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Ninja Marketing in 10 Minutes - What's it all about and how will it help me?

Business & Economics Podcasts

he idea is to go back to basics and show you how you can use the LinkedIn platform to generate business. Keeping it simple, with practical tips that you can implement straight away.


United Kingdom


he idea is to go back to basics and show you how you can use the LinkedIn platform to generate business. Keeping it simple, with practical tips that you can implement straight away.





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Ninja Marketing in 10 Minutes - So what are SmartLinks and why should I be using them?

Smartlinks are a great resource that should be used by every B2B marketer to encourage engagement with your messages and also be able to monitor the interaction.


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Ninja Marketing in 10 Minutes - Company Pages

What's a Company Page, why do I need one and what's the benefit? Lisa and Ian chat today about why they are important and why you need one.


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Ninja Marketing in 10 Minutes - Scaling Connections

How and why do you build high quality and relevant 1st connections. Connecting the right target market people with who you can engage. Join Lisa and myself to show you how.


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Ninja Marketing in 10 Minutes - Content

How do you build credibility? What is good and engaging content and if you don't have lots of time, which most of us don't, how you can re-purpose what you already have to get the maximum exposure?


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Ninja Marketing in 10 Minutes - Katy is giving us some top tips on targeting and keywords.

Mixing things up a bit this week as I am joined by Katy who is our Programme Manager. Katy looks after clients on a day to day basis and shares her tops tips on using Sales Navigator filters and narrowing down on the best keywords to use.


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Ninja Marketing in 10 Minutes - Why is it so important to get the target right?

The more specific you make your target, the more relevant the interaction with these prospects and the higher your conversion rates. This will help you to speak in the language that they use and also be seen as more of an expert in their field. You should invest considerable time, effort and resource in making sure you target effectively.


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Ninja Marketing in 10 Minutes - Why are Endoresments and Recommendations so important.

Often overlooked, at the base of your LinkedIn profile are the Recommendations and Endorsements. Why are these so important as a source of external verification.


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Ninja Marketing in10 Minutes - Using Keywords with Intent

Why is it important to use Keywords and how do I use them. Focus on your keywords as the solution to the potential problem that your prospect is facing. Use the words that would resonate with them. The more niche the words, the more likely you are to be found in searches. Keep the keywords authentic and in line with your personality. Be yourself as everyone is else is taken!


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Nina Marketing in 10 Minutes - Writing a ridiculously good Summary.

Now you grabbed your prospects attention, it's time to write a ridiculously good summary to generate interest. We will give you 6 tips on how to write a great summary that grabs your prospects attention and creates a desire for them to take some kind of action.


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Ninja Marketing in 10 Minutes - Getting your LinkedIn Profile Basics Right!

Getting the basics sorted first. Your profile needs to look great, so prospects are inspired to interact. Here are some quick and simple tips to help you get an 'All-Star' profile. You don't want to stop your prospects journey to becoming a client if you have missed getting these basics right.


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Ninja Marketing in 10 Minutes - Why is getting your Headline so crucial. It's like the signage on the front of your shop.

Grabbing someone's attention in marketing is critical, you only have a few seconds. Some people say 3, others 8! That's not long. Don't waste it by just putting your job title in your headline, as that may be very interesting to you and your ego, but it's not to your prospects. Think of it like having a shop! It's the signage and the window display that will entice you in. We will show a winning formula to get an attention-grabbing headline so more prospects will venture into your 'shop'. Then we will look at your 'window' display next.


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Ninja Marketing in 10 Minutes - So why LinkedIn?

So why should you be investing time with LinkedIn? Isn't this just a recruiting platform or just another one of those social media platforms that I don't have the time nor the inclination to learn how to use? This is an overview of what it's all about. The B2B marketing side of the Platform which is called 'Sales Navigator' and why this is important to help you target the right people.


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Ninja Marketing in 10 Minutes. What's it all about and how will it help me?

This is the first of our weekly Podcasts showing you how to get more business using the LinkedIn platform. Simple, practical advice in 10 minutes. I hope you enjoy.
