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Mindset Meets Mastery

Business & Economics Podcasts

Mindset Meets Mastery with Arlene Gale focuses on the stories we tell ourselves (both fact and fiction), the mindsets, myths, misinformation, business strategies and success formulas that help or hinder us from moving toward mastery in our businesses and our lives. The ultimate goal is to build a community to learn and teach how to be successful: Without excuses or apologies. No matter where each of us is in our business-building journey, Arlene offers her personal insights as well as those of national and international expert guests who are honest, vulnerable and willing to share their mistakes and mis-steps, as well as tips and tools for moving past the roadblocks and embracing the wins! Be sure to check out the show notes for each episode at http://www.arlenegale.com/podcast!


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Mindset Meets Mastery with Arlene Gale focuses on the stories we tell ourselves (both fact and fiction), the mindsets, myths, misinformation, business strategies and success formulas that help or hinder us from moving toward mastery in our businesses and our lives. The ultimate goal is to build a community to learn and teach how to be successful: Without excuses or apologies. No matter where each of us is in our business-building journey, Arlene offers her personal insights as well as those of national and international expert guests who are honest, vulnerable and willing to share their mistakes and mis-steps, as well as tips and tools for moving past the roadblocks and embracing the wins! Be sure to check out the show notes for each episode at http://www.arlenegale.com/podcast!



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MMM 053: Mindset for Teaching Patience, Understanding and Acceptance of Special Needs Children with Karen Franco

“Never give up and your child will surprise you. Your child has so much to give. Be grateful for their loving heart.” -Karen Franco Arlene will talk to author, speaker, special needs advocate, and parent Karen Franco regarding the mindsets of supporting children with special needs (especially those on the autism spectrum). Myths about how these children don't want to fit in or have friends because the truth is quite the opposite. These special children want to be like everyone else and have friends. They just do it differently and may need more guidance and help. We will discuss how best to support, teach, understand, and accept these children and the parents who love them. These are the goals for this episode of Mindset Meets Mastery with Arlene Gale and in the books written by Karen Franco that are perfect teaching tools in school, homes, and anywhere children learn and play. Join the Mindset Meets Mastery Today Book Writing Business Facebook Twitter InstagramLinkedIn YouTube Highlights: 00:50 Children with Special Needs 09:45 Unexpected Turn of Events 18:47 Grappling with the News 24:30 Screening the Information 29:18 Handling Your Biggest Fear 33:22 Every Child’s Place 39:16 Special Needs 43:16 4 Books to Read Today! 51:51 Special Books for Special Seasons 55:12 Never Give Up!


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MMM 052: Mindsets About Building and Managing Your Tribe with Leah JM Dean

“You can’t have healthy relationships unless your relationship with yourself is healthy first. Self-awareness, self-reflection, self-care, and the mindsets around your value are the foundation of any type of positive relationship.” -Leah JM Dean There are many forms of relationships: parent-child, husband-wife, employer-employee, caregiver, friend, and more. A variety of feelings come with having and maintaining any relationships. But it seems that specifically complicated is relationships happening with women and between women. This episode is for you if you are one of my lady listeners or if you're a man who loves a lady or is raising a young lady. Is it possible to make better and deeper connections with women? Is it okay to have "necessary conversations" to determine the health and maintenance of a relationship? Do we have a limited capacity for a certain number or depth of relationships? Is it really possible to make healthy, mutually beneficial, lifelong connections with other women? My expert guest today, Leah JM Dean, a Tribe Formation Expert, answers these questions and discusses her formula to deepen our relationship with ourselves, our friends (especially between women), family, and more. Leah Dean has created a simple, but very powerful formula for building a tribe that stands the test of time. In her soon to be released book "Assemble the Tribe: Believe in Your Value. Find Belonging. Be Different." Leah shares her trademarked formula based on proprietary research and shows us how to shift our mindset by first discovering the value that we bring to every connection we make. Join the Mindset Meets Mastery Today Book Writing Business Facebook Twitter InstagramLinkedIn YouTube Highlights: 00:50 Relationship Talks 10:19 The Complexity of Female Relationships 15:07 What is a Tribe? 20:22 The Nature of Relationships 29:56 Facts About Tribe and Connectivity 36:40 Relationships and Your Capacity 44:18 A Book For Women 51:09 A Mindset That Can Change Your Life and The Generations to Come


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MMM 051: A Brand New Mindset To Help You Get Through An Unusually Unique Holiday with Dr. Kelly Holder

“Pain, loss, and suffering is tied to our human existence. And yet, at the same time, we can experience joy and pleasure by figuring out what it means to be a human being in the face of all the things that we feel.” -Dr. Kelly Holder What feelings do the holidays evoke for you? Many people get super excited, even making plans way before the day. Yet, some find it hard to celebrate and even feel downhearted. Perhaps, the holidays bring back painful memories like the loss of a loved one, or being separated from the people they wish were there to celebrate with them. There are also family frictions, tensions, and differences that disrupt peace and rob off all the enjoyment. This week, Arlene and Dr. Kelly Holder talk about how you can celebrate the holidays without grief or shame. Kelly discusses how you can set up healthy boundaries, make room for differences, deal with grief, honor your loved ones who have died, and get closer with the people around you. If you’re torn between mourning a loss and celebrating life, know that these are not choices you have to pick from. They are instead, opportunities that you can take to learn how to be more human despite all the adversities. Listen in for awesome holiday ideas you can do this year to make this season more enjoyable and memorable! You can also listen to more of Kelly’s wisdom, tips, and advice about coping with feelings of uncertainty and holiday blues. Join the Mindset Meets Mastery Today Book Writing Business Facebook Twitter InstagramLinkedIn YouTube Highlights: 00:50 Are You Ready For the Holidays? 07:10 What Makes a Holiday Hard to Celebrate 11:50 A Unique Holiday 17:27 How to Cope with Grief and Do Things Differently 27:57 How Asking For Help Improve Relationships 33:54 Mourning the Loss and Celebrating the Life 40:44 The Best Thing You Can Teach Your Kids 44:47 The Best Thing You Can Do for Yourself 49:30 The Better Way to See Other's Opinion of You 54:25 Do One Thing at a Time


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MMM 050: Reframing the Other-Than-Conscious Mindset with Craig Tennant

“Everybody talks mindset. But if you don't focus on the parts that are running subconsciously, it's going to be challenging to accomplish as much as you want on that quest.” -Craig Tennant This week we’re going on an exciting quest! Our hunt is about a mindset you probably never heard before, our journey is breakthrough. Join in and find out what gems inside our treasure chest! Today, Arlene sits with mindset mastery expert, Craig Tennant. As we unlock every stage, you will walk away with something for yourself. Be empowered to level up with these topics: What can you do if you’re overwhelmed with management roles? Where do you find motivation? How do you unstuck yourself? How can you develop your leadership skills? And for the highlights of this adventure, learn what the other-than-conscious mindset and how it can help you activate your potentials and achieve greatness! Press the PLAY button and start with your missions! Exciting experiences await you! Join the Mindset Meets Mastery Today Book Writing Business Facebook Twitter LinkedIn YouTube Highlights: 00:22 Mindfulness- The Key to Unstuck Yourself 04:33 Why People Get Stuck 11:25 What is the Other-Than-Conscious Mindset? 19:27 The Breakthrough Process: Step 1 28:19 Do You Have a High-Quality Support 31:30 The Breakthrough Process: Step 2 37:26 See What You Can’t See 46:01 The Mindset You Need For A Good Investment 51:20 Achieve Greatness 56:15 Notice! Notice! Notice! and Pay Attention!


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MMM 049: Mindsets About Selling the Way Customers Want to Buy with Kristin Zhivago

"Your customer's mindset is the most important thing for you to understand in business. You can't assume that you understand it." -Kristin Zhivago How do you know what your customers need? Is price the only reason customers buy? Can emotion help complete the sale? Can the competition help you sell to your customers? Learn the answers as Arlene talks to Revenue Coach Kristin Zhivago about the mindsets that help entrepreneurs sell the way customers want to buy! They also discuss using digital marketing, from Google algorithms to SEO and SEM and why these matter in this day and age. If you know your business message is life-changing, don’t let it stay hidden on search engines. Learn how you can help your target customer find you faster, easier. Of course, this conversation is not complete without talking about business development secrets for B2B and B2C secrets and tips! Join the Mindset Meets Mastery Today Book Writing Business Facebook Twitter LinkedIn YouTube Highlights: 00:50 Balance the Equation 08:01 Is Price the Only Reason? 14:17 What Creates the Shift? 19:15 How to Find Out What Your Customer Needs 23:44 Find It, Face It, Fix It 27:43 The Blind Side 31:49 What Is SEO and SEM and Why It Matters 35:15 Why is Competition Important 39:39 The Roadmap to Revenue 49:34 2 Ways to Love Yourself 55:40 The Most Important Thing Entrepreneurs Must Understand


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MMM 048: Mindsets About Graves and Other Creepy Things with Tui Snider

Advice for writing your book(s): “Pick a topic you're passionate about. If it's not your idea of fun, don't do it.” -Tui Snider What’s the difference between a graveyard and cemetery? Have these places always been considered scary and creepy? Where did the mindsets about haunted places come from? Find out more about the history of graveyards as Arlene interviews Tui Snider, the author of several best-selling books and an expert on overlooked history, death traditions, and haunted lore. Tui shares lesser-known facts about cemetery symbols, grave goods, and cultural traditions when visiting a dead loved one. Arlene and Tui also talk about travel writing, having a companion for your book research, finding fun in writing, and working with the right people as you make your way to be the next best-seller. Tune in for more spooky season facts, trivia, and writing advice! Join the Mindset Meets Mastery Today Book Writing Business Facebook Twitter LinkedIn YouTube Highlights: 00:52 The Spooky Season 05:06 Graveyard vs Cemetery 12:16 Travel & “Ghost” Writing 21:52 Cemetery Symbolism 32:17 What About a Book Companion 35:20 Where Did the Spookiness Come From? 40:52 The First Horror Movie 43:06 Be Careful When You Visit 51:21 Find Your Fun


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MMM 047:Mindsets and Myths About Trust with Dr. Yoram Solomon

“The two most important questions that have the biggest impact on success or failure in your professional or personal life are: Can I trust you? and Can you trust me?” -Dr. Yoram Solomon Trust is one of those simple words that make our life complicated. We enter into a relationship and make decisions based on trust. We display a whole array of qualities like love, loyalty, and courage simply because we trust someone or something. Why do we do that? Frankly, trust is more of a mystery to many of us. But that mystery is going to be unveiled in today's episode! Arlene and Dr. Yoram Solomon, the man behind The Book of Trust, talk about what trust is, how the media affects the way we trust others, and how trust affects how we perceive things, learn behaviors, interpret contexts, and even build trust from a common enemy. Dr. Solomon also gives us a glint at some of the Laws of Trust and the Components of Trustworthiness. Lastly, we learn the +1 of trust when all else fails. Press play and join the conversation! Join the Mindset Meets Mastery Today Book Writing Business Facebook Twitter LinkedIn YouTube Highlights: 00:51 Can Trust Be Defined? 05:04 What You Should Know About Trust 11:55 Sell on Trust, Not on Price 16:44 Where Leaders Fail 20:26 The Reciprocity of Trust 27:07 The Continuity of Trust in Context 33:01 Build Trust in Common Enemy 39:43 Trust + 1 43:22 Trust and Media 51:18 2 Questions on Trust That Impact Success


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MMM 046: Mindsets and Myths About Success with Sean Douglas

“If you never try anything hard, you’ll never know what you're good at. If you stop at failure, you will never be successful.” -Sean Douglas We are discussing the many elements and depths related to achieving success with Sean Douglas, CEO of The Success Corp. Is failure an option on the way to success? Is risk a necessary evil? Is it possible that different people measure success differently? Is success fluid and does it change with different seasons of life? Is it possible to be successful and still be unhappy? Should we stop comparing our success with other people’s or is there value in doing so? The answers may surprise you and help reset your mindsets for gaining success mastery. Arlene and Sean have a heartfelt, honest discussion about facing obstacles, including suicide, and finding happiness despite a negative past. Talk about success as a mental health issue, too. Join the Mindset Meets Mastery Today Book Writing Business Facebook Twitter LinkedIn YouTube Highlights: 00:50 What is Success? 09:15 What Creates the Difference? 16:46 How To Find Success Amidst Failures 21:30 Success and Happiness 27:09 Success Strategies 33:12 Your Biggest Barrier to Success 38:34 Success Mindset and Mental Health 42:02 Be Founded on Resilience 52:20 Master Success


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MMM 045: Deception Mindsets and Overcoming Illusions in Business with Steve Haffner

“Have goals that make you happy and work yourself towards those goals because that upward movement is going to give you positivity and make you happy.” -Steve Haffner Have you ever made a decision and later realized that it’s one of your worst choices ever? Or have you ever been stuck between crossroads and didn’t know what to do? We make decisions every day, but sometimes, it feels like we still fail to get the hang of it. In this episode, we’re talking to Steve Haffner, the Decision Performance Expert, about how to be a Decision-Making Wizard! Steve explains how our primitive lizard brain affects how we resolve dilemmas and how to confront and outsmart that scared-y reptile. Sometimes, it’s not healthy to face challenges alone. Steve underlines the crucial part of having accountability partners in avoiding the trap of being emotionally reactive and putting your core values in the forefront to make sure your decisions align with who you are. You are certainly not the type to be deceived by illusions! So before you make your mind on something, listen in and find out how to activate your bigger brain and make decisions you’ll be happy with. Join the Mindset Meets Mastery Today Book Writing Business Facebook Twitter LinkedIn YouTube Highlights: 01:08 The Chaos In Decision-Making 05:33 What Is A Decision Performance Expert? 09:39 What Is The Lizard Brain? 18:10 Confront the Lizard 25:13 How to Make Better Decisions 30:25 Why You Need Core Values 40:10 The Danger of Safety of Comfort Zone 45:01 Why You Need Accountability Partners 50:02 7 Strategies For Making Great Decisions 55:37 Overcome Your Illusions


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MMM 044: Mindsets of Grace, Persistence, and Community Activism Come Together for an NFL Record Holder with Nick Lowery

“We will always have adversity. We will always have challenges. Isn't that great! Adversity is a gift to teach us how much more still we have within us.” -Nick Lowery Have you ever felt so lost and hopeless? Are you enduring adversities of all sorts? If so, this episode is for you! Arlene sits with “Nick the Kick” Nick Lowery. Nick shares his journey to success- from multiple rejections & heartaches to being the NFL Champ he is known today. From his story, we learn how to face rejections with grace, create a second chance for yourself through persistence, and make a difference despite our differences. Listen as we talk to Nick about how football and the mindsets of grace, focus, persistence, and community activism all come together. Join the Mindset Meets Mastery Today Book Writing Business Facebook Twitter LinkedIn YouTube Highlights: 00:50 I Got This-Not! 05:40 Meet “Nick the Kick” 13:28 Gifts of Adversity 20:21 How to Face Rejection 27:38 When You Think It’s Over 35:22 Make A Change 41:06 Football and Beyond 47:26 Making a Difference Amidst Differences 51:46 What’s Your Top Priority?


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MMM 043: Mindsets About Being an S.O.B and Myths About Age with Gayle Carson

“Age is not an issue if you have the right mindset.” -Gayle Carson Aging into our 50s and beyond doesn’t have to be depressing, it can (and should) be very productive and fulfilling. It depends on what we focus on and what we decide to do every day. Sadly, it’s often a period when some people worry too much about wrinkles, grey hair, and arthritis. Some have lost focus of their unique skills and talents, and the value they bring into the world. Today, Arlene Gale and Gayle Carson, the self-professed S.O.B. (“Spunky Old Broad”), talk about why age is just a number and a mindset.. Gayle shares how to make your 50s and beyond purposeful and exciting. She also shares how to adapt to the dynamic nature of business, endure loss, live in alignment, and beat self-doubt. There is no such thing as retirement age, because people who enjoy what they do never retire. Tune in and discover Gayle’s secret to living a regret-free life! Join the Mindset Meets Mastery Today Book Writing Business Facebook Twitter LinkedIn YouTube Highlights: 01:14 The Not So Funny Struggles About Age 06:52 Meet the SOB 12:56 When Are You Going To Retire? 18:34 Age: 50 25:17 Live Regret-Free 31:13 How to Deal With Loss 43:06 Wise Words That Will Change How You Live Life 48:30 Self-Confidence Beats Self-Doubt


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MMM 042: Mindsets About Writing Your Story as Fiction or Nonfiction with CJ Peterson

“If there's no tears from the writer, there's going to be no tears from the reader. If there's no laughter from the writer, there will be no laughter from the reader.” Many people dream of writing a book, but only a small fraction get to live that dream. One thing is certain: The world needs your story and you can write it as either nonfiction or fiction. That is a choice. ! Join us in this week’s episode as we demolish the negative mindsets from “what if’s” to “lack of’s” in order to build clarity and motivation to move forward. Arlene and award-winning author, CJ Peterson discuss which type of writer they are and how to decide what writing style is best for you. They also talk about things you should give careful consideration to before you write your book, how to connect with and stir your audience’s emotion, and how you can give back to society through your book. CJ offers a peek into her book series and latest release for children. Whether you are starting to write, in the process of writing, or about to publish your book, this episode will surely add to your bag of essentials. Your book should not stay in your mind, but in the hands of people thirsting for the answers you’ve already figured out. Join the Mindset Meets Mastery Today Book Writing Business Facebook Twitter LinkedIn YouTube Highlights: 00:47 Are Lack Of’s Holding You Back? 06:32 Planners & Pantsters- What Type of Writer Are You? 14:30 Fiction or Non-Fiction- Which Writing Style Works For You? 23:28 How to Get Started In Writing Your Book 29:05 Stir Your Readers 36:30 Think About Liabilities! 39:57 How About Children’s Books 47:40 “What Would People Think?” 52:58 The Researcher vs The Jumper


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MMM 041: Mindsets On Becoming An Action Hero with John Davis

“Be an action hero not a reaction zero.” -John Davis What will you do if someone told you that everything you dream of is no longer possible? Will you cower or will you stand in your power? Listen as Arlene and John Davis share how ordinary people can become action heroes by applying the “5F” process of Creating Positive Outcomes. In this episode, John debunks the notion that “struggle equals growth” and reveals how to keep your motion moving forward even if you seem to have reached the dead end of your journey. He also talks about what an action hero is, why change should not be feared, how to be a master of masters, and what mindset is behind interpersonal issues. Fear is a mindset and it is hackable. Maintain a positive mindset because where your focus is, there your outcome will be. Tune in and find the power to defeat self-defeating talk! Join the Mindset Meets Mastery Today Book Writing Business Facebook Twitter LinkedIn YouTube Highlights: 00:50 Superhero vs Action Hero 09:23 How to Hack Your Fight or Flight Response 15:28 The Fallacy of “Struggle Equals Growth” 19:55 Action Hero or Reaction Zero? 26:21 Defeat The Self-Defeating Talks 31:05 The “5F” of Creating Positive Outcomes 37:21 How to Get Others To Like You 46:30 You Are A Hero! 50:00 Breathe!


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MMM 040: Myths, Mindsets, and Misconceptions Around Courage with Kenneth D. Foster

“Courage is an inner energy that has wisdom with it. It'll take you past your comfort zone if you allow it.” -Kenneth D. Foster Welcome to the World Premier of Mindset Meets Mastery with Arlene Gale on the BBS Radio Network! Today, we are taking on courage and talking about how it can change our reality. Hence, what’s a better way to start this program than to go deep about that very topic! In this episode, Arlene and Ken D. Foster, the Courage Expert, talk about what courage is, why courage needs wisdom, how do we know if we have undeveloped wisdom, why comfort zone is really not a place of comfort, and the 3 steps you can start doing right at this very moment to develop real courage. Ken also shares about his latest book, The Courage to Change Everything, a book of wisdom of the ages. Check out how this interactive book can turn 10 minutes a day of your time into a transformation story you’ll never forget! Join the Mindset Meets Mastery Today Book Writing Business Facebook Twitter LinkedIn YouTube Highlights: 01:26 Who Are The Courageous? 05:04 Courage Defined 11:47 Why Great Dreams Don’t Come True 16:02 3 Steps To Develop Courage 26:48 Feel the Pain To Make The Change 33:58 A Book of Wisdom of the Ages 40:21 The Power of Journaling 46:18 The Antidote For Doubts and Uncertainty


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MMM 037: Mindsets and Myths About Living Up to Your Full Potential with Maria Martinez

“Learn to be uncomfortable being comfortable.” -Maria Martinez Are you achieving the level of success that is meant for you? This week, Arlene and Maria Martinez, a Human Potential Activator, join together for a wisdom-packed conversation on achieving your full potential. Maria talks about how the feeling of undeserving grows and how to uproot it. She also gives some reasonable points to consider when making decisions, getting in alignment, healing your energy, and directing your focus to ensure growth as opposed to sabotaging your own success. On top of that, we also learn how forgiveness can create awesome results that lead to prosperity. Listen in and enter the world of infinite possibilities! Join the Mindset Meets Mastery Today Book Writing Business Facebook Twitter LinkedIn YouTube Highlights: 00:32Is “Enough” in Your Dictionary?04:51Undeservingness- Where It REALLY Comes From and How to Get Out09:40Where to Focus to Exponentially Grow Your Business15:08How to Make Life-Altering Choices 18:10Are You Aligned for Success? 23:47What Your Energy Say About You 31:14Forgive and These Amazing Things Will Happen to You!


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MMM 036: Mindset and Myths About Identity with Gene Hammett

“A part of your core identity is to create your value. You can't blame someone else for this.” -Gene Hammett Identity is way beyond “Who am I?” Apparently, it’s more about who you really need to be. In this episode, Arlene and Leading Growth Expert, Gene Hammett debunk the common mindsets and misconceptions about identity. Gene talks about what core identity is, how to own that identity, and adapt as you go through identity shifts. He also emphasizes must-have values that build your identity so you can magnify your impact and influence. If you’re still wondering what your identity has to do with success, this conversation is for you! Tune in and discover how to find and strengthen your identity. Get over fear and build confidence as you move towards becoming more you! Join the Mindset Meets Mastery Today Book Writing Business Facebook Twitter LinkedIn YouTube Highlights: 00:27 Identity and Success 02:35 Identity Identified 07:05 Identity and Failures 13:33 Identity and Your Impact 19:08 Own Your Identity 25:06 Be Unlimited 29:47 Visualize Your Identity


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MMM 035: Mindsets About Mentors and Coaches with Collette Portis

“Know your own value. And identify your weaknesses because your weaknesses tell you who you need to hire.” -Collette Portis Don’t do things alone especially in the business setting. There is more synergy and success among two people working toward a single purpose. Whether you’re a seasoned entrepreneur or just starting out in business, you want to have a wise guide to help you accelerate your growth, conquer your career setbacks, and stick with you until you get the result you want. In this episode, Arlene interviews Collette Portis about why you NEED to hire a coach and how to build and implement a system that will scale your business even in your absence. Collette also emphasizes knowing your value and determining your strengths and weaknesses. If you’re willing to invest in yourself and in your business in order to succeed, listen in to this very insightful conversation and be ready to set yourself up to be in a place of advantage! Join the Mindset Meets Mastery Today Book Writing Business Facebook Twitter LinkedIn YouTube Highlights: 00:28 The People In Our Path 03:48 The Important Role of Coaches 10:27 The Coach-Client Relationship 14:51 The Right Coach 18:29 Coach vs Consultant 20:49 Benefit of Having a System 27:32 Simple Systems To Implement 33:33 Mindsets To Crash 41:17 Know Your Own Value


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MMM 034: Overcome Control, Fear, and the “Learned Helplessness” Mindset (Part 2) with Crystal Clay

“Use this time to grow together before you go together.” -Crystal Clay “Do you believe, “If you want something done right, you have to do it yourself?” This frustration comes when others don’t do it “the right way,” which is basically our way. Unknowingly, we are creating learned helplessness in others because we aren’t willing or able to release control, fear, and perfection. We had an initial look at learned helplessness with a focus on the workplace in Episode 11, but today we’re navigating even deeper, especially to help parents better manage the time and encourage the talents and skills of children. Arlene and Crystal Clay help us determine if we already are in a learned helplessness cycle. And if we have, Crystal teaches how to break free from it because learned helplessness can trickle down to the next generations. Before that becomes the legacy you pass on, tune in and learn how to cut it off to better your life and the lives of those around you! Learned helplessness feeds on a ground where growth is stifled. Protect yourself and your immediate and extended family by growing together toward fuller, happier lives. Join the Mindset Meets Mastery Today Book Writing Business Facebook Twitter LinkedIn YouTube Highlights: 00:32 Getting Stuffs Done the “Mom’s Way” 04:46 Learned Helplessness in Action 06:45 How to Break Free From Learned Helplessness 12:32 How to Identify Your Triggers 16:49 Potential Accountability Partners 20:52 What Comes After “Sorry” 22:16 Listening versus Hearing 33:59 Protect The Next Generation for learned Helplessness 37:28 Grow Together


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MMM 033: Mindsets About Interacting on Social Media with Catherine Pena

“Life is the journey of practicing every day to be better than we were the day before so we can become a business champion.” -Catherine Pena How do you become an online business champion? First, find out which platform best suits your business and then utilize it the right way. In this episode, Arlene talks to Online Business Champion Catherine Pena on how NOT to waste time on social media. One common misconception entrepreneurs have is that being everywhere on social media increases visibility and propels them to success. This, on the contrary, can be detrimental to business and to the owner. Catherine explains why this may be true. It is vital for entrepreneurs to turn their attention to the “social” aspect of social media. After being social on a media, a business has then earned the right to sell in that space. She also gives advice on how to determine which businesses should be on a specific platform and why having a website is crucially important for every business. Tune in and find your way to becoming a business champion! Join the Mindset Meets Mastery Today Book Writing Business Facebook Twitter LinkedIn YouTube Highlights: 03:45 Which Social Media Platform To Be On 10:25 LinkedIn vs Facebook 15:03 The “Social” Part of Social Media 18:39 Share About Other Experts On Your Space-Why 21:29 How To NOT Waste Your Time On Social Media 24:01 The New Yellow Pages- Why You Should Have One 29:05 Work For The Man NO MORE! 32:40 Be the CHAMPION!


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MMM 032: “Now What?” Adjusting a Business Strategy Mindset with Laurette Longmire

“Having no plan at all means you're reacting in your business and in the overall business environment instead of creating a positive, profitable, and planful approach.” -Laurette Longmire Everything changed suddenly. Nobody was prepared for the world to get thrown into uncertainty shadowed by fear and anxiety about what here and now means or what the future holds. So the question arises: “Now what?” In this episode, we are joined by Business Growth Strategist Expert Laurette Longmire to provide sensible answers as to how to navigate through this global business crisis. She also gives some practical advice on how to be innovative in managing resources. Moreover, Laurette invites everyone to the Sustainable Business Growth Summit, which is a great avenue to gather valuable wisdom from other expert colleagues in a variety of business fields to help listeners build a sustainably adaptable and thriving business. We have no way of knowing the unknown but we do not have to fear it. It’s supposed to make our journey exciting, not terrifying. Tune in and get answers that make sense and are applicable! Join the Mindset Meets Mastery Today Book Writing Business Facebook Twitter LinkedIn YouTube Highlights: 03:34 Now What? -The Best Thing You Can Do NOW 07:11 What Makes Sense- The New Trend In Innovation 12:18 Join The Sustainable Business Growth Summit 19:17 What To Look Forward To 23:15 The Planners and The Pantsters 27:54 Fear Of The Unknown 30:27 What’s Next?
