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Bright Lights & Scary Shadows


Somewhere in between all the bright lights and the shadows they cast lies the truth. Come and join me while I make outrageous claims, jump down a ton of rabbit holes and try to figure out which is which. BL/SS is a mix of conspiracy and history with a dash of murder and mystery.


New Bedford, MA




Somewhere in between all the bright lights and the shadows they cast lies the truth. Come and join me while I make outrageous claims, jump down a ton of rabbit holes and try to figure out which is which. BL/SS is a mix of conspiracy and history with a dash of murder and mystery.





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Episode 11: As Above, So Below: The Hollow Earth Theory

Episode 11 is a long walk to try to understand what the hell is happening under our feet. Over 46 religions have an underworld theory, there are over 15 known entrances to the Underworld AND some admiral people claim to have been to the Hollow Earth. Between all the Myths, Legends, and Theories there has to be some shred of truth to it all, right? Well, that's what we are going to try to figure out today. Could this all really be true? WTF does modern science say? Join me for one more walk...


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Episode 10: The Night Watch: A History of Police in America Part 2

We pick up where we left off and dive right into the KKK. Is the Klan still the Klan we thought it was? Are the Police really who we thought they were? Why are there Swastikas flown with Confederate flags? Have we seen the New American Gestapo in Portland? We will answer all these questions and more in Part 2 of The Night Watch: A History of Police in America.


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Episode 9: The Night Watch: A History of Police in America Part 1

In this episode, we are going to look at recent events as well as go all the way back to the beginning of the Police. With the way things are we all need to know the truth about the boys and girls in blue. From their beginnings to their Hollywood persona we are going over everything! Join me for Part 1 of The Night Watch!


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Episode 8: Roboticus: The One True Robot King & The Rise Of A.I.

This Episode is all about robots and AI! What does the future hold for us when it comes to robots and AI? Well, today we are going to deep dive into things and try to figure out what the future has in store! Join us while we take a look at how we got here and where we seem to be going.


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Episode 7: The Evolution of Aviation

Today we are going to take a look at how we ended up in the skies. All the way back from prehistoric man to ship bound explorers on the ocean & aviators flying through the sky! We are also going to break down who was actually the first to fly and the consequences that had on the lives of those involved. This one is a great one and I am glad you are here to take this journey with me. Welcome to Bright Lights & Scary Shadows!


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Episode 6: Atlantis: The Lost City!

Was Atlantis real? Was Plato just writing dramatic theater? If it was real, where do they think it is? Were the Nazis searching for Atlantis as well? Are the Atlanteans aliens? All things we are going to try to figure out in today's episode!


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Episode 5: Quarterly Review Part 1 ~ Episode Rewind

FB/TW: @wantsomespook IG:@brightlights_scaryshadows This is a rundown over the past month and a chance to bring up some things we didn't get to or left out for time. Plus I get to rant!


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Episode 4: Nikola Tesla: The Martyrdom of a Messiah

With everything that is said about Tesla we oftentimes overlook his personal life. The world was against this guy from the very beginning. No matter what he did, his achievements would never outshine his eccentricity. In this episode, we are going to look at everything, from how he was born to how he died and everything in between. The father of the modern world was hated in his time and forgotten until recently. So in this episode we are going to get to know Nikola Tesla and his life. Was...


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Episode 3: Iran: From Persia to "The Land of the Aryans"

Today we are going to Iran!! We’ll take a look at the “Iran” we know today and then we’ll look at how Persia became Iran. This is a story full of war, betrayal, national interests, murder and the overthrowing of a Nation.


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Episode 2: Space Stations, Weapons and the Final Theater of War

Today we are going to look at the military proliferation of space! Sit with me as we go over some past projects, current projects, prototypes & the future of Space. Once again, Man is on the brink of World War and it’s a war that will be unlike any we’ve ever seen before. Sit back, strap in & prepare for the countdown. The world is about to change.


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Episode 1: America, NASA & Nazis!

What if it wasn't aliens that crashed at Roswell? What if there is more to the story than anything they've ever told us? What if everything we think about UFO's is wrong? In this episode, we look at the evolution of aviation to modern-day spaceflight. It has been a hell of a journey to spacewalks on International Space Stations. There is no denying the human toll it took to get up beyond our atmosphere. It’s a path that was birthed by innovation and paved with suffering and sealed in blood....
