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Andrew Sillitoe Show

Business & Economics Podcasts

Welcome to The 4 Keys Podcast, where we delve into the transformative journey of business owners seeking to improve both their work and life. I'm Andrew, your host, and guide on this adventure. In this podcast, we delve into The 4 Keys Method, a unique and powerful framework specifically designed to help entrepreneurs achieve balance, success, and fulfilment in every aspect of their lives. But first, let me share a bit about my own personal journey. For over a decade, I travelled the globe as a management consultant, assisting corporate leaders in building winning teams. However, in 2017, my life took an unexpected turn when my wife left me. This event prompted me to embark on a personal transformation, leading me to walk away from my lucrative consulting career and focus on redefining success on my own terms. In the midst of this transformation, I had a vision: to share my journey with other business owners. I believed prioritising health and well-being would be the cornerstone of our collective success. Thus, I began documenting and sharing my experiences with peers, leading to remarkable results for myself and others. Through the implementation of The 4 Keys Method, I underwent a remarkable transformation. I went from feeling mentally exhausted and physically unwell to experiencing newfound vitality and happiness within just 12 weeks. Encouraged by these results, I formed a mastermind group of like-minded entrepreneurs who sought to join me on this journey. In January 2019, I published my book, "The 4 Keys," which quickly became a bestseller, further solidifying the impact of this transformative approach. Nine months later, my wife and I reconciled, embarking on a new adventure together in Prague, where we welcomed our fourth child into the world in 2022. Now, I lead a mastermind dedicated to teaching business owners how to achieve balance in their health, relationships, and mindset while growing their businesses. When I'm not coaching entrepreneurs, you can find me on the ice as a professional hockey coach, mentoring startups in Prague, or investing in innovative ventures. Join me on The 4 Keys Podcast as we explore the keys to unlocking success and fulfilment in business and life. Let's embark on this journey together and build the business and life you love. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


United States


Welcome to The 4 Keys Podcast, where we delve into the transformative journey of business owners seeking to improve both their work and life. I'm Andrew, your host, and guide on this adventure. In this podcast, we delve into The 4 Keys Method, a unique and powerful framework specifically designed to help entrepreneurs achieve balance, success, and fulfilment in every aspect of their lives. But first, let me share a bit about my own personal journey. For over a decade, I travelled the globe as a management consultant, assisting corporate leaders in building winning teams. However, in 2017, my life took an unexpected turn when my wife left me. This event prompted me to embark on a personal transformation, leading me to walk away from my lucrative consulting career and focus on redefining success on my own terms. In the midst of this transformation, I had a vision: to share my journey with other business owners. I believed prioritising health and well-being would be the cornerstone of our collective success. Thus, I began documenting and sharing my experiences with peers, leading to remarkable results for myself and others. Through the implementation of The 4 Keys Method, I underwent a remarkable transformation. I went from feeling mentally exhausted and physically unwell to experiencing newfound vitality and happiness within just 12 weeks. Encouraged by these results, I formed a mastermind group of like-minded entrepreneurs who sought to join me on this journey. In January 2019, I published my book, "The 4 Keys," which quickly became a bestseller, further solidifying the impact of this transformative approach. Nine months later, my wife and I reconciled, embarking on a new adventure together in Prague, where we welcomed our fourth child into the world in 2022. Now, I lead a mastermind dedicated to teaching business owners how to achieve balance in their health, relationships, and mindset while growing their businesses. When I'm not coaching entrepreneurs, you can find me on the ice as a professional hockey coach, mentoring startups in Prague, or investing in innovative ventures. Join me on The 4 Keys Podcast as we explore the keys to unlocking success and fulfilment in business and life. Let's embark on this journey together and build the business and life you love. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.



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6 Lessons I Learned About Visualisation for Sports That You Can Apply to Business

6 Lessons I Learned About Visualisation for Sports That You Can Apply to Business In this podcast, we will discuss the power of visualisation and how to shape your business and life to stay in flow. We will embark on a profound journey into the world of visualisation and its transformative potential for your businesses and life. As we approach the end of the year, as a leader, you would do well to tap into this remarkable tool. It might sound like I getting a bit metaphysical, but stay with me. Today, we'll explore the power of visualisation and its potential impact on your future. I've personally witnessed how this practice has shaped my life, both in sports and in business. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


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5 Essential Practices to Stay in Flow

In the ever-demanding realm of modern business leadership, CEOs often find themselves juggling an avalanche of decisions and responsibilities that could make even a superhero's head spin. The constant whirlwind of pressure can leave anyone feeling like they've stumbled into a tornado of stress and burnout. Amidst the chaos, focusing on those long-term goals can feel like searching for a needle in a haystack. I this episode, I share 5 essential practices that will enable you to stay in flow. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


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Be Intentional About Rest & 5 Ways to Power CEO Flow

Flow and getting in the zone was my secret weapon, whether I was on the ice playing hockey, deeply immersed in a project, or captivating an audience through public speaking. But, like all powerful tools, flow has its pitfalls. For me, the side effect of such intense focus was exhaustion — a kind of weariness that seeped into my bones and left me drained, especially when I needed to switch gears and be present for my family. It's a familiar narrative for many high-achievers: giving every task, whether work or workout, a hundred per cent. When everything feels like it's set to the highest stakes, the pressure can be relentless. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


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Make Peace with the Game: A CEO’s Journey from Stress to Flow

In the high-pressure business world, where every decision can make or break your company, the fear of failure and the stress of uncertain outcomes can often feel overwhelming. But what if I told you there’s a powerful way to cope with and thrive in this stress? As an international hockey player and now public speaker and coach, I’ve experienced the paralysing fear of failure firsthand. However, I’ve also discovered a transformative path that can help you move from the struggle of denial to the freedom of flow. Welcome to the world of “Make Peace with the Game.” Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


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Align Your Purpose and Passion with a Plan: The Holistic Path to CEO Flow

Today, I'm going to talk about aligning your purpose and passion with a plan. It's a holistic path. To CEO flow. And when I say CEO, This is not just a title reserved for those at the helm of Fortune 500 companies. It's a role. It's a mindset. Whether you are an aspiring leader. For the top excellence of the corporate world. We're a solopreneur, carving out your unique path. You embodied the spirit of a CEO. You're in command. Steering your enterprise and, by extension, your life admits the intricate dance of complexity and uncertainty we all face. To manage the mist, navigate these challenges with foresight, adaptability, and resilience. Every decision, every action, every strategy. Is a Testament of your leadership. Not just in business but in life itself. And that's what I mean by flow. Because at the heart of this intricate dance lies the ability to synchronise your purpose. Andrew passion. And encapsulate them with a tangible, actionable 90-day plan. Because without the plan, it's just fluffy. Woo, woo stuff. Right? So to achieve this synchronisation, the concept of flow. Is essential. So, let's start by understanding the pitfalls of distraction and misaligned focus. I get it. I'm a business owner. I've walked the path of growing a business and leading teams, and the alert of the next big thing is intense. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


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How to Anticipate Your Triggers to Stay in Flow

How can we remain consistently in Flow, ensuring peak performance? The answer lies in anticipating the triggers that divert us from our optimal state. During my early days as an athlete and later in my sales job, I was often caught off-guard by unforeseen disruptions that took me out of my groove. In this episode I share tips and tools to identify your triggers and stay in flow. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


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Harness Your Brain Chemistry to Access Flow

Have you ever had moments when the world falls away, and you’re entirely in the ‘now’? This isn’t just a fleeting feeling but a scientifically backed phenomenon known as ‘flow’, first identified by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi. When not managed effectively, the ‘mist’, comprised of internal and external triggers, clouds our clarity, disrupting the harmony of our mind and environment. I remember during hockey games, every pass and shot seemed effortless. I felt invincible. But there were games clouded by distractions and self-doubt. This experience I coined as the ‘mist’ in my book Managing The Mist. While flow emerges as the hero, guiding us towards unparalleled performance and blissful immersion, the mist is its formidable antagonist. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


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The Inseparable Bond Between Risk, Life & Flow

Last week, I learned more about the profound connection between risk and life and the thread that runs through the very fabric of our existence. I had the privilege to spend 90 minutes talking with Geoff Trickey, a charted psychologist who it’s an honour to call my friend. We talked about risk, human psychology and peak performance. Geoff is the creator of Risk Type Compass. The design of the Risk Type Compass is striking in terms of (a) its psychological reasoning and (b) its technical test development perspective. It offers an innovative conceptualisation of personality related to risk perception, threat reaction, and propensity for risk-taking. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


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Ignite Your Expertise, Achieve Mastery and Find Your Flow

Ignite Your Expertise, Achieve Mastery and Find Your Flow Be really good at what you’re good at. Let’s start with a bold statement: The best athletes who compete at the top level know their skill set inside out. They understand their strengths and where they can add value to their teams. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


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4 Ways to Achieve Flow Amidst Life's Chaos

In this podcast, I share 4 Ways to Achieve Flow Amidst Life's Chaos. Navigating the demands and challenges of life often feels like trying to peer through a foggy window. My journey with "Managing The Mist" has illuminated a path to profound clarity within this chaos. This transformative experience has guided me towards achieving clarity in four remarkable ways since I penned the first edition in 2013. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


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Daniel Priestly: 5 Strengths That the Top Entrepreneurs, Business Owners & Leaders Possess.

Daniel Priestley is an entrepreneur, best-selling author and international speaker. Starting with nothing, he built successful multi-million dollar businesses in Australia, UK and Singapore. By working with some of the world’s most successful people, Daniel discovered there are 5 strengths that the top entrepreneurs, business owners and leaders possess. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


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9 Ways to Improve Remote Working and How to Avoid Burnout

I don't know about you, but to me, it looks like all these shiny new gadgets and wearable tech were supposed to make our lives easier, but instead, they're just giving us more reasons to pull our hair out and hit the burnout button! And it's a paradox that's leaving me scratching my head. So, why is this happening? Well, there are a few reasons. Firstly, the line between work and personal time has become blurred with the rise of remote work and the constant connectivity that technology provides. I have found it harder than ever to switch off from work, leading to longer hours, increased stress, and potential burnout. Secondly, the pressure to constantly be productive and on top of things has increased. The myth of the 4-hour week has led many of us to believe that we should be able to achieve more in less time, leading to a feeling of guilt when we can't live up to these expectations. Lastly, the digital world can be isolating and lonely, leading to a feeling of disconnectedness and a lack of social support. This can have a significant impact on our mental health. While technology has the potential to improve our lives and our work, it's crucial to be aware of its potential impact on our mental health. We need to be mindful of our digital habits, take care of our mental health, and seek support if needed. Only then can we truly reap the benefits of technology and avoid the dangers of burnout. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


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5 Ways to Overcome Negative Self-talk

Negative self-talk can majorly impact our mental health and well-being, but it is possible to overcome it with the right tools and support. In this video, Andrew Sillitoe shares how we can work towards a more positive and constructive self-talk pattern and improve our overall mental health and work at our full potential. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


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5 Minute Monday: Don't Set Goals, Set Intentions

How to set intentions instead of goals can be a valuable mindset shift for personal growth and self-improvement. Like, instead of developing a plan to lose 10 pounds in the next 3 months, I set an intention to prioritize my physical health by making healthier food choices and incorporating regular exercise into my daily routine. By focusing on the present moment and aligning my actions with my values, I can make sustainable changes that lead to a greater sense of fulfilment and satisfaction. And let's be real, who doesn't love a good steak? Another reason I set intentions is that they allow for more flexibility and adaptability. When I set a goal, I often feel like I have to stick to a strict plan, like a hockey coach yelling at me to "skate faster and shoot harder", which can be frustrating if I encounter obstacles or change my mind. However, when I set an intention, I can adjust my approach to align with my current situation and values. This allows for growth and change without the added stress of feeling like I have failed. Additionally, setting intentions is empowering because it allows me to take ownership of my actions and make choices that align with my values and desires. Goals can often feel like external pressures or expectations imposed upon me, but intentions come from a deeper understanding of myself and what I truly want. Setting intentions allows me to define success on my own terms and create a sense of purpose that aligns with my values and desires. Setting intentions can be a powerful tool for personal growth and self-improvement. They focus on the present moment and are flexible and adaptable. Instead of setting specific goals, I set intentions that align with my values and desires and see how they can positively impact my life. Like scoring the winning goal in hockey, it's all about the journey, not just the destination! Email me at with your thoughts on this topic. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


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Motivation Matters: The Intrinsic vs Extrinsic Debate

As an individual, let's be honest, motivation plays a crucial role in determining your success, both in your personal and professional life. While there are many different types of inspiration, there are two main types: intrinsic and extrinsic. Intrinsic motivation comes from within and is driven by your personal interests and passions. On the other hand, extrinsic motivation comes from external factors such as rewards or punishments. You may find that intrinsic motivation is often more powerful and long-lasting than extrinsic motivation. This is because when you are intrinsically motivated, you are more likely to engage in activities for the sake of the action rather than for the rewards or recognition you may receive. For example, as a leader, if you are intrinsically motivated, you are more likely to put in the time and effort to develop the necessary skills and knowledge because you are passionate about leading and making a positive impact. On the other hand, if you are extrinsically motivated to become a leader, you may only be inspired by the rewards or recognition you may receive, such as a promotion or a raise. In this case, you may need to be more committed to developing the necessary skills and knowledge to be an effective leader, and you may not be as successful in the long term. As a leader, you may also find that you are more likely to be authentic and genuine in your leadership style when you are intrinsically motivated. You are more likely to lead by example and be true to your values and beliefs. This can be a powerful motivator for your followers, as they can see your passion and dedication and be inspired to work towards similar goals. Furthermore, you may be more resilient and adaptable as an intrinsically motivated leader. You are driven by your passion and belief in your abilities rather than by external rewards or recognition. This means you may be less likely to be discouraged by setbacks and challenges and more likely to find innovative solutions to problems. Plus, you'll be having fun while doing it because why not? Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


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Level Up Your Mindset in 2023! With Special Guests

Welcome to season 6! I'm so excited about this new show. Amazing guests join me in this episode. They are members of The 4 Keys Mastermind and mentors on the programme. Tune in. This is an awesome show. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


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Player-Coach Series: How To Create a Culture Where Everyone Holds Each Other Accountable

Agreeing on behaviours within your team is one of the most important aspects of leadership. By not agreeing on a set of behaviours, it is impossible to hold each other accountable. Creating above-the-line and below-the-line behaviours that everyone agrees on, will enable us to set boundaries and therefore create an environment where everyone is able to hold each other accountable. These rules should be conducive to achieving your vision and should be aligned with your goals. Our role as leaders is to recognise that we can't change people, people can only change themselves, but we can help raise awareness of their behaviours. So when it comes to accountability, the most crucial part is holding people accountable for their behaviour, and then skills and knowledge follow after. To find out more, head to my website. Is your house in order for 2023? LINK TO QUESTIONNAIRE Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


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Player-Coach Series: How To Fail Fast and Learn Quick With a Review Process

Allowing your team to analyse what is working well for them and what could be better creates more ownership and responsibility, so the idea of getting people to personally reflect is so important. When we do this in business or sports, and everyone shares what they feel is going well, what they have contributed or what could have been better, everybody starts to relax a little. With this episode, learn how to implement a thorough review process so that you and your team can assess what is working well and what isn't, resulting in the ability to fail fast and learn quick. Is your house in order for 2023? Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


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Player-Coach Series: How To Grow and Scale Your Team To Create Future Leaders

In my experience, it's impossible to grow a business without identifying a group of people who can support and challenge you, who can help you grow your business and can be the people who maintain the culture and have shared values and beliefs in what you're doing. Grow and scale your team by using this simple method to create future leaders that will help align your business' values and goals. Is your house in order for 2023? Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


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Player-Coach Series: 3 Reasons Why You Need To Ask Powerful Questions and How To Motivate Your Team

It is a common belief that many leaders think they need to have all the answers, that they need to be a fountain of knowledge to be able to be put on the spot and be able to put a fire out and deal with problems immediately, and if they don't then they think they will be seen as weak. But actually, it's the complete opposite. Ask these three questions to inspire action, increase engagement, increase buy-in and improve productivity within your team.4 Is your house in order for 2023? Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
