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Concept 1 Training: The ONE Thing Workshop


You can live an awesome life by following the principles of The ONE Thing, the best-selling book by Gary Keller and Jay Papasan. This podcast, hosted by Josh Friberg, will teach you how to live a better, more fulfilling and successful life on a personal and professional basis.


Portland, OR


You can live an awesome life by following the principles of The ONE Thing, the best-selling book by Gary Keller and Jay Papasan. This podcast, hosted by Josh Friberg, will teach you how to live a better, more fulfilling and successful life on a personal and professional basis.



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Tell Your Money Where To Go, Or You Won’t Know Where It Went.- Concept 1 Training: The ONE Thing Workshop With Josh Friberg - Episode #53

Get Your ONE Thing Bonus Today >>> Today’s Big Idea Managing finances essentially comes down to just two things: The amount of money you are bringing in and the amount of money you are spending. What is The ONE Thing Workshop My name is Josh Friberg. I am a lifelong trainer. I am a certified trainer of The ONE Thing Workshop, built off the best-seller by Gary Keller and Jay Papasan. Who is this for? The entrepreneur, business owner, or leader looking for greater productivity, lower stress, and how to balance well in your professional and personal life. We are going to go deep into making your life amazing, not by doing more, but by doing less. Three suggestions: Have a written budget and review it. Keep a spending journal. Write down everything that you spend. Calculate your net worth. Give: don’t let your money own you. Today’s episode is the final segment in a series examining how you can apply the focusing question to key areas of your life represented by 7 circles: Spiritual life, Physical health. Personal life, Key relationships, Job, Business and Finances. Series begins at episode 46. Visit the website to download the 7 circles worksheet. Excellent resource on the psychological and spiritual aspects of money: Thou Shalt Prosper: 10 Commandments for Making Money by Daniel Lapin For more information text your email address 503-376-6996 You can even email Please take a second to subscribe to the podcast and write a review. Get Your ONE Thing Bonus Today >>>


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From I Do It To They Do It - Concept 1 Training: The ONE Thing Workshop With Josh Friberg Episode #52

Get Your ONE Thing Bonus Today >>> Today’s Big Idea: The purpose of business is not just to make a profit, but to allow people to flourish. Building a business means doing something that increases the ability for others to be involved in your world. Apply these principles to your business or other areas where you have an opportunity to lead and help people grow. What is The ONE Thing Workshop: My name is Josh Friberg. I am a lifelong trainer. I am a certified trainer of The ONE Thing Workshop, built off the best-seller by Gary Keller and Jay Papasan. Who is this for? The entrepreneur, business owner, or leader looking for greater productivity, lower stress, and how to balance well in your professional and personal life. We are going to go deep into making your life amazing, not by doing more, but by doing less. Three suggestions: Define your company’s value proposition: What is it that you do that makes the world a better place? When you truly understand how your business makes people’s lives better, then it’s easy to sell your services. Are you casting a big enough vision? View employee’s as an investment rather than an expense. If you hear your employees repeating your vision back to you, that’s success. Be willing to let your business grow big enough so that other people can fit their vision into it. Don’t focus on your comfort, focus on providing opportunity for others. Hiring quality people and leading them well will cause incremental growth. Get Your ONE Thing Bonus Today >>>


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If You Were the Boss, Would You Fire You? - Concept 1 Training: The ONE Thing Workshop With Josh Friberg - Episode #51

Get Your ONE Thing Bonus Today >>> Today’s Big Idea: How to maintain your focus and reach your goals in a whirlwind of competing priorities. What is The ONE Thing Workshop My name is Josh Friberg. I am a lifelong trainer. I am a certified trainer of The ONE Thing Workshop, built off the best-seller by Gary Keller and Jay Papasan. Who is this for? The entrepreneur, business owner, or leader looking for greater productivity, lower stress, and how to balance well in your professional and personal life. We are going to go deep into making your life amazing, not by doing more, but by doing less. Three steps to achieve your goals: Write them down: You more likely to succeed just by writing down your goals.Time Blocking: Once you have a goal, set aside time to work on it and protect it.Coaching and Accountability: A good coach asks good questions, forces you to face reality and find solutions. Try to distinguish between your job (what you do) and your business (what we do). Format for Goal setting GPS: Goals, Priorities, Strategies. Dr. Gail Matthews, research on goal setting and achievement. You are 40% more likely to succeed just by writing down your goals. You are 76.7% more likely to achieve your goals if you just have to send progress reports weekly. Smarter, Better, Faster book by Charles Duhigg Use both stretch goals (vision) and smart goals (attainable). To find out more about personal coaching services, email Get Your ONE Thing Bonus Today >>>


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Relationships Happen By Relating to People - Concept 1 Training: The ONE Thing Workshop With Josh Friberg Episode #50

Get Your ONE Thing Bonus Today >>> Today’s Big Idea: Most people want better relationships and yet we often don’t know how to get there. Four practical steps to building better relationships. What is The ONE Thing Workshop My name is Josh Friberg. I am a lifelong trainer. I am a certified trainer of The ONE Thing Workshop, built off the best-seller by Gary Keller and Jay Papasan. Who is this for? The entrepreneur, business owner, or leader looking for greater productivity, lower stress, and how to balance well in your professional and personal life. We are going to go deep into making your life amazing, not by doing more, but by doing less. Steps to improve your key relationships: 1. Time - good relationships take time. Spend time with the key people in your life. 2. Communication - be intentional about communicating with the key people in your life. 3. Know about people: use social media to your advantage to move beyond small-talk. 4. Bring something to the relationship: don’t be a taker only. Who you are in your personal life affects your professional life. Your skill set in your job will only grow as much as you grow in your personal life. Adam Grant’s book, “Give and Take” finds that strategic givers are more successful and happy than people who just match, and much more than people who only take. Today, do one thing to strengthen a relationship. If you don’t know where to start, just write one hand-written note to someone who would appreciate it. It’s so simple, but is one of the most powerful tools in building relationships. Get Your ONE Thing Bonus Today >>>


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It’s Time To Get A Hobby - Concept 1 Training: The ONE Thing Workshop With Josh Friberg Episode #49

Get Your ONE Thing Bonus Today >>> Today’s Big Idea: What’s the one thing I can do for my personal life? It might be time to get a hobby. What is The ONE Thing Workshop My name is Josh Friberg. I am a lifelong trainer. I am a certified trainer of The ONE Thing Workshop, built off the best-seller by Gary Keller and Jay Papasan. Who is this for? The entrepreneur, business owner, or leader looking for greater productivity, lower stress, and how to balance well in your professional and personal life. We are going to go deep into making your life amazing, not by doing more, but by doing less. Some suggestions on how to “re-create” your personal life through recreation and rest. 1. Engage in a hobby or leisure activity that honors your personality. 2. Respect and engage in the rest/work cycle. 3. Engage in reading. If you aren’t healthy, you’re going to have a hard time getting others healthy. Find a hobby or leisure activity that fills you up, gives you energy and takes your mind off the constant push of productivity. Recognize and honor the rest/work cycle that has endured for generations. We’ve really lost track of the rest/work cycle. Cultivate habits of daily, weekly, and seasonal rest. Take a step back, in order to take ten steps forward. Recognize your personality in how you spend your leisure time. Look at where you get your energy. Do you get it from being alone or from being with people? Do you process internally or externally? It’s important to be intentional about how you spend your leisure time. Wealthy and successful people are often asked what superpower they would like to have. Bill Gates and Warren Buffet both said they wish they could read and comprehend faster. When we read a lot, we learn through the experience of others. Reading is such a valuable tool for plotting our own experience against the experience of others. Get Your ONE Thing Bonus Today >>>


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If You Don’t Take Care Of Your Body, Where Are You Going To Live? - Concept 1 Training: The ONE Thing Workshop With Josh Friberg Episode #48

Get Your ONE Thing Bonus Today >>> Today’s Big Idea: Your physical well-being affects every other area of your life? What’s the one thing you can do to improve your physical health? What is The ONE Thing Workshop My name is Josh Friberg. I am a lifelong trainer. I am a certified trainer of The ONE Thing Workshop, built off the best-seller by Gary Keller and Jay Papasan. Who is this for? The entrepreneur, business owner, or leader looking for greater productivity, lower stress, and how to balance well in your professional and personal life. We are going to go deep into making your life amazing, not by doing more, but by doing less. Most people agree that eating right and exercising are important to physical health, but actually, getting enough sleep is the first step in getting your body healthy. Lack of sleep causes impaired performance, higher rates of illness, injury and overeating. How to get adequate, quality sleep: 1. Go to bed at the same time every night. 2. Give yourself 7-9 hours. 3. Don’t sleep in. “Anything worth doing, is worth doing poorly at first” - Joel Salatin. Keep going after it. Don’t let failure derail you. Eating: Have the right food on hand. When we are hungry our willpower is the lowest. Eliminate the choice to eat something bad at home. Exercise: Don’t try to be an olympic athlete. What’s the best form of exercise? The one you will do. When is the best time? When you will do it. Use the power of peer pressure. Join a class. Get a trainer. If interested in training, contact Get Your ONE Thing Bonus Today >>>


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If You Don’t Know Why You’re Here, Why Are You Here? - Concept 1 Training: The ONE Thing Workshop With Josh Friberg Episode #47

Get Your ONE Thing Bonus Today >>> Today’s Big Idea: Figuring out your purpose and growing in your spiritual life, is one of the most important things you can do for your business, productivity & growth. What is The ONE Thing Workshop My name is Josh Friberg. I am a lifelong trainer. I am a certified trainer of The ONE Thing Workshop, built off the best-seller by Gary Keller and Jay Papasan. Who is this for? The entrepreneur, business owner, or leader looking for greater productivity, lower stress, and how to balance well in your professional and personal life. We are going to go deep into making your life amazing, not by doing more, but by doing less. Living a life that is just for you lack’s purpose. Our purpose is to bring value to the world. When you know your life purpose, you know the manner in which you are bringing value to the world. What is the one thing you can do this week to affirm the value that I bring to the world? Common practices that encourage growth: 1. Daily habit of prayer and meditation. 2. Reduce stress. 3. Connect with a faith community. Your business will not grow until you grow. Consider writing out your purpose statement every day, for 90 days. As you do this, you will begin to see how to revise it to better reflect and affirm your purpose and value. This will be reflected in your business as well as all other areas of your life. Get Your ONE Thing Bonus Today >>>


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What Happens in Vegas, Happens - Concept 1 Training: The ONE Thing Workshop With Josh Friberg Episode #46

Today’s Big Idea: Who you are anywhere is who you are everywhere. Our behavior in one area of our lives, affects every other area. Get Your ONE Thing Bonus Today >>> What is The ONE Thing Workshop. My name is Josh Friberg. I am a lifelong trainer. I am a certified trainer of The ONE Thing Workshop, built off the best-seller by Gary Keller and Jay Papasan. Who is this for? The entrepreneur, business owner, or leader looking for greater productivity, lower stress, and how to balance well in your professional and personal life. We are going to go deep into making your life amazing, not by doing more, but by doing less. Being a person of integrity means being the same person, wherever you go and in whatever circumstances. Social media is changing the way we view privacy. We can’t compartmentalize - each area of our life touches the other. Integrity = Integrated. Learn the process of growth and you can apply it to any area of your life. This is about growing you. Draw 7 circles around in the shape of a clock and label: 1. Rate yourself numerically on the 7 areas of your life represented by the circles. (See worksheet) 2. Focus on the area you scored highest in to move it from good to great for a win. 3. Focus on the area you scored lowest in to see the largest amount of growth Get Your ONE Thing Bonus Today >>>


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The Goal Is Non-Negotiable - The ONE Thing Podcast With Josh Friberg, Episode 45

Today’s Big Idea: The goal is non-negotiable. Get Your ONE Thing Bonus Today >>> What Is The One Thing Workshop: My name is Josh Friberg. I am a lifelong trainer. I am a certified trainer of The ONE Thing Workshop, built off the best-seller by Gary Keller and Jay Papasan. Who is this for? The entrepreneur, business owner, or leader looking for greater productivity, lower stress, and how to balance well in your professional and personal life. We are going to go deep into making your life amazing, not by doing more, but by doing less. Josh had a recent breakthrough related to goals (a topic he’s had a life-long struggle with). His new team keeps saying “the goal is non-negotiable.” How does that work? Many think that having a goal and not accomplishing it is bad. Goals aren’t an accomplishment - they are a way to get you to think differently. Are your goals big enough that you’re never going to hit them? Our goals are going to help us determine our actions. Goals need to be within bounds (ethical and physical). Goals need to be sustainable. Get Your ONE Thing Bonus Today >>>


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Is NOW The Time To Ask - What Is The ONE Thing I Can Do? The ONE Thing Podcast With Josh Friberg, Episode 44

Today's Big Idea: The ONE Thing is not just for business - it's for life. Get Josh's Whiteboard Graphic Today >>> What Is The One Thing Workshop: My name is Josh Friberg. I am a lifelong trainer. I am a certified trainer of The ONE Thing Workshop, built off the best-seller by Gary Keller and Jay Papasan. Who is this for? The entrepreneur, business owner, or leader looking for greater productivity, lower stress, and how to balance well in your professional and personal life. We are going to go deep into making your life amazing, not by doing more, but by doing less. This Podcast episode isn't just "based on a true story" - it's Josh's true story. It's a story of a 30 year old water heater, and what Josh actually did in the midst of some real chaos. Although things were crazy, he still had the chance to ask the ONE question. And in that process, found his creativity sped up. Josh saw his water heater was dead and, while watching his son taking in the chaos too, wondered "what is he seeing?" He realized, it wasn't an issue of turning off the water, it was an issue of "turning off the water with my son." The next action can make the next domino easier ... or harder. "The most important thing I can do as a Dad is to teach my kids to trust in God." @YouDaDad" Links: Familyman Web Get Josh's Whiteboard Graphic Today >>>


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A Great Question Beats A Great Answer Any Time – The ONE Thing Podcast With Josh Friberg, Episode 43

Today's Big Idea: A great question beats a great answer every time. What Is The One Thing Workshop: My name is Josh Friberg. I am a lifelong trainer. I am a certified trainer of The ONE Thing Workshop, built off the best-seller by Gary Keller and Jay Papasan. Who is this for? The entrepreneur, business owner, or leader looking for greater productivity, lower stress, and how to balance well in your professional and personal life. We are going to go deep into making your life amazing, not by doing more, but by doing less. Today we look again at the all important focussing question. When we get a great question, we now have a great tool. But, it's more than a tool - a question taps into your creativity in a way an answer simply can't. Balance comes from doing less. it's not about doing less - it's about doing the right things. The focussing question helps you figure out what the right things are. If you look at all the things you have to do, many of them are distractions from what you ought to be doing. Many times, success in finding the right question leads to success in other areas. When we focus on the one thing, everything else becomes easier (or unnecessary). Get The ONE Thing Question Graphic Today >>>


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The Legend Is Different Than The Reality - The ONE Thing Podcast With Josh Friberg, Episode 42

Today's Big Idea: For Most - It Takes A Decade To Become An Overnight Success Get The Hockey Stick Graphic Today >>> What Is The One Thing Workshop: My name is Josh Friberg. I am a lifelong trainer. I am a certified trainer of The ONE Thing Workshop, built off the best-seller by Gary Keller and Jay Papasan. Who is this for? The entrepreneur, business owner, or leader looking for greater productivity, lower stress, and how to balance well in your professional and personal life. We are going to go deep into making your life amazing, not by doing more, but by doing less. Today we look at the myth of the overnight success. The reality of success is, simply, years and years of practice - and many times, failure. The domino effect -> once you’ve set up all that potential energy, it only takes a tiny flick to start a chain reaction. One domino can knock over a domino that is 50% larger. Exponential growth looks a lot like linear growth - in the beginning. You can see exponential growth when you focus on the domino that is in front of you. Line up your dominoes strategically - be they reading, morning routines, or something else. Which decade do you think is the most productive? The answer might surprise you. Success is truly found in the small things - that eventually take off like a rocket. Book: Exponential Organizations Get The Hockey Stick Graphic Today >>>


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Creating a Culture to Protect Your Timeblock -The ONE Thing Podcast With Josh Friberg, Episode 41

Today's Big Idea: It’s not enough to just to schedule a time-block for yourself. Following through takes the cooperation of the people around you. Being successful requires creating a culture of time-blocking. Get The Culture Of Time Blocking Poster >>> What is The ONE Thing Workshop? My name is Josh Friberg. I am a lifelong trainer. I am a certified trainer of The ONE Thing Workshop, built off the best-seller by Gary Keller and Jay Papasan. Who is this for? The entrepreneur, business owner, or leader looking for greater productivity, lower stress, and how to balance well in your professional and personal life. We are going to go deep into making your life amazing, not by doing more, but by doing less. Four steps to help you develop a culture of time-blocking. 1. Enlist Support - Explain the value and purpose of what you are doing. 2. Ask questions - Could this question wait until I am finished?” 3. Don’t be subtle - Create a barrier for people who want to interrupt. 4. Give it time - 66 days or more will be necessary to make this a habit. Teach the people around you to give your time-block the same weight they would to a meeting with another person. Explaining the importance of what you are doing to others and ask for their support. Post obvious signs and reminders to protect your time. Be patient and give this technique the time it needs to become established. Print out a helpful poster at Get The Culture Of Time Blocking Poster >>>


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What’s Your Standard For Canceling An Appointment? The ONE Thing Podcast With Josh Friberg, Episode 40

Today's Big Idea: Time-blocking is reserving specific time for a specific purpose. Protect your time-block by considering it an appointment with yourself. Get The Focus Matrix >> What is The ONE Thing Workshop My name is Josh Friberg. I am a lifelong trainer. I am a certified trainer of The ONE Thing Workshop, built off the best-seller by Gary Keller and Jay Papasan. Who is this for? The entrepreneur, business owner, or leader looking for greater productivity, lower stress, and how to balance well in your professional and personal life. We are going to go deep into making your life amazing, not by doing more, but by doing less. Learn to give appointments with yourself the same weight as an appointment with a doctor. Remember, it’s not just a promise to you, it’s a promise that affects others. Guidelines for Time-Blocking: Set-aside specific hours, time and place.If you must cancel, reschedule.Have a cancellation policy. Start with one hour of time-blocking. You can to choose to change it if it is important, but replace it. Simply say, “I have an appointment” - even if there isn’t another person involved. People don’t usually ask you the nature of your appointment. Cal Newport, “It’s ok to make your no firm and your reason vague.” This will get you out of 90% scheduled conflicts. Get The Focus Matrix >>


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There Can Only Be One - The ONE Thing Podcast With Josh Friberg, Episode 39

Today’s Big Idea: Intro to Season Two. Our life is not only about one thing. How to use the focusing question to decide if what you are focusing on is appropriate to the moment. What is The ONE Thing Workshop My name is Josh Friberg. I am a lifelong trainer. I am a certified trainer of The ONE Thing Workshop, built off the best-seller by Gary Keller and Jay Papasan. Who is this for? The entrepreneur, business owner, or leader looking for greater productivity, lower stress, and how to balance well in your professional and personal life. We are going to go deep into making your life amazing, not by doing more, but by doing less. Body Remember the focusing question: What is the one thing, I can do, such that by doing, makes everything else easier or unnecessary? Will doing this one thing make achieving my other priorities easier? Is doing this one thing something I have the power or ability to do? Is focusing on this one thing appropriate to the moment? There are many priorities in life. How to use the focusing question to decide what is one most important thing in any one area. A client uses the focusing question to decide on the one thing from a list of three priorities: eating right, exercising more, going to bed earlier.


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Make Your Environment Support Your Goals

In this episode, Josh discusses how to make your environment more productive so that it supports your goals. Go to to get show notes and more. This episode fits in a series based on The ONE Thing by Gary Keller. For more information on upcoming events and how you can experience The ONE Thing Workshop and subscribe to The ONE Thing Podcast visit today. Or text your email address to 503-376-6996.


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That Donut Just Stole your Wallet

In this episode, Josh discusses how to use your day's early hours to be the most productive. Go to to get show notes and more. This episode fits in a series based on The ONE Thing by Gary Keller. For more information on upcoming events and how you can experience The ONE Thing Workshop and subscribe to The ONE Thing Podcast visit today. Or text your email address to 503-376-6996.


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Avoid Being Stolen From

In this episode, Josh discusses how to use your day's early hours to be the most productive. Go to notes and more. This episode fits in a series based on The ONE Thing by Gary Keller. For more information on upcoming events and how you can experienceThe ONE Thing Workshopand subscribe to The ONE Thing Podcastvisit today. Or text your email address to 503-376-6996.


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Do Not Fear Chaos

In this episode, Josh discusses the fact that chaos is inevitable when striving for greatness and that you should not fear the chaos. Go to to get show notes and more. This episode fits in a series based on The ONE Thing by Gary Keller. For more information on upcoming events and how you can experience The ONE Thing Workshop and subscribe to The ONE Thing Podcast visit today. Or text your email address to 503-376-6996.


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Make Your Yes: "I'm ALL In!"

In this episode, Josh discusses how to change your inability to say no and how to turn your "yes" into a "I'm ALL in!" Go to to get show notes and more. This episode fits in a series based on The ONE Thing by Gary Keller. For more information on upcoming events and how you can experience The ONE Thing Workshop and subscribe to The ONE Thing Podcast visit today. Or text your email address to 503-376-6996
