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Purpose Inspired: by Wayne Visser

Business & Economics Podcasts

Prof. Wayne Visser, PhD, shares his reflections on what it means to be purpose-inspired - for business, society and each one of us. The podcast explores how business can be a force for good in the world, and how individuals can make a positive difference. Covering topics like corporate social responsibility (CSR), sustainable business and transformational change, each series is based on one of Dr Visser's books that synthesizes the emerging ideas, practices and lessons learned on the journey to becoming purpose-inspired.


United Kingdom


Prof. Wayne Visser, PhD, shares his reflections on what it means to be purpose-inspired - for business, society and each one of us. The podcast explores how business can be a force for good in the world, and how individuals can make a positive difference. Covering topics like corporate social responsibility (CSR), sustainable business and transformational change, each series is based on one of Dr Visser's books that synthesizes the emerging ideas, practices and lessons learned on the journey to becoming purpose-inspired.



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S6.E12: Lessons in Systems Thinking

Season 6 of Purpose Inspired is based on the book, Thriving: The Breakthrough Movement to Regenerate Nature, Society and the Economy, as read by the author and host of this podcast, Wayne Visser. Episode 12 includes the following sections: - Chaos Points and Decision Windows - The Six Shifts - Lessons in Systems Thinking from COVID-19 - Moving through the Tangled Maze - Complexity (poem) Thriving is available in the following formats: - Harback - Ebook - Audiobook


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S6.E11: It’s Going to Be a Bumpy Ride

Season 6 of Purpose Inspired is based on the book, Thriving: The Breakthrough Movement to Regenerate Nature, Society and the Economy, as read by the author and host of this podcast, Wayne Visser. Episode 11 includes the following sections: - Disconnection: The Ones Technology Left Behind - Disruption: It’s Going to Be a Bumpy Ride Thriving is available in the following formats: - Harback - Ebook - Audiobook


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S6.E10: Please Mind the Gap

Season 6 of Purpose Inspired is based on the book, Thriving: The Breakthrough Movement to Regenerate Nature, Society and the Economy, as read by the author and host of this podcast, Wayne Visser. Episode 10 includes the following sections: - Disparity: Please Mind the Gap - Disease: An Ill Wind That Blows Thriving is available in the following formats: - Harback - Ebook - Audiobook


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S6.E9: Ecocide and the Limits to Growth

Season 6 of Purpose Inspired is based on the book, Thriving: The Breakthrough Movement to Regenerate Nature, Society and the Economy, as read by the author and host of this podcast, Wayne Visser. Episode 9 includes the following sections: - Degradation: The Crime of Ecocide - Depletion: The Limits to Growth Thriving is available in the following formats: - Harback - Ebook - Audiobook


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S6.E8: A Moment of Dangerous Opportunity

Season 6 of Purpose Inspired is based on the book, Thriving: The Breakthrough Movement to Regenerate Nature, Society and the Economy, as read by the author and host of this podcast, Wayne Visser. Episode 8 includes the following sections: - The Worst and Best of Humanity - A Moment of Dangerous Opportunity - A Tangle of Knotty Problems Thriving is available in the following formats: - Harback - Ebook - Audiobook


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S6.E7: Making a Dent in the Universe

Season 6 of Purpose Inspired is based on the book, Thriving: The Breakthrough Movement to Regenerate Nature, Society and the Economy, as read by the author and host of this podcast, Wayne Visser. Episode 7 includes the following sections: - The Key of Continuity - Making a Dent in the Universe - Revolution Thriving is available in the following formats: - Harback - Ebook - Audiobook


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S6.E6: The Keys of Coherence and Convergence

Season 6 of Purpose Inspired is based on the book, Thriving: The Breakthrough Movement to Regenerate Nature, Society and the Economy, as read by the author and host of this podcast, Wayne Visser. Episode 6 includes the following sections: - The Key of Coherence - The Key of Convergence Thriving is available in the following formats: - Harback - Ebook - Audiobook


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S6.E5: The Keys of Circularity and Creativity

Season 6 of Purpose Inspired is based on the book, Thriving: The Breakthrough Movement to Regenerate Nature, Society and the Economy, as read by the author and host of this podcast, Wayne Visser. Episode 5 includes the following sections: - The Key of Circularity - The Key of Creativity Thriving is available in the following formats: - Harback - Ebook - Audiobook


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S6.E4: A Theory of Living Systems

Season 6 of Purpose Inspired is based on the book, Thriving: The Breakthrough Movement to Regenerate Nature, Society and the Economy, as read by the author and host of this podcast, Wayne Visser. Episode 4 includes the following sections: - A Theory of Living Systems - The Key of Complexity Thriving is available in the following formats: - Harback - Ebook - Audiobook


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S6.E3: The Great Reset

Season 6 of Purpose Inspired is based on the book, Thriving: The Breakthrough Movement to Regenerate Nature, Society and the Economy, as read by the author and host of this podcast, Wayne Visser. Episode 3 includes the following sections: - The Great Reset - A Dream Come True - Seeing the Forest for the Trees - Everything That Surrounds and Connects Us Thriving is available in the following formats: - Harback - Ebook - Audiobook


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S6.E2: What Happened to Our Common Future

Season 6 of Purpose Inspired is based on the book, Thriving: The Breakthrough Movement to Regenerate Nature, Society and the Economy, as read by the author and host of this podcast, Wayne Visser. Episode 2 includes the following sections: - What Happened to Our Common Future - The Choice to Hope - Be An Optimist (poem) Thriving is available in the following formats: - Harback - Ebook - Audiobook


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S6.E1: Be Aware But Not Afraid

Season 6 of Purpose Inspired is based on the book, Thriving: The Breakthrough Movement to Regenerate Nature, Society and the Economy, as read by the author and host of this podcast, Wayne Visser. Episode 1 includes the following sections: - Thriving (the poem) - Be Aware But Not Afraid - Thriving As A Force for Life Thriving is available in the following formats: - Harback - Ebook - Audiobook


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Introducing my new podcast: Thriving - The Breakthrough Movement

Welcome to the Thriving podcast. This short teaser tells you what to expect in the coming episodes, which launched on World Environment Day 2022. Join me, Prof Wayne Visser, for inspiring conversations with leaders in the breakthrough movement to regenerate nature, society and the economy. We do not indulge in false hope or blind optimism, but we actively focus on innovative solutions and positive tipping points for change. The podcast builds on the foundations of my bestselling book Thriving: The Breakthrough Movement to Regenerate Nature, Society and the Economy. I look forward to having you join the movement for thriving and welcome your suggestions for who I should feature as a guest on the podcast. I will not be posting the episodes on Purpose Inspired, but you can follow the Thriving podcast here, or via your own favourite podcast platform. The first episode, with sustainability legend John Elkington (The science and science fiction of thriving) is already live now. You can also contact me via my website: waynevisser.com. Music credit: Amil Raja


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S5.E24: Connecting Earth and Sky

In this epilogue, I finish the season by returning to the big picture. Because sustainability is not just about business, leadership and innovation. And it is certainly not just about surviving the future. It is also about living in a world of abundance and diversity in a way that that brings joy and inspiration. Jean M. Russell calls this Thrivability. I cover: - The Birth and Rebirth of Creation - Recalling and Retelling the Stories of Hope - Relearning the Skill of Listening to Life


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S5.E23: Future Fitness (Part 3)

In this episode, I continue to explore the elements of future fitness, covering: - Future Images: Beyond the Information Age - Sustainable Frontiers Forecasts for the Next 10 Years - To Survive in a Volatile World Businesses Must Build in Resilience


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S5.E22: Future Fitness (Part 2)

In this episode, I continue to explore the elements of future fitness, covering: - Stakeholder Crowdsourcing and Disruptive Partnerships - Open Sourcing and Wiki-Ratings - Prototyping and Smart Mobbing - App Farming and Plug-and-Play - Future Images: Beyond the Information Age


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S5.E21: Future Fitness (Part 1)

Are you fit for the future? Will your product, organisation, community, city or country survive and thrive in 10, 20, 50 or even 100 years? How can we – as individuals, businesses, communities and policy-makers – prepare for the future? How can we maximize our chances of success, not only by being ready, but also by helping to shape the future that we desire? I think it helps to view future-fitness in two ways: in terms of alignment – i.e. fitting, like a jigsaw piece, into the bigger picture of an emerging world; and in terms of agility – i.e. building up the kind of fitness that allows quick reflexes and strong performance in response to future conditions. In this episode, I cover: - A Test for Future-Fitness - How Web 2.0 is Shaping the Future of Business - Net Value Footprinting and Forensic Impact Analysis


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S5.E20: Integrated Value (Part 3)

In this episode, we look at the first level of business to which a holistic view needs to be applied, namely that of the individual. By contrast, the old view of business regards employees as rational entities who are expected to perform in mechanical ways to further the materialistic goals of the company. The other level to which holistic thinking can be applied is that of the organisation. Inherent in the new holistic organisation is the idea of flattening the hierarchy, and a move towards the network-type organisation which recognises its composite wholes more fully. The team-based culture, as well as organizing according to process (as opposed to functional silos), is also part of the move towards a more holistic structure


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S5.E19: Integrated Value (Part 2)

In this episode, we continue our exploration of integrated value, beginning wit the 6-step process of implementation: 1. Listen Up! (stakeholder materiality), 2. Look Out! (integrated risk), 3. Dig Down! (critical processes), 4. Aim High! (innovation & value); 5. Line Up! (systems alignment); and 6. Think Again! (audit & review). I then introduce a more philosophical way to look at integrated value, which is to see it as a way to transform the dying metaphor of business as a “rational machine” into a new metaphor: business as a “living whole”; hence creating integrated value through holism.


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S5.E18: Integrated Value (Part 1)

In this episode, I begin by examining whether Creating Shared Value (CSV) is a revolution or clever con. Many argue that CSR and sustainability are not the way to unlock change. I have been one of the critics, while still believing that reform is possible. More recently, however, the most vocal critic has been Harvard professor Michael Porter. I go on to introduce Creating Integrated Value (CIV) and a concept that goes beyond both CSR and CSV, bringing us the "how to" for delivering integration in organisations.
