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Purposeful Online Marketing

Business & Economics Podcasts

A podcast for small business owners and solopreneurs who want to learn the essentials of online marketing so they can promote their business effectively and authentically without wasting time, money or energy.


United States


A podcast for small business owners and solopreneurs who want to learn the essentials of online marketing so they can promote their business effectively and authentically without wasting time, money or energy.





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Ep 22: A new way to think about buyer personas

Unpopular marketing opinion? Too much time is spent worrying about the details of a buyer persona or ideal client avatar when there are really just 3 things to work out. The idea of having a buyer persona - aka, a description of the person / market / audience you're trying to reach with your content - is 100% good. Don't get me wrong. But the approach where you get so detailed as to figure out what keeps them up at night or what they ate as a snack yesterday is a bit much. Unless, of course, you sell mattresses or snacks! These 3 key parts of a buyer persona are the focus of this week's episode, with a little twist added. Because, in my opinion, the number 1 thing most often missing from these conversations about buyer personas and ideal client avatars is how that information translates to helping you create actual copy or content. In other words, how do you go from "okay, I know who I want as my ideal client / customer" to "and I know exactly what content or copy to create to find them, help them understand what I do and why they should care and then ultimately convert them into a client or customer." THAT is *really* what this episode is all about. It's a long one, but worth it! During the episode, I show you how to connect these two things - the buyer persona and the copy/content you create to market your business - with a few exercises. But if you want to shortcut the process, you may want to grab my Marketing Strategy Generator. Check it out here - https://createinspireconvert.com/marketinggenerator


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Ep 21: Unglamorous Marketing: Create Your 2024 Online Marketing Plan

Hot take: a lot of the things that make online marketing successful are not exactly the most glamorous. But they DO make the fun parts of marketing, well, more fun… because they usually provide the function, purpose and mode of efficiency. This week’s episode will help you understand what an online marketing plan is, why you need one, and the function it serves in your overall business strategy. The short version is - an online marketing plan helps you avoid shiny object syndrome (aka chasing after tons of distractions) and overwhelm by keeping your decisions and actions focused on a handful of marketing goals that are directly tied to your business growth goals. Want to get immediate access to a marketing plan template + workshop showing you how to customize it for your business? You can purchase the 2024 Marketing Plan Workshop


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Content Analysis: Part 2 - Analyze how well your content grows your business - Episode 20

In Part 2 of our series on how to analyze the effectiveness of your content, we're looking at "middle of funnel" content. This is content that grows your email, SMS or other lists in some way. How do you know if the content designed to grow those audiences is working? Find out on this episode! If you got anything useful out of this episode, shout me out on Instagram. Tag @createinspireconvert The Marketing Strategy Generator*: https://www.createinspireconvert.com/marketinggenerator *Use the promo code CIC10 to save 10%!


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Content Analysis: Part 1 - Episode 19

On this weeks episode, we go over how to measure the effectiveness of the content you're creating to promote your business online. What should you be tracking and considering to know if its really working? Tune in to find out!


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How To Come Up With Content Ideas - Episode 18

This week we're talking about how to come up with ideas for the content you use to promote your business online. It's a little more than randomly scrolling Instagram and hoping inspiration strikes you. There's a system to uncovering what those topics should be, and we break the whole thing down this week.


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How and Why to Niche Down Your Content - Episode 17

How often have you been told to just "niche down" your content so you can find your audience? Here's the truth: niching down IS a good idea... but maybe not for the reasons you're thinking. When you slot yourself into a niche, you create a position for yourself in the market... which helps you stand out from all your competition online. On today's episode, I share with you HOW to do this, and WHY it's important.


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Branding: It's Everything For Your Business - Interview with Sydney Hart - Episode 16

On today's episode, I interview Sydney Hart, Branding and Design Expert. If you've ever looked at your website, logo, colors, and image and wondered if it was capturing your brand effectively, then this episode is for you! Sydney share some amazing branding insights and secrets that you won't want to miss! And check out her amazing site and portfolio! https://withhartcreative.studio/withhartcreative.studio Here's the video conference software mentioned: https://whereby.com/


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Rethinking the Digital Marketing Funnel - Episode 15

In this episode we go over rethinking Digital Marketing Funnel: how it's been pitched to you, the reality of it, how you can flip the funnel process in your strategy, and how you can actually and realistically get a funnel to work! But if you truly want to take your digital funnel further, join our FREE live webinar referenced in the episode (3 Simple Steps for Creating a Successful Digital Marketing Funnel). Simply go to the below URL and join us for our 7/29, 7/30, or 7/31 sessions: http://amandamrosen.com/3stepfunnelclass/ We can't wait to see you there!


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The 4 Consumer Buying Behaviors - Episode 14

Sometimes we think we know our customers but we really haven't looked at all aspects of them! My husband, Alex Rosen, is filling in for this episode where he covers the 4 Consumer Buying Behaviors you'll want to consider as you think about your own segment of customers. He also details how to adapt and work your business to accommodate to these behaviors.


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The 4 Emails Every Business Needs For New Subscribers - Episode 13

How many times have you been told you need a "welcome sequence" but you weren't entirely sure what that meant? This episode demystifies what a welcome sequence for your email subscribers is, what the emails need to contain, as well as the purpose of each email.


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Our Responsibility as Marketers & Business Owners - Episode 12

Let's spend some time thinking about what it means to operate a business responsibly, ethically, and mindfully. Because here's the thing: as marketers and business owners we have a responsibility the people we serve. This means thinking about their needs first. This weeks episode goes deeper into this concept and gives you ideas on how to apply this style of marketing in your own business. In this episode, I reference Episode 395 from the Social Media Examiner podcast with Michael Stelzner entitled "How to Rethink Your Way to Business Growth." Here's a link to that episode: https://www.socialmediaexaminer.com/how-to-rethink-your-way-to-business-growth-duncan-wardle/ Side note, that podcast is just the best :-)


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How to Move Your Business Online - Part 4 - SEO - Episode 11

On today's episode, we conclude our series on how to move your small business online with Search Engine Optimization (SEO). We discuss keyword research and strategy and even local SEO. The Small Business Online Transition Plan Workbook referenced that pairs along with this series is a FREE to download at www.createinspireconvert.com/workbook Also, if you're needing to build your email list check out my brand new toolkit at http://amandamrosen.com/lead-magnet-magic


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How to Move Your Business Online - Part 3 - Selling Through Multiple Channels - Episode 10

On today's episode, we continue our series with part 3 of how to move your small business online. This time we focus on multi-channel selling and integration; from your eCommerce platform such as Google Shopping Ads, the Facebook Pixel, and even Amazon! The Small Business Online Transition Plan Workbook referenced in the episode is FREE to download at www.createinspireconvert.com/workbook Stay tuned next week for our final installment in this 4-part series where we cover SEO best practices for writing out product & service information, key words, and optimizing for search.


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How to Move Your Business Online - Part 2 - Setting Up Your Online Shopfront - Episode 9

On today's episode, we continue our series with part 2 of how to move your small business online. We cover specifically setting up your online shopfront; from choosing your e-Commerce platform, to templates, to how it looks on mobile, to payment and checkout options. Tune in for a practical breakdown of all these areas! The Small Business Online Transition Plan Workbook referenced in the episode is FREE to download at www.createinspireconvert.com/workbook Stay tuned in upcoming weeks for future installments of this 4-part series :-)


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How to Work from Home - Interview with Jenny Reed - Episode 8

On today's episode, I interview Jenny Reed, the Director of Operations for a Consulting Firm who has been working primarily from home for the past several years. During our conversation she share insights on how to not only successfully WFH, but also how teams can support each other in this, and what specific habits to work on developing to improve your abilities as a remote worker. Looking toward the future, we also touch on predictions for remote work as we consider a time post-pandemic.


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How to Move Your Business Online - Part 1 - Creating a Plan - Episode 7

Today's episode is the start of a series on how to successfully move your business online. Specifically, we cover the first few steps: revisiting long term goals, strategizing a new "launch plan," and determining the resources needed for this to happy. This is the first in a 4-part series so stay tuned for new episodes each week! The Small Business Online Transition Plan Workbook referenced in the episode is FREE to download at www.createinspireconvert.com/workbook


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Ep 6: Using LinkedIn to Make Meaningful Connections & Get Quality Leads - Interview with Sharon Hartwick

On today's episode, I interview Sharon Hartwick of The Hartwick Group, a LinkedIn marketing agency whose focus is gathering quality leads through building meaningful relationships with your ideal clients. She walks us through her LinkedIn marketing process and gives us some mind blowing tips. Let's put it this way...I'll never look at LinkedIn the same way. And if you're not using it already, I bet you'll be giving it a second look after this episode. If you or your business need a marketer who is the definition of a specialist and expert for the LinkedIn platform, you will find none better than Sharon Hartwick! Check out her agency at this site: https://hartwickgroup.com/ At her site, check out the FREE download for a Step-by-Step Guide to Prospecting on LinkedIn! And, of course, you can check her out on LinkedIn as well: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sharonhartwickva/


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How to Use Instagram Hashtags the Right Way - Tip Tuesday

In today's Tip Tuesday, we cover 3 tips on how to effectively use Instagram Hashtags. Use #createinspireconvert on Instagram to share your favorite tip from the podcast that you'll use OR share your own favorite Instagram hack and we'll turn it into an animated video along with a shout out on the Create Inspire Convert Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDaO_1lQwkS-s7imSVg1LjA And don't forget to #Subscribe to our podcast :-)


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Pivoting Your Business - Why, When, and How - Episode 5

On today's episode we go over why, when, and how to successfully pivot your business. Sometimes making the right change, at the right time, can lead to big gains! We also address our own pivot and name change from "Marketing with Moxie" to "Create Inspire Convert."


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How to Engage & Monetize Your Facebook Group - Tip Tuesday

On today's Tip Tuesday, we go over how to engage and monetize your Facebook Group. We cover 4 best practices for building engagement and driving revenue to your business. And you'll learn the amazingly effective "Teach-Ask-Teach" sequence to implement into your FB Group.
