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Signature Online Course Secrets with Robyn Birkin

Business & Economics Podcasts

Looking to step away from 1:1 burnout and step into 1:many freedom? Then welcome to Signature Online Course Secrets, hosted by Marketing and Online Business Strategist, Robyn Birkin. Whether you're just starting your small business or you're ready to scale your online business create more profit and more peace - you'll love it here, where we talk all things social media from Instagram to Podcasts, online courses, digital products, laid back launches, and how to leverage profit levers like Facebook Ads and sophisticated funnels that free up your time while also helping you grow your business.


United States


Looking to step away from 1:1 burnout and step into 1:many freedom? Then welcome to Signature Online Course Secrets, hosted by Marketing and Online Business Strategist, Robyn Birkin. Whether you're just starting your small business or you're ready to scale your online business create more profit and more peace - you'll love it here, where we talk all things social media from Instagram to Podcasts, online courses, digital products, laid back launches, and how to leverage profit levers like Facebook Ads and sophisticated funnels that free up your time while also helping you grow your business.



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Navigating motherhood and business with Simone Denny

Today on the podcast it's my pleasure to introduce you to someone I know and have personally worked with, Simone Denny. I knew Simone through a sort of peer mastermind that I was part of - she owned at the time an online health store and I was a vegan food blogger - and we were invited to take part in a group cookbook that raised money for women navigating domestic violence and we then morphed our niches and businesses over the coming years, I remember feeling at a crossroads in life back in about 2017/2018. I was swamped by the guilt of motherhood and also feeling like I'd lost myself. I was feeling deeply lonely in early motherhood of my two young girls and that amidst motherhood, I'd really just lost myself. I had wanted my babies for so long yet here I was feeling really guilty for even considering that there might be a life outside them and that maybe... they weren't the entirety of my purpose. And so, I hired Simone Denny to help me reset and figure out exactly who I was and what exactly I wanted to do with my life. Helping women find their purpose is Simone's speciality and working with her was such a line in the sand moment for me. As someone who has worked with so so so many women who may have had their own infertility journeys, or who have the embers of starting an online business but feel somewhat lost, I wanted to get Simone on today to speak to us about how we speak up for ourselves, how we figure out who we are and what we want from the world and how we navigate the mama guilt that comes from really and truly finding meaning in the work that we're doing... that often doesn't involve our children - and how we find peace, confidence and advocacy for ourselves in this time. Join me for a beautiful chat to one of the most incredible life coaches I know about all things online business, finding your purpose and mama guilt. About Simone Simone Denny is a leading coach and practitioner dedicated to guiding individuals and groups through healing, empowerment and purpose. With a rich background in psychology and business from the University of Berkeley and Otago University, Simone utilizes diverse methodologies including Internal Family Systems, Life Coaching, Mind Detox Therapy, CBT, and Mindfulness. She empowers clients to cultivate deep inner transformation and uncover their true potential. Simone's empowering workshops and online group coaching programs, including her signature offerings Living with Purpose and the Hatchery Membership, are designed to inspire profound personal growth. Drawing from over a decade of experience, Simone infuses her work with authenticity and compassion, creating a safe space for individuals to explore and embrace their self-awareness, and personal growth. Simone is a campaigner for self-discovery, emotional liberation, and discovering a life of purpose and joy. Find out more about Simone: Join Simone's Upcoming Retreat Free resources: LINKS + WORK WITH ROOBYN Free Case Study - How we got 1500 launch-ready email subscribers in 3 weeksGet a 30 Day Free Trial of Kartra - our Course, Email and Funnel SoftwareSwipe our Manychat Setup (and our Instagram Story to Subscribers Sequences + more)Want to launch an online course? Jump on the waitlist here.Work with me in the Well Conceived Mastermind1:1 Coaching FOLLOW Daily tips on growing your audience, impact and revenue (without sacrificing your life): @robynbirkin


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Welcome to Signature Online Course Secrets! (Life + Biz update)

It’s been 9 months since I shut down my life coaching business (but about 12 months now since I made the decision to focus solely on helping other business owners grow theirs and although I’ll probably share more when we hit the 12 month mark or 100 episodes - you’ll notice that we’ve now changed the name of the podcast - so I wanted to drop in with a life and business update. What’s the last 12 months looked like in business? Do I regret closing the life coaching business? What’s going on in life? Why the podcast name change? What have I learned in the last 12 months? What’s on the horizon here in my business And in all honesty - has it been easy? No! It’s been pretty challenging to say the least (but so worth it). I’m speaking to all of these things in the podcast today and honestly - I’ve written few notes but I mostly just hit record on this episode and riffed and allowed it to take me where it did. LINKS + WORK WITH ME Free Case Study - How we got 1500 launch-ready email subscribers in 3 weeksGet a 30 Day Free Trial of Kartra - our Course, Email and Funnel SoftwareSwipe our Manychat Setup (and our Instagram Story to Subscribers Sequences + more)Want to launch an online course? Jump on the waitlist here.Work with me in the Peace + Profit Mastermind1:1 Coaching FOLLOW Daily tips on growing your audience, impact and revenue (without sacrificing your life): @robynbirkin


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Growing an audience without being beholden to algorithms with Alice Rose

It is my pleasure to invite my friend Alice Rose on the the podcast. I have absolute love heart eyes for Alice who is an incredible community leader and transformational coach and it's awesome that we get to chat today - and especially about all things growing an audience. Once of the reasons I'm so beyond excited to welcome Alice is that I feel like we've each built our audiences in some ways that are similar, but also in many ways that are quite different, and so this is a call to action to everyone to know that there are many different ways to build an aligned business and grow your client base. In today's episode we talk about The three ways Alice has grown her audience and business The power of authenticity and community How to secure partnerships, collaborations and press for your business How to keep showing up (even when you don't feel like it) How to find your own voice (instead of feeling like you need to copy everyone else) I KNOW you're going to love this chat. About Alice Rose Alice Rose is an internationally recognised coach, writer, speaker, business mentor and consultant. She supports women at all stages with her signature self compassionate Joy First approach. Supporting women through their fertility years (she is the CEO and founder of Fertility Life Raft), motherhood, not-motherhood and all things in between, she is passionate about working with empowered, intelligent women who want more. Awarded ‘Most Supportive’ (The Worst Girl Gang Ever audience) and featured in national and global press (Red, BBC, Stylist, The Telegraph, Harpers Bazaar) Alice is also a campaigner for better fertility communication with her work included at the Fertility Show (London, Birmingham); the Barbican, London and consulting with the BBC, Royal College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, ESHRE and Ferring Pharmaceuticals in global social campaigns and international workshops on better fertility patient care.Alice has written for and been mentioned in multiple blogs and books (No One Talks About This Stuffl Ask me His Name; Big Fat Negative; The Worst Girl Gang Ever) and her podcast Fertility Life Raft has been recommended by Fearne Cotton; the Hi Lo Podcast; featured in the press, chosen for the Global Media Player and has received hundreds of positive reviews. After 15 years in London, UK she now resides in the gorgeous Wiltshire countryside with her husband and three children and can be found drinking coffee; kitchen dancing; lake swimming and reading books (preferably one after the other, daily). LINKS + WORK WITH ME Free Case Study - How we got 1500 launch-ready email subscribers in 3 weeksGet a 30 Day Free Trial of Kartra - our Course, Email and Funnel SoftwareSwipe our Manychat Setup (and our Instagram Story to Subscribers Sequences + more)Want to launch an online course? Jump on the waitlist here.Work with me in the Well Conceived Mastermind1:1 Coaching FOLLOW Daily tips on growing your audience, impact and revenue (without sacrificing your life): @robynbirkin


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Cycle Sync your Business for More Productivity and Less burnout with Kate Nguy

Have you ever felt like you're a rollercoaster of emotions and productivity in your business? Like... one minute you're inspired and outgoing and an absolute productivity powerhouse, and then the next minute you're feeling like you want to burn your business to the ground, never show your face on Social Media and just binge Netflix all day instead of working? And then... because you're having those feelings - you're feeling like a constant failure in your business, thinking: Why can't I just power through all the time? Why can't I just work at night and get all the things done? Why do I keep feeling like I need a break from my business? Why does my thinking feel fuzzy right now *goddamit I need to think of 284 hooks for my upcoming month on Instagram? If you're reading any of this and nodding your head, I'd love to share a giant aha moment I had a few years back that has literally saved my sanity, my energy, my business and made me 10x more productive: You're actually not a tiny man, so stop trying to run your business like one. You're a woman and our cycles and hormones are radically different - and therefore so is the way that we work. best. Once I knew that - I instantly felt so much more at ease in my business. So much of the pressure to 'be on' all the time, to work in 24 hour cycles, and the guilt I felt around having different levels of productivity and motivation in my business, faded away. And instead, I started thinking about how I could leverage my hormones and cycle (note: even though I've had a hysterectomy, I still have my ovaries and fallopian tubes.. and brain 🤣 - half of our sex hormones come from our brain - so I still have a 'cycle' and all the female hormones) to thrive more in business. And it's been a game changer, and something that will continue to be a work in progress. And this is why I'm so excited to welcome my friend, cycle syncing genius for women and Mastermind Client, Kate Nguy to the podcast to talk about how we, as women, can radically shift the way we think in our business, our productivity levels and our success - by understanding and thriving with our cycles. Tune into today's podcast episode and say hello to your new game-changing business strategy. LINKS + WORK WITH ME Free Case Study - How we got 1500 launch-ready email subscribers in 3 weeksGet a 30 Day Free Trial of Kartra - our Course, Email and Funnel SoftwareSwipe our Manychat Setup (and our Instagram Story to Subscribers Sequences + more)Want to launch an online course? Jump on the waitlist here.Work with me in the Well Conceived Mastermind1:1 Coaching FOLLOW Daily tips on growing your audience, impact and revenue (without sacrificing your life): @robynbirkin


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Before you spend more money in your business, stop

I'm going to tell you something today that not many business coaches (well I am more of a strategist and consultant but because ya'll use that language that's what I'll use today) will tell you and that's this: There's nothing wrong with investing money in your business, but not all investments are worth it and especially not all of them are worth it in the beginning. So today I'm going to tell you what investments you can scrap in the early days of your business, the exact investments I made in the early days of my business and how I justified them/where the money came from, and some of the things I believe are absolute non-negotiables in your business if you don't want to get ripped off later down the line. LINKS + WORK WITH ME Free Case Study - How we got 1500 launch-ready email subscribers in 3 weeks Get a 30 Day Free Trial of Kartra - our Course, Email and Funnel Software Swipe our Manychat Setup (and our Instagram Story to Subscribers Sequences + more) Want to launch an online course? Jump on the waitlist here. Work with me in the Well Conceived Mastermind 1:1 Coaching FOLLOW Daily tips on growing your audience, impact and revenue (without sacrificing your life): @robynbirkin


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How to get more clients in 2024

In today's episode I'm diving into how you can get more clients this year as a service provider, and specifically by looking strategically at what's happening in the market and what you need to know about the different content platforms. The market has shifted quite significantly in 2023 and now into 2024 and there's a few things in your content strategy and product suite that you may wish to tweak this year in order to get more clients through the door. We're talking about: LINKS + WORK WITH ME Free Case Study - How we got 1500 launch-ready email subscribers in 3 weeksGet a 30 Day Free Trial of Kartra - our Course, Email and Funnel SoftwareSwipe our Manychat Setup (and our Instagram Story to Subscribers Sequences + more)Want to launch an online course? Jump on the waitlist here.Work with me in the Well Conceived Mastermind1:1 Coaching FOLLOW Daily tips on growing your audience, impact and revenue (without sacrificing your life): @robynbirkin


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3 things I didn't do to build a six figure life coaching business

I built a six figure life coaching business in just six hours per week, but I didn't build it by doing all the things and being in all the places. In fact, I built it by doing just a few things, well. In today's episode I'm talking about 3 things I didn't do in my business. My hope is that you'll think of this through the lens of how you could be maximising your revenue and minimising your time in your business, and also, if any of these have been on your mind, give you the permission slip to drop a few balls. That said, in this episode I also talk about how to find a balance between doing too much and not doing enough to get traction. LINKS + WORK WITH ME Free Case Study - How we got 1500 launch-ready email subscribers in 3 weeksGet a 30 Day Free Trial of Kartra - our Course, Email and Funnel SoftwareSwipe our Manychat Setup (and our Instagram Story to Subscribers Sequences + more)Want to launch an online course? Jump on the waitlist here.Work with me in the Well Conceived Mastermind1:1 Coaching FOLLOW Daily tips on growing your audience, impact and revenue (without sacrificing your life): @robynbirkin


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Building powerful business relationships with Angela Henderson

It's my pleasure to welcome Angela Henderson to the podcast today - Angela is a dear friend of mine and was my coach for 18 months and held me through what was a very messy period in my life when Ross and I separated... and then got back together! And in my time working with Ang I had the pleasure of seeing behind the scenes into her business (and her life) and came away with one defining thought about her: girl is connected! But also and something that I love and wholeheartedly agree with is that Ang doesn't just jump on trends and look at just doing one or two things - she really looks at her marketing and authority efforts as one big picture, and also spend a lot of 2022 and 2023 investing and experimenting with marketing and promotions that many of us would say was out of the box. I even daresay that loads of what Ang does are things many business owners would say "oh I wouldn't do that" - but when business was rough for many business owners last year, I can tell you that Ang's business THRIVED. Let me just give you a taste of what Ang has done over the last few years... Imagine doing that for your business and the kinds of relationships you'd build. So, to that end, it's my pleasure to welcome Angela Henderson to the podcast to share with us all of her wisdom around how she builds powerful business relationships. LINKS + WORK WITH ME Free Case Study - How we got 1500 launch-ready email subscribers in 3 weeksGet a 30 Day Free Trial of Kartra - our Course, Email and Funnel SoftwareSwipe our Manychat Setup (and our Instagram Story to Subscribers Sequences + more)Want to launch an online course? Jump on the waitlist here.Work with me in the Well Conceived Mastermind1:1 Coaching FOLLOW Daily tips on growing your audience, impact and revenue (without sacrificing your life): @robynbirkin


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Your website is costing you money (the best website builder)

Did you know that my entire business started because there was one day when I decided that I wanted to learn how websites were built so that I could interpret what the web developers were trying to ask my marketing team to do? In today's episode we're talking all things websites. I still to this day remember creating my very first website: it was on a platform called Joomla and it was sooooo bad. It's been a gradual process of learning about websites, bit by bit and ask any of my clients and they'll tell you - one of my favourite things to do is peek behind the hood of client websites. And I've now worked with almost every type of website backend from Wix to Drupal, Squarespace to Joomla, Wordpress to Shopify, and I can hands down tell you that there are great... and also not so great website builders, and, page builders. Tune into today's episode and I'll be sharing: LINKS TO CHECKOUT Wordpress.orgGet a 30 Day Free Trial of Kartra - our Course, Email and Funnel SoftwareThrive Theme + Page Builder LINKS + WORK WITH ME Free Case Study - How we got 1500 launch-ready email subscribers in 3 weeksSwipe our Manychat Setup (and our Instagram Story to Subscribers Sequences + more)Want to launch an online course? Jump on the waitlist here.Work with me in the Well Conceived Mastermind1:1 Coaching FOLLOW Daily tips on growing your audience, impact and revenue (without sacrificing your life): @robynbirkin


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Auto DM's on Instagram - here's what you need to know

Have you ever seen an Instagram Account tell you to comment a particular word and then as soon as you do, a little DM pops into your inbox with the link? Well, today I'm diving into exactly what it is, why it's exploded recently, and the tool that helps you do this. If you want to swipe and get instructions for our exact setup - you have to check out our Email Explosion Toolkit at LINKS + WORK WITH ME Free Case Study - How we got 1500 launch-ready email subscribers in 3 weeksGet a 30 Day Free Trial of Kartra - our Course, Email and Funnel SoftwareSwipe our Manychat Setup (and our Instagram Story to Subscribers Sequences + more)Want to launch an online course? Jump on the waitlist here.Work with me in the Well Conceived Mastermind1:1 Coaching FOLLOW Daily tips on growing your audience, impact and revenue (without sacrificing your life): @robynbirkin


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Kartra vs Kajabi: Pros and Cons

In today's episode I'm sharing why I made the switch to Kartra in 2019 and now, even though I've seen behind the hood of many of the other course platforms (including Kajabi) - wouldn't change. Click here to get a free 30 day trial of Kartra and if you want to see all of the tools I use in my business - check out my tools and resources page here. LINKS + WORK WITH ME Free Case Study - How we got 1500 launch-ready email subscribers in 3 weeksGet a 30 Day Free Trial of Kartra - our Course, Email and Funnel SoftwareSwipe our Manychat Setup (and our Instagram Story to Subscribers Sequences + more)Want to launch an online course? Jump on the waitlist here.Work with me in the Well Conceived Mastermind1:1 Coaching FOLLOW Daily tips on growing your audience, impact and revenue (without sacrificing your life): @robynbirkin


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Online Courses: why is nobody talking about these things?

There is so much that goes into online course launches outside of just the 7 day cart open period and 4 key elements that will set up your online course for both success and ease. In today's episode I'm talking about 4 things that nobody is talking about with online courses, that are actually super important. The doors are currently OPEN to Launch Easy Life - my online course to help you create, launch and grow your signature online course really strategically LINKS + WORK WITH ME Free Case Study - How we got 1500 launch-ready email subscribers in 3 weeksGet a 30 Day Free Trial of Kartra - our Course, Email and Funnel SoftwareSwipe our Manychat Setup (and our Instagram Story to Subscribers Sequences + more)Want to launch an online course? Jump on the waitlist here.Work with me in the Well Conceived Mastermind1:1 Coaching FOLLOW Daily tips on growing your audience, impact and revenue (without sacrificing your life): @robynbirkin


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Online Course vs Membership

I feel like through the years, I've been the guinea pig of business models - and while I've had several online courses, I've also, twice now run a low cost membership - and I've also coached many clients who have come to me with memberships that just haven't taken off. In today's episode I'm speaking from experience about what you need to consider before choosing to create a membership and why you might like to consider creating an online course first. I think you'll be pretty surprised to learn what is actually involved. Tune in for all the details. Any links mentioned in the show LINKS + WORK WITH ME Free Case Study - How we got 1500 launch-ready email subscribers in 3 weeksGet a 30 Day Free Trial of Kartra - our Course, Email and Funnel SoftwareSwipe our Manychat Setup (and our Instagram Story to Subscribers Sequences + more)Want to launch an online course? Jump on the waitlist here.Work with me in the Well Conceived Mastermind1:1 Coaching FOLLOW Daily tips on growing your audience, impact and revenue (without sacrificing your life): @robynbirkin


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My 2 Day Stay Experiment

I'm writing this podcast description from a hotel that I've booked for myself, as part of what I'm calling my 2 Day Stay Experiment. Let me dive in further with you. If you're a mama I know that you know what it's like to only have the tiniest moments of time to work in and on your business, and how sometimes there are really meaty projects and work that you want to get done but the second it hits 2.30 you have to down tools and just give up for the day. I know what it feels like to just feel suffocated and wish for that solid creativity time and quiet with no looming clock time and to be just able to work and finish a project without worrying about when you'll have to finish. I know how it feels when the mental load is piling up and you just want to spend a moment getting yourself organised so that you can go into the next week feeling like you're actually on top of life. I know what it feels like to be able to want to properly execute your promotions and launches but feel like you're always existing on borrowed time. I know what it feels like to have your content batched and how GOOD it feels to take that off your plate. And so, in 2023 as I was reflecting and setting my intentions I took a moment to consider what I really wanted. And what I really wanted was quarterly 2 Day Stays. Tune into today's podcast as I share: LINKS + WORK WITH ME Free Case Study - How we got 1500 launch-ready email subscribers in 3 weeksGet a 30 Day Free Trial of Kartra - our Course, Email and Funnel SoftwareSwipe our Manychat Setup (and our Instagram Story to Subscribers Sequences + more)Want to launch an online course? Jump on the waitlist here.Work with me in the Well Conceived Mastermind1:1 Coaching FOLLOW Daily tips on growing your audience, impact and revenue (without sacrificing your life): @robynbirkin


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My Step-by-Step Launch and Promoting Planning Process

In today's episode I'm taking you DEEP into how I plan my launches, my content and my promotions and I felt like now is the perfect time to take you behind the scenes of what that looks like in my business and how I put together my year. One of the biggest lessons that I've had across 2023 was from right at the start of the year, when in December I didn't have my year, my launches and especially - my school holiday strategy fully planned out - and it looked like a GREAT Christmas break on a personal level, and we'd just come out of a six figure quarter at the end of the year so I wasn't super stressed about $$ - but because I had then taken my foot off the pedal, I entered the year playing catch up - and had a business hangover right through to the middle of the year. So tune into today's episode to learn: If you'd like to start learning how to launch and promote your courses - you might want to consider joining me in Launch Easy Life - where I show you how to create consistent and predictable revenue from your very own signature online course. You'll find all the details at LINKS + WORK WITH ME ⁠Free Case Study - How we got 1500 launch-ready email subscribers in 3 weeks⁠⁠Get a 30 Day Free Trial of Kartra - our Course, Email and Funnel Software⁠⁠Swipe our Manychat Setup (and our Instagram Story to Subscribers Sequences + more)⁠⁠Want to launch an online course? Jump on the waitlist here.⁠⁠Work with me in the Well Conceived Mastermind⁠⁠1:1 Coaching⁠ FOLLOW Daily tips on growing your audience, impact and revenue (without sacrificing your life): ⁠@robynbirkin


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How to transition from 1:1 into a Signature Online Course

If you're feeling the burnout of 1:1 services - this episode is for you. Maybe you're back to back with clients and end the day feeling utterly exhausted and still like you're not making significant inroads in revenue Maybe you're feeling like there just isn't enough hours in the day between seeing clients to then go and do all the other things you're expected to do like bookkeeping and Instagram Reels and networking. Of the clients I have worked with over the years - the people who have come to me as health and wellness practitioners (from life coaches to nutritionists) - about 70% of people come to me saying that they desperately wish to create a signature online course but just don't know how. Well this is what we're going to break down in today's episode. Here's what you'll learn: LINKS + WORK WITH ME ⁠Free Case Study - How we got 1500 launch-ready email subscribers in 3 weeks⁠⁠Get a 30 Day Free Trial of Kartra - our Course, Email and Funnel Software⁠⁠Swipe our Manychat Setup (and our Instagram Story to Subscribers Sequences + more)⁠⁠Want to launch an online course? Jump on the waitlist here.⁠⁠Work with me in the Well Conceived Mastermind⁠⁠1:1 Coaching⁠ FOLLOW Daily tips on growing your audience, impact and revenue (without sacrificing your life): ⁠@robynbirkin


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What do my most successful clients have on common?

What do my most successful clients have in common? Well give things, almost exclusively. On today's podcast you'll learn: LINKS + WORK WITH ME ⁠Free Case Study - How we got 1500 launch-ready email subscribers in 3 weeks⁠⁠Get a 30 Day Free Trial of Kartra - our Course, Email and Funnel Software⁠⁠Swipe our Manychat Setup (and our Instagram Story to Subscribers Sequences + more)⁠⁠Want to launch an online course? Jump on the waitlist here.⁠⁠Work with me in the Well Conceived Mastermind⁠⁠1:1 Coaching⁠ FOLLOW Daily tips on growing your audience, impact and revenue (without sacrificing your life): ⁠@robynbirkin


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The 5 Strategies my clients have used to reach 6 figures and beyond

I've spent the last 5 years coaching, mentoring and strategising with other women with 1:1 services and courses within health and wellness. I've come to notice, time and time again, that the ones who part-time hours, have these five strategies in common to help them get to six figures and beyond. There might be one or two who don't do one thing - but everyone is doing at least 4/5 of these things, and the majority of business owners who've had success are doing all five of these in their business. Of course, there's so many ways to run a business, but if you're missing one or more of these in your strategy - this might be a sign to consider incorporating them. And if you'd like to explore what that might look like more - I'd love to invite you to jump on the waitlist for the Well Conceived Mastermind because creating peace + profit with funnels and smart marketing - for women in wellness and health - are what we do in Well Conceived. ⁠Click here for all the details and to jump on the waitlist.⁠ LINKS + WORK WITH ME ⁠Free Case Study - How we got 1500 launch-ready email subscribers in 3 weeks⁠⁠Get a 30 Day Free Trial of Kartra - our Course, Email and Funnel Software⁠⁠Swipe our Manychat Setup (and our Instagram Story to Subscribers Sequences + more)⁠⁠Want to launch an online course? Jump on the waitlist here.⁠⁠Work with me in the Well Conceived Mastermind⁠⁠1:1 Coaching⁠ FOLLOW Daily tips on growing your audience, impact and revenue (without sacrificing your life): ⁠@robynbirkin


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7 myths keeping you stuck in your business

I think we all have mindset gremlins that we need to continually bring awareness to and overcome in our business and in today's episode I'm talking about 7 myths keeping you stuck in your business - and this is going to be particularly true for anyone who is feeling stuck at under six figures in revenue. The absolute truth is that I've experienced and overcome nearly every one of these and when I have - is the time when business has been more successful, it's felt lighter and I've been able to reach the next level of where I want to go. As you're listening to this episode - I encourage you to listen with an open heart and open ears and if there's something you're questioning or something that comes up for you - take a moment to either pause or circle back to so that you can identify where that belief is coming from and try to find evidence to discredit it within your mind. So many of my audience are life coaches - and if that's you, you know this exercise so very well. LINKS + WORK WITH ME ⁠Free Case Study - How we got 1500 launch-ready email subscribers in 3 weeks⁠⁠Get a 30 Day Free Trial of Kartra - our Course, Email and Funnel Software⁠⁠Swipe our Manychat Setup (and our Instagram Story to Subscribers Sequences + more)⁠⁠Want to launch an online course? Jump on the waitlist here.⁠⁠Work with me in the Well Conceived Mastermind⁠⁠1:1 Coaching⁠ FOLLOW Daily tips on growing your audience, impact and revenue (without sacrificing your life): ⁠@robynbirkin


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The Highs, Lows and Lessons of 2023 in my Online Business

On today's episode I'm giving you the FULL backstage pass into my online business in 2023. If you've been following along, you'll know that last year was a bit year of transition, big decisions and big changes across the business. In this episode you'll get an insight into what sucked (across both my personal life and business), what worked and the lessons we've learned, as well as the things we're focused on moving into 2024. I can already feel a different energy this year and I'm so excited to share my business journey with you! LINKS + WORK WITH ME ⁠Free Case Study - How we got 1500 launch-ready email subscribers in 3 weeks⁠⁠Get a 30 Day Free Trial of Kartra - our Course, Email and Funnel Software⁠⁠Swipe our Manychat Setup (and our Instagram Story to Subscribers Sequences + more)⁠⁠Want to launch an online course? Jump on the waitlist here.⁠⁠Work with me in the Well Conceived Mastermind⁠⁠1:1 Coaching⁠ FOLLOW Daily tips on growing your audience, impact and revenue (without sacrificing your life): ⁠@robynbirkin
