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The Amazon Blueprint

Business & Economics Podcasts

Welcome to "The Amazon Blueprint," the podcast that helps you succeed on Amazon and grow your sales profitably. Our show provides valuable insights and actionable tips on all things Amazon-related, from selling on Amazon to scaling your business on Amazon FBA. As experts in the industry, we understand the unique challenges that brands face when selling on Amazon, especially for supplement and health brands. That's why we'll be sharing our knowledge and expertise to help you navigate Amazon's complex ecosystem and achieve success. Whether you're just starting out on Amazon or looking to scale your business, our podcast will provide you with the latest trends and strategies for optimizing your Amazon presence, driving sales, and increasing profitability. From keyword research to product optimization, we'll cover it all. So if you're a brand looking to maximize your potential on Amazon, this podcast is for you. We have helped hundreds of health and supplement brands, CPG brands, and more succeed on Amazon, and we want to help you too. Tune in to "Amazon Solved with Trivium Group" and let us help you succeed on Amazon.


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Welcome to "The Amazon Blueprint," the podcast that helps you succeed on Amazon and grow your sales profitably. Our show provides valuable insights and actionable tips on all things Amazon-related, from selling on Amazon to scaling your business on Amazon FBA. As experts in the industry, we understand the unique challenges that brands face when selling on Amazon, especially for supplement and health brands. That's why we'll be sharing our knowledge and expertise to help you navigate Amazon's complex ecosystem and achieve success. Whether you're just starting out on Amazon or looking to scale your business, our podcast will provide you with the latest trends and strategies for optimizing your Amazon presence, driving sales, and increasing profitability. From keyword research to product optimization, we'll cover it all. So if you're a brand looking to maximize your potential on Amazon, this podcast is for you. We have helped hundreds of health and supplement brands, CPG brands, and more succeed on Amazon, and we want to help you too. Tune in to "Amazon Solved with Trivium Group" and let us help you succeed on Amazon.



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How to optimize your Amazon FBA listing in 2024

In this episode, we explore the critical importance of having an optimized product listing to drive rankings, enhance conversion rates, and ultimately increase sales. From mastering your main image to fine-tuning your pricing strategy, Mina shares step-by-step insights on optimizing every aspect of your listing. Get your full free account audit and personalized strategy for your business -


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The Perfect Amazon Launch Strategy

In this episode, Mina guides you through essential tips for launching on Amazon successfully. For more expert advice on Amazon listing optimization, check out our other episodes and visit Mina Elias' YouTube channel for additional valuable content. Tune in and take your Amazon launch strategy to the next level! Get your full free account audit and personalized strategy for your business -


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How to Effectively Manage Your Amazon Listing

In this episode Mina shares expert insights on effectively managing Amazon PPC ads for sellers and brands. Mina breaks down step-by-step strategies to optimize and scale ad campaigns, emphasizing the importance of analytics and setting clear goals. Tune in for actionable advice and valuable insights to enhance your Amazon advertising strategies. Get your full free account audit and personalized strategy for your business -


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How To Use TikTok Shop As An Amazon Seller

If you currently have a product that you sell DTC or on Amazon and want to get it on TikTok shop, this video is for you! TikTok shop is the new marketplace that EVERYONE has been talking about. TikTok shop is comparable to the early days of Amazon and it will revolutionize the way we shop online. Do not miss out on this opportunity! Want a free full account audit with a brand strategy tailored made for your business? Get it here


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Ranking Strategy With Amazon PPC

In this episode, Mina explores the importance of organic ranking on Amazon and how leveraging Amazon PPC can propel your product to the top of search results. Learn about the key factors that influence organic ranking, such as click-through rates and conversion rates, and how optimizing your listing can boost your visibility and sales. Get a full account audit and personalized strategy for your business -


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How To Hire A Virtual Assistant

In this episode, I share my tips on hiring a virtual assistant for just $3 per hour, making it an affordable solution for your business needs. After listening to this podcast, you will know exactly how to hire your first VA (Virtual Assistant). I used this exact method in 2018 when I hired my first VA. Fun fact: She is still with me but makes way more now. Disclaimer: Now that my companies are bigger, I have skilled employees overseas, NOT VAs. I pay them way more than this, but the salary is very affordable for an entry-level VA. This is what I did when I first started. You can always pay them more if that makes you more comfortable. Click here to get my VA job description and SOPs: Get your free full account audit and personalized strategy for your business -


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Amazon PPC Tips For Advanced Sellers 2024

Welcome to the Amazon Blueprint podcast! In this episode, Mina shares three advanced Amazon PPC tips to take your advertising strategy to the next level. Don't miss out on the Amazon Growth Toolbox for valuable macros and tools to streamline campaign management - Explore an advanced PPC masterclass on YouTube for further strategies and tactics - Get your full free account audit and personalized strategy for your business -


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Amazon PPC Tips For Beginners - 2024

If you are new to Amazon, this episode offers a thorough breakdown of the importance of campaign structure in maximizing control over budget allocation and keyword performance. Additionally, Mina explores optimizing PPC through the targeting tab, offering a new method for analyzing and refining keyword performance at a product level. Get a free full account audit and personalized strategy for your business -


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Is Amazon FBA Dead In 2024?

In this podcast, I dive into the viability of starting an Amazon FBA business despite market saturation and increased competition. By the end of this podcast you will have a holistic understanding of the challenges Amazon FBA sellers face, including market saturation, increased competition from big brands, rising Amazon PPC costs, and a higher barrier to entry due to a stringent seller verification processes. But it's not all doom and gloom, I also share the potential for profitability, by citing real-life data of a high percentage of FBA sellers turning a profit within the first year. Amazon FBA success is possible with meticulous niche selection, product validation, optimized listings, and leveraging data-driven strategies as the key factors for success on Amazon. Get you free full account audit and personalized strategy for your business -


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3 Amazon PPC Strategies - A Comprehensive Guide For Sellers

In this podcast episode, you will learn three effective Amazon advertising strategies for success. Mina dives into everything you need to know to: - Reduce wasted ad spend by identifying and removing underperforming keywords. - Scale successful search terms into their own campaigns for increased profitability. - Structure campaigns and budget management. Mina also introduces a new report by Amazon, the search query performance report, and explains how to leverage it to optimize keyword performance. So if you are ready to learn valuable insights and practical tips for managing Amazon PPC advertising effectively - tune in! Get your free full account audit and personalized strategy for your business -


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How To Sell On Amazon In 2024

In this episode Mina shares his personal experiences and step-by-step guidance on various business models, product selection, quality control, logistics, and marketing strategies when it comes to selling on Amazon. Get ready to learn all aspects of the Amazon FBA process, including practical advice and strategies for launching and scaling a successful business. Get a free account audit and personalized strategy for your business -


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How To Sell On Amazon In 2024 - Amazon FBA Guide

In this episode Mina shares his personal experiences and step-by-step guidance on various business models, product selection, quality control, logistics, and marketing strategies when it comes to selling on Amazon. Get ready to learn all aspects of the Amazon FBA process, including practical advice and strategies for launching and scaling a successful business. Get a free account audit and personalized strategy for your business -


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As Amazon Gets Easier it Gets Harder featuring Andy Isom

In this podcast, Mina interviews Andy about the current state of selling on Amazon. Andy discusses the increasing difficulty of succeeding on Amazon due to the influx of new sellers and competition from Chinese manufacturers and VC-backed brands. They discuss the importance of protecting intellectual property and establishing a strong brand with an emotional connection to customers. Andy also advises new sellers to start small and focus on niche markets to build expertise in execution before pursuing larger opportunities. The conversation explores the challenges and strategies for success in the ever-evolving landscape of Amazon FBA. Get a FREE full Amazon account audit and personalised strategy from our team of experts -


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Amazon FBA Secrets That Will Double Your Revenue In 2024

In this episode of the Amazon Blueprint podcast, Mina Elias is joined by PPC expert Yoni. They dive into new updates and tools released by Amazon, including the brand analytics tool and customer loyalty analytics. They discuss how these tools provide insights into customer behavior and how to leverage them to drive more traffic and increase brand loyalty. Learn how to master brand-tailored promotions, subscribe and save coupons, reorder coupons, and customer engagement to enhance customer engagement and drive sales. Get your Free Full Account & PPC Audit with a custom made strategy for your business -


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What is Amazon DSP?

In this episode, Mina Elias, founder of Trivium Group, an Amazon ads agency, shares his expertise on utilizing Amazon DSP effectively. He delves into the intricacies of DSP, explaining its differences from Amazon PPC, how to structure campaigns, and the various audiences, creatives, and placements available. Mina also offers insights into the types of brands that can benefit from DSP and provides valuable tips for maximizing its effectiveness. Whether you're new to Amazon advertising or looking to optimize your current strategy, this episode offers essential insights and actionable advice. Free full account audit and personalized strategy for your business -


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Amazon PPC Best Practices

If you're an Amazon seller looking to master the art of PPC advertising and achieving success on the platform, this podcast is a must-listen. In this episode Mina shares his expertise on best practices for Amazon PPC advertising, drawing from years of experience and successful campaigns. Subscribe to this podcast to be guided through the intricacies of Amazon advertising and better navigate the dynamic landscape of PPC campaigns. Free full account audit and personalized strategy for your business -


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How To Use Email Marketing To Get More Sales On Amazon

In this episode of the Amazon Blueprint Podcast, host Mina interviews renowned marketer Eddie Maalouf about capturing Amazon shoppers' information and optimizing email and SMS marketing to increase their lifetime value. Eddie shares strategies for obtaining customer emails through QR code inserts, personalizing messaging and offers based on product category, and engaging customers through two-way communication. Tune in to learn valuable tips for maximizing customer engagement and generating higher returns on Amazon. Get a FREE PPC audit here: Watch This Episode On YouTube - Access To Eddie Maalouf's Resource -


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Conversion Rate Optimization On Amazon

Welcome to the Amazon Blueprint Podcast! In this episode, I'll be discussing the importance of conversion rate optimization on Amazon. It's a crucial factor that can make or break your success on the platform. No matter how much traffic you drive to your listing through Amazon advertising and PPC, if your conversion rate is low, it won't make a difference. Tune in to learn more about how you can improve your conversion rate and boost your sales on Amazon. Get access to all my sheets, guides, YouTube videos and more here: Get a FREE PPC audit here: Learn more about Trivium here:


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How To Effectively Manage Your Amazon PPC

In this episode of the Amazon Blueprint Podcast, host Mina Elias, founder of Trivium Group, an Amazon PPC agency, shares valuable insights and strategies for effectively managing and optimizing Amazon PPC ads. With years of experience in working on Amazon ads, Mina breaks down the step-by-step process for managing and optimizing ads in a time-efficient manner. He emphasizes the importance of documenting data and provides a free analytics template for sellers to track key metrics. (see link below) Whether you're a seasoned Amazon seller or just starting out, this episode offers practical advice and valuable insights on increasing bids and budgets, launching new campaigns, adding negatives, and optimizing placements for better ROI. Tune in to gain valuable knowledge and enhance your Amazon PPC ad management. Don't forget to follow for future episodes filled with valuable content. Get access to all my sheets, guides, YouTube videos and more here: Get a FREE PPC audit here: Learn more about Trivium here:


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How to Get Your Supplement Brand on Amazon - Step by Step

In this episode, you will learn exactly how to bring your supplement brand/DTC brand onto Amazon. This episode is a step-by-step guide to help you throughout the process. Learn more about Trivium here: Get a FREE full account audit and personalized strategy for your business -
