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The Paco the Realtor Podcast

Business & Economics Podcasts

Paco The Realtor brings a new perspective to the real estate world.


United States


Paco The Realtor brings a new perspective to the real estate world.





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POdcast 16: Lost a client due to my name....

I lost a client because they were more interested in asking me about my politics and why my name is Paco, then selling their home.


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Podcast 15: The American Dream is not dead just more expensive..

Do not listen to the negative messages. Real estate will double in price in the next 10-15 years...


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Podcast 14: I am also your therapist

I have been called many names, Broker, Realtor, Friend, Loser, but never have I been called a therapist. I really am your therapist and am your personal therapist.


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Podcast 13: What to do when losing your home

The most difficult situation is always when somebody needs help to avoid losing their home. Let's talk about options.


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Podcast 12: How to help our parents as they get older and need our help

Out parents are now at the age where we need to help the physically and emotionally. Let's talk about how to give them peace of mind. We can make this a much easier process for them and us...


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Podcast 11: You better start to interview your buyers agent

With the new settlement coming in July buyers might be responsible for paying all the buyers agent commissions. If that is the case you better interview and make sure they are worth it.


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POdcast 10: This industry attracts a lot of yahoos

Find out why this industry attracts a lot of people who should not be selling real estate


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Paco The Realtor Podcast 9: The escrow from hell and the home builder who didn't care

This is an example of why you must have an experienced Realtor working with you


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Podcast 8: The worst client I have ever had

My client made sure I was on his shit list....


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Paco The Realtor Podcast 7: How to spot a horrible Realtor

How to spot the difference between a licensed Realtor who sucks and a professional Realtor who is an expert. The difference is huge and an cause you a very big problem if you do not know the difference.


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Paco The Realtor #6: The home on top of the hill

Okay, so let me tell y'all about the time I went to show a home in Apple Valley. Now, everything seemed normal at first, but as soon as we reached the top of that hill...oh boy, did things get weird. We walked into this house, and immediately my spidey senses were tingling. And then it hit us - this place was creepy AF. From strange noises to everything painted white, to hidden sheds, it was like a scene straight out of a horror movie. But the real kicker? The pendulum in the yard. Needless to say, we were outta there faster than you can say 'real estate nightmare'. I mean come on, who needs a haunted house when you've got this place up for sale? And don't even get me started on the possibility of devil worship being involved...#NoThanks #NotTodaySatan #DefinitelyNotBuyingThisHouse" cue spooky background music


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Paco The Realtor Podcast #5: Why the real estate industry has such a bad image

Hey y'all, it's your favorite TikTok comedian and resident real estate expert (yes, we do exist, contrary to popular belief) and I'm back with another podcast episode for ya. This one's gonna be a spicy one because we're talking about why our beloved industry kinda sucks. Yeah, I said it. 🤷‍♀️ Did you know that a whopping 80% of realtors are not experts? That means only 20% of us are actually doing all the business while the rest just sit around twiddling their thumbs. And don't even get me started on how easy it is to become a realtor. Seriously, the bar is set so low a limbo champion could pass with flying colors. But fear not, my dear viewers, because I am part of that elite 20%. 💪 I've got the knowledge, experience, and wit (of course) to help guide you through this crazy world of real estate. So if you want the inside scoop from an actual expert instead of just some licensed but clueless salesperson, hit that follow button and tune in to our podcast #5. Trust me, your sanity (and bank account) will thank you later. 😉


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Paco The Realtor Podcast Episode #4: The reason we do this job....

I did an open house this past weekend and was reminded why we do this job. A child reminded about the emotional side of this business. The emotional side is more important than the numbers.


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Paco The Realtor Podcast Episode 3: The drug house

Welcome to the wild, wild world of real estate! In this episode, we meet our hero - a seller who's in a bit of a pickle. His home is located in the not-so-great part of town, and let's just say it's seen better days. Squatters, drug dealers, destroyed property - you name it, this home has got it all. But never fear, because our seller has enlisted me, the master of real estate flips, to help him out. Unfortunately, even with my expertise, we can't seem to sell this disaster house with the current situation. That's where our creative solution comes in. In true partnership form (cue dramatic music), I offer to evict the troublesome tenants and remodel the home. And here's the kicker - I'll only do it if our hero shares in the profits! Talk about being a real partner in crime or should I say real estate? wink wink But let me tell you, things did not go smoothly. Turns out those pesky squatters were also drug dealers and using buckets as toilets (gross!). And for some reason, they wanted cash to leave but refused to do so on their own. insert eye roll One tenant even fought us and we had to take them to court! But wait, there's more - people stole building materials during the remodel and let's just say cleaning up after that garage full of animal waste was not exactly fun. Yet through all these obstacles (and probably some tears), we prevailed! We evicted those tenants and turned that disaster house into a dream home. Our hero was finally able to sell his investment property and make some serious moolah. So there you have it folks - sometimes being a real estate hero means facing squatters and drug dealers head-on. But with a little wit, sarcasm, and determination (and maybe some face masks), anything is possible. Don't forget to like, comment, and subscribe for more wild real estate adventures!


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Paco The Realtor Podcast Episode #2: Why did I pick this career?

Client asked me why i picked this career cause I seem like a smart man. She was suggesting I could do better. Let me explain why I chose this career and how to tell the difference between a licensed Realtor and a Realtor who is an expert.


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Paco The Realtor Podcast Episode #1:Wall street is trying to steal you real estate equity

Corporate America wants YOU to believe that buying a house is the worst investment ever! They couldn't be more wrong! Buying a home is still one of the best ways to build wealth from nothing. The principles are the same, even if the message has changed - don't fall for it folks! #RealEstate #MoneyTalks #InvestmentGoals --


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Ase 20 aNos unos clientes me usaron para ser su chofer mientras ellos estaban tomando en la parte de atras del auto.

Yo fui su chofer mientras les enseNaba casas que querian comprar.


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Who else is freaking out about the fact that starting October 1st, 2023 we all have to start paying interest on our student loans?

I've had 5 calls in the last few months alone from clients whose monthly payments range from a whopping $750-2300! With these payments so high, some have decided to sell their homes and use the equity towards their student loan. Has anyone else been in this situation? Selling wasn't always a great option - let me know if you need someone to talk it through with and explore your options!


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I present to you the 0% down loan where you do NOT have to pay the down payment back...

Real estate is very expensive right now and rates are over 7% at the moment. It has forced lenders to get creative.


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The day the bank accused me of conspiring to help my buyer commit fraud by using somebody else identification.

