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The Wealth Standard – Empowering Individual Financial Independence

Business & Economics Podcasts

Without motivation, guidance, and cutting-edge information, people will continue to settle for mediocre financial results and unfulfilled life. The Mission of The Wealth Standard Podcast is to empower every listener to pursue and achieve financial independence and live with even more abundance. When people think about their financial situation and what it takes to get ahead, they are frustrated and tired because deep down, they realize that typical products and strategies won't get them there. The Wealth Standard Podcast focuses each episode on the tools, strategies, and motivations of those who are already financially independent. If every interview, commentary, and audience engagement was designed to empower even better financial results, listeners would be motivated to think differently, take massive action, and live a life they love.


United States


Without motivation, guidance, and cutting-edge information, people will continue to settle for mediocre financial results and unfulfilled life. The Mission of The Wealth Standard Podcast is to empower every listener to pursue and achieve financial independence and live with even more abundance. When people think about their financial situation and what it takes to get ahead, they are frustrated and tired because deep down, they realize that typical products and strategies won't get them there. The Wealth Standard Podcast focuses each episode on the tools, strategies, and motivations of those who are already financially independent. If every interview, commentary, and audience engagement was designed to empower even better financial results, listeners would be motivated to think differently, take massive action, and live a life they love.



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Primal Instinct & Gratitude

Every human being has this primal instinct that awakens whenever we need to protect our loved ones. But on the other side of this survival nature is the far opposite: the expression of gratitude. In this Thanksgiving message, Patrick Donohoe looks back on how he protected his wife and kids from a possible assault by tapping into his primal instinct in just a split second. He explains how this opened his eyes that there is more to life than simply fighting to live, but also mindfulness and vulnerability. Love the show? Subscribe, rate, review, and share! Join The Wealth Standard community today:


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Life Is Calling

Life is calling, and it calls for us to grow in the form of obstacles, problems, and challenges. In this episode, Patrick Donohoe shares an entry in his journal coming from his own personal experiences, friends, and work associates. It says the lessons life teaches us about marriage, parenthood, friendship, leadership, business, and investing are not meant to teach us a skill, fact, tactic, or strategy. They are to help us discover the multiple facets of who we are and use them strategically to show up to life. Life is calling. Answer the call. Love the show? Subscribe, rate, review, and share! Join The Wealth Standard community today:


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Physically Mastering Wealth Series: Part 2

Welcome back to the third part of the three-part series on physically mastering wealth. Today, Patrick Donohoe is going to talk to you about two very different stories. One is about a family that saved too much money, the other is about a family that spent it all. Join in and learn from these stories so that you can apply the three financial habits for a happier life. Force these habits into your life today! Love the show? Subscribe, rate, review, and share! Join The Wealth Standard community today:


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Physically Mastering Wealth

Is it possible to physically master wealth? For the first part of the Physically Mastering Wealth Series, Patrick Donohoe discusses why understanding how habits are formed and how behavior is conditioned helps in creating more wealth. It’s all about figuring out what works best and leveraging your resources to produce optimal results. And then doing it again and again. Want to learn more? Tune in for more insight on how you can make creating wealth a habit! Love the show? Subscribe, rate, review, and share! Join The Wealth Standard community today:


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Mastering Wealth By Developing New Habits

In order to master wealth, you need to master your habits. You need to develop new habits so that you don't just do the same thing over and over. Wealth is a direct result of habits. Join your host Patrick Donohoe as he talks about the different levels of masteries and why habits are crucial to life. Replace your existing habits with new ones today! Love the show? Subscribe, rate, review, and share! Join The Wealth Standard community today:


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A Fulfilling Life Will Never Come From Achieving Goals With Tim Reynolds

What are the things you need to do to live a fulfilling life? Does it come from achieving goals? , author and creator of Living Every Minute, doesn’t think that’s always the case, and in this interview with host Patrick Donohoe, we learn where fulfillment comes from. We listen to Tim’s recollections about family and a story about a medical emergency he had worked on that showed him why the goal isn’t all there is, and that sometimes, the journey is just as important. Be inspired by Tim’s words and be ready to live a greater life. Love the show? Subscribe, rate, review, and share! Join The Wealth Standard community today:


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A Framework To LIVE In Every Minute With Tim Reynolds

Everyone’s lives, be it their personal or professional ones, follow a guide, a framework to live by. In Part 4 of Patrick Donohoe’s interview with businessman, investor, doctor, and author , we hear more about how your mission, your framework, affects everything around you. Tim discusses the Living Every Minute concept and how it can change your life. Tim shares the value of writing down the magical moments in your life and chronicling what you do in a journal. Tune in to this thought-provoking conversation and learn how to make the most out of your life. Love the show? Subscribe, rate, review, and share! Join The Wealth Standard community today:


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Conversations Are Only Hard When You Make Them About YOU With Tim Reynolds, M.D.

We can only do so much by listening just to ourselves. Most of the time, we need to broaden our narrow perspective and start listening to others. Still with businessman, investor, and author, , Patrick Donohoe guides us into their discussion about finding others who think differently than you. Tim shares the value of having a team with different strengths and learning more about their character than their skills. Join into this conversation and discover how business is not such a lonely thing after all. Love the show? Subscribe, rate, review, and share! Join The Wealth Standard community today:


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Change Your Life: First, Change Your Rules With Tim Reynolds, M.D.

Life is fragile, and you only have one chance. It's about time that you change your life and take some risks. Always ask yourself, what's the worst thing that can happen? asked himself that same question, and he is now the founder of . Learn Tim's story on how he started his business and how he accepts some of his shortcomings. Learn how to change the rules of the game as Tim joins your host Patrick Donohoe. Also, learn more about his book, , today. Love the show? Subscribe, rate, review, and share! Join The Wealth Standard community today:


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Living Every Minute: Enjoy The Time You Have Now With Tim Reynolds, M.D.

The past is a great place to learn from, but it's gone. It won’t do us any good to dwell on it. Patrick Donohoe introduces , the Founder of Living Every Minute. Tim talks with Patrick about how many people dwell in the past, which is not a great place to live. Are you afraid of the future? Don’t be. We don't even know if it's coming! We’re all just passing through this life, so let's enjoy the time we have and the gifts we were given. Love the show? Subscribe, rate, review, and share! Join The Wealth Standard community today:


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Wealth Is The Result Of Your Relationship With Challenges

Life compels us to move forward and to grow, although there's uniqueness and variety. We may not know what tomorrow is going to bring, but we can still choose to show up to the life we are given and strive to rise despite the challenges. After all, strength and growth come only through continuous effort and struggle. In this episode, Patrick Donohoe explains the importance of understanding the principles of growth through embracing challenges. He discusses adversity, obstacles, struggles, challenge, and friction. This is the perfect time to encourage yourself to embrace challenges when they come. Recognize the opportunity to do it strategically so you could unleash your potential and even create successful investment decisions. Love the show? Subscribe, rate, review, and share! Join The Wealth Standard community today:


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Life Lessons From Strangers: Discovering The Keys To Success By Connecting With People

There’s so much to learn from every individual we meet. The right connection with the right individual might unlock the secret to a successful life. In this episode, Patrick Donohoe shares two eye-opening conversations he had with two individuals who are very different yet equally successful in their own ways. He details his chance encounter with renowned golf course architect and designer , who is still filled with so much passion for his job at 84 years old. In another interaction, Patrick recounts his meeting with former NFL player and Hall of Famer , now a sought-after speaker and best-selling author. Tune in as Patrick shares the valuable life lessons he received from these great individuals and why it’s important to connect with the people around us. Love the show? Subscribe, rate, review, and share! Join The Wealth Standard community today:


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Life Is On The Other Side Of Fear

How many times has fear held us up? How many opportunities did we miss just because we were too afraid to try? It is time to overcome that and start living life. As Patrick Donohoe highlights in this episode, life is on the other side of fear. He further elaborates that by pushing our fear thresholds, we realize that we can do more. Life demands growth, and if we hold ourselves back, we can’t possibly get to the life we are meant to live. Join Patrick in today's show, where he shares his own experiences and lessons learned that you could apply in every aspect of life. Love the show? Subscribe, rate, review, and share! Join The Wealth Standard community today:


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Life Happens In Moments

Life often takes us by surprise. Yet, it is in these moments that we often find life-changing opportunities. Patrick Donohoe has two stories that will make us rediscover how life happens in moments. When you come face to face with these situations, do you run away, show up differently, or just live in the moment? Find out how we can grab on to these opportunities in this episode. Love the show? Subscribe, rate, review, and share! Join The Wealth Standard community today:


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Investor Wisdom: Sound Judgement, Due Diligence And Managing Risk

The road to financial freedom is difficult and fraught with risk. Reaching financial independence means managing risk. In this episode, Patrick Donohoe talks about risk management, investor wisdom and due diligence. He shares an experience with a bad investment and what he learned from it. Tune in to learn more about what you need to keep in mind when investing. Love the show? Subscribe, rate, review, and share! Join The Wealth Standard community today:


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Merging Funny With Money: Understanding Wealth And Humor With Garrett Gunderson

Some people in the financial industry have the habit of taking everything as gospel. They consider anything they learn off of a book or from a mentor as 100% true. found humor in all of this and talks about things that most people are too afraid to say, merging money with funny. Learn all about wealth with some jokes on the side with Patrick Donohoe and his guest, Garrett Gunderson. Garrett is the Founder of and the author of . Learn how to give important information while still being funny, understand why wealth disappears when you're no longer true to yourself, and so much more. Love the show? Subscribe, rate, review, and share! Join The Wealth Standard community today:


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How Comedy Breaks Through Self-Defense Mechanisms With Garrett Gunderson, Part 3

How can you change a person’s mindset without offending them? Through comedy. Patrick Donohoe welcomes back for part 3 of the series. In this episode, Garrett shares his mission to help shift peoples’ mindsets for financial abundance, the best way of which is to poke fun at financial myths to open everyone’s minds! Otherwise, you may offend people who hold tight to these myths, and they’ll end up shutting you off! Tune in and discover the power of comedy. Love the show? Subscribe, rate, review, and share! Join The Wealth Standard community today:


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Wealth In A Consumeristic Society With Garrett Gunderson, Part 2

We’re in a consumeristic society where our idea of wealth lies in the physical things we get to have. So we consume and consume thinking that it is the only way we can quench that thirst. is back in this second part of the series to redefine the game. He shares his unique insights on wealth and what people are after with their goals. He also taps into the power of intuition, allowing it to guide him to achieve the things he wants and make a better impact. Love the show? Subscribe, rate, review, and share! Join The Wealth Standard community today:


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The Concept Of Wealth And Winning In Life With Garrett Gunderson, Part 1

Winning in life isn’t easy. We all want to live comfortably and not deal with pain, but life doesn’t always work out like that. We will always experience hardships. Join Patrick Donohoe and the Founder and Chief Wealth Architect at , , as they delve into experiencing life with all its uncertainties. Garrett shares personal experiences that shaped him to be the person he is now. He also talks about how he dealt with his insecurities and allowed his vision to expand beyond his comfort zone. Finally, he shares how he was able to change things in his life in order to live winning it. Love the show? Subscribe, rate, review, and share! Join The Wealth Standard community today:


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The Framework For Financial Independence

According to science, our brain does not have the capacity to process the information that bombards us daily. That is why it creates these shortcuts or cognitive biases. Our cognitive biases rule our behavior, especially towards our finances. On today’s show, Patrick Donohoe speaks about these biases from a financial perspective, foremost of which is the notion of retirement and why it is so appealing to so many. Get out of what you have been conditioned on so you can gain that financial independence as soon as possible and not have to wait 20, 30, or 40 years. Tune in to this episode to learn how. Love the show? Subscribe, rate, review, and share! Join The Wealth Standard community today:
