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Reclaim You Podcasts

Business & Economics Podcasts

Each week I host The Stronger Leaner Lighter Show to help you live your life feeling confident, powerful and energised. After the show each week, the episodes are now available on audio, so you can listen at any time.


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Each week I host The Stronger Leaner Lighter Show to help you live your life feeling confident, powerful and energised. After the show each week, the episodes are now available on audio, so you can listen at any time.



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So, What About Me Rediscovering Who You Are After 50!

As we reach the age of 50 - and beyond - our roles as daughter, wife, mother change and evolve. You may have reached an age where your children do not need you as much, or perhaps you are already an empty nester. You may be experiencing a time when the care for elderly parent is more demanding and taxing. You may be experiencing a time when suddenly you no longer need to work to pay school fees or mortgages... but begin to ask the questions "So What About Me?" and "What Do I Really Want?" On...


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Tapping - Is It The Secret Sauce To Long Term Weight Loss?

You have probably heard a little about Tapping (EFT) and how it can be used for Stress release. Tapping - often called Emotional Freedom Techniques has often been touted as the a great way to lose weight to... But is it? On this week's Stronger Leaner Lighter Show I shared... 1. What Tapping is - and what it is not 2. Why so many people get it wrong 3. How to incorporate it correctly into your life, to help you release that weight that no longer serves you!


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How To Lose Visceral Belly Fat For Women Over 50 (2)

One of the hardest things for many women - especially those over 50 or going through menopause - is to shift stubborn visceral belly fat. The problem is that the things that worked when we were in our 30's, do not work now as we age So, on this week's Stronger Leaner Lighter show I shared the latest research and simple techniques that make losing that visceral belly fat simple... 1. Why restricting calories will make visceral fat harder to lose, especially when we are over 50. 2. The role...


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How To Eat Well And Stay Healthy Over Easter

Hot cross buns, Easter egg hunts... Easter is that other time of the year when eating well can go right out the window The problem with the food we tend to eat at Easter, is that is all simple carbohydrates and sugars that cause a huge blood sugar spikes followed by the subsequent blood sugar crash... that often has you reaching for more chocolate or more hot cross buns !! So, rather than going without - on this week's Stronger Leaner Lighter Show I shared how to eat well, and stay healthy...


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How Stress Stops Your Body From Releasing Weight & How To Fix It!

The last two years have been the most challenging we have faced - and the one place many people have felt stress impact the most is in their body and their health! On this week's Stronger Leaner Lighter Show, I shared how and why stress impacts on weight gain, our food choices... and why if you do not address this one issue first... releasing weight will not be achievable - no matter what you do! April is Stress Awareness Month Stress Awareness Month has been held every April since 1992 to...


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My Top 5 Tips To Stop Self - Sabotage!

If there is anything that will stop your success in it's tracks... it's self-sabotage! Excuses, procrastination, negative self-talk, - all lead to one place - sabotaging what you want to achieve. Whether you are trying to lose weight, ask for a sale, apply for that promotion or create a videos on your Facebook page... self-sabotage is the one thing that will cause you to stay stuck in repeating the same old patterns, and block the success you know you are capable of achieving. So how do stop...


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Collagen After 50 - Why We Need It & What To Look For

If you are over 50 you have probably wondered not only why you need collagen, but how to find out which is the best one for you. Most people by now have heard of Collagen and I am sure you will have heard of the benefits of increasing Collagen. Every year after age 20, our Collagen depletes causing us to age faster than we feel. On this show, I will share with you 1. Why Collagen is so important for our health 2. Why it is often called the 'Body's scaffolding" 2. What you need to look for in...
