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Scams, Life Hacks, Fun and Flim Flams
Selling Online Courses! Being Manipulated! Buying Weapons! SLP007
Today we talk about: Online Course Scams: Dan is learning about starting a business on Amazon and there’s a lot of free information. You could pay $1000+ for a course but I wouldn’t. I really like Jungle Scout’s Walkthrough: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=igDk6yHwIuk&list=PLblj9-Let4eka_cD_S-3hwchl_sJP9sHP Eric tries to paints his car Eric talks about his experience at a Tony Robbins […]
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Ramps and Power Wheels! Little League Sadness! Money Is Power! SLP006
Ramps and Power Wheels! Eric’s been working on some dangerous yet fun projects. We do some market research and everyone young loves Fortnite. Electric scooter scams! They can also be dangerous! Plaza. De. La. Razza. We discuss our experiences from school days. Little League sadness. Eric’s kid knows how to use money.
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Playing Fortnite! YouTube For Old People! Stolen Cars! SLP005
Our experiences as old people figuring out what Fortnite is Brian joins us to tell us how he got scammed YouTube for old people The Dan Van gets stoeln Taking the law into your own hands Credit Cards: How To Get Matched For a better Bonus
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Eric Gets In Trouble! Spy Training! Newsgroups! Phishing! Magic! SLP004
Professor Scam joins us for another episode to explain how he downloads things from Newsgroups. Eric’s wife gets scammed in the “Amanda” situation. Getting A VPN, Magic Code and Spy Training. Show Links! Super Mario Puzzle: https://amzn.to/2Iq1yzj Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2 Movie: https://amzn.to/2xQ1ncl Penn & Teller MMT (Teller Talks) YouTube: http://bit.ly/2Qhnxv2 Cashback For Online Shopping: http://bit.ly/2y12vt2 FYI, the […]
The post Eric Gets In Trouble! Spy Training!...
Get Paid To Shop! Surveys! Home Security! Avoid Getting Killed! SLP003
Professor Scam takes us on a journey into the world of secret shopping! Find out how much he makes, how much work is involved and where you can go to find out more. Eric talks about making money doing research studies. Eric talks about his experience with getting a home security system. Dan comes up […]
The post Get Paid To Shop! Surveys! Home Security! Avoid Getting Killed! SLP003 appeared first on Scam Likely Podcast.
Scamazon Prime! Weekly Giveaway! Fan Fiction! SLP002
How to get free items on Amazon and video games about Italian plumbers This episode goes into the full details of how the whole process works when creating exchanging reviews on Amazon to get free items, where to find the items, how to review them and scams to watch out for. You can even make […]
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The Worst Episode! Introductions, Scams and More!
Welcome to Scam Likely! A podcast about Scams, Shams and Flim Flams. Here you’ll learn about various ways to make money, get free stuff, and how to avoid scams. Scam Likely Episode 001: Introductions and Schemes! In today’s episode we talk about making money from the Barclay travel community, naming our podcast and making money from […]
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