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Prosperous Coach Podcast

Business & Economics Podcasts

Prosperous Coach Podcast is hosted by Rhonda Hess, international business mentor and niche strategist for new coaches. Her weekly show offers eye opening guidance and inspiration about how to choose a profitable coaching niche, create authentic messaging, design magnetic coaching programs and other topics to help you get noticed by ideal clients who will pay well. Rhonda also shares coaching tools, client management tips, money mindset and moving beyond limiting beliefs. Rhonda has over 20 years of experience in coaching, marketing, curriculum development, copy writing and editing. Learn about her VIP Coaching Business Breakthrough private step-by-step program to launch your coaching business.


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Prosperous Coach Podcast is hosted by Rhonda Hess, international business mentor and niche strategist for new coaches. Her weekly show offers eye opening guidance and inspiration about how to choose a profitable coaching niche, create authentic messaging, design magnetic coaching programs and other topics to help you get noticed by ideal clients who will pay well. Rhonda also shares coaching tools, client management tips, money mindset and moving beyond limiting beliefs. Rhonda has over 20 years of experience in coaching, marketing, curriculum development, copy writing and editing. Learn about her VIP Coaching Business Breakthrough private step-by-step program to launch your coaching business.







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286: Are You Manifesting Ideal Coaching Clients for You? Listener's Choice

There’s an art to attracting clients. I call it an art because it takes time to learn who is ideal for you and it takes conscious practice to draw them to you. One powerful part of attraction is the words you use on your website, your Signature Program, your social posts, your freebie and your content — such as podcast episodes. When your words resonate, you’ll have that reflected back to you. Here’s a reviewed I received about Prosperous Coach Podcast: Rhonda’s value-filled words and energy help ground and ignite me at the same time. She takes me out of the fog and into clarity, out of stumbling into jogging steadily forward. Wow! Thank you, Lena. How did my words ignite Lena – someone I didn’t know before? Well, that’s the first step to enrolling a client. Let’s dig into that. Find the full transcript for this Listener’s Choice episode at apply for Rhonda's VIP Coaching Business Breakthrough Program heregrab a Nail Your Niche Strategy Session with Rhonda here.


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285: Masterful Coaches Rely on This Skill

Find the full transcript and many more resources for coaches at: When a client comes to a session with their agenda, what’s the best way to serve them? · Should you imagine the conversation before hand and plan your approach? · Should you take on their emotions and problems as your own? · Should you step into performance mode and be the one with the answers? When I say it like that, it’s obviously a ‘no’, right? But when you’re new to being a coach what are you feeling before a session? Performance anxiety. You feel you should know … everything. It’s understandable and it’s counter to what’s really needed for an effective session. Shifting from performance mode into curiosity relieves the pressure. It opens the field to sensations — your own and your clients — and intuition kicks in. Let's dig into this skill and what it does for you and your coaching clients! apply for Rhonda's VIP Coaching Business Breakthrough Program heregrab a Nail Your Niche Strategy Session with Rhonda here.


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284: 4 Reasons Narrowing Your Coaching Audience is Easier for You and Your Clients

Find the full episode & transcript at Do you fear the idea of narrowing your coaching audience because you think it excludes people and reduces the chance of enrolling clients? I will address that. For now, here is what I know for sure … When you target a narrow, viable audience and discover their big problems then geat everything — your messaging, offers, web copy, social posts — to speak directly to them, everything clicks into place. 1. You have clarity, pinpointed focus and direction. 2. You grow confidence, understand your value and believe in yourself. 3. You have leverage. Everything you do builds momentum. 4. Your audience feels special so they follow you and ideal clients enroll. 5. You can become a coach in high demand, charge more and earn more. Let’s talk about this and relieve the worry about excluding people too. apply for Rhonda's VIP Coaching Business Breakthrough Program heregrab a Nail Your Niche Strategy Session with Rhonda here.


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283: 4 Ways Coaches Sabotage Their Success and How to Shift

Find the full transcript and other resources for coaches at Also mentioned: Episode 191 - Low Pricing Could Kill Your Coaching Business Parts Work (a workbook by Tom and Lauri Holmes) My amazing VIP clients inspired this topic. All of them are highly intelligent people with big hearts who want to make a difference in the world. I’m so honored to help them get there. I’ve noticed 4 distinct ways they and other coaches sabotage themselves. The first thing to realize is that these 4 things are human, understandable, forgiveable and can be overcome. They are likely life long habitual patterns so it makes sense they would show up when creating a coaching business. The second thing to realize is that these 4 things can be massive roadblocks to the things you most want: · to coach clients who truly want to be coached · a steady income doing coaching · your own thriving business So let’s uncover what these 4 pitfalls are and the simplest way to lift yourself out of them so you can coach, earn well and thrive! apply for Rhonda's VIP Coaching Business Breakthrough Program heregrab a Nail Your Niche Strategy Session with Rhonda here.


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282: 7 Ways to Attract and Serve Satisfied Coaching Clients

Client service is about the whole customer journey starting with how you market. Satisfaction begins before they hire you and continues after they finish with you. Let’s talk about 7 ways to satisfy prospects and clients. And, if you’re having trouble attracting clients, it likely comes down to the wrong strategy or a lack of strategy someplace in the customer journey. I have a FREE downloadable assessment for you called Coaching Business Checkup to reveal any holes in your strategy so you can do everything more effectively and earn more in your business. 5 other Episodes mentioned in this episode: #66 How to Describe Your Coaching Program Without Selling Coaching #149 Three Easy Ways to Stay Organized in Your Coaching Business #194 The 4 Essential Things in Your Coaching Intake Packet #255 Are You Right Sized With Your Coaching Clients #271 Inspire Your Coaching Clients to Give You Dynamic Testimonials apply for Rhonda's VIP Coaching Business Breakthrough Program heregrab a Nail Your Niche Strategy Session with Rhonda here.


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281: Strategize Your Coaching Business 10 Ways for Faster Growth

Click for the full episode transcript and more resources, especially for new coaches and also get the free Coaching Business Checkup download. Other episodes mentioned in this episode: #1 Target a Viable Audience (Episode 266). You know I talk about this a lot. It’s so critical and so many people step over it or just don’t do it quite thoroughly enough. #2 Discover Their BIG Acute Problem And Top Goal (Episode 65). So many coaches choose a general or chronic problem for their niche #3 Develop a Signature System To Reach Their Top Goal (Episode 66). Again, I don’t really believe in just doing so many sessions per month. I believe in developing a program, a structure so that your clients know you know what you’re doing and feel excited about investing more with you. #4 Design A Simple Business Model (Episode 5). You wouldn’t believe how many coaches step over having a set business model. They don’t really know what it is, and I certainly didn’t when I started. #5 Create a Positive Customer Journey with Strong Conversion Processes (Episode 236). This involves your website and so much more. You need to be able to think like your future clients #6 Set Up Enrollment Opportunities and Learn How to Enroll (Episode 52) #7 Build Trust with a Visibility Strategy (Episode 146) This is the way you’re going to market — the way you’re going to stay in front of your target audience and let them know what you have for them. But, not in a salesy way, instead in a generosity marketing kind of way. #8 Create a Valuable Customer Experience and Collect Social Proof (Episode 271). This is after they enroll with you. You must be sure that what you are doing feels good to them so you can collect valuable testimonials about what it was like to work with you. #9 Set Up Internal Systems To Save Time (Episode 34). This is something I didn’t do for a long time and now I’m a systems maven! #10 Develop High Payoff Action Habits (Episode 223) apply for Rhonda's VIP Coaching Business Breakthrough Program heregrab a Nail Your Niche Strategy Session with Rhonda here.


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280: Coach, Are You Worried About Promising Results? Listener's Choice

Find the full transcript and other resources for coaches at You’re trying to write your web copy and trying to figure out exactly what you help your ideal clients accomplish in your Signature Program. But fears and doubts are clouding your judgment and you are in danger of playing too small in your coaching business, which will cost you. You are worried about promising too much. Get ready for a mindset shift! So first, all new coaches worry about overpromising. But experienced coaches do not. What do you think is going on there? It’s certainly NOT because they soft pedaled the specific outcomes they help their clients achieve. Because coaches who stay safe in their messaging will not attract and enroll enough clients to survive in their business. And it’s NOT because they are lying. You can’t stay in business long as a coach if you don’t operate from integrity. So where is the line between what you can promise and what you shouldn’t promise? apply for Rhonda's VIP Coaching Business Breakthrough Program heregrab a Nail Your Niche Strategy Session with Rhonda here.


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279: How Emotional Intelligence Can Help You Stay the Course in Your Coaching Business

Find the full transcript for this episode at Looking back on my journey as a coach and business owner, I see how emotional intelligence has played a part in my success. I had so much to learn. Still do. Coach training and coaching clients improves emotional intelligence. Just raising your ability to listen is a first step. Clear communication skills makes for a solid foundation. From there add empathy and understanding that everyone is differently abled and complex, coming from different degrees of privilege and disadvantage. Self awareness is critical factor in EI — an unflinching understanding of your own strengths, weaknesses, beliefs and motivation. As a new coach constantly stretched beyond comfort zones, the roller coaster of self doubt and elation can keep you scrambling. Greater emotional intelligence helps. How can you raise more EI? Let's talk about that! apply for Rhonda's VIP Coaching Business Breakthrough Program heregrab a Nail Your Niche Strategy Session with Rhonda here.


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278: How to Rise Above Skeptics of Your Coaching Business - Listener's Choice

Find the full transcript and more resources for coaches at Episodes and resources mentioned include: #7 - Why is Coaching a Hard Sell? #65 - Are You Solving a Big Enough Problem for Your Coaching Clients? #4 - Feel Less Isolated in Your Coaching Business Hire a Coaching Business Mentor/Guide Do you ever have the feeling that people in your inner circle aren’t supporting your choice to grow a coaching business? It can be subtle … family or friends seem not to take interest when you talk about it. Their eyes glaze over or they change the subject quickly. Or it can be overt … someone directly questions your wisdom in starting a coaching business or taking a bold step in it. Or it can be in shadow where someone teases you about coaching. Coaching is misunderstood by most people. The field’s reputation has been damaged by too many people calling themselves a coach who aren’t and it’s been made fun of in the media. It’s one of the reasons why I encourage coaches not to sell coaching but rather target a narrow viable audience and solve a problem. You’ll use your coaching to serve your clients but not try to convince prospects of the value of coaching. apply for Rhonda's VIP Coaching Business Breakthrough Program heregrab a Nail Your Niche Strategy Session with Rhonda here.


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277: How to Invest Time Into Your Coaching Business So It Grows

It may be tempting to fit your coaching business into whatever remnant of time you have left in the day. Look, I get it. You might have kids at home, a full time job, or both. You already have a rhythm of what you do day to day. You know your priorities. Adding a new business to your life is totally disruptive. And, until you see the proof of your efforts in clients, you may withhold your positive energy. The truth is, you can't grow a business on fumes. It needs regular care and feeding. It needs some of your mind share! There's a mindset that goes with that fit-it-into-the-downtime approach. And, it's usually not a conscious one. It's what I call the hobbyist or the perpetual student mindset. Let’s talk about how to schedule your time and make the most of that time you have until you can transition into a full time professional coach. apply for Rhonda's VIP Coaching Business Breakthrough Program heregrab a Nail Your Niche Strategy Session with Rhonda here.


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276: Increase Your Coaching Income with This Simple Action

Find the full transcript and other resources for coaches at The other day I was helping one of my VIP clients set her fees for her Signature Program and our conversation inspired this episode. Anything having to do with money in your coaching business such as income and fees brings up old emotions: 1. Fear of succeeding and failing. 2. Insecurity about worth. 3. Family or cultural beliefs about money. 4. Fear of rejection. 5. And, mistaken assumptions about why people buy. I always encourage my clients to “do the math” rather than choose fees emotionally or based on erroneous ideas about what the market will bear. By becoming somewhat dispassionate and stepping into the practical, coaches can begin to understand how they can help themselves earn well. This episode is short and eye opening. apply for Rhonda's VIP Coaching Business Breakthrough Program heregrab a Nail Your Niche Strategy Session with Rhonda here.


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275: Smart Pricing Strategies for Your Signature Coaching Program

Find the full episode and transcript at Also mentioned: Episode 274 about Signature Programs. Episode 111, called Smart and Not So Smart Coaching Business Expenses provides a list of likely expenses for you. Episode 57, which has the "do the math process" called Coach, Is it Time to Give Yourself a Raise? apply for Rhonda's VIP Coaching Business Breakthrough Program heregrab a Nail Your Niche Strategy Session with Rhonda here.


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274: How is a Signature Coaching Program Better Than Coaching Session Packages?

Grow your coaching income with a sea change in mindset and what you offer. Find the full transcript and more resources for coaches at Other Prosperous Coach Podcast episodes mentioned in this episode are: #136 - The Downside of Coaching for Corporations #51 - Why is Coaching a Hard Sell? #22 - Why Should a Coach Do Market Research? #191 - Low Pricing Could Kill Your Coaching Business apply for Rhonda's VIP Coaching Business Breakthrough Program heregrab a Nail Your Niche Strategy Session with Rhonda here.


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273: Become a Thought Leader by Tapping into Your Unique Genius

Coaches can also be thought leaders. It's a great way to attract ideal coaching clients. Find the full transcript and other resources for coaches at Other episode mentioned: 15 - What's Your Zone of Genius? apply for Rhonda's VIP Coaching Business Breakthrough Program heregrab a Nail Your Niche Strategy Session with Rhonda here.


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272: Before You Create Your Coaching Website Do These 3 Things

Find the full episode and transcript at About 3x a week a new coach reaches out to me. They've been referred to my podcast by another coach — thank you! Or they’ve seen a LinkedIn post or Googled for "coaching niche", browsed my website then filled out the application on my VIP Mentoring page. That’s an online customer journey that works! They tell me: “I don't know my coaching niche or target audience yet vbut I’m working on my website, posting on socials, and developing coaching programs.” And I think ... WAY TOO SOON! I get it. When you finish coach training there's this emotional rush to get a website up and do all the things online. But it will be a false start and likely mean doing everything over, because the very 1st step for everything in your coaching business is nailing down a viable audience and niche. Anything you do before that isn’t going to be effective. Let me help you think differently about the goal of your website. apply for Rhonda's VIP Coaching Business Breakthrough Program heregrab a Nail Your Niche Strategy Session with Rhonda here.


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271: Inspire Your Coaching Clients to Give You Dynamic Testimonials

Find the full episode, transcript and other resources for coaches at There’s a simple way to continuously encourage authentic and useful testimonials from all of your coaching clients. I’ll share how to: apply for Rhonda's VIP Coaching Business Breakthrough Program heregrab a Nail Your Niche Strategy Session with Rhonda here.


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270: Aren't 2 Coaching Niches Better Than 1?

Find the full transcript for this episode at Also mentioned in this episode were: Episode 5 - The Simplest Coaching Business Model Episode - 108 - How to Develop Your Signature Coaching Program Before we talk about the few pros and significant cons of having 2 coaching niches, let's get on on the same page about what a smart coaching niche is ... apply for Rhonda's VIP Coaching Business Breakthrough Program heregrab a Nail Your Niche Strategy Session with Rhonda here.


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269: How to Earn Higher Profits as a Coach While Working Less

Find the full transcript and more resources for coaches at How can a coach earn more with less stress and high profits? In my 6th year of my coaching business I wanted to scale up. All the pundits said: “Group and online programs are the way to leverage your time and increase income.” I bought into that. Just 6 years into running my membership program and two online training programs I had to take a sabbatical from my business. During my recovery from stress I looked for a better way that I could enjoy more. You see, online and group programs require a massive leads list and continuous marketing campaigns to keep them filled and earning well. Profits can be low because of the pricey apps and team needed to help you do it all. If someone says they make a million doing group and online programs, realize that they haven’t shared profit numbers or the hours it takes to make that happen. I found a way for coaches to earn well that’s low stress and high profit. LISTEN IN ... apply for Rhonda's VIP Coaching Business Breakthrough Program heregrab a Nail Your Niche Strategy Session with Rhonda here.


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268: How Coaches Can Stop the Cycle of Shame and Get Unstuck

Also mentioned, episode 80 called Competition, Comparison and Shame in the Field of Coaching. The upside of talking about shame is that once you acknowledge it you can quickly realize what has triggered it and let it go. A new coach in my VIP program — I’ll call her Barbara — got caught in a shame spiral because she wasn’t meeting up to some big expectations that she had for herself. I’m so grateful to Barbara for giving me permission to share some of our discussion in this episode. When you are willing to show your vulnerability with your coaching colleagues, that helps everyone become more successful at this big coaching business endeavor. We coached through it and came to an important realization: Shame rises up whenever you’re doing something that you care deeply about that you haven’t done before. Let’s talk about the typical way for coaches that shame snowballs into something ugly and leaves you feeling stuck. I’ll also share how you can quickly get unstuck and move forward powerfully. apply for Rhonda's VIP Coaching Business Breakthrough Program heregrab a Nail Your Niche Strategy Session with Rhonda here.


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267: Break Through 4 Limiting Beliefs and Raise Your Coaching Prices!

Find the full transcript for this episode and more resources for coaches at Other episodes mentioned in this one: 161,58, 60, and 5 Many coaches think: “I’m new at this and need to gain experience. I will raise my prices later.” But many wait too late to save themselves. Don’t let this be you. Are you waiting for some abstract sense of worthiness before you price enough to keep yourself in business? Maybe you thought: “Lower pricing will help me get more clients in the long run.” I thought that too once, but I know for sure that the opposite is true. You will have to market far more than you are willing if you keep your pricing in student mode. There is a lot of shadow about pricing your services in a way that cannot possibly sustain you or keep you in business. It is a form of self-sabotage. It’s time to align your money mindset with your coaching career goals. Let’s do some breakthrough thinking, dissolve the typical limiting beliefs so you can be smart about your pricing from now on — no matter how long you’ve been a coach. apply for Rhonda's VIP Coaching Business Breakthrough Program heregrab a Nail Your Niche Strategy Session with Rhonda here.
