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Sell More, Faster and Profitably with Sales Professor Ramez Helou

Business & Economics Podcasts

Enjoy amazing sales training tips to help you achieve your revenue and income goals.


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Enjoy amazing sales training tips to help you achieve your revenue and income goals.



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How to sell to Chefs and F&B Professionals

Step into the world of foodservice sales with our latest podcast episode, "How to Sell to Chefs and F&B Professionals," featuring Sales Professor Ramez Helou and special guest Abdallah Elias. This episode is a deep dive into the unique challenges and opportunities of selling in the culinary industry, providing listeners with a comprehensive guide to understanding and connecting with chefs and food & beverage professionals. In This Episode, You'll Discover: Effective Engagement Strategies:Trust and Reliability:Product Quality Assurance:Outstanding Service:Why Listen: Whether you're a seasoned sales professional in the foodservice industry or looking to expand your expertise into this vibrant sector, this episode offers valuable lessons on tailoring your sales approach to meet the discerning needs of chefs and F&B professionals. Tune in to refine your sales techniques, elevate your customer interactions, and drive success in the culinary world. Ready to take your sales skills to the next level? Discover more about our specialized sales training programs by booking a complimentary call with our Sales Experts today. Book a Discovery Call: Podcast Webpage:


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Navigating International Business: Insights from Ramez and Fady Chehadi

Step into the complex world of global markets with Ramez Helou and Fady Chehadi in this insightful episode from The Academy for Sales Excellence. Uncover the intricacies of navigating international business landscapes and learn from the journey of transforming a modest export division into a global powerhouse. This discussion is laden with expert advice on overcoming cultural and structural challenges, the significance of effective communication, and the art of aligning mission and vision to thrive in foreign markets. Key Highlights: Global Market Strategies:Building Cross-Cultural Relationships:Adapting to Global Challenges:Empowering Global Teams:Why Listen: This episode is a must-listen for entrepreneurs, business leaders, and sales professionals aiming to expand their footprint on the global stage. Rich with real-world experiences and practical advice, it offers a roadmap for navigating the complexities of international trade and global business operations. Tune in to equip yourself with the knowledge needed to take your business beyond borders. Watch the Full Episode The Academy for Sales Excellence is committed to equipping sales professionals with the tools and knowledge to excel in any market. Interested in taking your sales skills to a global level? Book a Discovery Call with us and explore how our tailored programs can help you master the art of international business.


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A Customer Centric Mindset to Grow Your Sales

Embrace the transformative power of putting customers first in this enlightening episode from The Academy for Sales Excellence. Join us as we explore "A Customer Centric Mindset to Grow Your Sales," featuring insights from leading sales experts Ramez Helou and Antoine Masse. Uncover the pivotal role customer centricity plays in achieving and sustaining sales growth across industries. This episode is a treasure trove of strategies, real-world applications, and expert advice on nurturing customer relationships, adapting to their evolving needs, and empowering your sales force. Key Highlights: Why Listen: This episode is an essential listen for anyone in sales looking to refine their approach and drive results through genuine customer engagement. From new sales recruits to seasoned professionals, the insights shared will provide you with the knowledge and tools to center your sales strategy around customer needs and preferences, setting the stage for long-term success. To dive deeper into this topic and watch the full podcast, CLICK HERE. At The Academy For Sales Excellence, our mission is to empower sales professionals to excel by embracing customer-centric strategies. Discover how our programs can help you achieve unparalleled sales success. Ready to take your sales skills to the next level? Book a Discovery Call


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Sustainable Sales Growth for Foodservice Distribution

Dive into the world of foodservice distribution with sales experts Ramez Helou and Dr. Elie Daher in this compelling episode from The Academy for Sales Excellence. Discover the secrets to sustainable sales growth in one of the most competitive industries. Learn how to unravel the strategies that have led to remarkable success stories, sharing their profound insights on building robust customer relationships, adapting to evolving market demands, and empowering sales teams to achieve and exceed their goals. Key Highlights: Why Listen: Whether you're a seasoned sales professional or just starting, this episode is packed with valuable lessons to help you navigate the challenges and opportunities in foodservice distribution. Tune in to elevate your sales strategy and propel your business to new heights. If you want to watch the full podcast, CLICK HERE At The Academy For Sales Excellence, we are dedicated to helping sales professionals unlock their full potential. To learn more about how our programs can empower you to achieve sales excellence by learning more insights into mastering sales in the foodservice distribution sector and beyond, book a discovery call to us. Book a Discovery Call


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How to Build a Customer-Centric Organization

In this enlightening episode, we explore the transformative journey towards building a truly customer-centric organization. Our special guest, Simon Lewis, a distinguished growth strategist with a rich background in advising top-tier companies like the Emirates Group, shares invaluable insights and practical strategies. Dive deep into the essence of customer-centricity, uncover the leadership qualities essential for fostering a customer-focused culture, and learn actionable steps to align your team's efforts with your customers' needs. What You'll Discover: Why Listen: Whether you're a startup enthusiast, a business leader, or someone passionate about enhancing customer experiences, this episode is packed with insights that can revolutionize the way you think about and engage with your customers. Learn from the best in the field and start your journey towards building an organization where the customer truly comes first. If you want to watch the full podcast, CLICK HERE At The Academy For Sales Excellence, we are dedicated to helping sales professionals unlock their full potential. To learn more about how our programs can empower you to achieve sales excellence by understanding your customers better and delivering real value, book a discovery call to us. Book a Discovery Call


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Let your goals transform you! A conversation with Rochelle Macam



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A Customer Centric Mindset to grow your sales



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The Leadership Difference - How to Build a Customer Centric Organization



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Sustainable Sales Growth for Foodservice Distribution



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How to generate new sales opportunities faster: The Art and Science of building powerful relationships and networks

Struggling to find the right opportunities? Perhaps you have enough good opportunities, but lack the ability to close them? To help you overcome these challenges, Sales Professor Ramez Helou speaks with the man who is famously known as the Rebel Networker, Phil Bedford. Over the years, Phil has been developing and sharing a variety of proven and tested hacks with individuals and entrepreneurs with amazing results. The Academy for Sales Excellence recommends the podcast for those in business development roles as its concepts translate well across many different business sectors. Take this super-quick quiz to find out how strong is your networking game: Check "9 Secrets to earning more from your networking" in this link:


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How to leverage ‘blue ocean’ sales opportunities by focusing on export distribution with Fady Chehade, Vice President Global Business Development at GOJO Industries.

Your local market could be a ‘red ocean’ of competition limiting your true sales potential. Whether you’re a seasoned professional at export sales, or wish to consider new ‘blue ocean’ opportunities in foreign countries, there’s something for everyone in this week’s interview. Sales Professor Ramez Helou interviews Fady Chehade, Vice President Global Business Development at GOJO Industries Both gentlemen discuss the latest trends and insights impacting export sales and how you too can best leverage this powerful segment for selling. The Academy for Sales Excellence recommends that all persons in business development watch and listen to this podcast given that many concepts translate well across many business sectors.


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The Latest Trends Impacting Foodservice Sales with Ayman Arnous, Head of Foodservice Sales - GCC at Almarai

The foodservice sector employs and impacts the livelihoods of billions of people across the globe. For over 45 years, Almarai has played a major role in shaping the foodservice industry across the Middle East. Given the dramatic changes in the foodservice industry (accelerated by the recent pandemic), this week, Sales Professor Ramez Helou speaks to Ayman Arnous, Head of Foodservice Sales for the GCC at Almarai. Both gentlemen discuss the latest trends and insights impacting foodservice sales and beyond. The Academy for Sales Excellence recommends that all persons in business development watch and listen to this podcast given that many concepts translate well across many business sectors.


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How to Generate and Close More Sales Leads

Do you struggle to generate sales leads for your business? Or, can you generate sales leads and wish they would close faster? To help overcome these challenges, Sales Professor Ramez Helou speaks to Philip Mazloumian. For more than 15 years, Philip has been consulting businesses to increase their sales revenue and profitability whilst improving cash flow and lowering the cost of customer acquisition. Also, as a sales trainer in Dubai, UAE, he has become an integral part of the Academy for Sales Excellence.


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From technical selling, business development to leading others in a multicultural environment. (A Spanish only Episode)

This interview in the Spanish language is full of valuable insights on the misunderstood profession of selling and the art of rising to a leadership position from among peers. Coming from a civil engineer background, the last thing on his mind was a career in sales and sales leadership. Was it easy? Why has he stuck with it for more than 11 years? Sales Professor, Ramez Helou, speaks with Hector Cerdio, Regional Sales Director, Energy and Industry at Hilti Latin America as he shares his humble journey from Mexico, South Africa, Dubai and now in Panama. Please note that this episode is in the Spanish Language only. If you don’t speak Spanish, forward it to someone who does. They will thank you for it. The Academy for Sales Excellence recommends the podcast for those in business development roles as its concepts translate well across many different business sectors.


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Business Survival: Being the Fastest through Learning and Execution – An Arabic Only Podcast

البقاء للأسرع تعلماً وتطبيقاً: حوار شيق أجراه رامز حلو مع صبحي آق بيق – البدايات ورحلة التأليف والتدريب فَرَضَ النمو السريع للحياة وثورات المعلومات والاتصالات والتقنيات على الجميع تنمية معارفهم وتطوير مهاراتهم وبناء جداراتهم باستمرار وبشكل متواصل، فالبقاء سيكون من نصيب الأسرع في اقتناص العلم والمعرفة. تحدث صبحي آ ق بيق عن تطوير الأعمال وعن مؤلفاته المنشورة ومدى أهمية تعلم علوم وفنون المبيعات والتسويق وتحصيل الديون لكل أبناء المجتمع من الصغير للكبير لأنها الأسس التي سيُبنى عليها الذكاء الاجتماعي ونجاح الفرد سواء في القطاع الخاص أو الحكومي The rapid growth of life and the revolutions of information, communications and technologies imposed on everyone to develop their knowledge, sharpen their skills, and build their competencies continuously, so that survival will be to the fastest in learning seizing knowledge. Sobhi Akbik talked about business development and his published books and the extent to which it is important to learn the sciences and arts of sales, marketing and debt collection for all members of society, from young to old, because they are the foundations on which social intelligence and individual success will be built, whether in the private or government sector


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You Don’t Get A Second Chance to Make a First Impression

In this episode, Sales Professor Ramez Helou speaks to Alan Bell. After 25 years of sales experience, and USD 70 Million in closed sales deals, Alan decided to swap his full-time sales profession to become an entrepreneur and photographer in Dubai, UAE. The Academy for Sales Excellence is privileged to have him onboard as a sales trainer in Dubai and beyond. Both gentlemen discuss the parallels between the two professions and how a first impression can make or break your sales success.
