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Shedding Skin and Blisters

Business & Economics Podcasts

Be a fly on the wall & listen in to mentoring conversations & engaging dialogues between two dynamic female entrepreneurs that cover life challenges, business strategies, mindset techniques, and everything in between with your hosts Fiona O’Carroll & Sharon Keegan. Fiona is a C level executive, creator of Digital Mindset & the Self-Aware Leader. She is also a mentor to co-host Sharon Keegan; experienced entrepreneur, digital content creator & founder/CEO of Shedding Skin and Blisters podcast is sponsored by PEACHYLEAN; empowering women to support themselves!


United States


Be a fly on the wall & listen in to mentoring conversations & engaging dialogues between two dynamic female entrepreneurs that cover life challenges, business strategies, mindset techniques, and everything in between with your hosts Fiona O’Carroll & Sharon Keegan. Fiona is a C level executive, creator of Digital Mindset & the Self-Aware Leader. She is also a mentor to co-host Sharon Keegan; experienced entrepreneur, digital content creator & founder/CEO of Shedding Skin and Blisters podcast is sponsored by PEACHYLEAN; empowering women to support themselves!



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S2 Ep8 on the power of SELF-TALK; how we must learn to talk to ourselves in a more positive manner & ultimately be kind to our minds.

On the final instalment of this season of Shedding Skin and Blisters; we look at the power of self-talk, how we can actually manifest the negative in the same way we do the positive, so we need to create awareness around the language we use towards ourselves. Women internally struggle with their own narrative and voice, 99% of the time they struggle to describe themselves in a positive manner or to have a healthy body image. We have to start creating awareness in ourselves of how much negative self-talk we do and what those thoughts can do to our minds; essentially where our attention goes, our energy flows. We mustn’t allow negative ideations from our inner critic to infiltrate our thoughts, our beliefs, our emotions and break our internal operating system. We must use positive self-talk to re-programme our minds and police what we’re saying to ourselves; this is self-care and the ultimate form of self-love. In giving ourselves permission to be kind to our minds; we light ourselves up, we lift our energies, we manifest goodness into our lives, and we give ourselves permission to love ourselves. At Peachylean we have our mantra; I am strong, I am beautiful, I believe in myself, I am true to myself, and I am enough. Repeat this every day, throughout the day, when you first wake and just before you go asleep; start believing it and you will speak the best version of yourself into existence. **Helpful Links** Follow the Podcast Connect with Sharon on LinkedIn and follow on Instagram Connect with Fiona on LinkedIn Check out the Peachylean Instagram here Check out the Peachylean website ⁠here⁠ This podcast is sponsored by PEACHYLEAN.


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S2 Ep7 on changing your career. How do we find our ZONE OF GENIUS and how do we overcome our fears & take the leap to follow our passions when everyday burdens weigh on us?

On this week’s episode we discuss ending up in careers that don’t necessarily light us up. We follow the life steps, we study, we qualify, we secure a job, we get by, we tick the boxes, we earn the money, we pay the bills, but the work isn’t really fulfilling any core passions or dreams. How do we change our careers later on in life? How do we overcome imposter syndrome, self-doubt, insecurity, lack of confidence and fear that can come when you enter a new work force. How do we find our zone of excellence, our zone of genius, our passion? And how do we find the courage to take that big leap? We discuss some of the techniques we have found helpful in moving forward and getting ourselves to the edge time and time again, getting ourselves to face that fear that is holding us back from jumping all in & learning to lean into what we truly want, to feel it emotionally, to visualise it and to essentially manifest it into existence. If you’re determined enough, you will get there; you just have to believe in yourself. Sit back, listen in, and get ready to start taking action to finding your own zone of genius. Let us know your thoughts as always via social media or email us at PEACHYLEAN is the sponsor of this podcast; check out all the bright, bold & colourful clothing at **Helpful Links** Follow the Pod Connect with Sharon & Fiona on LinkedIn Connect with Sharon on Instagram Follow Peachylean’s journey on Instagram here


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S2 Ep6 on LETTING GO. Why do we find it so hard to let go when the steps in themselves are not that difficult? Why do we lose inner peace? Why do we hold on only to be triggered time and time again?

We delve into the process of letting go on this week’s podcast. We discuss how it is not the moment in front of us that caused us pain or stress or anxiety but our response to that moment that is the root cause. Our response, our defensiveness comes from the reaction to the moment and not the moment itself. And we can control that reaction because we choose the thoughts we have; they don’t happen to us; we have the power to choose them & by choosing positive thoughts over negative ones; that is a form of self-love. We talk about how letting go is a process that is about us and nothing to do with the outside world. We are the problem in why we can’t let go. But if we can find the skills through talking, through therapy, through mediation, through journaling; we can find empowerment in letting go. If we do these things for ourselves, by ourselves, to ourselves; that is self-love. We love hearing from our community so let us know your thoughts on this week’s episode and send us your questions to for us to discuss on a later pod. Shedding Skin and Blisters Podcast is sponsored by PEACHYLEAN; helping women to feel comfy & supported in their skin. **Helpful Links** Check out the Peachylean website here Connect with Sharon on LinkedIn and follow on Instagram Connect with Fiona on LinkedIn Check out the Peachylean Instagram here and the Pod here


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S2 Ep5 on are we WORKAHOLICS? Why do we emotionally invest so much in our work and business? And how do we detach, realign, and heal the cracks?

On this week’s podcast, we lay down some home truths and question “Are we Workaholics?” What exactly is a workaholic and why can we so easily become one? We look at the reasons why we invest so much of our emotional wellbeing into our business and how we become supercharged emotionally by whether things are going well or going bad in our work. Being a workaholic not only affects you but those around you; your energy exchange becomes altered. So in working more, pushing ourselves more, in investing more emotionally, in becoming extremely stressed, anxious and overwhelmed; are we seeking some sort of validation; internally, externally or both? Are we trying to fill a hole, a gap, a crack in our lives through our work and business status? So the question then arises; how do we now progress? How do we heal the cracks? How do we become self-aware enough to change the energy exchange we put out into the world? And more importantly how do we realign ourselves in relation to our responses to things happening in our businesses or our work? Tune into this episode for some great insights on detaching; not only from work but from other societal false beliefs. As always we love hearing your feedback, so let us know below or leave us a quick review if you’re enjoying what you are hearing and want more. Pop any questions you want answered on the Podcast to Skin and Blisters podcast is sponsored by Peachylean; supporting the everyday body. **Helpful Links** Follow the pod here Watch the pod here Connect with Sharon & Fiona on LinkedIn Follow Sharon and her business journey on Instagram Follow Peachylean for bold and bright inspiration


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S2 Ep4 on SPIRALLING and loosing control. Why do we procrastinate and put things off; letting issues build & build to the point of anxiety and overwhelm?

On episode 4 of Shedding Skin and Blisters; we talk about procrastination, not confronting issues and letting the spiral take centre stage. We’re all guilty of treating tasks with equal importance or urgency when they shouldn’t be or having never ending to-do lists, we end up doing “busy” work but essentially we are putting off tasks; we end up avoiding, not delating and at times over committing. Do we create false beliefs that we work better under pressure or that when things are left to the last minute we are way more productive? Are you guilty of putting unimportant tasks top of your to-do list so when crossed off you feel a sense of achievement? We dive into how our fears are actually masked by procrastination; our fear of being judged, of failing, of not being good enough, of scarcity and so on. And we ask the ultimate question; is procrastination driven by the fear that we are not doing our soul’s work, that we are not following our inner calling and focusing on all the things we are truly passionate about? Let us know your thoughts below and make sure you subscribe and follow for more great episodes coming your way. Shedding Skin and Blisters podcast is sponsored by PEACHYLEAN; empowering women to support themselves! Email us feedback and questions to **Helpful Links** Check out the Pod's Instagram Stephen Covey's Time Management Matrix Check out the Peachylean website here Connect with Sharon on LinkedIn and follow on Instagram Connect with Fiona on LinkedIn Check out the Peachylean Instagram here


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S2 Ep3 on how we came to meet, what keeps us connected but most importantly how we navigated DIFFICULT CONVERSATIONS when we found ourselves slipping out of alignment.

This week on the podcast, we discuss our very own working relationship, how we met, why we met, why we’re so connected and essentially why it works so well. In a world where you want to go fast; go alone but if you want to go far; go together so with that in mind in choosing to go together how do we navigate all the challenges of business, of mentorship, of friendship & of day-to-day life? We discuss how our connection was formed when our values, our energies and our visions all aligned. But the business world is difficult at the best of times so when business got difficult for us and between us; how did we navigate this new territory? We had to be open, honest, and transparent in communicating our different needs & wants within the business. And when these needs weren’t being met for either of us; we endured tough & uncomfortable conversations, taking responsibility for one’s own reactions, trusting one another & avoiding the gravitational pull to blame one another. Tune in and listen on how valuing your own voice, your soul work, your firepower, your inner super power will lead you to showing up as your true authentic self. This podcast is sponsored by PEACHYLEAN; helping women feel their best every, single day. **Helpful Links** Follow the Pod For super uplifting content to brighten any day; follow Peachylean on Instagram & Facebook Connect with Sharon & Fiona on LinkedIn Follow Sharon and her journey on Instagram And Shop all our bold and bright styles here on our website


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S2 Ep2 on finding our CORE BELIEFS for ourselves, by ourselves and not what society conditions us to think or to be.

On this podcast instalment of Shedding Skin and Blisters, Fiona and Sharon cover the reality of how societal values greatly impact us, how we ingrain and normalise certain beliefs placed upon us by society growing up and how that ultimately influences our own core values. But what does it take for change to occur? Because we’re not hopeless; we can push against societal bias but it’s certainly not easy. It takes time, it takes like-minded individuals banding together, it takes the game changers in society to forge that path towards breaking the bias. In essence, don’t let society put you in a box, always stand outside the box and be a champion for change. The Shedding Skin and Blisters Podcast is sponsored by PEACHYLEAN; helping women to silence their inner critic. If you have a burning question you would like to women to tackle on the podcast, simply email us at **Helpful Links** Connect with our hosts; Sharon and Fiona on LinkedIn Check out the Peachylean website here Follow the podcast, Sharon and Peachylean on Instagram Check out the Peachylean Facebook here and Tik Tok here


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Welcome back to Season 2 of Shedding Skin & Blisters. On this episode; how do we recover and regain that LOST CONFIDENCE? And how do we flip our internal messaging from self sabotage to self care?

Welcome to Season 2 of Shedding Skin and Blisters Podcast with your hosts Fiona O’Carroll and Sharon Keegan. On this week’s podcast we tackle the topic of confidence & how we are all impacted by our confidence or lack thereof in our day to day lives. Are we forever doomed to feel like an imposter; constantly believing we are not good enough? We discuss how deep rooted false beliefs within society and our environment growing up have shaped us and created an inner critic who is waiting in the wings to constantly self-sabotage us. How do we flip the internal message? From self sabotage to self care? How do we learn how to be kind & compassionate to ourselves? Our do we change our mindset so we can lean into our passions, into our strengths and start rebuilding that confidence we fear lost? We hope this episode will help you in rewarding the efforts you make in life and not focusing solely on the outcomes; remember we need to concentrate on progress not perfection. Let us know your thoughts below and if you have a question you wish for us to discuss; send it into us at **Helpful Links** Follow the Podcast on Instagram Connect with Sharon & Fiona on LinkedIn Follow Sharon and her journey on Instagram For super uplifting content to brighten any day; follow Peachylean And Shop all our bold and bright styles here


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S1 Ep5 on feeling underwhelmed? How do we live life to our FULL POTENTIAL.

On last week's episode we discussed feeling stuck; this week we delve deeper on this topic and ask how do we find our self, how do we find our life's purpose when we are faced with these situations of uncertainty. It is about going to the edge, facing your inner critic, your ego, your fear until you are finally ready to go over the ledge; leap and the net will appear! We need to focus on taking back control with commitment & intention because when we are in control we have the self awareness to plan out & work towards a better happier life. We hope you enjoy the last episode of Season One just as much as we enjoyed having these important conversations & sharing them all with you. Stay tuned for Season 2 coming later in the year; we're so excited! If you liked or loved this podcast, please do let us know, leave a review, a rating, share on socials or send us a mail at Shedding Skin and Blisters podcast is sponsored by PEACHYLEAN; empowering women to support themselves! **Helpful Links** Books Discussed on the Pod: Social Links: shar_keeganLinkedInLinkedInpeachyleanofficialLinkedInFacebookSHOP


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S1 Ep4 on setbacks & feeling stuck? How to feel unstuck and learn to manage our INNER CRITIC!

On this weeks podcast; we tackle the feeling of being stuck; stuck in life, in business, in your career or in a particular situation. This can often come after a setback, that feeling of loss, of demotivation, of fear! We discuss how to manage our set backs in life, how to overcome them and how to plan through them. If we hold onto the knowledge that everyone, every career and every business has experienced a set back at one point or another; we then don't have to be so hard on ourselves when we experience them. And how do we manage that inner voice, the critic that rises up to put us down? How do we manage this inner critic in times of trouble? And how do we not give up? Tune in to this great episode to hear us talking all about getting unstuck and realising that the opposite of fear is actually trust and if we lean into this more & more; we start to build that self-belief. Shedding Skin and Blisters podcast is sponsored by PEACHYLEAN; empowering women to support themselves! Let us know your thoughts below and if you have your own question you want answered send them to us at **Helpful Links** shar_keeganLinkedInLinkedInwww.peachylean.compeachyleanofficial


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S1 Ep3 on VALUES; do you know what your core values in life are?

On the 3rd instalment of Shedding Skin and Blisters; we delve into the topic of values. Has anyone ever asked you what your values are? Have you ever taken the time to ask yourself? They often get brought up in an interview setting and we may roll a couple off the top of our heads to answer the question but what are your core values? Most of us probably haven’t sat with ourselves and really reflected on what exactly our core values are. Why is having and acknowledging these values important? How do these values differ from goals or a vision? Do you use these values when making decisions about your life or career? Do you assess a potential employer’s values before working with them? Whether you’re an individual striving for self-improvement & looking to align your life or an entrepreneur aiming to build a thriving business & define your company’s identity; integrating core values will undoubtedly steer you in the right direction. Tune in this week and let us know your thoughts below. Don’t forget to follow, like, share, review, whichever floats your boat and stay tuned for more enriching conversations. Email your questions to us at Link for VALUES Worksheet Shedding Skin and Blisters podcast is sponsored by PEACHYLEAN; empowering women to support themselves! **Helpful Links** shar_keeganLinkedInLinkedInpeachyleanofficialSHOPFacebookLinkedIn


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S1 Ep2 on DIFFICULT CONVERSATIONS; why we need to have them, how to confront them, how to conduct them and how to resolve them!

On this week's episode of the Shedding Skin and Blisters Podcast; we discuss how to have those dreaded & difficult conversations. Most of us fear confrontational conversations; whether we need to deal with issues in our personal life or address situations in our careers and business; it is normal to feel anxiety when it comes to difficult conversations. No one ever teaches you how to have them....So, we just don’t! Sadly this can lead to frustration, confusion, anger, resentment and in most cases a whole lot of misunderstanding. Most of us are not equipped with the tools & insight to know why we need to have these conversations but also how to even approach them and more often than not we become defensive, we play the blame game & avoid accountability at all costs. Don't worry, we feel ya ❤️ Listen to Fiona & Sharon as they discuss why we put off theses conversations, taking accountability, giving and receiving feedback, gaining clarity and showing empathy all in this week's episode; this conversation may change your life ❤️ We hope you can apply some of the tools from this week's episode into your own life & business situations; let us know below your thoughts and if you have your own question you want answered send them to us at **Helpful Links** shar_keeganLinkedInLinkedInpeachyleanofficialSHOPLinkedInFacebook


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Welcome to our 1st ever Shedding Skin & Blisters episode on INTERNAL BIAS; Can women really have it all?

Welcome to the 1st episode of the Shedding Skin and Blisters Podcast with Fiona O'Carroll & Sharon Keegan. On this first pod instalment, we discuss the internal bias we can feel; in life, in business and as women, especially in male dominated industries. Can women truly have it all? What does 'having it all' mean to you? And could it be, that we are the ones holding ourselves back? Listen in to this candid conversation between mentor Fiona & student Sharon, sharing their personal experiences with their own internal bias and the subtle yet impactful way it shaped their careers & journeys in the business world. Whether you're a seasoned business owner, a budding entrepreneur, or simply seeking inspiration; this podcast offers you the insight on how to evolve, how to power yourself & how to feel unstuck. Shedding Skin and Blisters podcast is sponsored by PEACHYLEAN; empowering women to support themselves! We hope you love this episode; let us know below your thoughts and if you have your own question you want answered send them to us at **Helpful Links** shar_keeganLinkedInLinkedInpeachyleanofficialLinkedInFacebookSHOP
