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The True Sales Podcast: Selling with Honesty, Consistency & Confidence

Business & Economics Podcasts

The True Sales Podcast features sales tips, business insights and life hacks from sales, business and customer service leaders from across the globe. From short, solo podcasts with host, Paul Owen, to longer interviews with one or two expert guests, you can tune in to hear Paul and guests share their sales experiences to inform, educate and entertain listeners interested in improving their sales performance.


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The True Sales Podcast features sales tips, business insights and life hacks from sales, business and customer service leaders from across the globe. From short, solo podcasts with host, Paul Owen, to longer interviews with one or two expert guests, you can tune in to hear Paul and guests share their sales experiences to inform, educate and entertain listeners interested in improving their sales performance.





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How to Sell Without Bragging - One Tip to Help

Many people are reluctant sellers. Even seasoned salespeople sometimes feel uncomfortable sharing their strengths with potential clients, never mind the occasional salesperson who really doesn't like to shout from the rooftops about what they do! If you find yourself a bit tongue-tied pitching yourself at networking events, in meetings or over the phone, this episode will help you. If you're a non-salesperson who has to sell yourself or your business in order to deliver what you're great at but find it difficult, tune in. Host Paul Owen will share with you a tip to help the slightly more reluctant salespeople, perhaps some of whom suffer from imposter syndrome. If you have expertise but find it difficult to express it in sales conversations, Paul's tip will help you immediately. Enjoy the show. Thanks for listening! If you like what you hear on The True Sales Podcast, please give us a review or a rating on your preferred platform and make sure you subscribe so you don't miss new episodes. If you'd like to get in touch with us, either to find out about how we can help with your sales or to recommend our next guest, please contact us via email to, call +44 (0)20 3859 2000 or visit our website:


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Fix the Most Common Closing Mistake in Telesales

Closing is not - as often claimed - the secret to sales success. But it does matter. It's not the secret because you don't rescue a bad sales conversation with a great close. But it matters because you can have a good sales conversation and waste it by closing badly. This is not only the most common closing mistake in telesales but also the most frustrating. All the hard work has been done! Join host, Paul Owen, as he shares the details on this common mistake and gives the simple change you can make tomorrow to improve this part of your sales calls. Enjoy the show. Thanks for listening! If you like what you hear on The True Sales Podcast, please give us a review or a rating on your preferred platform and make sure you subscribe so you don't miss new episodes. If you'd like to get in touch with us, either to find out about how we can help with your sales or to recommend our next guest, please contact us via email to, call +44 (0)20 3859 2000 or visit our website:


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What's the Best Sales Methodology?

There are many different ways to sell - it's one of the best things about sales though it also creates some problems in training sales teams. In this short solo episode, host Paul Owen shares his thoughts on the balance between methodology, delivery and learner participation. Is one sales methodology the clear winner? Or is the answer to consistent sales success something else entirely? Enjoy the show! (and listen out for the special offer at the end) Thanks for listening! If you like what you hear on The True Sales Podcast, please give us a review or a rating on your preferred platform and make sure you subscribe so you don't miss new episodes. If you'd like to get in touch with us, either to find out about how we can help with your sales or to recommend our next guest, please contact us via email to, call +44 (0)20 3859 2000 or visit our website:


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Training is Broken. Fix it with Taylor Swift

Education is broken. It has been for years. That broken model is often replicated in the training world, for sales and others. This leads to unproductive training programmes, a lack of positive change and a growing disenchantment with learning. This is a problem we need to fix. This is a problem we can fix. Join host Paul Owen in this solo episode as he makes clear the problems of the broken model, the knock-on effects for workplace training and how a lesson from Taylor Swift can turn the tide. In addition, Paul offers all podcast listeners to chance to pre-register for an exciting new initiative from True Sales, launching soon. Tune in for full details. Thanks for listening! If you like what you hear on The True Sales Podcast, please give us a review or a rating on your preferred platform and make sure you subscribe so you don't miss new episodes. If you'd like to get in touch with us, either to find out about how we can help with your sales or to recommend our next guest, please contact us via email to, call +44 (0)20 3859 2000 or visit our website:


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Can You Make Yourself More Likeable?

Can you make yourself more likeable? And, if you can, does it matter in sales?… In this solo episode, host Paul Owen answers both questions based around the many years of research into likeability done by social scientists. If you think that likeability either happens or doesn’t, think again. You’re about to find out that there are 5 factors that foster likeability. And each of them is under your control. Enjoy! Thanks for listening! If you like what you hear on The True Sales Podcast, please give us a review or a rating on your preferred platform and make sure you subscribe so you don't miss new episodes. If you'd like to get in touch with us, either to find out about how we can help with your sales or to recommend our next guest, please contact us via email to, call +44 (0)20 3859 2000 or visit our website:


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How to Run a Remote International Sales Team Successfully

One of the happiest, most successful remote sales teams we have ever seen is run by Sian Burton, Commercial Director of Kyero, the leading international property portal. Join host Paul Owen as he spends an engaging half hour with Sian to find out her sales management secrets. With teams based across 5 countries and speaking many languages, the challenges of recruitment, onboarding, training, managing and motivating are great. Yet the ability of Sian and her management team to do it well (for over 13 years, way before Covid!) has seen the Kyero team grow ten-fold in her time with the company. Sian will share her insights across several key sales management areas: If you'd like to contact Sian and her team at Kyero, you can find her direct on LinkedIn or via the Kyero website: (where you can also view 1 million international properties for sale!). Thanks for listening! If you like what you hear on The True Sales Podcast, please give us a review or a rating on your preferred platform and make sure you subscribe so you don't miss new episodes. If you'd like to get in touch with us, either to find out about how we can help with your sales or to recommend our next guest, please contact us via email to, call +44 (0)20 3859 2000 or visit our website:


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The Number 1 Benefit of Questions in Sales

When we ask people the Number 1 benefit of great sales questioning, few people get the answer right. Yes, of course, we ask questions of a potential client to understand their needs and work out if we can help. But there is a lot more to it. In this short solo episode, host Paul Owen shares the one benefit that is the most powerful and the most overlooked in the world of sales. Of course, we make mention of other benefits of questions: Building rapportLearning their languageControlling the conversationMaking our lives easierMaking them thinkBut the focus in this episode is on one other benefit. The idea shared in this episode will not only change how you communicate in your sales conversations and your business meetings; it will probably change the communication in your personal life too. Thanks for listening! If you like what you hear on The True Sales Podcast, please give us a review or a rating on your preferred platform and make sure you subscribe so you don't miss new episodes. If you'd like to get in touch with us, either to find out about how we can help with your sales or to recommend our next guest, please contact us via email to, call +44 (0)20 3859 2000 or visit our website:


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Half of Your Sales Team is Under Target - 3 Reasons Why

A large percentage of many sales teams are underperforming. Not only now but on an ongoing basis. Why is that the case? Why do we accept this? What are we doing to address this consistent sales under-performance? Our guest Richard Washington, Founder and MD of Tick Talent, built a large and successful tech sales operation himself several years ago and now helps scaling tech teams to find the top sales talent in their market. He has strong views on 3 key mistakes made by companies as they scale up: not just in they try to attract talent and hire it but the way they motivate sales teams, coach them and manage them. Join him in this episode as he shares with host Paul Owen the Top 3 Sales Mistakes he sees in scaling teams. We are confident you will find Richard's engaging style a joy to listen to and his clarity about business success will enlighten you. He'll probably make you smile too! Tune in. We look forward to hearing your feedback. Thanks for listening! If you like what you hear on The True Sales Podcast, please give us a review or a rating on your preferred platform and make sure you subscribe so you don't miss new episodes. If you'd like to get in touch with us, either to find out about how we can help with your sales or to recommend our next guest, please contact us via email to, call +44 (0)20 3859 2000 or visit our website:


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3 Simple Sales Strategies When Times are Tough

In many markets, it's tough right now. Stop worrying about it. Stop complaining. And take action. The danger, in more challenging times, is that we pause to analyse and stay in analysis phase for too long. Understanding the data and making plans are both important, of course, but it has to lead to action. So what actions will help you. In this short solo episode, host Paul Owen shares 3 simple sales strategies that will help any company open up quick sales opportunities right now. Tune in for 6 minutes, take on board the ideas and then get busy. Time to end the Analysis Paralysis and get busy selling! Thanks for listening! If you like what you hear on The True Sales Podcast, please give us a review or a rating on your preferred platform and make sure you subscribe so you don't miss new episodes. If you'd like to get in touch with us, either to find out about how we can help with your sales or to recommend our next guest, please contact us via email to, call +44 (0)20 3859 2000 or visit our website:


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The Fear of Networking - One Tip to Overcome It

So many of us hate networking. Even amongst those that don't mind networking, many do it badly. There is one major reason why this is either the least favourite or the worst delivered business generation platform: WE MISUNDERSTAND NETWORKING. In this solo episode, your host Paul Owen will share the networking mistakes he made over many years. He will also challenge you to think again about the point of networking: What are we actually trying to do at an event? The answer does not involve the words 'Sell' or 'Pitch'. In just 10 minutes of listening time, you will learn: Enjoy the show - and your future networking events! Thanks for listening! If you like what you hear on The True Sales Podcast, please give us a review or a rating on your preferred platform and make sure you subscribe so you don't miss new episodes. If you'd like to get in touch with us, either to find out about how we can help with your sales or to recommend our next guest, please contact us via email to, call +44 (0)20 3859 2000 or visit our website:


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The Worst Answer In Sales Is Not What You Think

What is the worst answer in sales? And why is it the worst answer? In this short solo episode, host Paul Owen shares his thoughts on these questions. We all think we know the worst answer in sales but, in many cases, we're wrong. Tune in to hear: 4 reasons why 'The Worst Answer' will kill your salesbetter answer you should seekswitch your mindsetdifferences this will make to the way you sellClosing is NOT the secret of sales success in the way it is often viewed. But it is important to do it well. This insight will help you do it better. Enjoy the show. Thanks for listening! If you like what you hear on The True Sales Podcast, please give us a review or a rating on your preferred platform and make sure you subscribe so you don't miss new episodes. If you'd like to get in touch with us, either to find out about how we can help with your sales or to recommend our next guest, please contact us via email to, call +44 (0)20 3859 2000 or visit our website:


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What You Know vs What You Do - The Difference in Sales Conversations

It's not what you know that makes you successful. It's what you do. There's a huge misunderstanding about knowledge vs action. "Knowledge is power" the cliche tells us. No, it's not. The implementation of knowledge is power. This is hugely overlooked in the world of sales and many others. Including medicine. The world of surgery had an opportunity to transform itself through a simple checklist. Yet, despite compelling results, the challenges it solved remain prevalent in surgery today. What can sales professionals learn from the world of surgery? What are the simple steps between knowledge known and knowledge in action? In this solo episode, host Paul Owen shares a sales lesson from the world of surgery and gives listeners 2 quick, simple ideas to turn knowledge into meaningful action. Enjoy the show. Thanks for listening! If you like what you hear on The True Sales Podcast, please give us a review or a rating on your preferred platform and make sure you subscribe so you don't miss new episodes. If you'd like to get in touch with us, either to find out about how we can help with your sales or to recommend our next guest, please contact us via email to, call +44 (0)20 3859 2000 or visit our website:


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Top 5 Sales Coaching Tips to Help Your Teams

One of the most critical support services to provide to your sales teams is dedicated sales coaching. You can hire an external expert but, with the right process and expertise, you can do much of it in-house too. Too many people work in sales without individual coaching and we want to encourage companies all over the world to change this. One of the reasons coaching is not provided is that sales leaders are unsure of how to do it well. Let's change that. In this solo episode, host Paul Owen shares his Top 5 Sales Coaching Tips to enable teams to be more successful. These are simple, proven techniques that you can put into practice immediately. Enjoy the show. Thanks for listening! If you like what you hear on The True Sales Podcast, please give us a review or a rating on your preferred platform and make sure you subscribe so you don't miss new episodes. If you'd like to get in touch with us, either to find out about how we can help with your sales or to recommend our next guest, please contact us via email to, call +44 (0)20 3859 2000 or visit our website:


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5 Non-Sales Books That Will Help You Sell Better

New ideas for selling better come in many different forms. Yes, sales books can be helpful but, often, the best ideas come from other fields of study. In this solo episode, host Paul Owen shares 5 of his favourite non-sales books that have given him sales inspiration. There are 2 books by doctors and 1 by a table tennis champion so you can be assured of variety. Tune in to hear a short overview of each book and how they can help you sell better. The best ideas can come from very different worlds - yes, each idea takes a bit of translation to turn to sales but even that process benefits the learning. You take the inspiration from an outsider and add your own twist in a sales setting - perfect! If you have any of your own non-sales book recommendations, do get in touch with us: Thanks for listening! If you like what you hear on The True Sales Podcast, please give us a review or a rating on your preferred platform and make sure you subscribe so you don't miss new episodes. If you'd like to get in touch with us, either to find out about how we can help with your sales or to recommend our next guest, please contact us via email to, call +44 (0)20 3859 2000 or visit our website:


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Why People Need to Learn about Selling With Love

For many of us, our first impressions of sales are negative and we quickly build a belief that sales is bad and salespeople do bad things. But what if that's wrong? What if your first interaction with sales was filled with love and that informed how you viewed it from that day on? Meet the man whose first sales job - knocking on neighbours' doors selling chocolate to raise money for a school charity - led to meeting his first girlfriend. Jason Marc Campbell, a Canadian sales leader, entrepreneur and bestselling author of Selling With Love is this week's guest, in conversation with host, Paul Owen. Small, seemingly insignificant events such as Jason's door-knocking to sell chocolate can shape a life and it was a joy to hear someone speak so authentically about selling with care, selling with empathy, selling with love AND how that changes everything. Tune in to find out how love elevates sales by putting client value at the top of the tree, how it almost automatically increases your levels of repeat business and hugely increases referral levels. If you like what you hear from Jason, look up his book online, tune into his podcast ( or visit his website ( Finally, to make the most of Jason's offer for a free download on selling with love, find him on LinkedIn ( Thanks for listening! If you like what you hear on The True Sales Podcast, please give us a review or a rating on your preferred platform and make sure you subscribe so you don't miss new episodes. If you'd like to get in touch with us, either to find out about how we can help with your sales or to recommend our next guest, please contact us via email to, call +44 (0)20 3859 2000 or visit our website:


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The Number 1 Sales KPI that Unlocks Massive Growth

There are many KPIs that are measured in sales but which ones are the most important? And is there one that beats all others to give you the best indicator of success? This week's guest Colin Mitchell is a Founder with 3 successful exits who believes 1 sales KPI is head and shoulders above the rest and it's the one we should all track carefully. A fascinating character with a successful career so far, Collin was raised by a single mum on food stamps and government cheese. He started his first company with his wife when he was 25 and grew it to $5M ARR in 26 months, and now specialises in helping companies at or above $1M to $10M ARR as VP of Sales at Leadium. Leadium specialises in helping companies scale through generating inbound leads and providing outbound campaigns and qualified data for fast-growing companies to scale their sales operations. You can find out more about Leadium and their services here: Leadium website Join Collin as he answers questions from host, Paul Owen, about the sales KPIs that should no longer be measured, the ones that can help and the Number 1 we should all monitor carefully. He shares the common mistakes he sees in scaling sales and how to implement the ability to track the most important element in sales. If you like what you hear from Collin, then tune into his hugely successful podcast: Sales Transformation (listen here on Apple Podcasts), available on all major platforms, or drop him a note on LinkedIn: Collin Mitchell. Thanks for listening! If you like what you hear on The True Sales Podcast, please give us a review or a rating on your preferred platform and make sure you subscribe so you don't miss new episodes. If you'd like to get in touch with us, either to find out about how we can help with your sales or to recommend our next guest, please contact us via email to, call +44 (0)20 3859 2000 or visit our website:


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Crafting Stories to Grow Your Business through Sales

Can you tell a short, captivating and impactful story about your business that engages an audience and moves them to action? Would you like to be able to do so? Whether we're talking about our businesses, our community projects or our life goals, it can be easy to get stuck in well-intentioned but misdirected ideals, meaningless detail and unconvincing sales pitches. But when we can step in front of audiences both large and small to share a story that creates powerful relevant images in their minds, we give ourselves the chance to change their point of view and move them towards taking action. If this sounds like the kind of thing you'd love to be able to do, join host Paul Owen as he interviews serial entrepreneur and master storyteller, Tom Jackobs. After setting up his own fitness company only to discover he was terrible at sales, Tom worked out his own way to sell honestly and consistently: Telling stories that matter to him and connected powerfully to his audience. This led to huge growth in his company before selling it on to new owners (who have continued to grow through stories!). In this episode, Tom will share the first steps you should take to do the same thing and also give you a flavour of the difference it can make to your company when you master the art of storytelling. He also makes an offer to each listener to share with you his 5 Steps Blueprint For Creating Your Personal Story That Sells. For full details on Tom's life, career and the way he can help you right now, visit his website: Thanks for listening! If you like what you hear on The True Sales Podcast, please give us a review or a rating on your preferred platform and make sure you subscribe so you don't miss new episodes. If you'd like to get in touch with us, either to find out about how we can help with your sales or to recommend our next guest, please contact us via email to, call +44 (0)20 3859 2000 or visit our website:


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The Best Job and The Most Important Life Skill is SALES

Sales is the most important function in any business and one of the most critical skills in life (yes, really). Yet, still, salespeople are too often overlooked as the diligent revenue-driving workers we are. No business survives without revenue and no revenue is generated without sales (ok, sometimes marketing too!). Join Paul Owen in this short solo episode to hear a celebration of sales as one of the best jobs in the world and one of life's key skills. You will be a better partner, parent, friend and colleague if you learn how to sell well. Sales is not just for salespeople - it's for all us, both at work and at home. Tune in and enjoy - we hope it helps and puts a little spring in your sales step! Thanks for listening! If you like what you hear on The True Sales Podcast, please give us a review or a rating on your preferred platform and make sure you subscribe so you don't miss new episodes. If you'd like to get in touch with us, either to find out about how we can help with your sales or to recommend our next guest, please contact us via email to, call +44 (0)20 3859 2000 or visit our website:


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If You Want a Response in Sales, You Must Provide a Stimulus

What can a door handle teach us about sales? There is a glaring omission in the sales habits of many of us in sales and the way a door opens (or doesn't) gives us an unusual reminder of the importance of NOT omitting it. Join Paul Owen in this short solo episode to hear about the lesson of 'stimulus / response compatibility', whether that's opening or door or guiding a potential client through the buying process. If we fail to give people the right cues, we heighten the risk that our clients and prospects will take the wrong action or not be clear about the next steps - that's a failure for professional salespeople and we're letting our clients down if we fall into this trap. Tune in and enjoy - we hope it helps! Thanks for listening! If you like what you hear on The True Sales Podcast, please give us a review or a rating on your preferred platform and make sure you subscribe so you don't miss new episodes. If you'd like to get in touch with us, either to find out about how we can help with your sales or to recommend our next guest, please contact us via email to, call +44 (0)20 3859 2000 or visit our website:


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Using Sales Intelligence to Track Clients on the Move

All salespeople from cold outbound callers to account executives carry a quota and some of that is likely to be self-sourcing. All too often, a self-sourcing opportunity at our very fingertips is missed. Our contact at a client leaves and we quickly try to find a new contact there to keep the business but how often are we proactively following up that contact in their new job? What if we're able to track the movement to a new job automatically? Joining host, Paul Owen, this week is Canadian serial entrepreneur, Jamie Shanks, to share his thoughts on Sales Intelligence and how to use it to your advantage. In particular, Jamie shares his insights on the proactive tracking of our contacts as they move jobs, opening up the chance to self-source new business from our existing contact base. A CEO of 3 companies (Pipeline Signals, Sales for Life, Get Levrg) and a bestselling author, Jamie specialises in building global communities to help companies scale their businesses. If you'd like to get in touch with Jamie direct, you can find him on LinkedIn or contact him via one of his companies:, or Thanks for listening! If you like what you hear on The True Sales Podcast, please give us a review or a rating on your preferred platform and make sure you subscribe so you don't miss new episodes. If you'd like to get in touch with us, either to find out about how we can help with your sales or to recommend our next guest, please contact us via email to, call +44 (0)20 3859 2000 or visit our website:
