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Up-Close with Chin Teik: Re-Think Series

Business & Economics Podcasts

Welcome to Up-Close with Chin Teik: Re-Think SeriesThe series will contain episodes to allow you to #pause with me, allow me to share with you my #language and hope that you will be able to #rRe-Think your current paradigm, your language and Re-Think the possibilities! I wish you well in your learning. If you have comments or questions, please contact me. Most of all if you like my series, please press "subscribe."


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Welcome to Up-Close with Chin Teik: Re-Think SeriesThe series will contain episodes to allow you to #pause with me, allow me to share with you my #language and hope that you will be able to #rRe-Think your current paradigm, your language and Re-Think the possibilities! I wish you well in your learning. If you have comments or questions, please contact me. Most of all if you like my series, please press "subscribe."



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Up-Close with Chin Teik: Integration vs On-Boarding vs Orientation

Up-Close with Chin Teik: Re-Think Listen to my podcast to


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Up-Close with Chin Teik: Constancy of Purpose

Up-Close with Chin Teik: Re-Think Constancy of Purpose In these challenging times (VUCA), it is important for any organization (profit or non-profit) to have a Constancy of Purpose to match & align for focused execution to organization's vision & 3 strategic priorities. Constancy of Purpose includes: Anchor WhyValuesCompassWhereStrategic Objectives3 Strategic Priorities WhatCulture of ExecutionHow Constancy of Purpose provides: matchwhy-where-how-whatwhy-where-how-whatAlignmentPrioritization


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Up-Close with Chin Teik: System of Execution Updated 2023

Up-Close with Chin Teik: Re-Think System of Execution Success doesn’t come from breakthrough innovation but from flawless execution! Key message: There is not enough focus on the execution of promises made to stakeholders! There is almost an acceptance for delay and rework in most organizations. My system of execution framework consists of 1 requirement and 2 elements. 1 requirement is disciplined leadership and the 2 elements are breakthrough performance and culture of execution.


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Up-Close with Chin Teik: Stop Demotivating Your Employees!

Up-Close with Chin Teik: Re-Think Stop Demotivating Your Employees The right talent does not need you to motivate them, instead they require demotivation prevention. Key message: These 2 capabilities (not soft skills) need to be equipped and measured: Hiring needs to go hand-in-hand with retention of the right talent. There is a cost (tangible and non-tangible) to poor hiring and poor retention of the right talent. Two Questions for Reflection Your employees don’t need motivation when Leaders are accountable for their employees who are acountable for the results!


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Up-Close with Chin Teik: Culture To Be Taught, Not Assumed

Up-Close with Chin Teik: Re-Think Culture to be taught, not assumed Please join me on this episode to learn: Culture is simply how we get things done in the organization and how work gets done between people. Culture is the manifestation of a the organization’s core values. Culture is not just how things are done in the organization; it should include the following: Ensure your core purpose, strategies to achieve vision and culture are connected.


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Up-Close with Chin Teik: Assume makes Ass-U-Me

Up-Close with Chin Teik: Re-Think Assume makes an Ass-U-Me Four questions to begin this episode. People are prone to biased assumptions based on the 4E - environment, education, experience and exposure. Those assumptions will lead to automatic thinking and stimulus-response behaviors which may not always be optimal in terms of DEI. Assumptions are important in strategic planning and decision making as well as quality connections at home and at work. Listen to this episode on how to #pause, #unpack and #re-think one's current assumptions.


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Up-Close with Chin Teik: 95:5 Rule

Up-Close with Chin Teik: 95:5 Rule 4 Questions to begin this episode 1. How many of you believe that you have control over your life? 100%? 2. Who has authority over your mind? 3. What has the Covid-19 taught you about yourself? 4. How have you and your colleagues dealt with or responded to Covid-19 over the 2 plus years? Listen to this episode to learn what is the 95:5 Rule and how to operationalize the 95% of no-control and 5% of-control.


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Up-Close with Chin Teik: 2-Page - Critical Thinking Documented

Up-Close with Chin Teik: 2-Page - Critical Thinking Documented Listen to this episode to learn: Welcome to the 2-Page!


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Up-Close with Chin Teik: Never Waste A Crisis

Up-Close with Chin Teik: Never Waste A Crisis The pandemic has disrupted (unfreeze) our work-life which were fairly fixed prior to March 2020. Given that 95% of our lives we have no control and 5% we have control, how do we work on the 5% of control to learn from the Covid-19? What do we do with the 95% of no-control? Reflect on these 4 questions Listen to this episode to: so as to thrive & Never Waste A Crisis!


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Up-Close with Chin Teik: Why Would Anyone Follow You?

Up-Close With Chin Teik: Why Would Anyone Follow You? 4 Questions: Key Teachable Point: Leadership is about Relationship and Management is about Transaction This episode will unpack the following:


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Up-Close with Chin Teik: Why You Should Become A Leader-Manager

Up-Close with Chin Teik: Why You Should Become A Leader-Manager 4 Questions: Key Teachable Point: Relationship (Leader) and Results (Manager) A Leader-Manager uses both supportive behaviors (relationship) and directive behaviors (results) to obtain emotional and rational commitment from his/her staff to achieve extraordinary results. This episode will unpack for you:


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Up-Close with Chin Teik: Who Am I, Truly?

Up-Close with Chin Teik: Who Am I, Truly? When You Know Who You Are, You Will Know What To Do. 4 Questions For Reflection 1. How well do you know your true self? 2. What does authentic mean to you? 3. How much of who you are comes from your past – good & bad? 4. What and who is your source of significance or identity? 5. Which is easier to achieve – self-change or self-transformation? And what’s the difference? In this episode, I will share: Hope that, if you have not, to start your journey of discovery of self. Remember: Identity First, Before Destiny.


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Up-Close with Chin Teik: Who Am I, Truly?

Up-Close with Chin Teik: Who Am I, Truly? When We Know Who We Are, We Will Know What To Do. Questions for your reflection: There are many ideas and thoughts on authenticity as well as how to discover who you are. I am sharing in this podcast the 5-Actions To Discovering Who You Are including: It is not easy and it requires a need on your part. I hope that with this podcast, it will encourage you to take the first step of action. Remember: Identity first before Destiny


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Up-Close with Chin Teik: Do You Lead or Manage Your Life, That's The Question

Up-Close with Chin Teik: Do You Lead or Manage Your Life, That's The Question Questions for Reflection: #1: If you believe that 90% or more of your life you have no control, how well do you manage your response to what you cannot control? #2: What percent of your life, you are leading vs managing? #3: Do you know what it takes to lead one’s life? Let Me Unpack For You The Following:


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Up-Close with Chin Teik: To Motivate Or To Inspire, That's The Question

Up-Close with Chin Teik: To Motivate or To Inspire, That's The Question It is important for leader-managers to move from unconscious to conscious actions on motivating or inspiring for situational applications to achieve high employee engagement & multiplier impact. Motivation is easy but can be complicated. Inspiration is not easy but when accomplished, it is mastery in simplicity. I will be sharing the following:


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Up-Close with Chin Teik: Equipping To Serve From Your Given Platform

Up-Close with Chin Teik: Equipping to Serve From Your Given Platform Find your moments of purposefulness#Pause and make time to start this journey with a simple question:Who Am I without the title?Engagement is when you feel that your strengths are being used for impact and appreciated while being developed! Equip to serve from where you are placed!I hope each and everyone of you will find and live your moments of purposefulness.


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Up-Close with Chin Teik: To Empower or To Delegate, That's The Question

Up-Close with Chin Teik: To Empower Or To Delegate, That's The Question Questions: What does empowerment mean to you? When you say the word to your staff, do both of you know what it entails in terms of behavior and scope? Have you personally experienced true empowerment? When and from whom did you learn empowerment? Language: "Empowerment" as a word is a feel-good for the manager and for the employee (who desires empowerment). For the employee who is new and lack of capability or competency, the word can be scary. When I hear managers use the word “empowerment”, I get really worried. Reason is that the word, “empowerment” is a blur word because it means different things to different people – paradigm-centric. Paradigms: I grew up with the word "delegate". Which paradigm is yours when it comes to delegate or empower? 4 Words, 3 Rules & 3 Supportive Steps: Listen to my podcast as I share my 4 words, 3 rules & 3 steps for effective delegation. Hope this will #pause will allow you to unpack the #language into specific repeatable behaviors/actions for predictable results.


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Up-Close with Chin Teik: Discovering Your Strengths

Up-Close with Chin Teik: Discovering Your Strengths Please listen to understand my working definition of strength: High Passion + High Ability It is important to know your strength because it is required in your personal Constancy of Purpose (why-where-how-what). If you do not spend time to discover your strengths and rely on others whose definition, standard and blind spot may mistake your weakness into strength, then it will negatively impact your emotional/physical being. Working in a role with high ability & low passion will result in stress. Working in a role with low passion & low ability is not going to make you a joyful & effective person - disengaged and de-motivated! I will also explain the 70:20:5 rule and how it plays to my working definition of passion + ability.


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Up-Close with Chin Teik: Life Skills Not Soft Skills

Up-Close with Chin Teik Episodes: Life Skills not Soft Skills Due to the daily use of problem solving, decision making, running/attending meetings, dealing with conflicts etc., we assume that everyone is good at these skills. But at the same time, these daily-use skills are intuitive, unconscious and individualistic. Thus many label these skills - "soft". "Soft" makes it harder to transfer and replicate for repeatable and predictable results. Have you ever wondered where the term "soft skills" come from? Listen to this podcast to find out. I prefer, use and teach life skills because these skills are hard and not easy, requiring conscious diligent practice for mastery and multiplier impact Life skills should be taught by all companies to differentiate it's culture - "how we do things here"


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Up-Close with Chin Teik: #Knowing-#Being-#Doing

Up-Close with Chin Teik: #Knowing-#Being-#Doing 1. How many of us know but don’t do? 2. How many of us do without knowing why? 3. How many of us do without believing? 4. How many of us believe in what we are doing, knowingly? Knowing is not enough, Try/Experiment. Willing is not enough, Do. Doing is not enough, believe. Wisdom is not just about knowing about something but living it out. I call it applied knowledge – the ability to use knowledge to discern and to question current state and to ask “why not?”. To unpack the three words, just think of these word associations. Knowing is head, Being is heart, Doing is hand. Hearing and actual doing is a human problem. Space in between hearing and doing is occupied by our current paradigms, our pride & our fear. Unless we are able to shift or remove those blocks, we cannot do 100% of what we hear consistently and repeatedly. We are called to use our head, heart and hands when we engage with truth and people. Truth can be principles around faith and life and leadership with self, others and organizations.
