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The RV Park Mastery Podcast

Business & Economics Podcasts

Welcome to the RV Park Mastery Podcast, where you will learn the correct way to identify, evaluate, negotiate, perform due diligence on, renegotiate, finance, turn-around and operate RV parks. Your host is the 5th largest owner of RV and mobile home parks in the United States, Frank Rolfe.


United States


Welcome to the RV Park Mastery Podcast, where you will learn the correct way to identify, evaluate, negotiate, perform due diligence on, renegotiate, finance, turn-around and operate RV parks. Your host is the 5th largest owner of RV and mobile home parks in the United States, Frank Rolfe.





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The Pending Power Of Lower Rates

It would appear that interest rates are about to begin their descent after the fastest rise in 40 years. Beginning in 2022, Jerome Powell from the Fed decided to take the rates from 0.25% to 5.5%. However, that all appears about to turn and this will usher in some great advantages for RV Park investing. In this RV Park Mastery podcast we’re going to review what these benefits will be.


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The Power Of Stress-Testing

One of the cardinal rules of investing in a self-storage facility is making sure you have your downside protected. To help facilitate this analysis, many buyers and lenders will “stress test” the proposed deal to see if they can survive the “worst case” scenario. In ths Self-Storage University podcast we’re going to explore the correct way to “stress test” a deal and what the key metrics need to prove in order to go forward.


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Let The Broker Provide And You Decide

Brokers have been the source of more than half the deals we’ve purchased over the past 30 years. But one big mistake some buyers make is to look at the broker as more than just the source of the RV Parks they buy. In this RV Park Mastery podcast we’re going to explore the reasons why you should keep all brokers as great resources for deal flow but not turn them into deal evaluators or sounding boards for your turn-around concepts.


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How To Be Inclusive With Your Seller

There are many strategies to better serve your goal of forging a deal with the seller, but few are as effective as “inclusiveness”. In this RV Park Mastery podcast we’re going to explore how to make “inclusive” deals and what the net effect can be.


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Seller Note Pressure Points

Many RV Parks are sold utilizing seller financing. But on those deals your negotiation does not just revolve around the purchase price – the way you negotiate the seller’s note is just as important. In this RV Park Mastery podcast we’re going to review the key points of negotiation for seller notes.


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Should You Sell Or Refinance?

Once you’ve owned your RV park for a while, invariably you will receive a call or letter from someone wanting to buy it from you for more than you paid. Should you take the money? Is there another option? In this RV Park Mastery podcast we’re going to explore the reasons to sell versus hold on as well as the difference between selling and refinancing your RV park.


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What The Success Of Els Suggests About This Sector’s Future

Equity Lifestyle (ELS) is a public REIT and the largest owner of RV Parks in the U.S. They recently announced their 2023 earnings and there are some interesting conclusions that can be drawn from them. In this RV Park Mastery podcast we’re going to explore what the ELS financial performance suggests about the future of the industry.


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Understanding How You Get Paid Twice

RV Park owners have the benefit of getting paid twice: once with monthly cash flow and then a second time with appreciation in value. So how does this occur and how can you estimate your rate of return with this knowledge? In this RV Park Mastery podcast we’re going to explore why RV Park owners get paid twice and what this means for your investment success.


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Never Pay Managers With Equity

You can pay managers a flat rate or include a bonus. But never pay managers with equity in your RV Park. In this RV Park Mastery Podcast we’re going to focus on why giving managers part ownership in your property is never a winning strategy.


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A Sanity Check

Some sellers and brokers will try to convince you that you’re crazy when making an offer – that the property is worth twice that amount. But you’re not the crazy one. In this RV Park Mastery podcast we’re going to review how RV Parks are valued and why the crazy one is the one that does not follow the math.


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All About Seller Tax Returns

There are two givens in life they say: death and taxes. And those tax returns can often be the death of many RV Park deals. In this RV Park Mastery podcast we’re going to review the ins and outs of seller tax returns including what they can tell you about the property as well as what to do when they don’t match what the seller tells you.


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The Art Of Finding Contractors

Part of bringing an older RV Park back to life – so it can be the best it can be – encompasses making structural repairs and upgrades to the infrastructure and amenities. But ever since Covid the availability of qualified workers is greatly diminished. In this RV Park Mastery podcast we’re going to review some creative ideas to find workers with the skills you need.


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How To Deal With The Next Generation

Most of the time you are buying from the original mom and pop builder of the RV park. But sometimes you end up with the next generation – which could not be more different in goals and personalities. So how do you bridge the age gap? In this RV Park Mastery podcast we’re going to give you real-life tips on cutting deals with the heirs.


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A Simple Statistic That Explains It All

Of all the important formulas that revolve around RV Park investing, there is one simple fact that explains how the business functions and what makes RV Park investing successful. In this RV Park Mastery podcast we’re going to review what that fact is and the many ways it applies to the business.


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Five Ways To Boost Occupancy Right Now

If you have even one vacant space in your RV park then you’re losing potential income and value. In this RV Park Mastery podcast we’re going to review the top five ways to boost any RV park’s occupancy – and all of these are things you can do right now and at very low cost. If you harness these five strategies you can boost your occupancy quickly.


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The Return Of Deal-Making Creativity

With loan interest rates high and the economy troubled, many RV Park deals are requiring an element of creativity to get finalized. In this RV Park Mastery podcast we're going to review the types of creative thought and strategy that can make deals possible and how to get the seller to be as enthusiastic as you are to embrace their outside-the-box mentality.


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Why RV Parks Do Fine In Recessions

If you watch the news right now you will come to the conclusion that the world is coming to an end – which is pretty accurate. Recession is certainly on its way to the U.S. and investments should all be currently graded by their resilience in tough economic times. And one of the best of that group are RV parks, which are well positioned to survive whatever the economy throws at them. In this RV Park Mastery podcast we’re going to review what makes RV parks a safe bet in both good times and bad.


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Non-refundable Earnest Money? Just Say No

The standard construction of an RV park purchase contract is for the buyer to put up refundable earnest money, subject to the findings of due diligence and financing. However, some sellers and brokers will float the idea to you of that earnest money being non-refundable on day one. In this RV Park Mastery podcast we’re going to drill down on this concept and why it’s always a bad idea for the buyer.


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How To Set Seller Note Interest Rates

Many RV parks are seller financed and the topic of interest rates is always a part of that discussion. So how do you properly set the interest rate on a seller note? In this RV Park Mastery podcast we’re going to review the necessary steps and strategies to selecting the right rate.


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How To Disarm Bad Managers

A good manager can really push your business forward – and a bad one can wreck it. And since even good managers can go bad over time, it’s important that you don’t provide your manager with the ability to cause you harm even after you’ve replaced them. In this RV Park Mastery podcast we’re going to review smart tactics to make sure that you can focus on your business and not the aftermath of a bad employee.
