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Leading consciously, living a coherent life with Purpose

Business & Economics Podcasts

We are all leaders, every one of us can unleash the leadership that exists inside. As such, we are responsible to create our futures. How to learn from each other constantly and evolve as human beings as well as leaders. A space to talk about new ways of leading, working, and living.The end of the era of work-life balance, the start of the life-balance era. An era where working is a pleasure and part of our purpose! Enjoying life, enjoying working! Finding true Life Coherence through unleashing the purpose-driven, coherent leader inside everyone. Become a coherent leader, drive our future!


United States


We are all leaders, every one of us can unleash the leadership that exists inside. As such, we are responsible to create our futures. How to learn from each other constantly and evolve as human beings as well as leaders. A space to talk about new ways of leading, working, and living.The end of the era of work-life balance, the start of the life-balance era. An era where working is a pleasure and part of our purpose! Enjoying life, enjoying working! Finding true Life Coherence through unleashing the purpose-driven, coherent leader inside everyone. Become a coherent leader, drive our future!



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17. Are you using limiting beliefs or leading a life of abundance?

What makes us live a limiting life? How do I notice when I am living an abundant life or a limiting one? What are the right questions to bring abundance to my life the ones I love? How a simple abundant question can change the course of a life....


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Magic communication tricks to be authentic in adverse situations

How can I change my work environment, so I don't have to leave my company? How do I motivate my team members if the company is going through a transformation, but some leaders don't walk the talk, and my team is getting scared? How can I change my attitude and behavior and tell my boss what I feel without hurting our relationship?


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Reframing - regulate your emotions and be a better person

Learn how to use reframing as a tool the best neuroplasticity tool! As a muscle, our brains need to be trained into the right frame for us to be able to live a great life. If you have purpose and clear values, you can use reframing as a magic tool. Learn the mechanism of the brain so you can be more effective in using your purpose and values to reframe unexpected situations!


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Intention, motivation and purpose

How having the right intention is not enough... Having a good intention has to be backed up with the right motivation. If you have good intentions, but what motivates you is fear, then you will not get what you want. As a leader, as a parent, you can have inspiring conversations if they have good intentions with the right motivation behind! Join me to reflect about using your purpose to motivate yourself!


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Happiness to Gratitude a journey in my leadership and life

In this episode, I want to share with you my one important journey in my life. Part of my leadership work was to bring happiness to the organizations I worked with, until 2013 when this has shifted to fostering an environment of gratitude. I share in this episode this shift from happiness seeker to gratitude seeker! Part of the idea of bringing purpose and social impact to the organizations comes from the basis of living gratitude!


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Led Leadership - we are our relationships!

During the last week of April, Otti Vogt posted on Linkedin a great reflection on the importance of relationships, more than the existing need for talent management. But his reflections were so deep that I brought them to this episode. How relationships build our environment? How leaders should lead in the future? Can we keep planning, strategizing as we did in the past? How to unleash the potential we all have using our relationships?


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Dealing with challenging moments - What to do?

Last week, some people had written me to ask me to share my experience in dealing with challenging moments of my life. At the same time, in some of my mentoring sessions, leaders have asked me to share how to help teams and organizations face complex moments... In this episode, I share 2 stories of my life, one professional and mine personal, and how I learned to deal with complexity. We always get what we need, not necessarily the way we have planned! I hope that this episode will help!


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Dare to lead with ALL your emotions! Manage your emotions, manage your life!

In this episode, I want to bring my experience of dealing with emotions, being sure that you know them and their impact on your life. At the same time to understand how you can channel the right emotions to motivate your intentions and be self-aware of the moments when we use to think that we do not have our hands on what happens, because certain situations or people might trigger something not so good inside you. We are emotional beings, and this is great when we understand how our emotions play a role and we decide which ones we want to guide our lives! We can dare to lead with our emotions when we know them!!! Then, this is one the most beautiful paths - called knowing how to be authentic and vulnerable!


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Be a leader who impacts - what do you want to leave behind? A concrete example Part 2

In this episode, I am bringing the 2nd message of farewell I have received when leaving my last assignment! I want to share with you how your leadership impacts on people and how is the result in people when you have clear intentions behind your actions. I have been always very clear with my purpose and with my messages to people who live with me or around me since I believe deeply in human beings and their potential! How do we live an intentional life and walk the talk? How we are able to see if what we are living is mirroring what our intentions are? Please share with me your thoughts!


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Be a leader that impacts - what do you want to leave behind? A concrete example Part 1

Different people measure success differently. I measure success as a leader by the impact I have on people and on the organization's culture. How do we know that we are being able to live integrally being intentional and coherent? Well, one way to know is when you leave a place, you will see what is the impact you had by the mindset of the people you left in the organization and in the stakeholders you have supported! You can always measure how your intentions turned into reality by comparing your objectives and goals when you started with what lessons the team learned! Here I start a series where I share some messages I received when I left my last assignment unexpectedly and we can see together if what I intended to do could be done!! :) Nothing better than a concrete example for us to be able to check if what is told can be done!


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Every journey starts with the first step - making choices!

The most important decision we make in our lives is to choose if we live in a friendly or hostile universe - this is the best advice I got.... from Albert Einstein! How this advice comes perfectly with the decisions we make in life and how to set your mind just to do it! I share here some of my struggles with the corporate world and the way strategies were made!


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Being a lifelong learner - learning to evolve with your life

When you learn how to live an intentional life and you are able to be coherent in your life, learning how the dynamics of the world works is crucial. For this being curious and keep learning every day of your life will allow you to be co-create your future and evolve your purpose in life!


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Being coherent - connecting integrality and intentionality

Being coherent is one of the tips I give to live a more conscious life, being a leader this tip will be key in your life so you can be a role model to your team. Many times we underestimate the power of coherence and consistency in our lives, we will notice it when we are not being able to pass our message to others and we have to review our lives and change our behaviors.


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An intentional life - learn to be a leader!

Everyone is a leader! in the quest to unleash the leadership within each one, I bring the second secret everyone can cultivate in order to become a leader. Organizations that aim to transform need intentional leaders, and need to foster an environment where everyone becomes this leader. In our "mortal" life, learning to be intentional, to live a purposeful life can be the difference between being realized or regretting the life we have lived! Enjoy it!


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Integrality - first step to be the leader you meant to be!

Being able to unleash the leader within us demands awareness of the world we live in and consciousness of the life we live. Living an integral life, connecting the dots around us, and learning from every experience we live are crucial! Learn how to identify the spheres of your life you must act on is easier than you think! After being an integral human being you can go to the next step, the next episode - being intentional! Enjoy unleashing the leader you have inside you!


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Why Coherence and Purpose are important in our lives?

Why living an intentional (Purpose-driven) and Coherent life is so important? In this episode, I talk about the importance of these 2 traits of human beings to become a leader. Everyone is a leader, how to wake up this leader in you?


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Introduction to my podcast - what do I want? 😍

In this episode, I would like to give a glimpse of what this Podcast will be about! My life until 2019 had one Purpose - bring spirituality to the corporations. During 27 years in the corporate world as a senior executive, I was able to bring Purpose and meaning to the organizations I worked with. I believe our role as leaders is to unleash the exponential potential each human being has to grow and be leaders. We are living a special moment when we have a chance to transform the world we live in by changing the concepts of work and business. Work is part of our lives eternally and should be a pleasure. Businesses should be here to benefit humanity. ...and all start by ourselves - so, how to become a coherent, purpose-driven leader and inspire others? Well, this is what I want to bring in this podcast!
