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Profit From Podcasting

Business & Economics Podcasts

Podcasting doesn't make any money! If you've ever had this thought yourself, then this show is for you. We're going to chat all about how podcasting can boost your visibility, establish your authority, and attract your dream clients so you can ultimately make more money. Let's take a deep dive into the customer journey, where your podcast fits in, and why sales funnels are not as scary as they sound. The show will also feature interviews with incredible business owners who have really done what you want to do - profit from podcasting!


United States


Podcasting doesn't make any money! If you've ever had this thought yourself, then this show is for you. We're going to chat all about how podcasting can boost your visibility, establish your authority, and attract your dream clients so you can ultimately make more money. Let's take a deep dive into the customer journey, where your podcast fits in, and why sales funnels are not as scary as they sound. The show will also feature interviews with incredible business owners who have really done what you want to do - profit from podcasting!



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Establish a Personal Brand Through Your Podcast with Hilary Sutton

Hilary Sutton is CEO of HSL Digital, a content marketing consultancy that she runs from a loft above her bedroom. She is a keynote speaker and writer who has contributed to HuffPost, the Washington Post, USA Today, Yahoo! Singapore, and HuffPost United Kingdom. The author of several eBooks and courses, Hilary also hosts the popular Hustle & Grace Podcast where she serves as chief explorer in cultivating a flourishing career and life. Hilary began her career as a theatre actress, then...


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How to Be a Confident and Authentic Podcast Host with Leah Pardee

Leah Pardee is a Business Coach, Meditation + Mindfulness Instructor, and host of the Top 200 Candid Confidence podcast. She teaches entrepreneurs to create and grow their soulful online businesses through releasing fear and self-doubt, and implementing proven marketing strategies. After spending years working in sales, obtaining an MBA, and slaving away at the 9-5 grind, she left the corporate world for a life of freedom and purpose. Her mission in life is teaching you how to do the...


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Attract Ideal Coaching Clients Through Your Podcast with Gianna Badot

Gianna is a Business Mentor, Mindset Coach, Health & Wellness Expert, CPT, Yogi, & Multi-Passionate Entrepreneur! After 12+ years of coaching, mentoring, and working alongside successful entrepreneurs, Gianna has mastered the art of helping passionate coaches go from struggling to successful quickly. When you work with Gianna, you get results, changes happen, and your business (and life) will shift in the most powerful way. But what Gianna takes pride in most is her PASSION for what she...


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The Foundation of a Profitable Podcast: Searchable, Accessible, and Community-Building Content

On this week's episode, Laura puts a bow on the content strategy mini-series (episodes 12-16). Be sure to go back and listen to any episodes you missed, as the guests all did an amazing job sharing their expertise. A profitable podcast is built on the foundation of consistently creating content that is searchable, accessible, and community-building. Any monetization strategy you try will not work if you don’t have an audience that knows you, likes you, and trusts you. See the full show...


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Nurture Your Podcast Community with Hayley Luckadoo

Hayley Luckadoo is a marketing coach and motivational speaker who empowers entrepreneurs to let go of the things holding them back and take the steps toward bigger dreams and a better life. She is an audacious dreamer who started with a hobby wedding planning business born out of her college apartment and turned it into a serial entrepreneur success story fueled by determination and Dr. Pepper. Through her company, Luckadoo Media, and her passion project, the Females on Fire podcast, Hayley...


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Simplify Your Podcast Content Planning with Amanda Warfield

Amanda Warfield is a simplicity-focused time management and business strategist, and host of Chasing Simple - a podcast to help creative entrepreneurs uncomplicate their life and biz. She traded in her classroom lesson plans for speaking and educating creatives on sustainably enjoying work/life balance, and her clients and students have gained back time, energy, and mental clarity. If her nose isn't in a book, you can find Amanda annoying her husband by slipping Disney into every...


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Show Up With a Consistent Brand Strategy for Your Podcast with Britney Gardner

Brand strategist Britney Gardner translates what it feels like to work with you into messaging you will use to build a business full of the best clients for you. Creator of The Badass Brand and host of The Know, Like & Trust Show podcast, Britney empowers entrepreneurs who are ready to level up and truly make an impact. On this episode, she shares her tips on developing a brand strategy and consistently showing up on various platforms. We discuss how your strategy can shift in order to...


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Get Excited to Share Your Story on Your Podcast with Jenessa MacKenzie

Jenessa is a business coach and brand strategist, and host of the Elevated Entrepreneur Podcast. She helps coaches, course creators, healers, creative entrepreneurs and online experts who are ready to tap into their true badassery and create and grow powerful brands that attract their soulmate clients and make sales fun & easy. She specializes in supporting women entrepreneurs who are ready to end their battle with self-sabotage, regain their kickass confidence and create the business and...


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BONUS: Is Recording in Clubhouse Worth It? (a collaboration with Melissa Guller of Wit & Wire)

I'm excited to bring you this bonus episode of Profit From Podcasting! This episode is a collaboration between myself and Melissa Guller, the host of Wit & Wire and the featured guest on episode 3 of Profit From Podcasting. Melissa and I have been chatting about the impact of Clubhouse on podcasting, and when Clubhouse changed its terms of use to allow recording we had to check it out and share what we learned with our podcast listeners! This episode contains excerpts from that "test...


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Make Your Podcast Searchable Using Search Engine Optimization (SEO) with Cinthia Pacheco

Cinthia Pacheco (SEO Strategist and founder of Digital Bloom IQ) shares how she uses her podcast to generate warm leads, build strategic referral partnerships, and sell her services and courses. She also provides important information on best practices for getting your podcast show notes and/or blog ranked on Google. See the full show notes here. CONNECT WITH CINTHIA 50 Keyword Ideas for Small BusinessesPodcastInstagramFacebookYouTubeWebsite CONNECT WITH LAURA Instagram...


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Keep Your Audience in Mind and Podcast On with Vikki Louise

Vikki Louise (host of F*ck Anxiety and Get Sh*t Done) joins me to chat about how she has tailored her podcast to her specific audience. Making sure your content and format aligns with what your listeners need to hear, and how they need to hear it, is key to building community and generating leads from your podcast. Vikki is also an expert on anxiety, and we chat about the nerves involved in putting yourself out there as a podcaster and fighting our brains' natural instincts to keep us...


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Funnels and Facebook Ads for Your Podcast with Christina Bernhard

Christina Bernhard is a Facebook Ads and Funnels consultant for female entrepreneurs that are ready to scale their businesses to the next level. She also hosts the podcast Scaling to Freedom. After years in the corporate world building a marketing department and becoming a marketing director, she found herself with a dream of freedom she couldn't shake. Christina found a way to navigate through her own limiting beliefs to leave the corporate world, build her business, and travel. On this...


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Podcast Strategy For Your Next Launch with Renee Nichole

Renee Nichole, owner of Renee Nichole Consulting, is an online business and marketing strategy expert. She helps busy entrepreneurs confidently launch their first or next high ticket program, course, or mastermind without stress or overwhelm. We discuss positioning your podcast within your customer journey so that you are able to build influence, impact, and authority ahead of your next launch. Podcasting is a great visibility strategy and you can use it to promote and sell your products...


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Demystifying the Sales Funnel with Sarah Talbert

Sarah Talbert is a website copywriter with experience helping clients to optimize sales funnels. On this episode, we bust some myths about sales funnels and simplify the concept of "building your funnel". Where does your podcast fit into your buyer's journey? We'll help you figure it out, so you can connect the dots from podcast to purchase. See the full show notes here. RESOURCE MENTIONED If you make a purchase through this link, I may earn a small commission at no extra cost...


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Leverage Your Podcast for Multiple Streams of Revenue with Sara Dean

Sara Dean is the creator and host of the Shameless Mom Academy podcast, a top rated podcast with over 3 million downloads. Sara's biggest passion is helping women own their space. After enduring her own identity crisis following the birth of her son, Sara took her background in psychology/health/wellness and rebuilt her identity, one step at a time. Sara motivates and inspires women to stop shrinking and start shining. She is on a mission to inspire women and moms, in particular, to live...


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Organic Podcast Marketing: An Overview

An overview of organic marketing strategies you can use to attract more listeners for your podcast. How to grow your audience is always a hot question, so let’s chat about how you can make your content work for you. I’m dropping some stats and cracking some algorithm codes during this episode, and you can find my sources cited in the full show notes. [2:03] Pinterest [7:11] Instagram [13:00] Facebook [15:08] Twitter [16:42] LinkedIn [18:42] YouTube [23:28] TikTok [25:07]...


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Grow Your Profitable Podcast Using Virtual Summits with Jenny Suneson

Jenny Suneson is a podcast launch strategist & manager and the founder of the popular podcast marketing agency Savvy Podcast Agency. The Savvy Podcast Agency helps female creative entrepreneurs launch and grow their podcasts and start generating leads on autopilot. See the full show notes here. CONNECT WITH JENNY The Profitable Podcast SummitIs Hosting a Virtual Summit Right for You?How to Make Money from Your Podcast Without Relying on Ad SponsorshipsSavvy Podcasting for...


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Skyrocket Your Sales as a Podcast Guest with Michelle Terpstra

Michelle Terpstra is a master sales coach who helps coaches, consultants, and service-based entrepreneurs create and sell signature offers to soulmate clients. In this episode we chat all about borrowing others' audiences and how to attract your ideal clients as a podcast guest. Michelle shares actionable tips about driving traffic back to you, focusing on topics that make sense for your offer, and how to talk during your interview to pique interest in you and your business. See the full...


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Monetize Your Podcast with a Small Audience with Melissa Guller

Melissa Guller is the founder of Wit & Wire, where she helps creators launch and produce podcasts with real growth potential. She’s an experienced podcast host and producer, as well as a top-rated instructor at General Assembly NYC and on Skillshare. By day, Melissa is the Head of Marketing Engagement at Teachable, a platform for entrepreneurs to build and sell their own online courses. She’s the host and producer of their podcast, Everything is Teachable, which peaked as the #2 Career...


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Use Your Podcast to Warm Up Your Leads with Jenny Melrose

Jenny Melrose is a business coach, a content strategist, and a podcaster. She has helped hundreds of female entrepreneurs to build their businesses and create the lives they wanted for themselves and their families. We have a great conversation about building a business and increasing your revenue through podcasting. Jenny shares valuable tips on how to ensure your content is meeting the needs and solving the problems of your audience. Jenny leverages her podcast to convert cold leads to...
