
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043 Intuition, Writing and Creating in Business with Janet Murray
Janet Murray talks about “Intuition, Writing and Creating in Business” in this episode of the Intuitive Leadership Mastery Podcast, with host Michael Light. “When you’re in that kind of lovely place, then your writing will just flow, and it’s your voice, but when you’re trying too hard, when you’re pushing, when you’re trying to be […]
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042 Business Intuition and Unlocking the Ability to Lead
Christopher Avery talks about “Business Intuition and Unlocking the Ability to Lead” in this episode of the Intuitive Leadership Mastery Podcast, with host Michael Light. “Dynamically you can’t just start stuff. You have to end stuff so that you have space to start stuff.” – Christopher Avery Christopher Avery “The Responsibility Process guy” is a […]
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041 Intuition in Public Speaking and Business Communication
Marjorie Saulson talks about “Intuition in Public Speaking and Business Communication” in this episode of the Intuitive Leadership Mastery Podcast. “To be an effective communicator you need three things that I call, “What, how, and allow,” and the ‘what’ is the message. That comes out of your heart and your mind and your intentions. […]
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040 Intuition and Sales – Why Being a Sales Weirdo is Costing you Thousands of Dollars in Lost Sales
Joe Girard talks about “Intuition and Sales – Why Being a Sales Weirdo is Costing you Thousands of Dollars in Lost Sales” in this episode of the Intuitive Leadership Mastery Podcast, with host Michael Light. “Whenever I’m doing sales I just don’t feel authentic, and it’s draining. I feel drained out at the end of […]
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039 Business Intuition and Moving Easily During Business Transitions and Pivots
Justine Pattantyus talks about “Business Intuition and Moving Easily During Business Transitions and Pivots” in this episode of the Intuitive Leadership Mastery Podcast, with host Michael Light. “The unknown is trustworthy – it will unfold in its own way and we can work with it.” – Justine Pattantyus Justine is the owner and CEO of […]
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038 Why Intuition in Business is so Important
“We have that kind of three layers of crazy that we do. Instead of doing what we want to do, in other words, instead of paying attention to our gut and our bodies, we do what we think we should do. As if that’s not bad enough, instead of paying attention to what our intuition […]
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Breakthrough on Billing Blockages Case Study, with Kim
Welcome back to our Case Study Series. In this episode, I am talking with Kim. Her main concern is Billing Blockages. She needs to send invoices to the clients, but she doesn’t. She procrastinates, delays for days, months, even years. And, she’s tired of it. This episode shows so much energy. We had a […]
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037 Asking the Intuition What Valuable Life Skills to Use For Our Business
“I think of intuition as accessing universal intelligence. So there’s this giant aggregate of intelligence, which we can tune into this universal bank in many, many ways. We typically don’t learn to access it. So, we might as well have the Smithsonian and walk right by it, every day. We don’t learn the tools to […]
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036 – 12 Ways to Increase Your Business Intuition And Be Healthier
“One of the biggest, biggest things you can do to help your intuition is to eat organic because chemicals just clog all of our bodies like physical, emotional, mental, spiritual. They clog our physical bodies so it makes total sense that they would clog all the other bodies as well.” – Barbara Fernandez Barbara Fernandez talks […]
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035 Combining Intuition with Rational Mind – a more effective solution in Business
” The feelings of a lot of other people can then actually help point you in areas where your intuition may be screaming at you but you then get the signal back.” – Jordan Greenhall Jordan Greenhall talks about “Combining Intuition with Rational Mind – a more effective solution in Business” in this episode of […]
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Case Study: Change Money Thermostat, with Jan Roos
Welcome back to our Case Study Series. In this episode, I am talking with Jan Roos. Jan does lead generation for law firms, and he has troubles to push the limit of making $15k/month. Problems and challenges How he combined WWIT with his GTD weekly review The secret weapon.org and Evernote Cue off a bad […]
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Case Study: Judy Schramm, Sales Calls With Joy and Intuition
Welcome back to our Case Study Series. In this episode, I am talking with Judy Schramm. She is an author, speaker, and executive LinkedIn expert. Episode topics: The burden and resistance of having to make sales calls, or avoiding making them. Let go my salesperson and sales was my responsibility and I had blocked out […]
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Best tips to Overcome the Fear of People Seeing My True Self
Welcome back to our Case Study Series. In this episode, I am talking with Ying Han Cheng. She is an innovation coach for Freedom Based Businesses. Episode topics: Clearing procrastination publishing my book Fear of people seeing my true self Innovation coach for freedom based lifestyle Finding your YOLA ( You Only Live Once) […]
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Case Study: Samantha Alvarez pt 2, Sales magic, being your true self and polarizing your audience
Welcome back to our Case Study Series. Sam is an amazing sales consultant and language learning entrepreneur She already was using amazing WWIT since our previous session, How to apply the first tools from the book within 12 hours and achieve big shifts in her business within 24 hours Topics: How you can deal with […]
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