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Now, that’s what I call Business.

Business & Economics Podcasts

If you want to build a business that changes the world, this is the podcast for you. Join Brianne West, entrepreneur and founder of Ethique, as she embarks on building Incrediballs, her newest startup. Come behind the scenes into building another global company, whilst she shows you how to build a successful, purpose-led business. How do you get investment? How do you start exporting? Is it normal to be this stressed? And how do you build a brand people love? Listen in, because the only way we will change the world, is by changing the way we do business. (And yes, it's still profitable.)


United States


If you want to build a business that changes the world, this is the podcast for you. Join Brianne West, entrepreneur and founder of Ethique, as she embarks on building Incrediballs, her newest startup. Come behind the scenes into building another global company, whilst she shows you how to build a successful, purpose-led business. How do you get investment? How do you start exporting? Is it normal to be this stressed? And how do you build a brand people love? Listen in, because the only way we will change the world, is by changing the way we do business. (And yes, it's still profitable.)



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It's the Two Raw Sisters! Let's chat building a business, selling books creating a brand with your family.

This week we have two people in the podcast chairs today, Rosa and Margo Flanagan from The Two Raw Sisters. You may have come across their books, app or their enormous presence on social media. Their whole thing is about making food fun again, whilst still being good for you. They are amazing business women and have so many lessons to share about building a business, collaborating with partners and so much more. In this episode they share: - The ways that eating wrong and diet culture can really affect our moods - How they first started their business - What made them decide on a 'plant first' philosophy - How they made the business work despite not actually getting along previously - How they manage deciding how much personal stuff to post online - Their experiences releasing books and why it's their favourite thing to do - The marketing tactics they used to sell 800 books in one day. Key Quotes “I think being flexible within your business and accepting your failures and learning from that is really key.” “There’s a point where you need to draw the line and people don’t need to know every single thing you’re doing.” “All of our failures have led to sitting back and thinking, ok that didn’t work let’s try this. And more often than not that thing is the thing that is a success.” More information: You can find the ladies via their website: Or follow them on socials. Instagram: Facebook: Tiktok: You can get involved with the podcast online Find our full podcast plus our sister podcast via the website here: Or follow the podcasts on our socials: You can follow me on socials on the below accounts. Instagram: Tiktok: Linkedin: For our latest big project, find out more about Incrediballs here:


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Bonus Episode: An Incrediball update... and how we managed to build the hype so thousands wanted to come to our taste testing...

This is a special bonus episode to give you an update on all things Incrediballs, as many of you have been asking me what is going on. As you may know, earlier this week we held our very first taste testing party and it was both incredible and chaotic and so we have thoughts from that to share, updates on the progress and also a few lessons to impart from this journey as well. In this episode I share: - The initial thoughts and feelings after the taste test - Why and how we have updated the logo - The exciting things that have been happening with packaging - How exactly incrediballs will be packaged - The current expected release date and why it has changed - My response to some of your online questions - The huge tech advancement coming next year - My behind the scenes look at how we have built the hype around incrediballs Key Quotes “Technology improves as you keep pushing the boundaries of what green chemistry can do.” You can get involved with the podcast online Find our full podcast plus our sister podcast via the website here: Or follow the podcasts on our socials: You can follow me on socials on the below accounts. Instagram: Tiktok: Linkedin: For our latest big project, find out more about Incrediballs here:


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It's Kathy from Appletastic! Let's chat going from rough idea, to launch in under a year.

I am very excited to get to introduce you to Kathy from Appletastic. Kathy actually booked a mentoring session with me about a year ago and had a few different ideas, but the common theme for them all was that she wanted to start a business that helped her community. I have seen her weather some storms, but despite them all she has launched an incredible business and I reckon her story is a great peek at what it can be like to launch, get mentoring and follow your passion. In this episode Kathy shares: - Her early career in film, television and animation - The other ideas she pitched to Brianne - How her sons health led to her creation of Appletastic - Her experience being diagnosed with ADHD - What Appletastic is - The pivot she has had to make in explaining her business - What made her feel like giving up - How she started having me as a mentor - Her experience with pricing and doing things wholesale - The struggles she has had with supply chain - How and why she handles her socials - Her #1 tip for someone trying to start a mission led business Key Quotes “Start doing research about how long are you in for this and are you up for it.” “If you want to do something, you need to start to surround yourself with the people that know how to do it.” More information: To check out Appletastic go to their website here: You can find them on socials. Tiktok: Instagram: You can get involved with the podcast online: Find our full podcast plus our sister podcast via the website here: Or follow the podcasts on our socials: You can follow me on socials on the below accounts. Instagram: Tiktok: Linkedin: For our latest big project, find out more about Incrediballs here:


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Sustainable business works. So here are ten steps to making your business more sustainable.

This episode is all about sustainable business and how you can inject sustainability into your business every day. The thing is, sustainability is confusing as fuck and a survey I read recently said that 85% of business owners want to be more sustainable but have no idea where to start. So if you are unsure where to even begin, why not start with this podcast episode. We’ll be going through 10, easy, baby steps to get you started on bringing a little bit of sustainability into your business. In this episode I share: - The surprisingly high number of business owners who don't know how to start injecting sustainability into their business - What the hell business sustainability actually is - How to do carbon measurement and offsetting for your business - Things to look out for if using an offsetting company - Why tree planting is not really offsetting - Why your business should go paperless - Easy ways to automate turning off devices and power in your business - Why shipping products is actually not as sustainable as you might think - Some sustainable ways you can ship products - Examples of disposable office supplies that you can get sustainable versions of - Why you should be measuring your office waste - How to do an office compost - Why you should probably not make business merch - How to focus on cutting down unnecessary purchases and expenses - Ways you can minimise the impact of your business travel - The people based policy you must have in place in your business - The next stage after doing these 10 steps Key Quotes “No business is truly sustainable because so much of what we do is out of our hands.” “Offsetting is not a silver bullet but it is an excellent first step.” “How many times have you driven through the CBD and you can see all these offices with their lights still on.” More information: I referenced a study by NZ Post that compares different shipping materials and shows what is best. You can find that here: You can get involved with the podcast online Find our full podcast plus our sister podcast via the website here: Or follow the podcasts on our socials: You can follow me on socials on the below accounts. Instagram: Tiktok: Linkedin: For our latest big project, find out more about Incrediballs here:


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Now, That's What I Call Business Trailer

Welcome to Now, That's What I Call Business! Kia ora! I'm Brianne, the founder and former CEO of Ethique, the world's first regenerative beauty brand, and my latest adventures, Incrediballs and Business, but Better. I've been on this entrepreneurial journey for over 15 years, and if you'd told me a year ago I'd be starting a podcast, I would have laughed. But here we are, and I'm thrilled you're joining me. Why I started this podcast After stepping away from my role at Ethique in 2023, I found myself diving headfirst into new ventures and feeling a bit lost in the sea of startup life. It hit me - there are stories here, real, raw, and often untold stories about what it really means to build a business that is trying to change the world for the better. Stories that need to be shared, for anyone out there trying to make a difference through their work. What you can expect This isn't just another business podcast. It's a heart-to-heart on the highs and lows of trying to change the world through business. I chat about everything - the wins, the setbacks, and the moments of doubt, (there's loads of those). I'll be chatting with some of the most inspiring people I know who are doing incredible things for our planet and our communities, and I'll share practical, evidence-based insights that hopefully make us all a bit more hopeful and a lot more equipped to build businesses that do good. I'll also be getting personal, and probably a bit ranty. Now, if there's one thing I've learned, it's that this journey is too important and too hard to do alone, so, hit subscribe and join the conversation. Let's build businesses that are not only profitable, but also change the world!


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It's Brooke from Sharesies! Let's chat changing the world through investment.

This week I am talking to the incredible Brooke from Sharesies, a platform that is changing the investment game. I first met the sharesies crew in 2017 in my very first angel investment pitch and I was blown away by how lovely they all were, and what a good (and simple) idea Sharesies was. Their mission is all about creating financial empowerment for everybody and Brooke has done this as one of six co-leaders which is unusual, but super effective. In this episode Brooke shares: - How Sharesies started - How they worked to bring on share holders who share a similar vision to them - How they get their core info across to the consumer without being overwhelming - The conversation she and the founders had about setting up the vibe and culture at their company - The importance of sharing your idea - How to use the B Corp certification to find the weaknesses in your business - Her number one tip to someone starting a mission driven business Key Quotes “You don't have to be perfect from day one.” “When we've brought shareholders on board we've been interviewing them too.” More information: Find out more about Sharesies via their website: You can also follow them on social media. Facebook: Instragram: Tiktok: You can get involved with the podcast online Find our full podcast plus our sister podcast via the website here: Or follow the podcasts on our socials: You can follow me on socials on the below accounts. Instagram: Tiktok: Linkedin: For our latest big project, find out more about Incrediballs here:


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If women-led startups outperform their male counterparts, why do we only give them 2% of investment...?

Today we’re talking about the infuriating world of investment and shining a light on women in business in honour of International Women’s day. Despite the fact that statistics show just how successful women led business can be, investment in them is pitifully low and if we don’t change the status quo, that is probably not going to change. This is not an anti men episode, or an ‘us vs them’ discussion it is just sharing what studies have found about the under representation and support of women led businesses. In this episode I share: - The disappointing requests I received for international women’s day - A horrendous statistic that shows how little investment there is in women led businesses - How women are disadvantaged by industry preferences - How women are disadvantaged by bias - The benefits of investing in women led companies - The shocking way that businesses who receive support from women targeted funds are treated afterwards - My advice to women on how to combat the problem of bias - How to be good at pitching - How we can all work to help change the status quo - The importance of mentoring Key Quotes “Plenty of research has shown that identical business pitches are received way more favourably when they are delivered by men than when they are by women.” “The underinvestment in women led start ups is not a reflection of their potential or their performance but a systemic issue rooted in bias and weird outdated perceptions.” “If you can explain your pitch to a 5 year old and they can tell you what your business does, job done, you've nailed it.” More information: You can find the Harvard study I mentioned about identical business pitches still giving preference to men here: You can find the Stuff column I wrote here: You can get involved with the podcast online Find our full podcast plus our sister podcast via the website here: Or follow the podcasts on our socials: You can follow me on socials on the below accounts. Instagram: Tiktok: Linkedin: For our latest big project, find out more about Incrediballs here:


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Five reasons most businesses fail... So you don't make these mistakes!

Failure. Yes, the beloved F word, well it’s not my beloved f word, I think we all know I have another favourite F word. Most businesses fail though, in fact it’s a common statistic that 65% of businesses will collapse in their first decade. While that may seem grim but I do think that failure to try something is a far greater failure than trying and failing. But there are 5 very specific reasons behind why most businesses fail, and if you don’t know what they are, today we’ll be covering them and also how to combat them. In this episode I share: - The many different ways that money and money mindset can cause a business to fail - My personal example of how starting Ethique was hard when money wasn’t my focus - The options for those who need money for the business - Why poor financial management is worst for business than insufficient capital - Why a business can fail just because no one wants what you are selling - The reason customer service is so important even if it costs more - The importance of setting customer service expectations with your team - How bad customer service creates 'switchers' customers who drive your costs down - Why having the wrong team and ineffective leadership can cause a business to fail - The importance of having a strategy - Why sticking to a strategy at all times is also a bad idea Key Quotes “Having a plan does not mean riding that plan all the way down to the ground.” “You're not selling a product, you're solving a problem.” “We all know the customer is not right all the time or even half the time but suck it up buttercup.” “Yes as the leader you can learn from those people you are leading.” “15 years ago I hated planning and I loved the fact I was also spontaneous, I thought it made me fun. What it did was make me unproductive.” More information: I mentioned a few resources around business plans that you can find through business, but better: You can get involved with the podcast online Find our full podcast plus our sister podcast via the website here: Or follow the podcasts on our socials: You can follow me on socials on the below accounts. Instagram: Tiktok: Linkedin: For our latest big project, find out more about Incrediballs here:


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Should you build a personal brand? And if so, how do you do it?

Today we’re talking about Personal Brands. Some people will say you need a personal brand but a better way of putting this is probably to say that you ‘need to control’ your personal brand and you might even want to grow it. The relationship between your personal brand and your business is complicated and intricate and, well, confusing. But the more you understand it the better you’ll be able to utilise it and help grow your business. So that’s what this episode is all about. In this episode I share: - What exactly is a personal brand - The benefits of a personal brand - How a personal brand helps with networking - Why personal branding is about authenticity - How it can give you a competitive advantage - The disadvantages of a personal brand - The importance of setting boundaries with you and your personal brand - Why it can be hard to exit a business that is built around a personal brand - How to start creating a personal brand - How to use strategy to plan your personal brand - Why your values are important to figuring out your brand - The best ways to get to know your audience better - How to best go about setting up your online presence - What is thought leadership and why you should consider using it - The difficulty of balancing business and personal brand - Two things to consider when building a personal brand Key Quotes “You are showing the good and the bad as you, not who you think you ought to be.” “To stand out you have to stand for something and yes that means some people won't like you. Spoiler alert, they already don't.” “Posting once a day is genuinely difficult, don't aim for that.” More information: I mentioned a few resources around business plans that you can find through Business, but better: You can get involved with the podcast online Find our full podcast plus our sister podcast via the website here: Or follow the podcasts on our socials: You can follow me on socials on the below accounts. Instagram: Tiktok: Linkedin: For our latest big project, find out more about Incrediballs here:


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Let's chat beer, brand, community (and algae...) with Oscar McMahon from Young Henry's!

Today we are mixing things up and instead of sharing my own thoughts, we are joined by Oscar McMahon the cofounder of Young Henry’s. Besides being a wildly successful, trail brazing brewing company, they are also known for their commitment to sustainability and community. They have set the benchmark in the industry for environmental consciousness, integrating eco friendly practices at every aspect of their business. They are a stand out brand and have done amazing things with their business. In this episode Oscar shares: How they have embedded their brand so that consumers get the Young Henry's experience form every touch point How they managed to ensure that everyone working for them was on the same page The interesting values exercise they do with every new team member What sustainability means to him What Young Henry’s does to be environmentally sustainable The exciting project they are working on with algae How they choose what sustainable challenges to tackle next What has been their most successful marketing tactics What has been the most challenging moment for YH The drastic steps he takes to ensure a family life and work life balance His number 1 tip for someone who wants to start an ethically driven business Key Quotes “You can give your existing customers value from being a values based business” “I think collaboration has been the most important thing we have done” “My to do list has never been complete in 12 years. I assume that my to do list tomorrow is not going to be completed either. So guess what, it's 5oclock, I'm not answering your call.” More information: You can find Oscar on linkedin: And more info about their algae bioreactor can be found here: You can get involved with the podcast online Find our full podcast plus our sister podcast via the website here: You can follow me on socials on the below accounts. Instagram: Tiktok: Linkedin: For our latest big project, find out more about Incrediballs here:


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WTF is strategy... and how do I build one?

This episode we are having a strategy check in (it's more interesting than it sounds I promise). Before you run away, hear me out. Strategy is the back bone of your business, it keeps you on track and helps when it comes to making some of the harder decisions. I know strategy and business plans can seem overwhelming with details and planning, but it can actually be quite simple. So for this episode I’m going to help you cut through the weeds when it comes to business strategy and figure out exactly what you need to do to get started. In this episode I share: - Why checking in on your strategy is important - The surprising amount of gen zers who want to start their own businesses - What ‘strategy’ is from my perspective and from my experience - The pillars to build into your business strategy - What made my first business plan a waste of time - What your business plan can actually be instead of a huge 25 page document - How to approach your business plan over time - Why you need to figure out how your business is different in a crowded market - What a unique value proposition is and why you need it - Why your business needs a purpose besides making money - The benefits of having a strong purpose - My personal example of how my purpose helped us with an ethical decision - The importance of treating your brand the way you expect it to be in 5 years time - Our monthly sustainability business challenge Key Quotes “I ran Ethique off a plan on a page for years” “Where would you like to see your brand in 5 years time? Then start acting like that’s already happened” “You need to think about what makes you different in terms of your target audience.” “Your business plan is a living document.” More information: I mentioned a few resources around business plans that you can find through Business, but Better: You can get involved with the podcast online: Find our full podcast plus our sister podcast via the website here: You can follow me on socials on the below accounts. Instagram: Tiktok: Linkedin: For our latest big project, find out more about Incrediballs here:


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Here is how to start a business - in just 10 easy steps.

The hardest part about starting a business is…starting. At least that’s according to what many of you have told me. You have these amazing ideas and business concepts but actually starting them is where a fair few of you are apparently getting stuck. With it being a new year it’s the perfect time to start about starting that business you have always talked about and because I hear that the starting point is so hard for so many of you, I have created my favourite 10 steps to starting your own business. Don’t worry about the order of these steps, just know that every time you take one of them, you increase your own confidence to take the next. In this episode I share: - What exactly is a ‘vision and purpose” and how to set them - How to figure out who exactly your business idea is talking to - The difference between demographics and target audiences - The importance of looking at your market before starting your business - How to create a difference between your competitors - What ‘market fit’ is and why your product can fail if you don’t have it - What should actually go into your business plan and how to make one - What not to include in your business plan - The best process for coming up with a business name - What to do to set up your business name - The money suck traps to avoid when setting up your business name - How to finance your business - Why you need to build support around you - Whether you should have a board for your start up Key Quotes: “I want you to create your core audience. The person who will take the least amount of convincing to buy your product.” “There is absolutely no point in doing something if the market is so jammed full no one will hear anything you say.” “There's lots of naming generators out there I think they're all pretty shit but they might spark something in your mind.” “You cannot build a start-up on your own.” You can get involved with the podcast online: Find our full podcast plus our sister podcast via the website here: You can follow me on socials on the below accounts. Instagram: Tiktok: Linkedin: For our latest big project, find out more about Incrediballs here:


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How to grow your business faster, and more profitably. Because ethical business works.

I am just back from my trip to the UK for Incrediballs, and I have updates! Also, on this episode of 'Now, That's What I Call Business' we're talking how to grow your business faster, and more profitably. But maybe not in the way you think. Think ethical practices and profits don't mix? Prepare to have your mind changed! Join me as we delve into compelling data from The Wharton School, McKinsey, and others. I'm breaking down hard facts and studies, proving that sustainable and ethical business isn't just a 'nice-to-have'; it's a powerful driver for increasing product sales. In this episode, we explore how businesses embracing ESG principles are not only doing the right thing but are also seeing tangible financial benefits. It’s time to debunk the myth that being environmentally and socially responsible means sacrificing profitability. Find us online: Brianne:⁠⁠ ⁠Instagram⁠ ⁠TikTok⁠ ⁠YouTube⁠ Incrediballs: ⁠⁠ ⁠Instagram⁠ ⁠TikTok⁠ Business, but Better (the FREE education hub for founders & entrepreneurs): ⁠⁠ ⁠TikTok⁠ ⁠Instagram⁠ Our sister podcast is called 'Now, That's What I Call Green'.


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Biz Bites with Kendall Flutey from Banqer: empowering financial literacy in youth, navigating startup challenges, and how to grow a real purpose-driven company.

In our fourth episode of Biz Bites, I'm joined by Kendall Flutey, the dynamic co-founder of Banqer, an innovative platform revolutionizing financial education for the younger generation. I don't know about you, but I learned nothing about money growing up... Kendall is working to change that! We chatted the essentials of instilling financial literacy in young people, the journey of overcoming startup hurdles, and the art of cultivating a purpose-driven business. Kendall is well known for her groundbreaking work in financial education and I'm so delighted she has shared her unique insights and strategies with me. Our Biz Bites segment showcases trailblazing entrepreneurs who are making a significant impact with their ventures, focusing on their areas of expertise that can help you build your business. Expect no long introductions or unnecessary filler (well, not much), just straight-to-the-point, valuable insights designed to help you grow! Find Banqer here. Find us online: Brianne: ⁠⁠ ⁠Instagram⁠ ⁠TikTok⁠ ⁠YouTube⁠ Incrediballs: ⁠⁠ ⁠Instagram⁠ ⁠TikTok⁠ Business, but Better (the FREE education hub for founders & entrepreneurs): ⁠⁠ ⁠TikTok⁠ ⁠Instagram⁠ Our sister podcast is called 'Now, That's What I Call Green'.


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It's No Fear November. Let's talk fear of failure and judgement and why you shouldn't care.

Welcome to No Fear November! I’m Brianne West, and in this episode we're talking fear... of failure and judgement mostly. Which all entrepreneurs will be familiar with. It's not just me chatting, we've also got Simran Kaur of Girls that Invest, Kendall Flutey of Banqer, Brooke Roberts of Sharesies, Simon Coley from Karma Drinks and Elliot Midalia from Boody sharing their thoughts too. If your knees are knocking at the thought of your next big move, or the media’s mean streak (hear you), I’m here to say: Who the hell cares? In a century, we'll all be forgotten, so why not give it a crack? Remember, todays news, is tomorrow's fish & chip paper. So join me, and let's turn 'No Fear November' into a year-long revolution! Find us online: Brianne: Instagram TikTok YouTube Incrediballs: Instagram TikTok Business, but Better (the FREE education hub for founders & entrepreneurs): TikTok Instagram Our sister podcast is called 'Now, That's What I Call Green'.


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Biz Bites with Simran Kaur from Girls that Invest: How to build a community, market your business and all things social media.

The third episode of Biz Bites features Simran Kaur (you will know her as one of the co-founders of the Girls That Invest podcast and the global media empire). We chat everything from social media, how to build a community (from the queen of community building herself), how to start and build a mission-driven business and successful marketing tactics. Our Snappy Snippets feature business owners changing the world with their enterprises and some big questions around what they are superstars at! No intros, no waffle (okay, well not much), just helpful snappy answers to help you build your businesses! Simran Kaur: @girlsthatinvest Brianne: Incrediballs: Business, but Better (the FREE education hub for founders & entrepreneurs): Our sister podcast is called 'Now, That's What I Call Green'.


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Do people actually know what your brand stands for? Or is it too complicated...?

One of my favourite topics is branding right - it's so creative and exciting and fun... and it can be a total nightmare that screws up your entire business. But fear not, I'm breaking down how to simplify your branding, because complex brand ideas make life harder. In this episode, I spotlight some unforgettable branding mishaps and their costly consequences. And they were done by the biggest brands. I also spotlight some entrepreneurs like Simran Kaur (Girls that Invest), Kendall Flutey (Banqer) and Brooke Roberts (Sharesies) who are absolutely nailing their branding in Aotearoa and it's taking their brands global. Let's walk step by step how to create clarity in your brand's core messaging, ensuring it's crystal clear and most importantly, that it resonates with your audience. So, if you want to avoid a $1.4 billion dollar mistake, join me, Brianne West, as we explore the intricacies of brand communication. Snapple Story: Featuring: Brianne: Incrediballs: Business, but Better (the FREE education hub for founders & entrepreneurs): Our sister podcast is called 'Now, That's What I Call Green'.


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Biz Bites with Brianne West: All your questions about Incrediballs answered!

Our second bonus episode 'Biz Bites' with Brianne answers your burning questions about Incrediballs. Curious about when you can invest, the fizziness factor, or why we're launching into three markets simultaneously? This snappy episode has you covered. We're also tackling the big issues like imposter syndrome and the plastic pollution crisis. Our Snappy Snippets feature business owners changing the world with their enterprises and some big questions around what they are superstars at! No intros, no waffle (okay, well not much), just helpful snappy answers to help you build your businesses! Brianne: Incrediballs: Business, but Better (the FREE education hub for founders & entrepreneurs): Our sister podcast is called 'Now, That's What I Call Green'.


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Greener Business IS Better Business: 10 baby steps towards making your business more sustainable.

Yes! It IS possible to implement sustainable business policies AND be profitable at the same time. And no, profit isn't a dirty word. But more on that later. Overhauling your business might sound daunting, but trust me, it's simpler than you think. Today, I’m pulling back the curtains on 10 tangible ways to sprinkle some sustainability into your business model and yes, I'm speaking from experience. Ever wondered about the true deal with carbon offsetting? Or why your office tea bags might be crying out for a sustainable switch-up? And hey, is your logo-loving merch really doing the planet any favours? From ethical tea sipping to supply chain transparency, it's all in the pursuit of progress, not perfection! Brianne: Incrediballs: Business, but Better (the FREE education hub for founders & entrepreneurs): Our sister podcast is called 'Now, That's What I Call Green'.


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Biz Bites with Ethically Kate. How to build a personal brand, build community and change the world.

The first episode of Biz Bites features Kate Hall (you will know her as Ethically Kate) talking everything personal brand, instagram growth, community building, delegation and work-life balance (but without the bullsh*t). Our Snappy Snippets feature business owners changing the world with their enterprises and some big questions around what they are superstars at! No intros, no waffle (okay, well not much), just helpful snappy answers to help you build your businesses! Brianne: Incrediballs: Business, but Better (the FREE education hub for founders & entrepreneurs): Our sister podcast is called 'Now, That's What I Call Green'.
