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Redemption with James Arthur Ray

Business & Economics Podcasts

Your daily triple shot to Powerfully Lead your Life and Business.


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Your daily triple shot to Powerfully Lead your Life and Business.



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#112 - Exercise Daily

No man has the right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. It is a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable. ~ Socrates We’ve been discussing the ways in which to turn your body into a powerhouse and we’ve discussed many psychological, physical as well as dietary habits and today we’d like to advocate daily exercise. While this may seem self-evident, even simplistic, it’s just simply not applied by many—maybe most—in today’s world. People have often asked me: “Do you work out every single day?” My reply is “Do you eat every day?”


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#111 - Eat Meat

How many times have we all heard, “You are what you eat”? This is very true and obviously there is a lot of controversy around this from the Globalist as well as the animal rights activists. Your body needs essential nutrients, and the proven fact is that vegetable protein is not as complete nor as nutrient dense as animal protein. Bersabeh and I did not come to this personal experience without much trial and error. We both were card carrying vegetarians for 5 years. Not just vegetarians, but vegan which means you eat nothing with a face OR anything that comes from something with a face...


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#110 - Get Adequate Sunlight

Today’s topic is a challenging one for most of us in the modern world. Including me and Bersabeh. Getting an adequate amount of sunlight. Most of us spend the majority of our lives in artificial lighting. While artificial light provides some benefits, like increased hours of productivity, even that can be a detriment. According to Medical Life Sciences: The use of artificial light at night-time has been linked to increased risk of sleep disorders, obesity, depression, metabolic disorders, and even breast cancer. The human species has evolved to develop a circadian rhythm of being awake during the day and asleep at night. For our ancestors, which the sun went down they went to sleep—with few exceptions...


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#109 - Don’t Watch Porn

We’ve been discussing how to transmute your body into a powerhouse. Today’s episode may come as a surprise to you. But there’s plentiful research and plenty of experts studying and discussing this topic. So here we go: Stay away from porn. Porn impacts you negatively physically, mentally, and emotionally—not to mention spiritually. Modern science tells us that everything is energy; and the energy you allow into your mind and body is either empowering or disempowering—there is no neutrality. Pornography is a $14B per year industry in the US alone…


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#108 - The Enemy is Lack of Recovery

Episode 108: Transmute Your Body into a Powerhouse: The Enemy is Lack of Recovery Stress is not the enemy. The enemy is lack of recovery There are two types of stress—distress and eustress (Hans Selye). Distress is what we typically call stress. It ages us, wears us out, and affects both our stamina and endurance. Eustress is the creative tension between where you are and where you choose to be. This type of stress is really healthy and drives us to close the gap. So, stress can be a good thing. In fact, anyone who works out knows that your body grows under stress—but it’s vitally important that you get plenty of recovery...


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#107 - Stop Poisoning Yourself

No one would intentionally drink Strychnine and think they’re going to be healthy and live a long life. Yet how many of us poison our bodies a little bit at a time and think nothing of it? We’ve talked a lot in previous episodes about poisons like alcohol, cigarettes, marijuana, and other recreational drugs so we won’t repeat them again now, but let’s discuss some of the poisons that are less obvious. Would like to credit and thank Dr. Simon Goddek for some of this information. First: vegetable oil. Now this may come as a surprise to you as many have touted them to be healthy, but they’re not. All Seed oils are oils are extracted from various seeds. The most common include rapeseed (canola oil), soybean, corn, sunflower, safflower, peanut, etc. Unlike coconut oil or olive oil which can be extracted by pressing, these new-fangled oils must be extracted in very unnatural ways...


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#107 - Transmute Your Body into a Powerhouse: It’s Very Hard to Transmute Your Mind and Spirit with a Toxic and Tired Body

A very important part of all alchemical training—in fact, a very important part of life—is developing true and complete health. It’s very difficult to be mentally and spiritually attuned when your body is worn out, toxic, and tired. Having a healthy body is a somewhat complex topic and for this very reason, obesity is one of the major causes of death in the United States. According to Clinical Medicine, excess weight was responsible for more than 1300 excess deaths per day (nearly 500,000 per year) and a loss in life expectancy of nearly 2·4 years in 2016, contributing to higher excess mortality than smoking. This is crazy. If this was all there was, then this would certainly be more than enough but it’s even more complex than that. Remember true alchemy is the art and science of transmutation. To take something of low value and transmute it into something of high value. So, in this episode we’re going to discuss how to transmute a toxic unhealthy body into a healthy one. We’ll cover a large range of topics from diet to exercise, to toxins and substances, even good sleep. We truly hope this is valuable for you and our prayer is that it lengthens your life in long and prosperous ways. Let me just state: there is so much talk in today’s world about “making a difference”. If you’re someone who wants to have an impact and make a difference in the world then please know, you have to be around a long time to do this—because frankly—it takes a long time to truly make a difference in the world. There is no quick fix...


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#106 - Are You Living a Principled and Truthful Life?

As we’ve been discussing the concept of “The Great Work” is to become the greatest reflection possible of God in human form. To literally become more than human. The Great Work is the foundation of all alchemy and mystery teachings. It doesn’t take much time when you observe the world today to realize that our world is in major disruption. Much more so than it’s ever been previously in my lifetime. We believe one of the main reasons we are at this point is that we have left the sacred by the wayside and plunged full force into secularism. Money has become our God, work has become our religion, and politics have become our philosophy. We’ve largely, with few exceptions, lost what we’ll call our Vertical Principal relationship (aka. Relationship with God) and when this was disconnected all we have was a horizontal viewpoint of the world (I cover this in detail in my latest book GMS). The only measure we have for what is right and true is to look around us and see what others are doing. This is problematic. To accomplish The Great Work, you must live a life in alignment with Universal Principles and Truth...


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#105 - Are You Advancing the Conscious Awareness of Mankind?

In the last episodes we’ve been discussing first what the prime objective of all alchemical traditions is: entitled The Great Work. In other words, to become God in human form or more specifically to reflect God in your body and mind through your human form and into the world. While very few individuals we meet even think much less contemplate these high ideals, the fact is that for this reason and this reason only are you here. In the traditions they maintain that prior to coming into this lifetime you meet with your own higher council, and you decide what you need to learn, what you need to heal, and what you need to accomplish in this current incarnation. Upon exit you meet with them once again and check in to see how well you’ve done. If you fail, your mission you’re recycled and sent back in once again to go through another entirely different life and to play the same game over again. I don’t know about you, but this is incentive enough for me to do everything possible in this life to ensure that I accomplish and become all I can accomplish and become. If you pass and did a great job then you are rewarded with a new life with new challenges or possibly if you have truly evolved to a very high level of awareness. You move on toward greater adventures. Now who really knows for sure if this is true… but again for us we’d rather be safe than sorry. How about you?


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#104 - The Great Work: Become God in Human Form

Are you adding value to the world or just seeking it for yourself? This is a fundamental question in all alchemical and Hermetic traditions. We’re told that we’ve been created in the image and likeness of God. We know that God is a creative being, and therefore so too are you. But think about this: God is the life force; and God therefore must create more comprehensive life. You cannot create anything other than its own nature. Compassion cannot create hatred. Gratitude cannot create jealousy. Expansion cannot create contraction. And life cannot create death. Life always seeks more life. And that life is comprehensive. Not specific but general. Meaning good for self, good for others, and good for the entire world. That’s the measure of anything you choose to do. Ask yourself: is this good for self, good for others, and good for the entire world?


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#103 - Spotlight with David Henning "Financial Mentor"

In This episode wwe talk about "The Rules of Money" with David Henning We just met David Henning a couple of weeks ago at a large conference in Atlanta for Vantage Financial. Bersabeh and I had a presentation on day 2 of the conference and on day one the MC brought some high performers on stage and David spoke for a short moment about current events—he was the only one who shared that kind of information, and it was impressive. Bersabeh leaned over and said, “I really like that guy.” Tune in and learn the rules of money that apply to you. David will help you understand them so that it works for you instead of against you! Connect with David here: ⁠⁠


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#102 - Spotlight with Tyler "Crypto King" Reed

Crypto currency is a controversial topic. Do you have questions like most do? Do you understand how our current monetary system works? (most don’t). Join Bersabeh and I and our special Spotlight guest Tyler Reed. Tyler has been in the industry for years and can answer these questions and many more! This is not something any of us can afford to ignore. Connect with Tyler: X - @TheRealTRTalks TikTok - @realtycrypto Youtube:


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#101 - Spolight with Gareth Icke

Gareth Icke is an activist, a singer/songwriter, an author, a former international beach soccer player, and the host and creator of ‘Gareth Icke Tonight’, an uncensored current affair show on Ickonic Network. Gareth also presents “The Walk” a Youtube channel where he travels across the UK walking historical routes, and explores the UKs vast history, as well as the WTAF podcast where Gareth and Richard Willett take a comical look at world events. Gareth has just recently started a new show on Ickonic titled “The Power of People” where he interviews individuals who have gone through great challenges and overcome. Gareth is a husband and a father to two children, and lives in Derbyshire, England. Join us for an in-depth discussion with activist, host, and creator Gareth Icke where we discuss the current state of our world; and many of the issues confronting us worldwide in these disruptive times. Gareth brings a very lucid insights into many of the major issues that some are resistant to see. Connect with Gareth here:


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#100 The Alchemy of The Great Work: Do God's Will

Matthew 5:48 Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect. Let’s face it: That’s a tall order but that’s exactly the tall order objective of doing the Great Work. The Magnum Opus. How do you “become god in human form?” Well like most things in alchemy it is not to be taken literally. But if you continually and consistently do God’s will then you are a reflection of God. The more you do this, and the more perfectly you do this, the greater the reflection you become. When you live a moral life, when you live a just life, a fair and principled life then you are living a godly life.


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#99 - The Alchemy of The Great Work

You are gods, and all of you are children of the Most High. ~ Psalms 82:6 What very few understand is the objective of true alchemy. Alchemy is a spiritual process. Turning the “lead” of low consciousness and awareness, into the “gold” of awakening. We can’t repeat this too frequently—repetition is the second law of learning…


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#98 - The Alchemy of Time #7 Priority and Leverage

The number one resource you have at your disposal is time. How are you utilizing it? We’ve been discussing this over the last 5 episodes now so we’ve invested a lot of time in the concept of time. That’s how important we find it to be...


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#97 - The Alchemy of Time #6 Automaticity

Habit is a tool that either makes you or breaks you. It’s up to you...


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#96 - The Alchemy of Time #5 Scheduling

Things that get scheduled get done. We previously discussed the Critical 6 in a prior episode. The six most important things you must do today to move you in the direction of your intentions and dreams. There are so many conversations we’ve had about knowing what you value, making sure your intentions are yours versus someone else’s, hopefully you’ve been a part of those conversations...


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#95-The Alchemy of Time #4 Endurance

Most individuals are great starters but very poor finishers. Unfortunately, many personal development approaches as well as business workshops focus more on stamina than endurance. Just to recap: stamina is the energy to start. A lot of people get hyped up or excited to start something but very few have what it takes to finish. There was a popular meme going around about “the most important step is the first step” and the most important quality to success is just “showing up.” While there may be some grain of truth in these statements, they’re grossly oversimplified. The reality is that the most important quality to success is showing up AGAIN; and AGAIN; AGAIN, and for the same objective not for all different objectives.


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#94 - The Alchemy of Time - Stamina #3

The true test of character is not persistence when you see a light at the end of the tunnel. It’s persistence when you don’t see the light.We’ve been discussing Time Alchemy. Transmuting low leverage time into highly productive time.Now this is a bit deceiving because ultimately. Low leverage activities are basically that—low leverage. Utilizing your time in a low leverage way is what needs to be transmuted.Let’s talk about the science behind this: modern science tells us that everything is energy…When it comes to productivity, with your time and energy there are two factors you must consider. Stamina and Endurance.Simply put, stamina is the energy and ability to start. Endurance is the energy to continue.Most have some degree of stamina but very few have endurance.Many start, very few finish.Here’s the harsh reality, whatever you’re going after is most probably going to take at least 2X longer than you predict; and it’s going to cost 2X as much.We’ll share with you the secret to stamina in a minute but it’s important to understand that “the difference between a master and a beginner is that the master can stand in the face of no results for longer.”We’ll talk about endurance of time in our next session but here are a few of the fundamentals to creating the stamina to start:Decide what you choose to create. Make is specific. Vague and ambiguous intentions create vague and ambiguous results.Decide what you’re willing to sacrifice to achieve it. There will always be a sacrifice.Get started with the work. Do what you know right now and allow what comes next to emerge as you move forward. No one knew “how” until it was done.We talked about the C6. This your daily plan once you have clarity on your vision and intention. You don’t need a 10 year or even a one-year plan in this fast world. You need a one-day plan, broken down into one-hour plans.Now get on with the work… next time we’ll discuss how to endure. Connect with us:
