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The Premium CEO

Business & Economics Podcasts

The Premium CEO podcast helps passionate coaches and experts attract their BEST clients on repeat with their message and create a premium lifestyle on their own terms. I’m your host Nathalie Alvarado, Premium Business Coach… also known as The Marketing Queen. My mission is to help brilliant women receive more: more money, more recognition, and more ease. I’ll touch on topics such as authentic marketing & sales strategies, elevating your CEO identity and creating your own version of luxury with a Premium business. Every week you’ll walk away with powerful mindset shifts, simple action steps and a different way to market using your VOICE. Because it’s freaking time to get paid what you deserve for your brilliance… don’t you think? Connect with Nathalie on Instagram @gniappe


United States


The Premium CEO podcast helps passionate coaches and experts attract their BEST clients on repeat with their message and create a premium lifestyle on their own terms. I’m your host Nathalie Alvarado, Premium Business Coach… also known as The Marketing Queen. My mission is to help brilliant women receive more: more money, more recognition, and more ease. I’ll touch on topics such as authentic marketing & sales strategies, elevating your CEO identity and creating your own version of luxury with a Premium business. Every week you’ll walk away with powerful mindset shifts, simple action steps and a different way to market using your VOICE. Because it’s freaking time to get paid what you deserve for your brilliance… don’t you think? Connect with Nathalie on Instagram @gniappe



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Ep 16 Break through your income ceiling and sustain US$20K cash months

You’re ready to hit and sustain your next level of income, US$20K+ CASH months and beyond You’ve already hit some amazing milestones in your business so far Now you’re ready to break through your current income ceiling and sustain that number for longer term This episode is for you! In this episode, I chat about: Connect with Nathalie: Instagram: @gniappe Work with Nathalie: Apply for LIMITLESS 1:1 Coaching: xoxo Nathalie


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Ep 15 How I added a Premium Group Offer to my Product Suite - Mindset and Structure

Are you considering adding a group offering to your product suite as a coach or service provider? Do you know you thrive leading group settings, and want a group offer to increase your long term monthly recurring revenue? This episode is for you! I know that leading group offers, especially high ticket group offers can mean a whole identity shift for most coaches and experts. In this episode I breakdown my own experience in this process, how my mindset has completely changed around group offerings and how I increased my monthly recurring revenue with a scalable signature offer. In this episode, I chat about: Connect with Nathalie: Instagram: @gniappe Work with Nathalie: Apply for the REVENUE RISE Mastermind: When you secure your spot for the January 2024 Mastermind in November, you qualify for an extended 6 month payment plan for this 4 month container! Apart from 1 extra month of coaching and immediate access to the entire course portal to start creating results today. xoxo Nathalie


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Ep 14 Learn to Love Sales and Create your Highest CASH Year

What do you think of when you hear the word “Sales”? When you’re able to separate yourself from the conditioning that tends to exist around Sales - you create your highest cash months, quarters and YEARS Many times when my clients come to me aren’t getting paid as much as they want - it’s usually that their beliefs around Sales is seeping into their Marketing Even though you may be creating content every day and “showing up” - You may not be showing up as POWERFULLY as you could to make more Sales weekly Tune in to this episode for some powerful mindset shifts around Sales and how to LOVE Sales again In this episode, I chat about: Connect with Nathalie: Instagram: @gniappe Work with Nathalie: Apply for the REVENUE RISE Mastermind: this is the program for you to attract your BEST High Ticket clients, secure thousands in recurring revenue and hit 5 Figure Cash Months sustainably in your coaching or service business This is a Hybrid Mastermind with Trainings, Coaching and Personalized Implementation Support This is an evergreen mastermind, meaning that once you say YES, you will be onboarded immediately, and gain access to the Telegram group You’ll receive an action plan will help you hit the ground running, as you watch the available trainings inside the portal We will meet twice per month on Tuesdays 11 AM EST via Zoom! I can’t wait to support you! xoxo Nathalie


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Ep 13 Create High Value Offers to Hit 5 Figure Cash Months

Creating incredible OFFERS and improving my client experience before focusing about “what to say” so people buy has always been the “secret” to my rapid growth. So many people will tell you not to worry about the offer so you take the messy action and get started.. Yesss we love the action BUT.. I don’t fully agree with that. Sure that helps at the beginning, but when you’re refining and growing past a certain level and want to increase your recurring revenue with higher level clients… You really have to see if your offers are FULLY supporting your clients to create what you promised in your Marketing - in a simple effective way Having incredible offers and helping your clients have the BEST possible chance at creating the results they want to create inside your programs, courses or services (without you always having to be there), is also the best opportunity you have to sign higher paying clients. Tune in to this episode for the main areas to focus on in your offers if you want to secure higher recurring revenue In this episode, I chat about: Connect with Nathalie: Instagram: @gniappe Work with Nathalie: Apply for the REVENUE RISE Mastermind: This is a Hybrid Mastermind with Trainings, Coaching and Personalized Implementation Support When you pay in Full for the Mastermind in July 2023, you also secure additional 1:1 support from me.


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Ep 12 Love Yourself More to Make More Sales

My biggest flex is loving myself no matter what No matter how much I’m making that month, day or year No matter who’s inquiring or not No matter how many views I have on my Stories No matter how many people commented on my post No matter the thoughts that crossed my mind that day I keep going I don’t see myself as something to be fixed I don’t see myself as broken I don’t rely on a tool or a framework to create results for me I back myself I trust myself I love myself And I call this having a Limitless Identity Where you see yourself as Limitless, capable, resourceful and loveable no matter WHAT Where you don’t rely on a hypnosis, journaling, meditation or a strategy to make you feel better because you know that: Emotions are temporary, challenges are a normal part of business and the growth is in the PROCESS, in WHO you are being DAILY and how you lead yourself When you develop the skills within YOU.. and the certainty to approach challenges in your business by relying on YOURSELF.. not external band aid solutions That’s when you’ll become unstoppable and achieve any goal you want in life or business This is DAILY inner work, DAILY loving yourself, DAILY habits and taking the action DAILY as the person who already has everything she wants. An emotion doesn’t mean anything about you A challenge in your business doesn’t mean anything about you Fear doesn’t mean anything about you It means you’re human. And you get to love yourself throughout it ALL❤️ In this episode, I chat about: Connect with Nathalie: Instagram: @gniappe Work with Nathalie: Apply for RISE the Mastermind: Apply for 1:1 Coaching:


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Ep 11 Diversify your Sales to Increase your Recurring Revenue

One of the things my clients come to me for is to help them secure higher and longer term recurring revenue in their business. A really big opportunity to increase monthly cash flow is diversifying the way you’re selling your offers, and structuring your client journey in a way that makes your revenue so much more sustainable and predictable, without having to do big launches or create new offers every single month. Tune in to this episode for ideas on how to increase your cash this year by implementing more strategic sales beyond front facing promotion. In this episode, I chat about: Connect with Nathalie: Instagram: @gniappe Work with Nathalie: Apply for REVENUE RISE the Mastermind:There is a 1:1 bonus for your available simply for APPLYING for this program by this Friday, June 23rd. You will secure a 1:1 coaching call OR 4 days of Telegram support when I see your application come through! Inside this bonus 1:1 support I will audit your offers, messaging and sales process and we'll create a custom plan with the upgrades you get to make to secure longer and HIGHER recurring cashflow in your business. Apply for 1:1 Coaching


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Ep 10 4 Areas of Focus to Create 5 Figure Cash Months

There was a time by June last year where I decided that I was going to do business differently I wasn’t going to launch a new offer or free Masterclass every 5 seconds I wasn’t going to offer lower pricing that I truly wanted any longer I was going to prioritize stability and sustainability I was going to be intentional I was committing to building higher and longer term recurring revenue MY WAY I was a single mom who at the time didn’t have a partner supporting her… Who honestly had like 3 really productive hours in the day.. and that did not have time to be launching something new and starting every month with inconsistent or lower cash flow I set my energetic minimum: that was 5 figures CASH within 30 days And I hit that goal by September 2022, and again in November And US$12K in February 2023 And then I hit US$15K+ CASH by April How? A handful of 1:1 clients I’m obsessed with, and my Mastermind🥳 Tune in to the episode as I share more about the 4 areas to improve in your business if your goal within the next 3-6 months is to hit and sustain 5 figure CASH months in your coaching or service business. In this episode, I chat about: Connect with Nathalie: Instagram: @gniappe Work with Nathalie: Apply for RISE the MastermindApply for 1:1 Coaching


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Ep 9 What I Learned From Taking a Real Break From My Business

Today’s societal conditioning can make it easy to think we always have to be in pursuit of the next income goal, the next shiny strategy or to live up to a certain standard of success, and this is even more true in the online coaching and service industry. Scroll Instagram and you’ll see a drove of posts boasting sales wins, and “challenging” you to continuously go for higher cash months. While there is nothing wrong with wanting to aim higher and achieve more in your business, I always encourage myself and my clients to think about where the desire for the next milestone is actually coming from, and HOW we’re getting there. Is it truly because we desire the 6 figure months or because we were told that’s what we needed to do in order to “be successful enough”? Do we always need to be striving and pushing for the next win or is it that we’ve been told that rest and breaks are “wrong”, or that it means you’re “playing small”? Contrary to popular belief, you don’t need to sacrifice your energy, lifestyle or relationships to receive more for your work and achieve incredible success as a top expert: I’m proof that that’s the case. You get to significantly increase your PROFIT in your business with the clients YOU desire, the pricing you desire, with simple marketing. In my world we’re building businesses that support full weeks OFF while your clients achieve incredible results. Tune in to this episode as I share more about what I learned from taking time off my business, and leaning more and more into TRUST: trust that what I’ve already created is working FOR me: trust in my marketing, trust in my offers, trust in my clients.. and trust in MYSELF In this episode, I chat about: Connect with Nathalie: Instagram: @gniappe Work with Nathalie: Book a Call: Apply for VIP 1:1 Coaching Quote: “You can fully pause and you can still be an incredible coach.. an incredible service provider. You can fully rest and still deliver an incredible client experience.”


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Ep 8 Advancing your Messaging to Attract Higher Paying Clients

How to attract dream clients that are excited to invest significantly MORE cash per month to work with you? It all starts with who you’re speaking directly to in your content. As coaches and service providers it is natural for our work to evolve, and for who we desire to support inside our offers to evolve as well. What can often happen is our Messaging can remain speaking to beginner clients or simply clients that aren’t at the best stage in their journey to invest in our offer and achieve the result we are best equipped to support them with. Tune in to this episode as I share what advancing your messaging truly involves and how to speak to the 5% of the market that is ready to invest in your highest ticket rates NOW. In this episode, I chat about: Client Charm™️ Connect with Nathalie: @gniappe Join the Client Charm™️ Minimind - 6 Weeks Group Program We go Live April 14th Work with Nathalie: Apply for Rise: The MastermindApply for VIP 1:1 CoachingApply for a 1:1 Messaging VIP Day Quote: "We're not just attracting ideal clients. We're attracting your BEST clients.. and there's a difference."


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Ep 7 How I Secured US$25K in Sales Through Storytelling

When you’re able to become a master storyteller… you become a MASTER Marketer. And Master Marketers are able to sell out any offer.. at ANY price point.. and work with their best clientele on repeat. Marketing is very emotional, and stories that are relevant for your potential clients allow you to connect beyond the result you provide and be memorable. It’s common to see coaches and service providers sharing educational, promotional and problem awareness content online. However, it’s not as common to see experts using detailed stories to engage their audience and sell more effectively. Sales psychology and mainstream Marketing principles work.. but stories have been used to connect and sell in the history of humanity for generations. Tune in to this episode as I share how compelling storytelling enhances your Marketing and supports you in attracting your highest paying clients, and how I secured US$25K in sales by using the power of storytelling in different ways in my content. In this episode, I chat about: An invitation to join my signature Content Challenge. Connect with Nathalie: @gniappe Join the FREE Speak From the Heart Challenge - We start March 20th Join the Client Charm Minimind - 6 Weeks Group Program - We go Live in April Work with Nathalie: Apply for Rise: The MastermindApply for a 1:1 Messaging VIP Day


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Ep 6 Creating Content That Attracts Your Best Clients

Something different about me as a Premium Marketing Coach: I NEVER recommend my clients to include mainstream content trends in their strategy. Why? It’s actually blending SO many incredible coaches and experts in with everyone else.. when you were BORN to stand out. You have a unique way of expressing yourself and communicating that deserves to shine, and THIS is a huge part of what attracts the best clients for you, the ones who not only resonate with your words, but the way you deliver them as well. This has supported my clients in having dream clients in their inbox saying: “Your recent Live was the reason I invested” or, “I love your energy and that post spoke straight to my heart… I know you’re the coach for me”. Tune in to this episode as I share how I support my clients in creating a custom content strategy that attracts weekly inquiries from their BEST clientele. In this episode, I chat about: join my FREE signature Content Challenge Connect with Nathalie: @gniappe Join the FREE Speak From the Heart Challenge - We start March 20th Take this Quiz to discover your Client Charm Archetype Work with Nathalie: Apply for Rise: The MastermindApply for a 1:1 Messaging VIP Day


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Ep 5 How To Stand Out From Other Experts Online

How can you stand out from other experts online? How do you attract the clients who know they want to work with YOU? All of my clients without fail want to be recognized for their unique gifts and stand out from other coaches and service providers doing similar work. Unlocking their unique Positioning and showcasing it effectively in their Marketing allows them to attract the clients who think: “OMG, where has she been my entire life?!!”. Tune in to this episode as I share 4 main aspects to take into consideration to uncover and deepen your Positioning in the market, how to entice your BEST clients to choose you over anyone else and one of the keys to stand out online and grow your thought leadership beyond Instagram. In this episode, I chat about: “You do not have to be everything for everyone” Connect with Nathalie: Instagram:@gniappe It’s time to RISE as THE Top Expert in your industry and fully book out your Premium offers with your BEST clients - the ones you CAN’T wait to work with. Apply for Rise: The MastermindApply for In Demand - VIP 1:1 Coaching Quote: “We have a lot of options to solve our problems nowadays. What is really going to support you in rising above the crowd, is showing us how working with YOU is different. How the way you approach things and the unique way that you think helps your clients achieve the results that they want.”


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Ep 4 Use Your Voice to Make Thousands on Repeat

You know by now that my clients call me The Marketing Queen! And with good reason, I’m able to make thousands on repeat all by using my authentic, raw voice in my Marketing. Have you ever heard that Marketing needs to be “sexy” or “perfectly curated”? That you need to “convince” people as to why they should buy? From my experience, these beliefs make the process confusing for your potential clients, not very enjoyable for you.. and usually doesn’t create the results in Sales that you desire. Tune into today’s episode as I challenge some common Marketing misconceptions, challenge you to use your raw voice and share more about my unique Marketing approach that has supported my clients in attracting their best, highest paying clients directly through their content. In this episode, I chat about: Connect with Nathalie: Instagram: @gniappe It’s time to use your VOICE to create content that attracts your BEST clients on REPEAT and create your highest cash months in your business. Apply for the Mastermind before February 24th to secure a bonus 1:1 Marketing Intensive (valued at US$2000) Apply for VIP 1:1 Coaching Quote: “The more true to ourselves and to what’s actually happening inside our offers we can be in our Marketing, the better quality of clients we’re going to attract.” “Marketing is about showcasing the truth of what you already are, what you believe in, why you do the things you do, and the transformation that’s available for your potential clients when they work with you.”


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Ep 3 What It Really Means To Be A True Industry Leader

What comes to your mind when I say “industry leader”? Do you think of someone who only wears fancy clothes, speaks professionally, has an answer to everything, someone who has everything figured out, and seems to be perfect? Or do you think of someone who is vulnerable, transparent, and shares experiences that might even seem embarrassing but teaches valuable lessons that can help you grow? Becoming a top industry leader or being seen as an authority is a concept that I coach my clients on daily. We often feel a lot of pressure around labels such as industry leader, expert or authority… but these labels are often misinterpreted and misunderstood. Tune in to today’s episode as I debunk limiting beliefs that you might have about becoming an industry leader, share with you my perspective on what it truly means to stand out as an authority, what you need to do to become a true industry expert, and much more! In this episode, I chat about: Connect with Nathalie: @gniappeIt’s time to RISE as a TOP industry leader online and attract your BEST Premium clients with your message. Apply for the MastermindApply for VIP 1:1 CoachingQuote: “The definition of being human is that we are imperfect and that no matter how much we have grown, no matter how much we have evolved, there will always be something new to learn.”


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Ep 2 How to Raise your Prices with Confidence

Have you been thinking about raising your pricing or charging more premium prices, but you find yourself overthinking your rates? Maybe you’ve increased them already, but you’re not attracting clients who are willing to pay you higher ticket pricing. Then you are in for a treat today… because charging high ticket prices and raising your pricing are my favorite topics to talk about! 90% of my clients significantly increase their premium pricing. I’m talking about increases by even 1000% and even doubling and tripling their rates. They feel confident in their premium prices and attract ideal clients who are excited to work with them and pay high ticket prices.. even in FULL. You're probably wondering: "Nathalie, how is that even possible?" Well, I'm glad you asked because I’m sharing all the details in today’s podcast episode! Tune in as I share my signature “Aligned Pricing Process”, how to make the process of raising your prices simpler than ever before, questions you should ask yourself before setting your new pricing, and much more! In this episode, I chat about: Connect with Nathalie: @gniappeIt’s time to raise your rates, get fully booked with your BEST Premium clients and secure your highest cash months on REPEAT in 2023 Apply here for the MastermindApply for VIP 1:1 CoachingQuote: “Instead of pricing based on someone else's parameters of what pricing for a specific service or a specific offer should look like, I teach my clients to price from desire.”


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Ep 1 The Four Pillars Of A Premium Business

Welcome to the very first podcast episode of The Premium CEO! This podcast has been a dream of mine since I was a little girl, so you can imagine that I’m BEYOND excited to have you here! I’m all about providing value, so I want to start off this podcast by diving into a topic that is very dear to my heart and is the foundation of my entire brand: Building a Premium Business. Many times when we feel disconnected or unaligned in our business, it comes down to the fact that we have been growing a business based on someone else's values and version of success. Having a premium business means designing a business that is aligned with your values, your vision, and your lifestyle. Tune in as I share with you how to build a premium business, the four main pillars of a premium business model, the results you can expect from choosing this business model, and so much more! In this episode, I chat about: Connect with Nathalie: @gniappeIt’s time to scale YOUR own version of a Premium Business - You’re meant for more profit, joy & ease in 2023 working with PREMIUM clients only. Apply for the MastermindApply for VIP 1:1 Coaching Quote: “You get to grow a massively successful business without sacrificing your values.’’


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Trailer: Introducing The Premium CEO podcast

How do I attract my best clients directly through my marketing? How do I scale my business without burnout or unaligned strategies? How can I be seen as the top expert in my industry online? If you've been asking yourself any of these questions, The Premium CEO is the podcast for you. Your host Natalie Alvarado is a Premium Business Coach, also known as the Marketing Queen, on a mission to help brilliant women like YOU receive more. More money, more recognition, and more ease. Nathalie has been where you are right now - jumping from strategy to strategy, watering down your message, and trying to fit yourself into all the boxes. But everything changed when she owned her true zone of genius, elevated her CEO identity and started to speak to her best clients. Now she’s the CEO of a thriving coaching business and a rising thought leader in her industry, living the life she's always dreamed of with her daughter. The same is possible for you! Step into Nathalie's world and tune in every single week to experience powerful money mindset shifts, discover a different way to market using your voice and gain valuable insights around scaling your income and creating your dream lifestyle through a premium business. Your time is now! Meet me over on Instagram at @gniappe - I can’t wait to support you!
