Bafflegab Gabcast
Bafflegab is now "Debate Me, Coward!" Subscribe to the new show here: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/debate-me-coward/id1507779035
United States
Bafflegab is now "Debate Me, Coward!" Subscribe to the new show here: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/debate-me-coward/id1507779035
Listen to our new show: Debate Me, Coward!
We have been posting episodes from the new show to this account for far too long--you're officially cut off!
Subscribe now to our new show Debate Me, Coward! on iTunes, Stitcher, or whatever podcasting app you use. It's the same show, but with a new name!
[DMC] 14. Virgin vs. CHAZ
Bafflegab Gabcast is now Debate Me, Coward! Subscribe to the new show here: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/debate-me-coward/id1507779035
A special report on the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ) in Seattle. PLUS: Sean Hannity STFU about your Martial Arts training | Democrats fret over #DefundPolice slogan | Tucker Carlson hits OnlyFans | The Statue Defenders are at it again.
This episode is sponsored by AUTO ZONE.
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[DMC] 13. The Thick Blue Line
A deep-dive into Police Unions | Demilitarize the Police | Defund the Police | Abolish the Police
This episode is sponsored by Taco Bell
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[DMC] 12. Property Rights Are My Kink
Bafflegab Gabcast is now Debate Me, Coward! Subscribe to the new show here: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/debate-me-coward/id1507779035
"Renouncing" White Privilege | Twitter Liberal Gets Shut Down IRL | #AllBrandsMatter | Biden's Answer to Police Reform? "Shoot 'Em In The Leg!" | Neo-Nazi Congressman Is Defeated In Iowa.
This episode is sponsored by Jeff Bezos and Amazon.com, Inc.
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[DMC] 11. Biden Defense Squad 5
Bafflegab Gabcast is now Debate Me, Coward! Subscribe to the new show here: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/debate-me-coward/id1507779035
Pundits and political professionals are circling the wagons around Joe Biden this week after his controversial "you ain't black" comments. Lenny asks, do the comments even matter? Is it all a Russian PsyOP? Either way, he was clearly just joking!
PLUS: MAGA chuds infiltrate contract tracing companies | NYT declares Joe Rogan the king of podcasting | Bolivian orchestra stranded at ‘haunted’ castle surrounded by wolves | Thrash metal drummer awakens from Coronavirus coma, doesn't think Satan is "that cool" anymore.
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[DMC] 10. Political Polarization w/ Kevin Wilhelm and Natalie Hoffman
Bafflegab Gabcast is now Debate Me, Coward! Subscribe to the new show here: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/debate-me-coward/id1507779035
Kevin Wilhelm and Natalie Hoffman join us to discuss political polarization and their new book, “How to Talk to the Other Side.” PLUS: Stop Giving Joe Biden Advice, Truckers Drown Out Trump.
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[DMC] 9. Q-Rona-Virus
Bafflegab Gabcast is now Debate Me, Coward! Subscribe to the new show here: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/debate-me-coward/id1507779035
Biden campaign is desperate to make Joe go viral | AOC visits constituents in Animal Crossing | PLUS: Bill Morgan takes a deep dive into the viral conspiracy/propaganda documentary PLANDEMIC.
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[DMC] 8. Victim Blaming at Brunch
Bafflegab Gabcast is now Debate Me, Coward! Subscribe to the new show here: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/debate-me-coward/id1507779035
Liberals Use the GOP Playbook Against Tara Reade | Dem Senator Steps Down Over “Vagina” Comment | Celebrity Stops Dying Her Hair to Support Frontline Workers.
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[DMC] 7. Jesus is my vaccine
Bafflegab Gabcast is now Debate Me, Coward! Subscribe to the new show here: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/debate-me-coward/id1507779035
Fox News and “Ironic” Swastikas | Dumbest Moments from Anti-Lockdown Protests | Las Vegas Mayor Wants to Re-open Casinos, Offers Citizens as “Control Group” | Biden’s “youth outreach”.
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[DMC] 6. President Applesauce
It’s Biden Bitch | Ex-Clinton Staffers’ Petty Zoom Call | How Obama Kneecapped Bernie | Coronavirus Odds and Ends.
Featuring Biden campaign strategist Brent Studler and “Debate Me, Coward!” superfan Roger Rigsby.
Follow us on Twitter @CowardCast and be sure to leave a review in iTunes!
[DMC] 5. The Yankee Flu
U.S. Now #1 in Coronavirus Cases | President Cuomo | Drive-Thru Church: Honk if You're Holy | Comrade Cheesecake Factory Joins Nationwide Rent Strike
This episode is sponsored by CashApp.
Want to support the show? Follow us on Twitter @CowardCast and be sure to leave a 5-star review in Apple iTunes!
[DMC] 4. Send Me a Zoom Invite, Coward!
The DMC crew grapples with life under Coronavirus lock-down. Sometimes-guest-host Brent Studler calls in from the disease infested petri dish that is the state of Florida.
Follow us on Twitter @CowardCast!
[DMC] 3. The Times They Are A’gonna be 2016 all over again
Biden Vs Bernie on the race to BEAT TRUMP! Who will get the coveted White Moderate vote? Ralph Wigglesworth is going it alone (Lenny's been suspended) to give you the breaking news on the Dems race to lose to Trump, a CURE for Coronavirus and a trip to the art gallery to learn about the Gulf Wars.
twitter: @CowardCast
[DMC] 2. Let the Trolls speak
We interview a Cuban Bernie Bro and a Russian Trump troll as we investigate the intersection of politics and internet culture.
Then our friend @UniqueDude2 tells us what it's like to be banned from twitter. Plus a look back at #WeirdTwitter, the original purveyors of online irony.
We will answer once and for all CAN THE LEFT MEME?
follow us on twitter @CowardCast
[DMC] 1. Why "Electability" is Bullshit w/ Zeeshan Aleem
VICE Political Columnist Zeeshan Aleem joins for the very first episode of Debate Me, Coward! to talk about his recent article: "Democrats’ Annoying Electability Obsession Will Be Their Demise."
Find Zeeshan on Twitter @ZeeshanAleem or his website, ZeeshanAleem.com
Bafflegab Is Canceled
Lenny and Ralph's debate watch party is ruined by shocking news from the Bafflery Network.
New Hampshire's Funniest Home Videos
We take a look at some of the dumbest moments from the campaign trail, and speak with veteran political strategist James Carville on his chosen candidate--Senator Michael Bennet.
SPECIAL REPORT: ASMR for Republicans
Ralph is proud to present ASMR for Republicans. The perfect meditation device for people who oppose any form of self-help.
Due to the negative news of the Rush Limbaugh's cancer diagnosis AND Nancy Pelosi ripping paper behind the President's head at the State of the Union address it can be difficult to sleep with so MANY emotions running through the Republican brain. So enjoy and sweet dreams! (The ASMR comes from our friends over at the Rudy Giuliani's Common Sense podcast...found only on youtube)
Fake News from the Iowa Caucus
BAFFLEGAB is at the 2020 Iowa Caucuses! Featuring Bernie Sanders, Mike Bloomberg, Iowa’s Largest Frying Pan, and more!
LIVE – w/ Chris Kazimi AKA “Professor Cholo” – January 23, 2020
Comedian Chris Kazimi (@capxaddy) Joins to Discuss: Bernie Surge | Lauren Duca's Divine Energy | Celebrity Endorsement Primary | Doctors Beg Men Not to Masturbate with Banana Peels.