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We Not Me

Business & Economics Podcasts

Exploring how humans connect and get stuff done together, with Dan Hammond and Pia Lee from Squadify. We need groups of humans to help navigate the world of opportunities and challenges, but we don't always work together effectively. This podcast tackles questions such as "What makes a rockstar team?" "How can we work from anywhere?" "What part does connection play in today's world?" You'll also hear the thoughts and views of those who are running and leading teams across the world.


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Exploring how humans connect and get stuff done together, with Dan Hammond and Pia Lee from Squadify. We need groups of humans to help navigate the world of opportunities and challenges, but we don't always work together effectively. This podcast tackles questions such as "What makes a rockstar team?" "How can we work from anywhere?" "What part does connection play in today's world?" You'll also hear the thoughts and views of those who are running and leading teams across the world.



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Agile for business teams

Agile isn’t just for software teams – its principles can be effectively applied to HR and other business teams, offering a pragmatic approach to improving workflow and efficiency. It goes beyond flexible working or nimble decision-making, representing a philosophy and set of principles for getting work done more effectively. Nebel Crowhurst is the Chief People Officer at Reward Gateway, and has extensive experience in HR. She’s worked across a variety of industries, helping teams understand and transition to Agile. Three reasons to listen Episode highlights Links Connect with Nebel via LinkedInBooks by Natal DankThe Multi-Hyphen MethodTrack and improve your team performance with SquadifyLeave us a voice note


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How to succeed in an assignment

International assignments in business require careful preparation, adaptability, and a focus on making a positive impact rather than just “making your mark”. Success in foreign assignments often comes from reinforcing and amplifying existing strengths within an organisation, rather than attempting to overhaul everything. Kevin Asher is a leader, strategist, and innovator in healthcare. He’s worked primarily in the pharmaceutical industry, including medical communications, data generation, and patient group support. He’s a self-described problem-solver, and he joins Dan and Pia to discuss his recent assignment in Italy. Three reasons to listen Episode highlights Links Connect with Kevin via LinkedInWhy Motivating People Doesn't Work--and What DoesTrack and improve your team performance with SquadifyLeave us a voice note


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The engagement crisis and what to do about it

Employee engagement is in crisis, with staggeringly low levels of engagement across the workforce, particularly among younger employees. This lack of engagement is not only affecting workers' wellbeing, but also has significant economic impact, with an estimated $8.9 trillion lost annually in global GDP due to low engagement. This week's guest is Juliet Hammond, business analyst at Squadify. Juliet has a background in economics and works with a database of 2.5 million data points, analysing engagement and team dynamics. Three reasons to listen Episode highlights Links Connect with Juliet via LinkedInPivotBurn BookTrack and improve your team performance with SquadifyLeave us a voice note


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How to lead teams asynchronously

It’s time for a new approach to teamwork: one that minimises distractions, reduces time-blocking communication, prioritises mental health, and promotes independent and efficient work. This management style can lead to more productive teams, with fewer managers and more individual contributors, with everyone focused on their core competencies. Liam Martin is the author of a bestselling book and the founder of a conference focused on remote working, which he believes is crucial for scaling organisations. He advocates for a new management style for remote teams, emphasising the importance of communicating effectively without unnecessary interaction. Three reasons to listen Episode highlights Links Running Remote: Master the Lessons from the World’s Most Successful Remote-Work PioneersRunning Remote on YouTubeThe Entrepreneurial Operating SystemSliteNotion AIFlex IndexFlow: The Psychology of HappinessLeave us a voice note


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Being a specialist in a team

To bring specialists into teams with different skill sets takes good communication and a knowledge of the history of the team you’re integrating. Doing this well means everyone can point their skills at solving problems. Ash Winter is an experienced software tester who has a particular interest in how teams and organisations work. Ash has been a software tester for over 15 years, and has experience as a consultant, helping organisations improve their testing processes. In his role he’s seen a wide range of team structures and sizes, and he’s particularly focused on the challenges and opportunities of being a specialist within a team. Three reasons to listen Episode highlights Links Connect with Ash via LinkedInTeam Topologies: Organizing Business and Technology Teams for Fast FlowThe Five Dysfunctions of a Team: A Leadership FableThe Goal: A Process of Ongoing ImprovementThe Phoenix Project: A Novel about IT, DevOps, and Helping Your Business WinLeave us a voice note


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Rejoining the team after babies

Workplaces need to provide better support and flexibility to parents coming back from having a child. And more needs to be done to redress the imbalance of working mums vs working dads. Jessica Heagren is the founder of Careers After Babies, and an advocate for gender equality in the workplace, particularly for women coming back after maternity leave. Jess has conducted extensive research on the career impacts of having children and has published a report uncovering some surprising statistics that don’t all make for happy reading. Three reasons to listen Episode highlights Links Connect with Jessica via LinkedInThe Equal Parent: Why Sharing the Load MattersThe Careers After Babies reportLeave us a voice note


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The 5 things every team should do to be more effective

Effective leadership means understanding the needs of all stakeholders, not just your team members. When teams broaden their thinking to their customer base, to the wider ecology, and even to future generations, they make more effective decisions. Professor Peter Hawkins has a lifetime of experience working on systemic team coaching, leadership development, and organisational change. He’s a pioneer in integrating strategic and culture change along with leadership development, and he emphasises the importance of connecting personal, team, organisational, and ecological levels of change. Three reasons to listen Episode highlights Links Connect with Professor Peter Hawkins via LinkedInSystemic Coaching: Delivering Value Beyond the Individual5 disciplines of high performance teamsLeave us a voice note


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When your business partner has a stroke

Life-altering events can reveal the strength and resilience of the human spirit, highlight the value of a supportive network, and reveal the power of compassion and understanding. Both of this episode’s guests have had first-hand experience in this area. Returning to the podcast is Gillian Coutts, who suffered a stroke in 2022 and has been on a long road to recovery. By her side, along with Gillian’s husband Steve and her family, has been Gillian’s business partner, Jenny Steadman, who has dealt with her own serious health concerns. This 100th episode is a testament to the power of the We Not Me spirit, and demonstrates what the combination of grit and grace can achieve. Three reasons to listen Episode highlights Links Support Gill’s GoFundMe campaignLeave us a voice note


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Leadership lessons from the pitch and the sidelines

Sport is more than just a game. It serves as a unifying force, bringing people together across generations and cultures. It teaches us valuable lessons about leadership, teamwork, and resilience, and it helps build a sense of community and belonging. Patrick Skene is the Chief Creative Officer at Culture Pulse, where he engages multicultural communities across various sporting events. He’s also a storyteller, writing about sport, exploring its deeper meaning and significance beyond just being a game. Three reasons to listen Links Connect with Patrick via LinkedInHidden Potential: The Science of Achieving Greater ThingsLeave us a voice noteEpisode highlights


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What isn’t your team telling you?

There’s a wealth of untapped wisdom and information within our teams, but too much goes unspoken. By choosing curiosity, making it safe for others to share, and creating opportunities to ask and listen, we can access these insights, enrich our understanding, and improve our decision-making. Jeff Wetzler is a human potential and learning expert with a background in business and education. His new book discusses how to tap into the expertise of those around us, and he joins Dan and Pia to share some of the key insights raised through his extensive research into team communication. Three reasons to listen Episode highlights Links Ask: Tap Into the Hidden Wisdom of People Around You for Unexpected Breakthroughs In Leadership and LifeRemaking the Space Between Us: How Citizens Can Work Together to Build a Better Future for AllDiscover what Squadify can do for your teamLeave us a voice note


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Boost team empathy & joy in the span of a lunch break

What can you bring into the workplace that can significantly strengthen team bonds, enhance individual self-expression, and contribute to a healthier work environment? Mette Oscar Pedersen is a facilitator who’s worked with communities, companies, and other groups to bring joy and connection to their work. In this episode, you’ll Episode highlights Links Connect with Mette via LinkedInThe Dance Cure: The surprising secret to being smarter, stronger, happierDiscover what Squadify can do for your teamLeave us a voice note


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Speaking up in meetings

People often don't speak up in meetings out of fear, a sense of futility, a lack of confidence, or because they just can't be bothered. But active participation and speaking up can significantly advance visibility and career prospects. So leaders and participants alike need to take responsibility for making meetings meaningful and encouraging open communication. Betina Szkudlarek is a professor in International Management at the University of Sydney Business School. Betina has conducted extensive research on why people often do not voice their opinions and what can be done to encourage people to speak up. In this episode, she shares findings from her research, and offers practical steps for both leaders and participants to ensure everyone’s voice is heard…not just the loudest. Three reasons to listen Episode highlights Links Connect with Betina via LinkedInDoing Silence: How Silence Is Produced in MeetingsThe Stupidity Paradox: The Power and Pitfalls of Functional Stupidity at WorkHarnessing the power of silenceLeave us a voice note


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Legislating for a safe workplace - can it work?

How much responsibility do leaders have for the psychological safety of their teams? Aren’t psychological hazards an HR issue? Recent changes in Australian law require employers to take steps to ensure not only the physical but also the psychological safety of their employees. This includes identifying and mitigating psychosocial hazards in the workplace, which can have a profound impact on employees' mental health. But what is “reasonable”? This week's guest is Ian Bennett, a legal expert specialising in employment and safety law. He lends his expertise to discussions on workplace safety, specifically focusing on psychological safety and psychosocial hazards in the workplace. Three reasons to listen Episode highlights Links Connect with Ian via LinkedInConversations on LoveAnt Middleton’s Head Game podcastLeave us a voice note


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Imposter syndrome and its effect on teams

Imposter syndrome is a common psychological pattern many of us experience. It makes us doubt our achievements, or feel like we’re going to be exposed as a fraud. Imposter syndrome is usually only experienced by high performers, but there are techniques and mindset shifts that can help us, if not “cure” imposter syndrome, then at least manage it. Clem Pickering is a coach and specialist in the area of imposter syndrome. He has a background in tech, and focuses on supporting leaders in the tech space enhance their people skills and increase their impact. Dan and Pia share their personal experiences with imposter syndrome, and together with Clem explore its prevalence, discuss the impact it has in the workplace, and uncover ways to manage it. Three reasons to listen Episode highlights Links Leave us a voice noteThe Secret Thoughts of Successful Women (And Men): Why Capable People Suffer from Impostor Syndrome and How to Thrive In Spite of itThe Fearless Organization: Creating Psychological Safety in the Workplace for Learning, Innovation


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The state of working from home

The shift to working from home during the pandemic has significantly altered the way businesses operate, with many finding a balance between in-person and remote work. This change seems to be persisting even as lockdowns end, suggesting a long-term shift in our approach to work. This week, Dan and Pia are joined by Jose Maria Barrero, an assistant professor at ITAM Business School in Mexico City. He leads one of the world's biggest research studies on working from home, and how businesses are reacting to the shift to remote work due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Three reasons to listen Episode highlights Links Connect with Jose via LinkedInWork From Home and the Office Real Estate ApocalypseWorking Remotely? Selection, Treatment, and the Market for Remote WorkChecks and BalanceLeave us a voice note


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Transitioning to a senior leadership role

A successful transition to leadership calls for a significant shift in mindset. Not only do you need to enhance your existing skills, but also adopt new ones and let go of habits that may have earned you you success in the past. A transitioning leader understands the importance of team dynamics, makes space for collaboration, evolves their leadership style, and embraces continuous learning. This week, Dan and Pia are joined by Iain Gauld, the Chief Information Officer at Contact Energy in New Zealand. With a background in computer science, Iain started his career in tech with the intention of effecting change. Over time, he transitioned into team leadership and management roles, continuously learning and growing as he did so. Three reasons to listen Episode highlights Links Connect with Iain via LinkedInThe Leadership Pipeline: How to Build the Leadership Powered CompanySame as Ever: Timeless Lessons on Risk, Opportunity and Living a Good LifeTeam #1Leave us a voice note


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Are you focusing on the right things?

Salience (or what we choose to focus our attention on) has a big impact on our perceptions and actions within a group. Understanding this can help us reconsider what we’re ignoring or overlooking, which can lead to more innovative and inclusive team dynamics. This week, Dan and Pia are joined by Greg Radick and Tom McClelland, a professor and lecturer respectively, who study the history and philosophy of science. They discuss the concept of salience, which points to the ideas that grab our attention, and how salience impacts scientific enquiry and teams. In their professional work, they examine how different elements become more salient or important within a community of inquirers, such as a scientific community or a team, shaping what problems are considered relevant and which ones are ignored. They also explore how these patterns of salience influence the directions of research and collaboration. Three reasons to listen Episode highlights Links Connect with Greg via LinkedInConnect with Tom via LinkedInTom’s websiteDisputed Inheritance: The Battle over Mendel and the Future of BiologyWoman First and a Philosopher Second: Relative Attentional Surplus on the Wrong PropertyThe Structure of Scientific RevolutionsLeave us a voice note


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Yes, Chef! Lessons from the professional kitchen

Kitchens – like any professional environment – need effective leadership. This means staying calm, promoting clear communication, and creating a learning environment where team members feel valued and motivated. Professional kitchens run well are the epitome of the We Not Me philosophy. This week, Dan and Pia are joined by Simon Zatyrka, a former executive chef who’s spent most of his career in professional kitchens around the US. He’s the founder of the Culinary Mechanic, where he coaches chefs on leadership and building a positive culture in the kitchen, offering a mix of on-site and virtual consulting. Three reasons to listen Episode highlights Links Connect with Simon via LinkedInUnreasonable Hospitality: The Remarkable Power of Giving People More Than They ExpectTeam of Teams: New Rules of Engagement for a Complex WorldChef JourneysLeave us a voice note


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Keeping the peace when taking on a new leadership role

If you’re taking over as team leader, you need to have open and honest conversations about the change in dynamics. If you’ve previously enjoyed a friendly relationship and you’re transitioning from buddy to boss, or you’re filling someone else’s shoes, it’s time to show humility, honour the past, embrace an uncertain future, and accept feedback from your team. This week, adaptive organisations consultant Jon Barnes rejoins the podcast. Jon helps organisations shift from rigid hierarchies or bureaucracies towards teams that manage themselves, promoting more autonomy. He’s a fan of working styles where individuals have more freedom but are also more accountable, and he focuses on helping groups collectively nurture the culture they want, together. Three reasons to listen Episode highlights Links Leave us a voice noteConnect with Jon via LinkedInThe Book of Forgiving: The Fourfold Path for Healing Ourselves and Our World


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How to resolve workplace conflict

Workplace conflicts can arise from the most unexpected things, and can have severe consequences. When conflicts arise, they need to be addressed quickly, with opportunities created for open communication and understanding. Through effective mediation and a curiosity-driven approach, conflicts between team members can be resolved, ruptures can be repaired, and positive outcomes can be achieved. This week, Dan and Pia are joined by workplace mediation and conflict resolution consultant, Tania Waters. Tania has extensive experience in helping organisations address workplace conflicts and facilitating mediations between parties. She provides conflict management coaching, and specialises in creating safe spaces for open dialogue, understanding the perspectives and impacts of each party involved, and guiding them towards finding common ground. Three reasons to listen Episode highlights Links Connect with Tania via LinkedInHigh Conflict: Why We Get Trapped and How We Get OutLeave us a voice note
