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The Student River Podcast

Business & Economics Podcasts

The Student River Podcast - A Podcast completely devoted to helping grow your Kid Activity Center. Presented by Cascade Conversion.


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The Student River Podcast - A Podcast completely devoted to helping grow your Kid Activity Center. Presented by Cascade Conversion.





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Are You Due For A New Website? Here’s What To Consider. - Episode 17

In this weeks episode, we're bringing a slightly different format than what we've done in the past. Today we're interviewing Zander Arthur, Founder and Co-CEO of Stars And Stripes Management Systems. Zander started his career coaching gymnastics, and in 2012, he and his brother Austin founded Stars and Stripes Management Systems as a resource company to help gymnastics centers grow. They later opened a gymnastics center in Winter Garden, FL, which became the largest gym in Florida (by...


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You Only Get One Shot… How Some Brands Are Blowing It With The First Impression - Episode 16

In this weeks episode, we talk about some basics when it comes to reducing friction when someone wants to do business with you. Some of you are making it WAY too hard to be reached than it should be. Your website should be the most streamlined place to get in touch with you first and foremost. We'll talk about how your website should be set up, so that its easy to find the information to reach you guys, and while this stuff may sound pretty basic, our intention is to set you up for success. #StudentRiverPodcast #Homepage #WebsiteDesign #Webdevelopment #ImproveyourOnlineprescence #streamline Find Us On Other Streaming Platforms: Apple: YouTube: Spotify: Stitcher:


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7 Elements To A Homepage That Creates Students - Episode 15

Today we will talk about your homepage and what it should contain to optimally create new interest. You are being judged based on your website! This is like your online business card, and most of your customers first experience with you. Your homepage needs to be beautiful, but equally important it needs to be intuitive to navigate. We cover 7 things you should be doing with your homepage. This is more than design. #StudentRiverPodcast #Homepage #WebsiteDesign #Google Find Us On Other Streaming Platforms: Apple: YouTube: Spotify: Stitcher:


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Your Website Sucks! 3 Questions Your Website Must Be Able To Answer - Episode 14

In this weeks episode, we dig into your website design and how it may or may not be preventing visitors into becoming potential clients and customers. If you haven't updated your website in the last 3-5 years, it's time for a change! Updates to website navigation and design change quite frequently (think like fashion), so as to not look archaic in a constantly changing space, you've got to keep up to have the appearance that you are top in your space and industry. We'll talk about intentions with your website, and three questions that each page on your website MUST answer. #StudentRiverPodcast #WebDesign #OnlinePrescence Find Us On Other Streaming Platforms: Apple: YouTube: Spotify: Stitcher:


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Negative Reviews! How To Manage Your Reputation In This Transparent World - Episode 13

No longer can you get away with...well anything. We live in an increasingly transparent world. Having an average program, customer service, experience will get found out eventually. It's time we adapt. In this weeks episode, we talk about online reputation, monitoring review engines, and controlling the narrative when it comes to what appears with your brand when someone is looking you up. We'll learn how to influence the first page of search engine results, as well as ways to cultivate positive reviews from your current happy customers. You must manage your online reputation if you want to survive in today’s hyper-competitive landscape. #StudentRiverPodcast #OnlineReputation #BrandReputation Find Us On Other Streaming Platforms: Apple: YouTube: Spotify: Stitcher:


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You're In The Way! How Leaders Bottleneck Their Brands From Growing - Episode 12

In this weeks episode, we're going to take a little bit of a different angle, and talk about YOU, the leader. The growth of your business and brand is in direct proportion to your growth as an individual. We'll break down some things that can trip you up, and how improving yourself will directly influence your ability to scale your business. #StudentRiverPodcast #PersonalImprovement #SelfCare #BeALeader Find Us On Other Streaming Platforms: Apple: YouTube: Spotify: Stitcher:


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Guaranteed Growth - The 3 Numbers You Must Know To Scale - Episode 11

In this weeks episode, we discuss growth. There are lots of elements to scaling your business, but a crucial one is knowing your numbers. We're going to specifically break down 3 separate numbers, Retention, LTV, and CPA. These numbers build on each other, and will help develop a preliminary marketing budget for you. Once we have these numbers established, growth isn’t accidental. It’s intentional and on purpose. We'll talk about how they all work together, allowing you to bust through that plateau, and continue to expand your growing customer base.


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The 3 Keys To A Successful Brand: Part 3 - Unify Your Voice - Episode 10

In Part 3, we transition to communication - making our voice and the way we communicate in alignment with our vision and mission. Let’s Unify your voice and create a formula so that everyone on your team is carrying the same torch. For a brand to matter, it has to be human. but if it revolves around a person or guru, it becomes too much. People don’t want just a story, they want a compelling character. We'll talk about how you must personify your brand to level up.


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The 3 Keys To A Successful Brand: Part 2 - Create A Movement - Episode 9

In Part 2 of Building A Successful Brand, we examine looking at what it takes to "Create a movement". When a brand amplifies authority, it creates a movement. They have a plan for you as a client/customer, they have specific answers, they maintain absolutes. They have a set of core beliefs, rights, and rituals that you can get behind and continue forward with. These are all things that encompass building a large brand that the world (or your community) can buy into. Do one of these things, and you'll do okay. Do all 5 of these things and you'll build a movement that can't be stopped.


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The 3 Keys To A Successful Brand: Part 1 - The Framework - Episode 8



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The 3 Best Marketing Channels To Grow Your Kids Activity Center - Episode 7

In this weeks episode, we're still on the topic of Marketing. Multiple channels are necessary these days, as word of mouth isn't cutting it when it comes to driving new business to your activity center. Each of these different channels (Email, Google Adwords, Facebook) have a different temperature of audience, and it's key to treat them differently. We'll talk about different ideas, as well as systems to record and track what works for each of those audiences, as well as what doesn't.


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Create A Marketing Superhighway: THE 4 Phases Creating A Nonstop Flow Of Highly Profitable Students - Episode 6

In this weeks episode, we talk about Marketing. Marketing can go in a number of different directions. But we're here to talk about a consistent flow of traffic through your doors that is highly profitable. How you find them, cultivate them, and ultimately create a system that brings you fresh opportunities all the time!


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Ready to Finally Fill all your Preschool and Daytime Classes? - Episode 5

In this weeks episode, we discuss one of the harder aspects in the Kids Activity space, filling daytime classes. It's easy to book classes for the later afternoons when times are convenient for most families. Most of your businesses don't even OPEN until 3 o'clock. There's some secrets to filling those classes you desire to have earlier in the day, but there isn't just one clear answer. Work needs to be done to find what the right decision is for your business. We're here to spark some of those ideas and get you thinking about ways to maximize your space, and better help your community.


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The Untapped Enrollments That are Hidden in your Student Database - Episode 4

In this weeks episode, we talk about Email, your lowest cost, easiest, and fastest form of marketing. Retaining or reengaging a previous customer is ALWAYS cheaper than acquiring a new one, so let's discuss the different types of emails you should be sending them, and on a regular basis.


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3 Rookie Mistakes Most Owners Make When Offering A Free Trial Class (Part 2) - Episode 3

Continuing from last weeks episode, We break down the processes of going through the Pre-Trial, Trial Day, and Post-Trial experiences.


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3 Rookie Mistakes Most Owners Make When Offering A Free Trial Class (Part 1) - Episode 2



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Episode 1 - Creating New Students On Demand For Your Kid Activity Center

Introduction to Student River, A Podcast completely devoted to helping grow your Kid Activity Center.
