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Your Consulting Business Podcast

Business & Economics Podcasts

Your Consulting Business Podcast provides weekly thoughts, ideas, and insights for creating a Consulting Business that aligns with a Lifestyle you LOVE. Hosted by Business Advisor, Blacksmith, and Father of three, Russell Pearson, this podcast delivers a unique perspective on consulting. The business of running it and the practice of doing it. Whether you've been a consultant for decades or aspiring to step up into the sector, this podcast has something for you.


United States


Your Consulting Business Podcast provides weekly thoughts, ideas, and insights for creating a Consulting Business that aligns with a Lifestyle you LOVE. Hosted by Business Advisor, Blacksmith, and Father of three, Russell Pearson, this podcast delivers a unique perspective on consulting. The business of running it and the practice of doing it. Whether you've been a consultant for decades or aspiring to step up into the sector, this podcast has something for you.



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How to Make Your First $100K as a Consultant

How to Make Your First $100K as a Consultant In today's podcast episode 87, Russell Pearson shares essential strategies for making your first $100,000 as a consultant, regardless of whether you're just starting out or looking to scale your existing business. The first step is identifying specific problems you can solve effectively, based on your experience and expertise. Next, target a niche audience that faces these issues most frequently to ensure focused and efficient marketing efforts. Russell emphasizes the importance of setting up a proper business structure, including a separate bank account and engaging an accountant early on. Lastly, he discuss the three primary ways to create value for clients—making money, saving money, and improving quality of life—and suggest pricing your services at a fraction of the value you provide to ensure a fair and attractive proposition. Download Resource to Find Large Groups of Prospects: Visit this website to discover FREE resources: Subscribe for more valuable content on Russell Pearson Programs, and stay tuned for upcoming discussions on effective improvement strategies. Your Consulting Business Podcast provides weekly thoughts, ideas, and insights for creating a Consulting Business that aligns with a Lifestyle you LOVE.


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The Mathematical Secret to Consulting Success

The Mathematical Secret to Consulting Success In today's podcast episode 86, Russell Pearson shared three crucial numbers that can drive your business success: the ratio of short conversations, priority calls, and design calls to sales. Understanding these ratios helps you focus on high-value activities, like having meaningful, two-way conversations rather than getting distracted by less impactful tasks. By knowing your specific numbers, you can plan effectively to scale your business, even if it means just one conversation a day to achieve significant growth. Visit this website to discover FREE resources: Subscribe for more valuable content on Russell Pearson Programs, and stay tuned for upcoming discussions on effective improvement strategies. Your Consulting Business Podcast provides weekly thoughts, ideas, and insights for creating a Consulting Business that aligns with a Lifestyle you LOVE.


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How to DESTROY Your Consulting Business in 5 Simple Steps

How to DESTROY Your Consulting Business in 5 Simple Steps In today's podcast episode 85, Russell Pearson outlined five key ways to destroy your consulting business. First, work with everyone and spread yourself thin, ensuring you make no real impact. Second, stop talking to people, which will quickly deplete your client base. Third, wait for clients to call you, leading to a rapid decline in business. Fourth, ignore your numbers, so you remain unaware of your financial health. Lastly, stop improving, guaranteeing you fall out of touch with industry trends and client needs. To actually grow your business, simply do the opposite of these destructive steps. Visit this website to discover additional FREE resources: Watch How to setup and how to grow a consulting business: Subscribe for more valuable content on Russell Pearson Programs, and stay tuned for upcoming discussions on effective improvement strategies. Your Consulting Business Podcast provides weekly thoughts, ideas, and insights for creating a Consulting Business that aligns with a Lifestyle you LOVE.


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How to Build a Consulting Business: Free Training

How to Build a Consulting Business: Free Training In today's podcast episode 84, Russell Pearson discusses building a successful consulting business, emphasizing the importance of energy and time management, clarity in understanding the audience, and improving the sales process to increase close rates. He also stresses the value of niching down to increase focus and impact, and provides a three-step niche development process. Pearson rates himself high on having an effective pipeline process and list of ideal prospects, but lower on identifying his target audience. Visit this website to discover additional FREE resources: Subscribe for more valuable content on Russell Pearson Programs, and stay tuned for upcoming discussions on effective improvement strategies. Your Consulting Business Podcast provides weekly thoughts, ideas, and insights for creating a Consulting Business that aligns with a Lifestyle you LOVE.


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My Top 5 Digital Tools for Marketing a Consulting Business in 2024 (Consulting Business Marketing)

My Top 5 Digital Tools for Marketing a Consulting Business in 2024 (Consulting Business Marketing) Download your FREE Digital Tools Resource Guide: In today's podcast episode 83, Russell Pearson shared the top five digital tools his consulting business uses to save time and attract ideal prospects, including LeadPages, Vid IQ, Meet Alfred, and Calendly. He also discussed other tools he utilizes to streamline online activities and enhance his presence on social media platforms, such as Meet Alfred and Chat GPT. Pearson emphasized the importance of having these tools to remain competitive and efficient in the consulting industry. Visit this website to discover additional FREE resources: Subscribe for more valuable content on Russell Pearson Programs, and stay tuned for upcoming discussions on effective improvement strategies. Your Consulting Business Podcast provides weekly thoughts, ideas, and insights for creating a Consulting Business that aligns with a Lifestyle you LOVE.


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3 Essential Business Development Activities for Consultants

3 Essential Business Development Activities for Consultants In this podcast episode 82, Russell Pearson reveals the 3 essential strategies for growing a consulting business: speaking to existing clients, engaging in outreach, and creating content. Drawing from over 30 years of experience in marketing and sales, particularly with consultants, Russell emphasizes the importance of focusing on these key activities for maximizing business development. By nurturing relationships with existing clients, actively reaching out to new contacts, and producing purposeful content, consultants can secure contracts, projects, and retainers. These strategies not only foster client engagement but also ensure business growth and sustainability over time. So, whether it's reconnecting with past clients, expanding your network through outreach, or crafting engaging content, these actions serve as the foundation for success in the consulting industry. Watch the video version of this podcast on YouTube, click the link below: Subscribe for more valuable content on Russell Pearson Programs, and stay tuned for upcoming discussions on effective improvement strategies. Your Consulting Business Podcast provides weekly thoughts, ideas, and insights for creating a Consulting Business that aligns with a Lifestyle you LOVE.


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30yr Marketing Manager Shows How to Get Leads

30yr Marketing Manager Shows How to Get Leads In this podcast episode 81, with over 30 years of marketing experience by Russell Pearson, he honed three key strategies for generating leads in businesses, drawing from a diverse background including work with large international companies and running his agency. Russell emphasizes the importance of leads within a broader pipeline system, distinguishing between suspects, leads, prospects, customers, and clients. The first strategy, the "120 list," focuses on building a network of existing clients, past clients, and referral partners, emphasizing quality over quantity. The second strategy involves making targeted offers, leveraging events, social media, and professional networking to engage potential leads through conversations and personalized interactions. Finally, the third strategy automates lead generation through landing pages, enabling businesses to capture leads even while they sleep, utilizing compelling offers and clear calls to action to drive conversions. By implementing these strategies, businesses can effectively generate leads and accelerate their growth in today's competitive market. Watch the video version of this podcast on YouTube, click the link below: Subscribe for more valuable content on Russell Pearson Programs, and stay tuned for upcoming discussions on effective improvement strategies. Your Consulting Business Podcast provides weekly thoughts, ideas, and insights for creating a Consulting Business that aligns with a Lifestyle you LOVE.


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Ultimate Guide to Digital Marketing for Consultants in 2024

Ultimate Guide to Digital Marketing for Consultants in 2024 In this podcast episode 80, Russell Pearson shared his expertise on optimizing digital marketing for consulting businesses, emphasizing the importance of thought leadership, intentional next steps, and digital assets. Thought leadership involves clearly defining our audience and sharing our expertise to establish trust and understanding. Intentional next steps guide prospects from being strangers to becoming clients, emphasizing the importance of engaging them in conversational dialogue and diagnostic processes. Digital assets, tailored to our target market, such as landing pages and lead magnets, facilitate the conversion of prospects into clients. It's crucial to align our digital marketing strategy with our preferences and personality to maximize effectiveness and enjoyment. Watch the video version of this podcast on YouTube, click the link below: Subscribe for more valuable content on Russell Pearson Programs, and stay tuned for upcoming discussions on effective improvement strategies. Your Consulting Business Podcast provides weekly thoughts, ideas, and insights for creating a Consulting Business that aligns with a Lifestyle you LOVE.


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Barely Surviving Burnout as a Consultant and How I Built a more Resilient Business

Barely Surviving Burnout as a Consultant and How I Built a more Resilient Business In this podcast episode 79, Russell Pearson recounts his journey with burnout, sharing how he transitioned from initially enjoying the freedom of my business to facing overwhelming tax debt and subsequent health issues. Reflecting on his experience, Russell emphasizes the importance of setting boundaries, integrating self-care into my routine, and managing downtime effectively to avoid burnout. He also highlights the significance of seeking help if feeling overwhelmed, encouraging listeners to take proactive steps to prevent burnout. Watch the video version of this podcast on Youtube: Visit this website: Subscribe for more valuable content on Russell Pearson Programs, and stay tuned for upcoming discussions on effective improvement strategies. Your Consulting Business Podcast provides weekly thoughts, ideas, and insights for creating a Consulting Business that aligns with a Lifestyle you LOVE.


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How to WIN more deals with the art of Negotiation for Consultants

How to WIN more deals with the art of Negotiation for Consultants In this podcast episode 78, Russell Pearson shares three key principles for negotiating better deals in consulting businesses. Firstly, knowing your negotiation options beyond just time and payment terms can significantly enhance opportunities. Secondly, designing together with clients fosters mutual ownership over projects and increases the likelihood of agreement. Thirdly, understanding that what you value may differ from what the client values is crucial for crafting mutually beneficial deals. Additionally, I emphasize the importance of being willing to say no to deals that don't align with your business goals, as the deals you accept define your business. For more negotiation tips, you can access a downloadable resource at Subscribe for more valuable content on Russell Pearson Programs, and stay tuned for upcoming discussions on effective improvement strategies. Your Consulting Business Podcast provides weekly thoughts, ideas, and insights for creating a Consulting Business that aligns with a Lifestyle you LOVE.


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I Spent $30,000 on a Business Coach (Here's what Happened)

I Spent $30,000 on a Business Coach (Here's What Happened) In this podcast episode 77, Russell Pearson talked about in 2009, after two struggling years with his business, Russell invested $30,000 in a business coach named Brett. Despite initial doubts, Brett's coaching proved transformative. He emphasized personal accountability and responsibility, teaching Russell to operate "above the line" by taking ownership of his actions. Through consistent guidance, Brett helped Russell identify business gaps, implement effective strategies, and achieve remarkable growth, from $80,000 to $300,000 in revenue within a year. Over five years of coaching, Brett became a mentor and friend, guiding him through various business stages and instilling a mindset of continuous learning and action. Russell now runs business programs to help others achieve similar success, emphasizing the importance of aligning with the right coach and committing to actionable steps for business growth Subscribe for more valuable content on Russell Pearson Programs, and stay tuned for upcoming discussions on effective improvement strategies. Your Consulting Business Podcast provides weekly thoughts, ideas, and insights for creating a Consulting Business that aligns with a Lifestyle you LOVE.


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Branding for Consultants

Branding for Consultants In this podcast episode 76, Russell Pearson delves into a secret that transformed my consulting business, impacting how he communicates with clients. Reflecting on his journey, Russell realized the power of personal branding over traditional business branding, emphasizing the importance of having a distinct voice and opinion to stand out in a noisy market. He breaks down branding into three key steps: identity, voice, and style, urging listeners to define their brand's archetype, communication style, and overall experience. Additionally, Russell shares five AI tools revolutionizing consulting practices: Prompt Base, Uncanny Automator, Vox Script, Pi AI, and 10Web. By implementing these tools and mastering personal branding, consultants can effectively cut through the noise and connect with clients on a deeper level. Subscribe for more valuable content on Russell Pearson Programs, and stay tuned for upcoming discussions on effective improvement strategies. Your Consulting Business Podcast provides weekly thoughts, ideas, and insights for creating a Consulting Business that aligns with a Lifestyle you LOVE.


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How to Make More Money As A Consultant

Visit THE CONSULTING GUILD here: How to Make More Money As A Consultant In this podcast episode 75, Russell Pearson discusses strategies for consultants to make more money quickly. Rather than relying solely on referrals, he emphasizes the importance of making attractive offers to attract clients. Russell outlines a simple four-step process for crafting effective offers: stating what I have, explaining what it does for the client, detailing how it achieves that, and finally, specifying how to obtain it. Additionally, he introduces the SMART criteria (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-based) to assess and improve offers before launching them. If you found this helpful, subscribe for more weekly episodes, leave a like and comment, and consider joining The Guild for further support in building a successful consulting practice. AI tools: Subscribe for more valuable content on Russell Pearson Programs, and stay tuned for upcoming discussions on effective improvement strategies. Your Consulting Business Podcast provides weekly thoughts, ideas, and insights for creating a Consulting Business that aligns with a Lifestyle you LOVE.


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Consulting Opportunities through Professional Public Speaking

Visit THE CONSULTING GUILD here: Consulting Opportunities through Professional Public Speaking In this podcast episode 69, Russell Pearson discusses the significance of incorporating professional speaking into consulting practices. Drawing from his journey, Russell highlights the benefits of positioning oneself as an expert through speaking engagements. By sharing expertise on stage, consultants can establish authority, connect with larger audiences, and accelerate the trust-building process. He emphasizes the value of leveraging speaking opportunities to showcase knowledge and attract potential clients. To get started, one can apply for speaking opportunities at conferences, engage with professional speaker associations, or organize events. Subscribe for more valuable content on Russell Pearson Programs, and stay tuned for upcoming discussions on effective improvement strategies. Your Consulting Business Podcast provides weekly thoughts, ideas, and insights for creating a Consulting Business that aligns with a Lifestyle you LOVE.


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5 Powerful Artificial Intelligence AI Tools For Your Consulting Business

5 Powerful Artificial Intelligence AI Tools For Your Consulting Business In today's podcast episode 73, Russell Pearson delves into the realm of artificial intelligence and its profound impact on consultancy. As Russell guides you through this digital odyssey, he introduces five remarkable AI tools that have revolutionized the consultancy landscape. Prompt Base emerges as a beacon, offering pre-fabricated prompts to streamline AI interactions. Uncanny Automator, nestled within WordPress, orchestrates seamless automation, while Vox Scripts scours the web for real-time trends, enriching decision-making with timely insights. Pi AI, a conversational virtuoso, fosters brainstorming sessions with its human-like demeanor. Lastly, 10 Web stands as a testament to AI's prowess, crafting websites in minutes with unparalleled precision. Subscribe for more valuable content on Russell Pearson Programs, and stay tuned for upcoming discussions on effective improvement strategies. Your Consulting Business Podcast provides weekly thoughts, ideas, and insights for creating a Consulting Business that aligns with a Lifestyle you LOVE.


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Avoid Busy Consulting with Time Profits

Avoid Busy Consulting with Time Profits In today's podcast episode 72, Russell Pearson delves into reclaiming time within our consulting businesses, exploring the concept of "time profit" and its significance. Drawing inspiration from the "Profit First" methodology, he advocates for prioritizing personal time as a key performance indicator alongside financial success. By gradually allocating small increments of time back to ourselves and strategically managing our schedules, we can break free from the cycle of perpetual busyness and cultivate a more fulfilling lifestyle. Through intentional time management and a shift towards prioritizing our well-being, we can transform our consulting practices into vehicles for personal growth and fulfillment. Let's embark on this journey together, prioritizing our time and crafting lives that align with our deepest desires. Visit this website to download the FREE resource guide: Subscribe for more valuable content on Russell Pearson Programs, and stay tuned for upcoming discussions on effective improvement strategies. Your Consulting Business Podcast provides weekly thoughts, ideas, and insights for creating a Consulting Business that aligns with a Lifestyle you LOVE.


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What is Management Consulting and How Do I Become One?

Visit THE CONSULTING GUILD here: What is Management Consulting and How Do I Become One? In this podcast episode 71, Russell Pearson and Peter Westlund explore the concept of management consulting, emphasizing the importance of collaboration, integrity, and ongoing professional development while discussing the future of the industry, including the significance of self-regulation and adherence to ethical standards, as well as providing insights into starting a consultancy and the role of certifications. Visit IMC here: Peter is the National President and Board Chair and the Portfolio Lead for External Relations and IMC Chapters. Peter joined the IMC in December 2009 and became a Certified Management Consultant in April 2011. Peter has been a Director on Federal Council since May 2013 and was elected WA Chapter President in July 2014. In addition to his current roles, Peter held the position of Chair of CMC Certification from October 2016 to October 2019. He is passionate about the IMC’s role in the professional development of consultants and the importance of certification for improving the practice of management consulting in Australia. Peter commenced management consulting in November 2006. He practices in strategic business planning, business process improvement and human resources systems design. Peter takes a keen interest in mentoring directors, entrepreneurs, and managers to acquire new leadership and management capabilities. Subscribe for more valuable content on Russell Pearson Programs, and stay tuned for upcoming discussions on effective improvement strategies. Your Consulting Business Podcast provides weekly thoughts, ideas, and insights for creating a Consulting Business that aligns with a Lifestyle you LOVE.


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Introducing Coaching to Australia with Mal Emery

Visit THE CONSULTING GUILD here: Introducing Coaching to Australia with Mal Emery In this podcast episode 70, Russell Pearson introduces surprise guest Mel Emery, delving into Mel's journey from humble beginnings to entrepreneurial success, discussing the evolution of coaching and mentorship, and sharing insights on achieving autonomy in business and life. Russell and Mal reflect on the importance of personal growth and adaptation in achieving success, emphasizing the transformative journey one undergoes to become successful, the significance of helping others, and the necessity of mastering business principles while sharing personal anecdotes and insights from their own experiences. Mal is a self-made from scratch multi-millionaire, bestselling author, business coach and mentor to 1000’s of business owners and Coach of the Coaches nationally and internationally. You can visit his website here: Subscribe for more valuable content on Russell Pearson Programs, and stay tuned for upcoming discussions on effective improvement strategies. Your Consulting Business Podcast provides weekly thoughts, ideas, and insights for creating a Consulting Business that aligns with a Lifestyle you LOVE.


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What is the Consulting Guild? Network for Consultants

Visit THE CONSULTING GUILD here: What is the Consulting Guild? Network for Consultants In this podcast episode 69, Russell Pearson introduces the Consulting Guild, inspired by historical groups like the Impressionists and the Inklings, aiming to create a community of consultants to support, learn, and elevate each other's craft and businesses for greater impact and success in the consulting profession. Subscribe for more valuable content on Russell Pearson Programs, and stay tuned for upcoming discussions on effective improvement strategies. Your Consulting Business Podcast provides weekly thoughts, ideas, and insights for creating a Consulting Business that aligns with a Lifestyle you LOVE.


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What is a Consultant and how to improve your consulting

What is a Consultant and how to improve your consulting In this podcast episode 68, Russell Pearson delves into the essence of consulting and the key steps to becoming an effective consultant. He defines consulting as providing expert advice professionally. Exploring various modalities like mentoring, coaching, and therapy, he emphasize that a consultant's role is to guide and enable rather than become indispensable. Rusell stresses the importance of continuous development, not just in technical expertise but in refining consulting methodologies. As he shares insights on avoiding the pitfalls of problematic consulting, the episode encourages consultants to focus on delivering substantial value, aiming for a 10x return. Subscribe for more valuable content on Russell Pearson Programs, and stay tuned for upcoming discussions on effective improvement strategies. Visit this website to download the FREE resource guide: Your Consulting Business Podcast provides weekly thoughts, ideas, and insights for creating a Consulting Business that aligns with a Lifestyle you LOVE.
