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Words With Friends, Hosted by Phil M. Jones

Business & Economics Podcasts

In "Words With Friends" you are listening to me chat with some of my favorite people about one of my favorite things “words”. Each episode delivers an insightful conversation between Phil and a very impressive individual, all framed around a singular word and its impact and influence on the world. The best part is, you get to listen in.


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In "Words With Friends" you are listening to me chat with some of my favorite people about one of my favorite things “words”. Each episode delivers an insightful conversation between Phil and a very impressive individual, all framed around a singular word and its impact and influence on the world. The best part is, you get to listen in.



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6 | Crystal Washington Talks "Future"

In today’s show of Words with Friends, Phil interviews futurist, technology strategist, and author, Crystal Washington. Our main theme for today’s show is the word, “future”. Crystal studied hospitality before gravitating towards digital marketing, and then futurism. So what exactly is futurism? And what is the role of a futurist? Crystal explains how she uses data to drum up possible future scenarios. Her work helps organizations and people keep pace with the changing times. While most of us are aware that the shift towards newer technology is inevitable, we are still afraid of change. Can a focused effort to learn about our future help us eliminate this fear? Is our fear justified? In the distant future, what is the likelihood of robots taking over the world? In an interesting segue, Crystal also talks about our past. Contrary to what we normally think, our future is deeply rooted in the past. In this segment of the show, Crystal goes on to share her family history and reveals how it has shaped her thinking and her career. You cannot erect a strong building on a faulty foundation. And this philosophy is certainly relevant right now as we are witnessing a worldwide human rights movement triggered by George Floyd’s tragic death. But, do we have the foundational beliefs to facilitate an honest conversation? And then do we have the wherewithal to follow through and implement? The current human rights movement has again highlighted how our world is sharply divided into “haves” and “have-nots”. If you are fortunate enough to be among the more privileged, how can you do your bit to uplift the have-nots? Tune in for some thought-provoking insights on how to build a more harmonious future. We hope you enjoy this show! What You Will Learn In This Show What does a futurist precisely do?How does our past affect our future?Do our foundational beliefs enable us to have a safe and honest conversationAnd so much more…


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5 | Lex Gillette Talks "Vision"

In today’s show, Phil interviews Lex Gillette, a blind paralympic athlete and motivational speaker from Raleigh, North Carolina. Our main theme for today’s show is the word, “vision”. When Lex was just 8, he lost his eyesight in a freak accident. But this did not stop him from pursuing his first love - sports. Of course, Lex’s mother and coach helped him a great deal along the way. Lex shares his initial apprehensions when he first started competing as a member of the middle-school track team. For most of us, it is difficult to fathom the difficulties that a blind person faces…let alone, a blind athlete competing at the highest levels. In this segment of the show, Lex shares his training regimen and reveals how he learned to confidently navigate the environment around him. In line with the main theme of the show, we talk quite a bit about seeing the big picture…a vision that will allow you to architect your own success. If you are at a low point in your life and are grappling with seemingly insurmountable challenges, how can you see hope and a different future? And, if you do see a different future, how can you muster up the ability to put your thoughts into action? Listeners will learn the importance of surrounding yourself with well-meaning friends and mentors who strongly believe in you. Hearing Lex shares all the practical difficulties that he faces on a daily basis will also make you realize how much you take for granted. What You Will Learn In This Show How surrounding yourself with well-meaning mentors and peers can help you overcome your biggest challengesHow to develop a strong vision for your future and follow through on itThe practical difficulties that blind people face on a day-to-day basisAnd so much more… Resources Lex Gillette


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4 | Chris Lambert Talks "Competition"

In today’s show of Words with Friends, Phil interviews Chris Lambert, a former professional sprinter from England. Chris, a Harvard graduate is also an Olympian. Our main topic for today’s show is the word, “competition”. We start this show by attempting to define what competition truly means. Athletes, professionals, and entrepreneurs have to deal with competition daily. But, are you really competing with your peers? Or are YOU your biggest competitor? Chris who managed to compete at the highest levels in professional sports has some interesting insights to share on this topic. The ONE thing that makes the difference between winning and losing is often how you handle the pressure. While some people cave in, others relish high-pressure situations. So, how can you develop the mental fortitude to handle pressure and give your 110% every time? Topics discussed here include tips for overcoming your fear of losing and the importance of enjoying some downtime. We talk a great deal about racism in sports. Are elite athletes discriminated against based on their race and color? Is a black man or woman more likely to encounter unfair treatment? And, can you overcome inequality through superlative performance? Chris also goes on to share his take on the Black Lives Matter moment and some of his experiences from the corporate world. Tune in for some thought-provoking insights! What You Will Learn In This Show Why your true competition is with your own selfHow to handle the high-pressure situation and perform at your peak levelRacial inequality in professional sportsCan you overcome bias and racial inequality through superlative performance?


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3 | Denise Jacobs Talks "Criticism"

In today’s show of Words with Friends, Phil interviews author, speaker, and creativity evangelist Denise Jacobs. Our main theme is the word, “criticism”. Most people are not receptive to criticism. When criticized, most of us tend to become defensive and look for faults in other people instead of looking inwards. This is because pointing a finger is way easier than indulging in painful introspection. When others criticize us or we are brave enough to do some self-criticism, often we question our deep-set beliefs that we had for many years. But, is criticism really necessary for self-improvement? Another school of thought suggests that criticism gets in the way of creativity and prevents us from performing at a peak level. Those who have an extreme fear of criticism are even paralyzed into total inaction. In the next segment of the show, we discuss the Black Lives Matter movement, and how it is forcing us to question and rethink our deeply ingrained beliefs and our actions. Racial inequality has existed in our society for ages. It is surprising how often inequality tends to rear its ugly head – and often in subtle ways. While George Floyd’s tragic death has sparked a much-needed debate, as a society, are we really ready for an honest, no-holds barred conversation? Denise shares her own experiences to reveal how she has experienced racism at different junctures in her life. We hope you enjoy this show! What You Will Learn In This Show Resources Banish the Inner Critic


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2 | Tony Chatman Talks "Bias"

In today’s show of Words with Friends, Phil interviews Tony Chatman. As a much sought-after speaker, Tony helps organizations and individuals facilitate complex conversations around diversity and inclusion both at work and in personal life. Our topic for today's show is the word, “Bias”. For the longest time, Tony deliberately steered away from talking about unconscious bias and diversity & inclusion. Being a Black guy, Tony was not sure how he would be perceived – and whether he would be able to get the right message across to his audience. Since he was a young boy, Tony has encountered bias that comes with being a Black man. From being told by parents that he had to dress better and be smarter than the crowd to make it in life to being constantly judged by total strangers, Tony shares various incidents that showcase our insensitive and flawed attitude. Tony points out that, contrary to our perception, we are not nearly as objective as we think when we are dealing with people of a different color, gender, religion, and race. We have some deeply ingrained prejudices that tend to manifest in some form of fashion. When you go out on the street, how often do you think that someone is safe simply because they “look safe”? Are you more likely to hire someone just because they “look like you”? Or, when you see a woman in a high position, is your first thought that she was hired because of affirmative action? So, how can we realize our flaws and make decisions that are correct from a scientific and human standpoint? “If you want to make a difference, you need our voice and not just our face” At this juncture, we also talk a bit about the Black Lives Matter movement and how it is affecting our behavior and decision making. Given the intense conversations triggered by this movement, there are many leaders and organizations that want to be seen doing the right thing. But, this box-ticking approach does not help us get closer to our objective of creating a truly inclusive workplace. So, how can leadership approach unconscious bias in a truly authentic way? Is it really possible to eliminate bias completely? We discuss the importance of creating a safe work environment where people of color feel comfortable giving feedback. Other topics discussed in today’s show include increased exposure for eliminating bias, affinity bias, and cultivating accountability at the workplace. Listen to this thought-provoking show now! What You Will Learn In This Show How to make people more aware of their biasesHow to make a conscious effort to overcome your biasHow can leadership approach unconscious bias in a truly authentic wayAnd so much more… Resources Tony Chatman


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1 | Welcome To Season 4

This season is different. In this season, we're going to tackle BIG topics, BIG conversations, things that matter right now, speaking to some people that really get it. They really understand what it's like. To be coming from a different position. Now, I am not exactly sure how this season is going to shape up. This show is for you, to give you access to people you may not be aware of and to deliver you some information that perhaps you weren't aware of. This podcast has always had one simple goal. The goal is for you to show up in the world with more empathy, to understand that there are other perspectives. And as you start to learn these other perspectives, about the way of the world right now, then what you might have is the ability to be able to shape the world differently. This journey starts as early as right now. I hope you not only learn something. I hope you do something with what you learn. Thank you for being a part of this journey. Thank you for listening. Let's get started in the first episode.


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13 | Season 3 Finale

I hope you enjoyed season three of Words With Friends. We had some amazing chats with amazing friends this season. Take a listen to some of our highlights. Things are going to change up a little for next season. And I believe what we're going to do next is less about something that you're going to like and more about something that you NEED to listen to. Learn more: https://www.philmjones.com/


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12 | Jimmy Mackin Talks "Marketing"

In today’s show of Words with Friends, we interview Jimmy Mackin, CEO, Curaytor. Jimmy provides marketing services in the real estate space. The word that we have chosen to talk about in today’s show is “marketing”. We start this show by attempting to define “marketing” – an often misunderstood word. Is the purpose of marketing to grab attention? And should a marketing campaign always result in an increase in revenues? The next segment of the show will be particularly interesting as we discuss how you figure out a winning marketing angle and then correctly position yourself. To do so, you can either focus on the competitor’s weakness or attempt to carve out an entirely new niche in the market. So, which is the best approach for you and why? We cite relevant and real-world examples here to make our case. Additionally, when it comes to positioning yourself can be better, cheaper, or more convenient. We specifically discuss how you can come out with a better product and then highlight the benefits using strategic marketing techniques. After hearing this show, you will realize why even a great business with great service can go nowhere WITHOUT great marketing. We hope you enjoy this show! What You Will Learn In This Show What is the purpose of marketing? Does marketing always drive revenues?Should you aim to be better or cheaper as you aim to capture market share?Marketing case studies which showcase winning approaches that some of the world’s top companies takeAnd so much more! Resources Obviously Awesome Curaytor Jimmy’s Twitter


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11 | Clay Hebert Talks "Clarity"

In today’s show, Phil interviews Clay Hebert, creator of The Perfect Intro, The Perfect Calendar, and The Perfect Brand. Our main theme for today is the word, “clarity”. We talk about clarity from a professional point of view. As the virus continues to disrupt the livelihood of many, how can you stop, pivot, and grasp the new normal? How can you get a 30,000-foot view to truly understand what’s going on? Listeners will first learn how a mentor on your side can help you gain clarity. If you are feeling stuck and confused, a mentor can act as a sounding board to properly understand the context in its entirety. Clay also explains his FRT philosophy. F- R - T stands for Foundational – Relational – Transactional. Are you a physical trainer who can no longer train due to the current situation? Or maybe you are a photographer or consultant? Clay shares how you can leverage your foundational skills and relations and then come up with new offer that truly resonates with your audience. Especially, many professionals tend to stick to their old offers that are a total misfit given the current crisis. In this segment of the show, Clay shares how cultivating empathy can help you truly understand your customer’s psyche and then come up with the perfect offer. We hope you enjoy this show! What You Will Learn In This Show How to stop, pivot and adjust to the new normalHow to step into your customer’s shoes and come up with a congruent offer that truly sellsHow a well-meaning mentor can help you understand this current situation in its entirety And much, much more... Resources Clay Hebert Clay’s Marketing School


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10 | John Ruhlin Talks "Present"

In today’s show of Words with Friends, Phil interviews international keynote speaker, John Ruhlin. The word for today’s show is “present”. Considering the current circumstances, this word perhaps has never been more important and relevant. Right now, is it more of a challenge to “be present” as our mind tends to drift to bigger problems brought on by the pandemic. But by doing so, aren’t we being really unfair to our families and friends who are just looking to have a heartfelt conversation with us? Like most of us, John shares how he is struggling with this particular facet of his life as well. He talks about the conscious effort that he is making to be a present father, husband, and relative. In our next segment of the show, John shares how he strives to be present as a professional speaker. To be a great speaker, it is important to understand the listener’s mindset by putting yourself in their shoes. But this is easier said than done. How can you create content that truly resonates with your audience? John advises listeners to create content from a perspective of humanity...content that is industry agnostic. He also shares how he constantly seeks out feedback to better his content and connect with his audience on a deeper level. In the next segment of the show, John discusses his book, “Giftology”. John goes on to share how you can come up with a thoughtful gift that your colleagues treasure and truly remember you by. Besides, Phil and John also drum up a list of ten terrible gifts that you should avoid. We hope you enjoy this show! Resources Giftology Book John Ruhlin


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9 | David Horsager Talks "Trust"

In today’s show of Words with Friends, Phil interviews leadership keynote speaker and author, David Horsager. Our theme for today’s show is “Trust”. In the current situation, when the hold world is grappling with the virus outbreak, maintaining trust has, perhaps, never been more difficult. But, we need to strive to choose the harder right rather than the easier wrong. So, how can we retain trust in these challenging conditions? One of the main themes that we touch upon is the need to maintain transparency. If you are a business owner struggling to retain your employees, it is easy to shy away from having hard conversations. But, doing so will simply keep your employees on tenterhooks, and drastically lower their morale. David and Phil share their own experience and reveal how they are dealing with their employees with transparency AND compassion. On the other end of the spectrum, what steps can employees take to ensure that their employers continue to trust them? We discuss the importance of being consistent, showing commitment and character in these trying times. Brands and businesses will have to pivot and adjust to the new normal to survive this steep downturn. In the latter segment of the show, we reveal how you can do just that. We hope you enjoy this show! Resources: Trustedge Leadership Institute The Trust Edge: How Top Leaders Gain Faster Results, Deeper Relationships, and a Stronger Bottom Line


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8 | Alison Stratten Talks "Family"

In today’s show of Words with Friends, Phil interviews author, producer and content creator, Alison Stratten. Our topic for today’s show is “Family”. Family means different things to different people. For Alison, her family is her purpose, her foundation – that gives her stability. Her life revolves around her five kids, ranging from 13 to 23. During this virus outbreak, Alison shares that like most people, her family is also under lockdown. How have her family dynamics changed in the wake of COVID-19? While some of her kids are coping fine with social distancing, Alison reveals that her other kids are going through a difficult phase. In this segment of the show, we discuss why it is necessary to display more empathy right now. How can you maintain an emotional equilibrium right now when you need to “give” without getting anything in return? And, as a parent, what is the best way of dealing with your child’s frustrations? We discuss all this and much more in today’s show. We wrap up this show with a fun and engaging rapid fire round. Tune in to this great conversation now! What You Will Learn In This Show How to manage family dynamics in the wake of the coronavirus outbreak Why your family is your safe haven How children are adapting to online learning How to channel your emotions during the lockdown And so much more! Resources Alison’s LinkedIn Alison’s Instagram Unmarketing The Jackass Whisperer: How to deal with the worst people at work, at home and online―even when the Jackass is you QR Codes Kill Kittens: How to Alienate Customers, Dishearten Employees, and Drive Your Business into the Ground


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7 | Sylvie Di Giusto Talks "Image"

In today’s show of Words with Friends, Phil interviews Sylvie Di Giusto, keynote speaker, and renowned image consultant. Sylvie helps her clients create more favorable impressions in front of their customers and employees. In today’s show, we talk about the word, “image”. This word has been often misunderstood and often viewed as shallow and superficial. However, Sylvie shares how creating a positive image requires you to look inwards, work on your gaps, and improve. Listeners will learn that rather than relying on external appearances, the best way to improve your image is to build your confidence. This show is full of some great tips for professionals and entrepreneurs who are struggling to adjust to the “work from home” lifestyle forced down upon us by the ongoing COVID crisis. Do your clients and colleagues still expect you to show up professionally? Should we use tools like virtual backgrounds when we log in for a call? Do we come across as inauthentic when we resort to such measures? The ongoing situation certainly demands that we display greater acceptance and tolerance. Sylvie shares how she is going all out to help her clients in these trying times. Towards the end, we have some interesting discussions about how some prominent personalities who have successfully managed to reinvent themselves. What You Will Learn In This Show Resources The Image of Leadership Studio for Image Professionals To see more from Phil: https://www.philmjones.com/words-with-friends/ Want to discover "Exactly" what to say: https://www.philmjones.com/sales-training-books/


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6 | Mark Bowden Talks "Lying"

In today’s show, we interview Mark Bowden, body language key-note speaker, and bestselling author. As a body language expert, Mark is adept at determining if a person is lying or telling the truth – which brings us to the moot question. Is it really bad to lie? Is it really advisable to be brutally honest in all situations? Mark goes on to share why, to be socially adept, it is important to lie sometimes. Whether it is political leaders “lying” to assuage the public in times of a grave crisis or parents attempting to shelter their children from harsh realities, sometimes it is necessary to tell a good “lie”. Aren’t you better off telling a lie if someone is simply incapable of hearing the truth? From Winston Churchill’s war speeches to the current handling of the coronavirus situation, the above fact has been corroborated time and again. Listeners will learn that telling a good lie, is, in fact, incredibly difficult and one of the hallmarks of truly great leaders. While telling a good lie requires wisdom and foresight, accepting this requires a certain amount of maturity as well. What You Will Learn In This Show: Resources: Truth and Lies: What People Are Really Thinking To see more from Phil: https://www.philmjones.com/words-with-friends/ Want to discover "Exactly" what to say: https://www.philmjones.com/sales-training-books/


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5 | Chris Ducker Talks "Productivity"

In today’s show, we interview Chris Ducker, founder, Youpreneur and author, Virtual Freedom: How to Work with Virtual Staff to Buy More Time, Become More Productive, and Build Your Dream Business. As “work-from-home” becomes the new normal in the wake of the coronavirus outbreak, all of us are struggling to maintain a healthy work-life balance. While it is natural to feel stress and overwhelm in these trying times, Chris shares some simple yet effective measures which can help you boost your productivity and protect your business. Particularly, listeners will learn how they can avoid some of the most common time sucks as they adjust to a work-from-home lifestyle. Topics discussed in this segment of the show include time blocking and chasing progress over perfection. Chris shares his example and reveals how he is functioning in “maintenance-mode” right now so that he is well-placed to grow his business once this current crisis subsides. So, what are some productive ways of utilizing this downtime? Should you get virtual assistance so that you can better concentrate on your core competencies? We wrap up this show with Chris revealing why “less is more” when it comes to productivity. We hope you enjoy this show! What You Will Learn In This Show: Resources: Virtual Freedom: How to Work with Virtual Staff to Buy More Time, Become More Productive, and Build Your Dream Business To see more from Phil: https://www.philmjones.com/words-with-friends/ Want to discover "Exactly" what to say: https://www.philmjones.com/sales-training-books/


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4 | Amy Port Talks "Performance"

In today’s show of Words with Friends, Phil interviews Amy Port, Co-Founder and President, Heroic Public Speaking. Today we are going to talk about “performance”. And there is no one better suited than Amy to give us some nuanced insights on this topic. Drawing on her years of coaching experience, Amy shares how listeners can improve their public speaking skills. Many of us fail to realize that subject matter expertise does not translate into public speaking expertise. So, how can we reign in our nervousness when speaking on stage in front of thousands of people? The biggest mistake that public speakers make is worrying about the frivolous - like how they look on stage, for instance. Amy shares that listeners need to focus on “results” instead of “performance”. Rather than serving out egos, when we are on stage, we need to consciously remember that we need to serve the audience. Amy also reveals that access to a safe haven where you rehearse your public speaking skills in front of well-meaning critiques is the best way forward. Doing so will allow you to test out purposeful and bold choices, adapt, and then pivot. The latter segment of the show is particularly relevant as we talk about communicating with your family, peers, and employees in these trying times. Listeners will learn why transparent and empathetic communication is the need of the hour. If you are a business leader struggling to put your thoughts into words, this segment of the show will be particularly interesting to you. We wrap up this show with a fun and engaging rapid fire round. We hope you enjoy this show! Resources Heroic Public Speaking Amy’s LinkedIn To see more from Phil: https://www.philmjones.com/words-with-friends/ Want to discover "Exactly" what to say: https://www.philmjones.com/sales-training-books/


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3 | Kate O'Neill Talks "Humanity"

In today’s show, Phil interviews Kate O’Neill, speaker, author, an expert on better tech for business & people, & transformation. What does humanity mean to Kate? What does “being human” mean? Is it our love and passion that makes us human? Is it our creativity? Or maybe our problem-solving skills? We kickstart today’s show by attempting to answer this rather convoluted question. With the coronavirus outbreak bringing the whole world to a grinding halt, stresses are at an all-time high. And, fear and uncertainty are at the back of everyone’s mind. None of us are at our best as we struggle to deal with the stresses of a work-from-home lifestyle. But how many of us remember this while dealing with our family members, colleagues, and clients? How many of us try to maintain an optimistic attitude so that we can be a source of strength to those around us? Perhaps, displaying humanity has never been as important AND as challenging. Because of the fallout of the current situation, Kate shares how businesses and professionals are gravitating towards a virtual marketplace/workplace at an unprecedented rate. And this has given rise to its own set of challenges. First of all, is it really possible for us to create a digital world that exactly mirrors our physical world? Can we anticipate human needs using digital tools like Zoom and chatbots? Can we expect everyone in a virtual workplace to work with 100% honesty and accountability? Next, Kate shares that this virtual work style will require a major mindset shift. Additionally, we speculate if this virus outbreak will cause a permanent shift in customer behavior. Towards the end of the show, listeners will be reminded why it is important for each one of us to do our bit and fight this pandemic as a collective. What You Will Learn In This Show What does humanity truly mean? How humanity is truly tested during challenging times How to strive for a better future and work for a better future in these trying time How to retain an optimistic outlook as you grapple with the fallout of the pandemic And much more! Resources Tech Humanist Creative Warriors Podcast Should a bot have to tell you it’s a bot? Kate’s Website Kate’s Twitter To see more from Phil: https://www.philmjones.com/words-with-friends/ Want to discover "Exactly" what to say: https://www.philmjones.com/sales-training-books/


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2 | Marcus Sheridan Talks "Integrity"

Our main theme for today is integrity. During these challenging times, are we doing things that are lacking integrity? Are we treating our family members, our colleagues, our clients, and our peers with utmost integrity? Marcus Sheridan is not only a highly sought after international keynote speaker, but is a real straight-shooter and admits this is easier said than done – especially in the current circumstances. He shares how he is going out of his way to retain his 140 employees. Marcus draws parallels between the current situation and the 2008 financial crisis. Instead of waiting for the economy to improve and the stimulus checks to roll in, Marcus urges listeners to adopt an action-oriented mindset to discover new and lucrative opportunities. Marcus draws parallels between the current situation and the 2008 financial crisis. Instead of waiting for the economy to improve and the stimulus checks to roll in, Marcus urges listeners to adopt an action-oriented mindset to discover new and lucrative opportunities. The path to success is rarely a linear one. Tuning in today will surely inspire listeners to adapt and pivot during this time of crisis. What You Will Learn In This Show How to lead your personal and professional life with integrity Why displaying empathy is a must in these trying times How is the current period similar to the 2008 economic crisis? How to make the most of this current downtime And much more... Resources Marcus’s Website They Ask, You Answer To see more from Phil: https://www.philmjones.com/words-with-friends/ Want to discover "Exactly" what to say: https://www.philmjones.com/sales-training-books/


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Welcome To Season 3

This is a brand new season of Words With Friends and my team and I are excited to be back. We will be featuring some of the sharpest minds in the industry as well as the world's greatest thought leaders that I have the pleasure to call my friend. Each episode will have a theme surrounding one word and has it relates to our current world today. To see more: https://www.philmjones.com/words-with-friends/ Want to discover "Exactly" what to say: https://www.philmjones.com/sales-training-books/


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S2 Ep 8: Scott McKain Talks "Service"

You know those moments when you imagine that the people you see as heroes become your friends. Meeting Scott McKain and now having him as a dear friend allows me to live out that dream several times a year. The man is truly ICONIC - so it's no surprise that is what he has entitled his latest book. If you have not read his work or are unfamiliar with his work, that needs to change right now!!!! Scott spends much of his life helping the world's best brands get better! His insights into customer service and consumer experience are soooo powerful. That's why I picked a boring and overused word, and thought I would see what Scott had to say about it! Scott McKain who shares his insight into the word "Service". Listen in on our conversation and enjoy being a fly on the wall to our discussion. ScottMckain.com is where you can find the plethora of his brilliance. and my stuff rests comfortably at www.philmjones.com
