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Your Business, Accelerated!

Business & Economics Podcasts

Welcome to Your Business, Accelerated! In nearly 30 years of practicing business law, Shaune Arnold has seen nearly every train wreck in business. This podcast is designed to keep YOU from being the next one. Tune in weekly to get strategies and guidance to help you start, build or fix a business you'll absolutely LOVE.


United States


Welcome to Your Business, Accelerated! In nearly 30 years of practicing business law, Shaune Arnold has seen nearly every train wreck in business. This podcast is designed to keep YOU from being the next one. Tune in weekly to get strategies and guidance to help you start, build or fix a business you'll absolutely LOVE.





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Untitled Episode

Welcome to Your Business, Accelerated! I'm Attorney Shaune Arnold and in nearly 30 years of practicing business law, I've seen nearly every train wreck in business. This podcast is designed to keep YOU from being the next one. I curated this podcast series from a mastermind conference call that I ran for my business consulting clients. Tune in weekly to get nuts and bolts strategies and guidance on a variety of business topics to help you start, build or fix a business you'll absolutely LOVE. This week we discuss ways to formalize your gig economy relationships. Doing so can save the company, and the worker, from liability traps!


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Land Investors Without Landing in Jail: Make Sure You're Capital Compliant

Welcome to Your Business, Accelerated! I'm Attorney Shaune Arnold and in nearly 30 years of practicing business law, I've seen nearly every train wreck in business. This podcast is designed to keep YOU from being the next one. I curated this podcast series from a Mastermind that I ran for my business consulting clients. Tune in weekly to get nuts and bolts strategies and guidance on a variety of business topics to help you start, build or fix a business you'll absolutely LOVE. This week, we discuss what it takes to bring investors into your company without running afoul of the Securities and Exchange Commission (the SEC) and state securities laws.


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Communication, Connection and Conversion: Using NLP Tools for Powerhouse Prospecting

Welcome to Your Business, Accelerated! I'm Attorney Shaune Arnold and in nearly 30 years of practicing business law, I've seen nearly every train wreck in business. This podcast is designed to keep YOU from being the next one. I curated this podcast series from a Mastermind that I ran for my business consulting clients. Tune in weekly to get nuts and bolts strategies and guidance on a variety of business topics to help you start, build or fix a business you'll absolutely LOVE. This week we discuss two powerful Neurolinguistic Programing techniques. First, we discover that people like to receive information in one of several ways, making people largely visual, auditory, gustatory, kinesthetic or auditory-digital. We explore ways of connecting with people on this basis. Next, we delve into the six components of effective communication and explore what it takes to connect with prospects on a deep level - and get their business!


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Define Your Business' Full Profit Potential

Welcome to Your Business, Accelerated! I'm Attorney Shaune Arnold and in nearly 30 years of practicing business law, I've seen nearly every train wreck in business. This podcast is designed to keep YOU from being the next one. I curated this podcast series from a Mastermind that I ran for my business consulting clients. Tune in weekly to get nuts and bolts strategies and guidance on a variety of business topics to help you start, build or fix a business you'll absolutely LOVE. This week we examine your business operations for money left on the table. Discover how prepackaged services can help you get more revenue per sale. Use affiliate marketing and joint venture relationships to instantly expand your market share. Are you at the top of your game? How about offering consulting services to help others up the ladder of success. We will discuss a number of ways to maximize what you're doing and build in additional streams of income.


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Fearless Fee Setting for Consultants

Welcome to Your Business, Accelerated! I'm Attorney Shaune Arnold and in nearly 30 years of practicing business law, I've seen nearly every train wreck in business. This podcast is designed to keep YOU from being the next one. I curated this podcast series from a Mastermind that I ran for my business consulting clients. Tune in weekly to get nuts and bolts strategies and guidance on a variety of business topics to help you start, build or fix a business you'll absolutely LOVE. Stop undercutting yourself when setting your consulting fees. Discover a systematic approach to evaluate the value you bring and set fees that reflect your worth.


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Consultants, Get Your Client's Buy-In as You Make Changes to Their Business

Welcome to Your Business, Accelerated! I'm Attorney Shaune Arnold and in nearly 30 years of practicing business law, I've seen nearly every train wreck in business. This podcast is designed to keep YOU from being the next one. I curated this podcast series from a Mastermind that I ran for my business consulting clients. Tune in weekly to get nuts and bolts strategies and guidance on a variety of business topics to help you start, build or fix a business you'll absolutely LOVE. This week, we lean into ways to get your client's rank-and-file employees to buy into the changes you implement in their business.


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I Have Provided Funds to My Corporation: Should I Take Shares or a Promissory Note?

Welcome to Your Business, Accelerated! I'm Attorney Shaune Arnold and in nearly 30 years of practicing business law, I've seen nearly every train wreck in business. This podcast is designed to keep YOU from being the next one. I curated this podcast series from a mastermind conference call that I ran for my business consulting clients. Tune in weekly to get nuts and bolts strategies and guidance on a variety of business topics to help you start, build or fix a business you'll absolutely LOVE. This week, we're digging into the issue of liabilities that can attach to you as a shareholder of your own company versus you as a director of your company in the context of providing money to the company. Should it be a loan or an investment? What's the difference? Does it make a difference if you have an LLC rather than a corporation? Well...Listen in and find out.


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Brainstorm Your Business for Brilliant Branding

Welcome to Your Business, Accelerated! I'm Attorney Shaune Arnold and in nearly 30 years of practicing business law, I've seen nearly every train wreck in business. This podcast is designed to keep YOU from being the next one. I curated this podcast series from a Mastermind that I ran for my business consulting clients. Tune in weekly to get nuts and bolts strategies and guidance on a variety of business topics to help you start, build or fix a business you'll absolutely LOVE. This week, we analyze your business model, your message and your team. We'll discover ways to identify dysfunction and weaknesses in your operations. You'll also learn how to infuse your passion and personality into your business systems to make your business ICONIC!


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Define Your Business' Full Profit Potential

Welcome to Your Business, Accelerated! I'm Attorney Shaune Arnold and in nearly 30 years of practicing business law, I've seen nearly every train wreck in business. This podcast is designed to keep YOU from being the next one. I curated this podcast series from a mastermind conference call that I ran for my business consulting clients. Tune in weekly to get nuts and bolts strategies and guidance on a variety of business topics to help you start, build or fix a business you'll absolutely LOVE. This week we develop strategies to help you discover your business' full profit potential. You'll discover how to analyze your business to build in multiple tiers of sales by packaging your products and services to maximize your profits. You'll build a stellar reputation in the marketplace - so you can actually set your own price and turn down work you don't want.


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Your Grey Matter Matters - Protect Your Intellectual Property in a Digital World

Welcome to Your Business, Accelerated! I'm Attorney Shaune Arnold and in nearly 30 years of practicing business law, I've seen nearly every train wreck in business. This podcast is designed to keep YOU from being the next one. I curated this podcast series from a mastermind conference call that I ran for my business consulting clients. Tune in weekly to get nuts and bolts strategies and guidance on a variety of business topics to help you start, build or fix a business you'll absolutely LOVE. This week, understand what intellectual property (IP) is and then delve into the process of registering your trademark with the United States Patent and Trademark Office. Grab solid tips for saving costs and avoiding common fatal mistakes while registering your IP. Finally, discover what to do if someone infringes upon your IP.


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Create Breakthrough Relationships With Your Clients

Welcome to Your Business, Accelerated! I'm Attorney Shaune Arnold and in nearly 30 years of practicing business law, I've seen nearly every train wreck in business. This podcast is designed to keep YOU from being the next one. I curated this podcast series from a mastermind conference call that I ran for my business consulting clients. Tune in weekly to get nuts and bolts strategies and guidance on a variety of business topics to help you start, build or fix a business you'll absolutely LOVE. Tune in weekly to get nuts and bolts strategies and guidance to help you start, build or fix a business you'll absolutely LOVE. This week, we consider tips and strategies to make you and your business UNFORGETABLE to your prospects and clients.
