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Workwise with Naukri

Business & Economics Podcasts

We spend about 60% of our conscious time at work. That’s a lot, isn’t it! Wouldn’t it be nice to have it wisely sorted and addressed? 60% of your life made wiser?? Awesome, Right? Well, here we are! Workwise with Naukri is your companion for making work wiser. We bring you conversations and insights that help you work wise by figuring things out quicker and taking the right decisions in your career. Be it big decisions like career transitions or everyday stuff like managing your manager or handling workplace anxiety – Workwise, we cover it all! So hit the follow button and let the listening begin! Workwise with Naukri is a podcast from and produced by WYN Studio


United States


We spend about 60% of our conscious time at work. That’s a lot, isn’t it! Wouldn’t it be nice to have it wisely sorted and addressed? 60% of your life made wiser?? Awesome, Right? Well, here we are! Workwise with Naukri is your companion for making work wiser. We bring you conversations and insights that help you work wise by figuring things out quicker and taking the right decisions in your career. Be it big decisions like career transitions or everyday stuff like managing your manager or handling workplace anxiety – Workwise, we cover it all! So hit the follow button and let the listening begin! Workwise with Naukri is a podcast from and produced by WYN Studio



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Undervalued at work, what to do next?

So, you've given your all at work, putting in your best effort for top-notch results. But, here's the thing – no one came up to you and said, "Hey, great job! No words of encouragement or a raise during appraisals either and this happens repeatedly, not just once. These situations can make you feel undervalued like you're not doing well or your presence doesn't matter to the company. Moreover, feeling undervalued can even lead to serious health issues like anxiety. In this episode of Workwise with Naukri, we have discussed how you can navigate through this feeling of being undervalued with Sonal Kapur Sinha. She's the Head of Human Resources at Esme Consumer and has been around the block in different industries for almost two decades.


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Menstrual leave - What’s the fuss?

Smriti Irani, the Union Minister for Women and Child Development in one of the Rajya Sabha sessions said that menstruation is a natural part of a woman's life and should not be considered a handicap hence specific policies for granting paid leave may not be necessary. This sparked a big discussion. Supporters, including Kangana Ranaut, agreed, suggesting such leave might not be essential. Conversely, critics like K. Kavitha from BRS condemned the remarks as ignorant. In this episode of Workwise, we covered this discussion with Kalpana Sachdeva and Souniya Khurana. Kalpana is the Regional HR Director for Asia at Unique Logistics International and Souniya is the Co-founder & CEO of an award-winning new-age media and creative content company WYN Studio.


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70-hour work week, does it make sense?

NR Narayan Murthy, the co-founder of Infosys, suggested that the youth of the country should work 70 hours a week for India's development and this sparked a big discussion. In today's world, where the emphasis is on smart working and tools like GPT are streamlining tasks, reducing work hours, and encouraging individuals to use their time for upskilling, the question arises: does a 70-hour workweek align with the current discourse on efficiency, work-life balance, and professional advancement? To delve deeper, we spoke with Rajneesh Singh, CEO of Simpli Group, to explore the feasibility, benefits, and drawbacks of such an intensive work schedule.


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How to bounce back after layoff?

We have all celebrated milestones in our career journeys and also waded through rough waters but it takes only an email to define that SINKING feeling when you lose the sense of everything that you have built in your career. An email that says "You are being laid off!" With the anxiety and uncertainty the biggest and the most relevant question that takes up space is "What do I do next?" To answer many such questions we interviewed Sonica Aron, serving as the CEO of the HR consulting firm MarchingSheep. Boasting a twenty-year plus experience in Human Resources, Sonica has contributed her skills to renowned organizations such as Phillips, Vodafone, and PepsiCo.


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How to ace a job interview?

So, you've nailed all the previous rounds, and now you're at the final stop – the interview! What should be your game plan? Sure, you could focus on your communication skills, practicing common questions, etc, and while all this matters, is it enough to make you stand out? Hence, in this episode, we spill the beans on how you can ace a job interview with Saurabh Deep Singla, the Chief HR Officer at UpGrad.


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How to deal with politics at work?

Office politics is something we've all experienced, and sometimes it can be tough to deal with. People don't always agree, and there are clashes, making you wonder if the arguments are genuine or if there's a hidden reason. On another note, many of these disagreements are just based on our perceptions and could have been avoided through better communication. Hence, in this episode, we decoded the dynamics of office politics and how can you navigate through it with Geetanjali Pandit, an award-winning and bestselling author, columnist, and a TEDx and global keynote speaker.


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How can AI secure your job?

When it comes to AI one big question that everyone asks is - will AI steal our job? Using AI might make people worry about losing jobs, but it also offers lots of chances for those who have the right skills. It's a situation where you either elevate the quality of your work through AI, or AI steps in to perform your job. Hence in this episode of Workwise, we discussed how can AI secure your job? with Ajay Yadav, Co-founder of Simplified –a comprehensive marketing software that combines content creation, collaboration, and publishing tools into one application.


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How to Crack the Promotion Code?

Achieving a promotion is a significant milestone in one's professional journey, but it's a challenging feat. Despite navigating through the process and working on skills, and the quality of work, many still find themselves asking, "Why didn't I get promoted?" To shed light on this, we interviewed Neelima Chakara, an Executive Coach at PurposeLadder, to discuss how you can crack the promotion code.


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What to do when ghosted by a recruiter?

Ghosting is familiar; it's happened to us multiple times, and it's hurtful. The worst is when recruiters do it during tough job hunting. Not hearing back makes you doubt yourself and can be infuriating. Well, we can't control recruiters, but we can control our reaction. So, what should one do when ghosted by a recruiter? To provide insights, we spoke with Vikas Dua, Head of People at Weber Shandwick, a TEDx speaker, and author of HR in My Heart.


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How to achieve work-life balance?

According to the Economic Times, in 2022, a third of departing employees attributed their exits to insufficient work-life balance and flexibility. But is achieving work-life balance truly feasible in this competitive world? In this episode of Workwise, we spoke with Sandhya Mathur, CEO of Inward Focus, delving into the feasibility, methods, and importance of work-life balance.


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How to make an impressive CV?

Designing a resume can feel intimidating, and this sentiment is completely understandable. After all, your resume is the gateway to securing an interview at your dream company, and it involves a multitude of details to think about. Furthermore, the abundance of information available can leave you pondering how to create the most effective resume. Therefore, in this episode, we delved into the intricacies of crafting an exceptional resume with Nidhi Chauhan, a seasoned resume writer and job search coach.


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How can women overcome barriers in male-dominated sectors?

Women have encountered difficulties while working in fields predominantly dominated by men for many years. Even today, despite the increased presence of women in these sectors, the challenges persist. In order to thrive in male-dominated industries, women require specific skills and strategies. We had a discussion with Dr. Ananta Singh Raghuvanshi, the Founder and President of Naredco MAHI, to explore how women can overcome these challenges and establish their presence in male-dominated sectors.


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How to overcome the fear of public speaking & presentations?

Throughout our lives, many of us have experienced the fear of public speaking, and for some, it remains a challenge in our daily professional routines. This fear significantly impacts our careers, especially when we are required to deliver presentations. Therefore, in this edition of Workwise, we will delve into the ways in which the fear of public speaking and presentation skills can affect your professional development. We will explore strategies to manage this fear and enhance your presentation abilities. Our guest for this episode is Amandeep Thind, an expert in public speaking, who empowers individuals to share their experiences through effective communication.


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How to grow your roots in the same company?

We often receive advice suggesting that remaining with the same company hinders our professional advancement, and that we should constantly seek fresh opportunities. However, is this truly the case? In this episode of Workwise with Naukri, we interviewed Ankur Agarwal, the General Manager and Head of Marketing at TTK Prestige Ltd. He initially joined Prestige as an Area Sales Manager and has since risen to lead the marketing department. During our discussion, we explored the reasons behind his decision to stay with the same company and how one can achieve growth while remaining in their current organization.


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Why to quit your job at career peak?

In our professional journeys, we often witness individuals leaving their current roles or careers to propel their professional growth. But how often have you come across someone who decided to step away from their thriving career when they were already excelling in their current position? In this episode of Workwise, we explore the remarkable journey of Colonel Iqbal Singh, formerly a Manager of Cloud Infrastructure at Google, who made the bold choice to transition from a military career to pursue a path in cloud infrastructure. We uncover the 'why' and 'how' behind his decision-making process and discover valuable insights that can help you navigate similar choices in your own career.


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How to pivot and reinvent your career?

In our careers, we often find ourselves making crucial decisions and at times, we may want to completely change our career path. However, the process can be daunting. In this episode, we explore the topic of career reinvention with Pragya Misra, who holds the position of Director of Public Affairs at Truecaller. Leveraging her extensive career experience, which includes roles like designing market entry strategies for Danish businesses and crafting communication strategies for WhatsApp. Pragya offers valuable guidance on successfully transitioning to a new career path. She is also the host of Pragyaan, a podcast that focuses on the importance of mental well-being.


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What are the CTC negotiation tips to follow?

Salary negotiation is tricky and there is an abundance of data and strategies available to guide us through. But what are the important things one should keep in mind while negotiating salary? In this episode, we bring to you the top strategies shared by guests in Workwise with Naukri.


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What are the 6 truths HR won't share?

Have you ever wondered what goes on behind the scenes while HR is hiring, calculating your increment, or determining your CTC (Compensation and Benefits)? Well, get ready to have your curiosity satisfied as we dive deep into the HR rabbit hole. In this episode, we will try to find answers to these questions with Mohit Sethi, Partner and Founding Member of Triguna, a Leadership & Talent Development consultancy, and Vice President of HR Success Talk.


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How to evaluate your career path ?

When assessing a career, we take into account various factors, ranging from selecting the perfect college to developing long-term plans to achieve the optimal career path. Yet, is this comprehensive enough? In this episode, we explore the vital aspect of career evaluation with Sonia Khurana, COO of Digitas India.


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How to control emotions at work?

We encounter various emotions while working, ranging from anger and disappointment to anxiety, and each of these emotions affects us in distinct ways, ultimately influencing our work. So, the question arises: How can we effectively manage and control these emotions? Join us for an insightful discussion with Payal Koul Mirakhur, a seasoned business leader and Co-founder of uExcelerate.
