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Find us at! We speak with the CEOs, the Founders, the Scientists, the Inventors, and the Engineers who are innovating, creating, and discovering the science and technology driving the cannabis and hemp industries. Support this podcast:



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New Cannabis Jobs Report Shines Light on Salaries

Cannabis industry jobs, like many others, are in a constant state of flux as the nation struggles with inflation and economic uncertainty. Plenty of headlines coined the legal cannabis industry as “pandemic-proof.” However, as inflation continues to slow down spending, it has become painfully evident that the industry is not recession-proof, and many cannabis companies are taking a hard look at their bottom line. --- Support this podcast:...


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Mold in Weed? Regulation, Prevention, Remediation

Mold in marijuana is more than a business faux pas; it is a potential health hazard for consumers. Mold on cannabis isn’t a new problem, but commercial production and over-crowded grow rooms are creating the perfect storm for pathogens. The birth of the marijuana industry has given rise to a deeper awareness of production pitfalls and potential health risks – not from the cannabis itself, but from unintentional microbial contamination. --- Support this podcast:...


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Differences between Natural and Synthesized THC

Tetrahydrocannabinol comes in many forms naturally, and thanks to modern chemistry, many more can be created. Originally published at --- Support this podcast:


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How Grow Lights Affect Temperature and Humidity Control

Grow lights make a significant impact on the environment in your grow. Controlling temperature and humidity depends on understanding how your lighting may affect them. --- Support this podcast:


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CBD Headlines Signal Changes Coming to Hemp

FDA regulations for CBD in food and beverages may be just around the corner, according to recent headlines. Agency officials from the US Food and Drug Administration recently announced plans for publishing their recommendations on CBD as a novel food ingredient citing concerns over long-term consumption. --- Support this podcast:


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Proactive Testing and Remediation for IPM

Preventing pests in a commercial cannabis grow operation starts with understanding what kind of potential threats are lurking within the facility. Integrated Pest Management, or IPM, requires specific SOPs and processes - starting with regular tests to determine where the hazards are lurking. We followed PathogenDx into a commercial cannabis operation as they tested for a wide range of contaminants that can impact the health of the overall grow. Milan Patel, the CEO, talks about the...


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Growing with Cannabis Tech: Technology for the DIY Home Grower

With the help of Green Goddess Supply, we’re launching a new video series all about home-grow technology and how to grow quality cannabis right in your own living room! Read the full article here: Buy your own Green Goddess Grow Tent System with Concierge Service! --- Support this podcast:


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Pests in Cannabis and How to Kill Them

Pests can wreak havoc on a cannabis cultivation facility. Learn which pests can cause the most damage and what steps to take to eradicate them. Insects, molds, fungus, viruses and bacteria - these are things that can destroy your grow operation. PathogenDx and SafetyNet America provide technology solutions to help growers stop problems before they start! --- Support this podcast:...


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Cannabis Tech’s Marketplace: The Place to Find the Best Cannabis Technology

Online e-commerce solutions aren't just for consumers. Our B2B marketplace can help business owners make informed purchasing decisions. Cannabis and hemp producers can find various supplies and equipment on marketplace sites like Sites like ours offer a convenient way to comparison shop for the best prices on everything from grow lights to hydroponic systems to crop management systems. Additionally, producers can also find helpful information to make informed purchase...


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Printing the Future of Sustainability on Hemp Paper

Since the industrial revolution, life has radically transformed across the globe. The transformation has improved the quality of life for billions, yet it has produced mountains of waste threatening the planet. However, hemp has offered a more sustainable option since the beginning of this global transformation. --- Support this podcast:


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VR and Entheogens: Beyond Third-Eye Insights

Entheogens, including cannabis, faced one of their most restrictive environments in the 20th century. Now, as attitudes shift, several countries are investing in research using psilocybin mushrooms, MDMA, Ketamine, and other substances previously listed as some of the most dangerous materials in the country. With this shift comes a new wave of technological opportunity, and companies are poised to offer these substances to the public. Original post:...


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Biosecurity & IPM - Protecting Your Crop from Invisible Invaders

Growing a clean, green crop starts with a successful Integrated Pest Management (IPM) program. We asked cannabis industry expert, Ellis Smith, from American Cannabis Consulting to discuss the challenges and importance of keeping your cannabis facility free of bacteria, molds, viruses, and fungi. Ron Romano from SafetyNet joins us to discuss how they offer a technology originally designed for hospitals and government biosecurity to help cannabis operators ensure the cleanest environment...


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Panel Discussion: Inflation, Pandemic, and Politics

Join us for this round-table discussion featuring the different industry perspectives from multiple segments of cannabis. In this episode: Cannabis may have skirted the economic woes of the pandemic, however, no one has been unscathed by the effects of inflation. We asked 4 industry experts from different cannabis sectors to join us to talk about how inflation has impacted their businesses and their thoughts on the recent moves in Washington. Our panel...


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Tiny Mountain Town Eyes New Gold Rush

Thousands of people come to Cripple Creek for its gold mining history, hoping to strike it rich in one of its 13 casinos. And now, entrepreneurs and tourists may be rushing to Cripple Creek for another reason. --- Support this podcast:


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How Two Legacy Operators Are Changing the Technology Behind Cannabis Delivery

Read the full article on CannabisTech Media & Marketplace After making nearly 1 million deliveries, this cannabis delivery company is changing the game. "You want to control your own data, you want to control your own SEO, and you want to have the technology be nimble enough to launch new segments - to customize." At least, that's what Jessie May wants from any technology that supports cannabis delivery. Jessie and her partner, Robert Spearin, are co-founders of Mountain Remedy, a...


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Aspergillus Testing Now Required in Colorado Cannabis

Aspergillus mold is all around us. According to the CDC, most people inhale a few Aspergillus spores daily without getting sick. However, of the approximately 180 species of Aspergillus, 40 of them can cause infections in humans. While most people have robust immune systems to help prevent aspergillosis infection, many medical cannabis patients may have pre-existing conditions which make them at risk for a potentially deadly fungal infection. Read the full article at CannabisTech. ---...


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Premium Cannabis: High Pricing for Top Quality

As discretionary funds shrink in most pockets, consumers find that both supermarket and dispensary shelves look sparser and more expensive than usual. Most habitual consumers may react by opting for more affordable cannabis products. But are affordable options becoming less available? President of Veritas Fine Cannabis, Jon Spadafora, uncovers the connection between premium quality and premium pricing and just how consumers and producers are driving new market standards. THE CONSUMER WANTS...


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New Drug Delivery Tech for Enhanced Cannabis Edible Experience

In commercial cannabis, delivering a consistent experience is paramount for consumer loyalty. However, the complexities of edible production and unpredictable THC metabolization create certain challenges for edible manufacturers. Now, factor in long onset times, inconsistent formulations, and consumer inexperience, and we end up with infamous stories of overconsumption like Maureen Dowd reported and the infamous “Pot Dad” from Omaha. Day Three Labs hopes to simplify the equation using drug...


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The Rise of Minor Cannabinoids Sets New Market Trends

Hemp-derived cannabinoids have gained a significant market share thanks to the 2018 Farm Bill and COVID-19. But CBD companies may ruin this progress with incompetent product creation. Read this article at CannabisTech. --- Support this podcast:


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Did you know how cannabis companies dispose of product waste?

Cannabis companies must be careful how they dispose of their product waste because it could harm the environment. There are a few different ways that cannabis companies dispose of their product waste that are highlighted in this article. Read the full article on CannabisTech..... --- Support this podcast:
