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Club Jeroen - The Podcast Channel

Talk Show Replays

All the stuff fit to pod… My home for the work I do for 4EB 98.1FM Brisbane, QLD (In Dutch) and on national radio in Australia. Also the reboot of the Skinny White Boy Kastpod. Relive the glory days of podcasting, right here!


United States


All the stuff fit to pod… My home for the work I do for 4EB 98.1FM Brisbane, QLD (In Dutch) and on national radio in Australia. Also the reboot of the Skinny White Boy Kastpod. Relive the glory days of podcasting, right here!



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IT'S A KASTPOD-AVERSARY! I am going a bit slow with reposting these old episodes of the Skinny White Boy Kastpod, but I assure you, it's not worth the wait... Did I I say that? I mean it is! This is Episode 10 - A milestone of some proportion. This episode was right after the fictitious band Cruisebox released "On a podcast", so there is a lot of that in this ep. I say fictitious, because of course they were real musos and all, but they never were a band... This was all cooked up in the studio. made up of bandleader (and sax and guitar player) Chris Hicks... Who used to tour with Reba I might add,,, and singer extraordinaire Josh Cruise (Go check out the Groove Merchants or Cruise and McMasters) with some session players thrown in. There is also historical sounds... and more music and a comedian doing (not in that way) George W. Bush This aired, or hit the megabits shall we say, on August 1 in the year of our good Lord 2005 ENJOY!


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World #1 scores yet another win at the Australian Open (SBS)

THIS ONE IS IN DUTCH - It wasn't the easiest win of her career, but it was a win nonetheless. Dutch wheelchair tennis player Diede de Groot won her, record breaking 21st singles grand slam title this Saturday at the Australian Open in Melbourne. I guess she isn't the world #1 for nothing... I got to talk to her, only hours after her massive win on the Japanese Yui Kamiji. We talked about how come Dutch wheelchair tennis players are so unbelievable strong, why all of them seem to come from the small town of Woerden, and if there is even still a challenge left after all this winning...


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Three Dutch teams in the World Solar Challenge (SBS)

IN DUTCH - Sinds 1987 wordt er om het jaar een race georganiseerd om te zien wie er het snelste van Darwin naar Adelaide kan rijden in een voertuig volledig aangedreven door zonne-energie. De teams, dit jaar zijn het er 38, komen uit alle delen van de wereld. Ik sprak met de drie Nederlandse teams uit Delft, Groningen en Twente, die met hun uiterst futuristische voertuigen de 3000 kilometer lange tocht zullen afleggen.


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IF YOU SPEAK ENGLISH YOU WILL UNDERSTAND THIS! It used to be "This is Gary's daughter Emily". Nowadays he is introduced as Emily's father Gary. Football runs in the family. Dad Gary used to play in the Dutch competition. While Gary was born in Australia, his dad was an immgrant from the city of Leiden in the Netherlands. He played for the Socceroos in the Seoul Olympics and is currently the coach of the Newcastle Jets woman's team. Daughter Emily is in the starting line-up for the Matildas at this year's world championship. We talk about Gary's time in Holland, how the Dutch government tried to draft him fr the Dutch military and I ask him the all important question. Who is the better footballer, Gary or his daughter Emily?


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Dutch sport minister Conny Helder wants the women’s world cup in Holland in 2027 (SBS)

THIS ONE IS IN DUTCH - Dutch Minister for sport Conny Helder, wants the women's world cup soccer in the Netherlands in 2027. To that end she was in NZ and AU (during this year's event) to have some chats with FIFA and to learn how things were organised over here. She also spoke with local sports organisations about equality and safety in athletics. I spoke to her about her aspirations for the WWC, the pay gap between male and female sporters, and how to best address issues like that. I tried to coax out of her which Dutch parliamentarians could do with some more exercise, but like a true MP (which she is after all) she remained stoically silent on that subject.


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World Solar Challenge (SBS)

(THIS ONE - ONCE AGAIN - IS IN DUTCH) Dwars door het midden van Australië in een auto op zonne-energie. Daar gaat het om bij de World Solar Challenge, een race van 3000 kilometer van Darwin naar Adelaide. Teams vanuit de hele wereld doen mee aan de twee jaarlijkse wedstrijd, die in het verleden al vaak is gewonnen door een team uit Nederland. Dit jaar hoopt Top Dutch Solar Racing uit Groningen aanspraak te maken op de overwinning met hun voertuig Green Thunder. Ik ben even gaan bellen met een van de coureurs, Mourad Mougou.


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Discovering Ancient Egypt (SBS)

THIS INTERVIEW IS IN DUTCH - "When the mummified bodies came to the museum, a ceremony was held by elder Aunty Irene" - Visualizing Ancient Egypt in a modern way is what the exhibition Discovering Ancient Egypt is about. Visitors can walk through a life-size temple and experience Ancient Egypt through art, jewelry, but also everyday objects. Curator and Egyptologist Daniel Soliman from the National Museum of Antiquities in Leiden (NL), flew to Australia for the opening, to give a lecture. SBS reporter Jeroen Schouten (That's me!) spoke to Daniel about the exhibition. Visit Discovering Ancient Egypt at the WA Museum Boola Bardip, Perth Cultural Center until Sunday, October 8. The exhibition will travel later this year to the National Museum of Australia, and will visit the Queensland Museum in 2024.


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Australian architect wants Tasman museum in the Netherlands (SBS)

THIS ONE IS IN DUTCH - If you know your history, you know that the guy that discovered Australia (or at least parts of it) was a Dutchman. His name was Abel Tasman. Hence, one of the states in this great nation being called Tasmania. After world war 2 a little boy called Feiko Bouman traveled with his parents from Groningen (a province in the Netherlands) to Australia to resettle. Years later, this boy would become one of Australia's most sought after architects. Now Feiko Bouman wants to build a museum for Abel Tasman in the seafarer's hometown of Lutjegast. Time for SBS Dutch to ask some questions...


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THIS ONE IS IN DUTCH - De Zeeuwse voetbalster Angela Versluis maakte in juli haar droomtransfer. Ze verruilde Excelsior Rotterdam, die in de Nederlandse Eredivisie speelt, voor Queensland Lions FC in Brisbane. Eventjes bellen dus.


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Immigrants from Westland (SBS)

THIS ONE IS IN DUTCH – Heleen is a film maker. She wants to make a docco (that's Aussie for documentary) about people from the Westland region in the province of South Holland that moved to Australia to try their luck in the rugged outback. I called her to see what plans she had for her film, how things were coming along and to find out if she still needed people (hint: Yes) - This originally aired on SBS Dutch


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HOLY HOLE IN A DONUT, BATMAN... I haven't been here in forever. And in the process I have been really slack with posting new content for you to pod on... Let's remedy that! While this is isn't exactly "hot off the press", it's the last item I produced for SBS. Not last as in never again, last as in most recent. Even if most recent is 3 months ago... Oops! Anyway... THIS ONE IS IN DUTCH. A year or so ago Erica, Dutch immigrant to Queensland and experienced sailor, lost her, even more experienced sailor husband to a Crocodile attack in the mangroves of far northern Queensland. I decided to look her up and ask her how she is doing now that she sails solo. It was a few days before her late husband's memorial service on what should have been his birthday. Spoiler alert: Erica is a strong woman, and doing fine!


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THIS ON IS IN DUTCH (AND ALSO A BIT OF ENGLISH) - Regular listeners know his name by heart. Jordy is the Dutch backpacker that decided to buy a boat to escape COVID19 and sail back to the Netherlands. Well, that was easier said than done. BUT! He is on his way and together with Yoga teacher, helmswoman, and partner (yes, all rolled into one) Loryn, he made his way to Indonesia. It only took a year but Loryn and Jordy finally made it to Indonesia. For SBS Dutch I called them while they were in quarantine off the coast of Kupang on the island of Timor. This interview originally aired on SBS on 21 October 2021!


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And then there was this thing, all of a sudden... I was listening to an episode of the Daily Source Code (with Adam Curry) and there was this song, about podcasting... Catchy little number! Written by some unknown guy calling himself Greg St. Claire. Recorded and produced by Nashville recording artist Chris Hicks and sung by Oklahoma city vocalist Josh Cruise (Gee, I wonder where they got the band name from). It was basically a 3 minute jingle promoting podcasting. A bit of a circle jerk, really. But boy was it exciting! This is a Skinny White Boy episode, that isn't really an episode... I heard that song and wanted to blast it out to all 5 of my listeners. So it's the shortest episode ever. And the best song ever! Whatever happened to St. Claire, nobody knows. Chris is now teaching music production at an OKC college and Josh... well Josh is still performing around the vast state of Oklahoma. You can catch the Josh Cruise Duo weekly, somewhere around town.


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THIS ONE IS IN DUTCH - What do you do if you are traveling back to Australia from your mother's funeral and have to spend 2 weeks in a lonely Covid-19 quarantine hotel room, without much in the way of support for your emotional wellbeing or indeed, anything to do at all. Weekly, in Australia, 100's of people find themselves isolated from the world because federal regulations mandate that all overseas travelers go into 14-day quarantine upon arrival in Australia. Monique Mach née Walraven decided to make the best of a dire situation and used the 3 brown paper bags she would collect each day from food deliveries to make... stuff. Sometime a hat, sometimes a dress, and even the Statue of Liberty. When she decided to post her creations on Facebook, the good news story went viral!


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Today we learn what not to do in the left lane... or the right lane, if you happen to live in one of those strange countries where people drive on the left side and have their steering wheel on the right - I know weird right? Officer Jay once again calls upon the Gods of Hilarity to teach us the rules of Oklahomean driving. This episode originally went onto your interwebz on 16 May 2007.


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Stories About the Olympic Stadium Amsterdam

THIS ONE IS IN DUTCH - In a previous broadcast on 4EB I chronicled some of the history of one of the most awesome ugly buildings in Amsterdam, the Olympic Stadium. I say that it's an ugly building with all the love in the world. It's iconic, it's part of my hometown, it has a rich history... and, yes. It's not particularly attractive (if you ask me, and you didn't but I am telling you anyway). Someone who knows a lot about the rich and colorful history of that stadium is its former managing...


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THIS ONE IS DUTCH (BUT ALSO ENGLISH) - It looks as if the crew of the Samara (the boat that Dutchman Jordy bought over a year ago to escape COVID19) will finally set sail... New people on board, exemptions allowing to leave Australia in the pocket, and enough food to last, well that remains to be seen. A year in the making, the crew of the Samara shows us what boat-life is all about. This interview originally aired on SBS on 23/7/2021 the night before Jordy and crew set sail.


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THIS ONE IS IN DUTCH - I am a bit behind updating my web site and podcast... sorry! This episode is all about the Olympics. I am extremely proud to have the former managing director of the Olympic Stadium in Amsterdam on my show. There are so many wonderful stories around the stadium that was built in 1928 and gave the world the Olympic fire -- Yes we invented that in Amsterdam -- And you get to here all these stories! Enjoy


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It's in English! It's a miracle... nah, it's just old crap. In Kastpod numero 9, that was originally published on July 25, 2005 I yap about a UK conference called Podcast Con (as in Conference, not Convict or Con Artist). I also menstion the long since defunct and my buddy from that web site (who I am still friends with I might add) Justin... This was also one of the longest episodes of my old podcast ever. You have been duly notified!


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THIS ONE IS IN DUTCH - Alles over het EK voetbal Maar dan niet het EK wat nu aan de gang is, welnee dat kun je gewoon zelf op je TV zien. Het EK van 88. De laatste (en tevens eesrte keer) dat NL het tournooi won. En niet zonder slag of stoot. Daar moesten we wel in de halve finale onze grootste rivaal, en tevens gastland, West Duitsland voor uitschakelen. voor veel mensen was dat dan eigenlijk ook de wedstrijd die veel meer betekende dan de finale tegen de Soviet Unie. Vandaar dat we niet...
