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The Salty Siren


A maritime focused podcast full of adventure, intrigue, and hijinks. Come on in and sit down with David and Jack to hear a great story and have some laughs along the way.


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A maritime focused podcast full of adventure, intrigue, and hijinks. Come on in and sit down with David and Jack to hear a great story and have some laughs along the way.



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The Salty Siren 17: Shinano and the Archerfish - The brief history of Japan's super-carrier

After losing 4 aircraft carriers during the battle of Midway, and with the US continuing to retake more Pacific islands, Japan seriously needed another carrier. Enter Shinano, a Yamato class super-battleship refitted as a carrier. Unfortunately, due to shoddy engineering and a chance encounter with the submarine USS Archerfish, Shinano was not long for this world.


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The Salty Siren 15: Ramage's Rampage Part 1

This week, we will learn about a fateful encounter between a Japanese merchant convoy and a U.S. submarine wolf pack in WWII. To set this up, we first need to learn about the Balao class submarine and the many technical issues crews faced during combat.


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The Salty Siren 16: Ramage's Rampage Part 2

The many issues with the Balao class submarine seemed fated to resolve in time for the perfect storm of mayhem that was Ramage's Rampage. Within a 34 minute engagement, a combination of quick thinking, resourcefulness, and luck would make Lawson P. Ramage one of the most successful submarine commanders.


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The Salty Siren 14: The Real Story of U-571 Part 2

Join us for part 2 as we dive deeper into the making of the movie U-571, how historical events influenced its plot, and the disgruntled survivors and historians that denounced the movie.


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The Salty Siren 13: The Real Story of U-571 Part 1

U-571 is an action packed submarine war movie that is beloved by many. Released at the turn of the century, audiences watched stars such as Matthew McConaughey, Bill Paxton, and Jon Bon Jovi attempt to escape German forces in a commandeered German U-Boat, U-571. The movie is filled with action and dramatic set pieces, but is the film true to real events from the Battle of the Atlantic? Let's find out!


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The Salty Siren 12: The HMS Vixen - An Unfortunate Steamship

With special guest Joe Kosiek, this week we'll hear about the antics and missteps of the HMS Vixen, an experimental steamship with iron support structures and a wooden hull. Stick around for more info about the island of Bermuda!


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The Salty Siren 11: Naval Doctrine Throughout History Part 2

This week David will tell us how naval engineering, tactics, and weaponry have evolved throughout human history. In part 2 we cover WWI through the modern day, where naval combat becomes more deadly and precise.


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The Salty Siren 10: Naval Doctrine Throughout History Part 1

This week David will tell us how naval engineering, tactics, and weaponry have evolved throughout human history. Tune in for details on crescent fighting, ships of the line, U-boats, and ramming: a battle strategy that refuses to go out of style.


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The Salty Siren 9: RV Calypso - The Ship of Jacques Cousteau

Across countless miles of ocean and throughout 45 years of service, Jacques Cousteau and his beloved vessel Calypso have contributed so much to marine biology, conservation, and scientific research. Learn about the vessel that weathered countless challenges, and gave us a glimpse into the silent world beneath the waves.


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The Salty Siren 8: British Narrowboats

From shipping necessity to British hipster pastime, narrowboats have a long and interesting history. Long and slender and putting along at glacial pace, these vessels are a unique part of British naval identity. Stay tuned for David's first hand experience with a narrowboat vacation!


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The Salty Siren 7: Shorts 1 - Polynesian voyaging, Amogus, and whales in Loch Ness

In a change of format, this is the first shorts episode. This is a more lighthearted episode where each of us will present one or two brief topics. Some topics include the S.S. Badger, the video game Among Us, and theories about the Loch Ness monster.


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The Salty Siren 6: The Naval Career of L. Ron Hubbard, Founder of Scientology Part 2

Tale tales continue to unfold in part 2 of the naval career of Hubb Hubb the Great. First we'll finish up the history of Hubbard's active naval service, and then cross examine all of his supposed accomplishments throughout the war.


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The Salty Siren 5: The Naval Career of L. Ron Hubbard, Founder of Scientology Part 1

Strap in for the thrilling odyssey of an lesser known WWII hero. The sole survivor when his destroyer was sunk during pearl harbor, he has commanded corvettes to hunt submarines, served in both the U.S. and British navy, and has won countless military honors and medals... allegedly. To find out where truth begins and ends, we will take a dive into the naval career of L. Ron Hubbard, founder of Dianetics and the Church of Scientology.


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The Salty Siren 4: HMS Queen Mary, "The Grey Ghost" Part 2

In part 2 of "The Grey Ghost," we hear about the end of the war, the Queen Mary's return to commercial service, and her final resting place. Tune in for tales of frightening rouge waves, journeys of unprecedented scale, and a special guest who rode aboard, a certain Colonel Warden.


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The Salty Siren 3: HMS Queen Mary, "The Grey Ghost" Part 1

From cruise liner to military transport, the HMS Queen Mary, a.k.a. the Grey Ghost, made invaluable contributions to allied efforts in WWII. Hear the tale of how the Titanic's prettier sister, the fastest ship in the world, carried up to 16,683 troops around the globe while slipping past German U-Boats.


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The Salty Siren 2: The Battle of Trafalgar - Horatio Nelson's Last Stand

Amidst the Napoleonic wars, Europe's future is looking grim. As Napoleon advances his campaign, one naval commander, Lord Admiral Horatio Nelson, will make his final grandstand to stop the French invasion of England. In a stunning display of valor, Nelson passes from hero into legend.


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The Salty Siren 1: Attack on Mers-el-Kébir

Known as Churchill's darkest decision, the attack on Mers-el-Kébir is nothing short of an utter tragedy. Miscommunication, political tension, and pride will lead to disaster for the French fleet stationed in North Africa and heartbreak around the world.
