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Podcast by Al Hoffman





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1. Introduction

I produced this album between August 2022 and January 2023. Many of the ideas were developed over the last 2-3 years. I play all instruments and vocals. The music is a combination of real instruments, synthesizers and samples. I used Garage Band on my 2012 macbook air and my iPhone 8 Microphone. Because you Survived: All four of my grandparents survived the Holocaust. 75 years later, the Trauma still looms large in my family. A classic family talking point is:: “Zaide (Eugene) was lucky to...


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9. Alexander

Lyrics: “Alexander” By Al Johnson Intro: while casually drilling 3’s This track is kinda biographical. It’s a little bit about me. 3 pointer (swish) A little bit about my family. 3 pointer (swish) Also a little bit about what I aint. That’s a 3 (swish) Chorus: Alex, xander, xander, xan, xander, Alex, xan, xander, Alex. Shit the cops. Flown a helicopter, jumped out of the plane, got punched in the face, joined a hip-hop class.: Those are things that I have never done. Verse: Alexander is my...


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7. Boundaries

Lyrics: “Boundaries” By Al Johnson Verse: All the Rabbis, Gabbais, large guys, hate goys. Hate boys that talk in shul, skip school, eat traif, break shabbos, using electricity. Not necessary reading Talmud every second, keeping Kosher, Only Milichiks, Talking Yiddish, looking shlubish, dirty outfits, marry women after one date. Is this it kid? This what life is? This makes you happy? Sounds kind of crappy. Chorus: So I take a stand and I don’t obey. Take a stand. I turn my back away. Verse...


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6. Bad Little Yid

Lyrics: “Bad Little Yid” By Al Johnson Intro: Historically there were times in which the weak could boss around the powerful. Priests and nuns would hold obscene rituals in their churches. Serious people were required to get drunk and throw bags of flour on each other's heads. Humor wasn’t just left to just those who felt so inclined, it was a kind of duty. Verse 1: Shul, Musaf, Tzitzis, Talis, Kittle, Shtreimel, gmar chatima tova. Spit a bracha. Yasher Koach. Daven Hallel. Not another extra...


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5. Nurse Practish

Lyrics: “Nurse Practish” By Al Johnson Verse: Papers strewn out on my desk. L4 patient up on deck. Chart review, I need some specs. Checking vitals, counting breaths. Writing notes, refill Rx. Diagnosing, making recs. All these tasks makin’ me stressed. Don’t forget, to take deep breaths. Chorus: Ima nurse practish, Ima, Ima, nurse practich bish Ima nurse practish, Ima, Ima, nurse practich bish Verse: I defied the odds as far as demographics go. I’m a male, a jew, a nurse, a straight, white,...


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3. Track Eleven_ADHD

Lyrics: “Track Eleven_ADHD” By Al Johnson Track Eleven. He’s on track Eleven. Track Eleven. He’s on track Eleven. Track Eleven. He’s on track Eleven. Track Eleven. He’s on track Eleven. Stranded in a crowd once again. Like I am on the out looking in. Everyone is chatting away. While I think of something to say. Clavinet Solo ADHD Track Eleven. He’s on Track Eleven. Ladies and Gentlemen, may I have your attention please. Put down your drinks. Listen carefully to me. Guitar Solo ADHD Track...


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2. Because You Survived

Lyrics: “Because You Survived” By Al Johnson Verse 1: Grandma Margeret Trauma slipping and sliding inside me, infiltrates my DNA. Let me take you back to 1938. Mom’s Mom’s Margaret, young ambitious, full of visions. There was just one issue. She was Jewish. She was 25, a society steeped in lies, recognized a group of people they could chastise. Us Jews were the perfect targets. Valued truth and human progress. Artists and intellectuals. The very folks that held the powerful accountable. Made...


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8. Giant Steps (John Coltrane)

Donna Lee, by Charlie Parker Giant Steps, by John Coltrane Saxophone has a special place in my heart and soul. It was my first real instrument. I wanted to share my ok, not great, playing, and honor these two heroes: Bird and Trane. I have been listening to their recordings since I was a kid. These two artists significantly shaped my musical identity. Thank you to my parents for introducing them to me at a young age and encouraging me to play music.


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4. Donna Lee (Charlie Parker)

Donna Lee, by Charlie Parker Giant Steps, by John Coltrane Saxophone has a special place in my heart and soul. It was my first real instrument. I wanted to share my ok, not great, playing, and honor these two heroes: Bird and Trane. I have been listening to their recordings since I was a kid. These two artists significantly shaped my musical identity. Thank you to my parents for introducing them to me at a young age and encouraging me to play music.


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Episode 10: Bret, Julia, Ben

Episode 10: Bret, Julia, Ben by Al Hoffman


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Episode 9ish: Eitan, Yoni and Julie Battle Royal

Episode 9ish: Eitan, Yoni and Julie Battle Royal by Al Hoffman


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A2DA Standing Up On A Bus - 12:5:17, 4.41 PM

The wackiest crew on TV heads to Reno Nevada to compete in a pie eating contest, while there we recorded this show on a Google Hangout.


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A2DA: What do you do for a living?

1) Pretend you're on Iron Chef and Secret Ingredient is String Cheese 2) Category: Bones 3) Impressions 4) How to find out what someone does for work
