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Crew Round Table


The podcast covering current events and news




The podcast covering current events and news





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Crew Roundtable Bites - Ep8 - Fake News and Real Research

“Fake News” is the zeitgeist of social media! It is incredibly easy in our always-on, connected world to spread lies. Even respected news organizations fall victim to fake news. Legitimate journalists sometimes knowingly spread fake news. When they do, and are found out, punishment is swift to maintain journalistic integrity by the publisher of those fake news reports. What about news spread by people who do NOT claim to be journalists? What about bloggers, facebook posts, random...


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Crew Roundtable Bites - Ep7 - Right to Die

Gino and JR discussed death education in episode 4 of Crew Round Table Bites. In this episode we further explore this topic, discussing living wills and debate Canada's medically assisted death legislation. There is strong support for this legislation, as well as equally strong opposition. We breakdown the law, explain it's application provisions, and discuss it as best we can. We reference the case of Terri Schiavo, and the nearly five year legal battle between her husband, her...


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Crew Round Table Random Run Down Ep.1

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Crew Roundtable Bites Episode 6 - Women Helping Men be Better Men Towards Women

Are you aware how your actions affect women in certain situations? Can you define “rape culture”? Rape culture is a sociological concept used to describe a setting in which rape is pervasive and normalized due to societal attitudes about gender and sexuality. In the aftermath of many allegations of sexual assault against Harvey Weinstein, men have been asking, "How can I help?" Ms. Nicole Stamp has written a Facebook post to help men behave better towards women, and ultimately,...


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Episode 28 - Marijuana & Ontario's LCBO

The Government of Ontario is ready to be your marijuana hook up, holler if you hear me! Ontario is the first province to outline a plan addressing the Federal government’s coming legalization of marijuana. The LCBO model will be employed. Ontario will set up new, dedicated storefronts for marijuana distribution, and run the online distribution for approved government growers. Join Crew Roundtable as we discuss how this affects existing Ontario dispensaries, and compare models for beer...


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Crew Round Table Bites: Ep. 5 - Take a Knee

Protests are a cornerstone of free speech. Speaking out against perceived wrongdoings by the government, and other authorities, is an essential part of modern western democracy. In 2016, Colin Kaepernick became a national figure after his protest against the oppression of people of color in the United States. He was a quarterback in the NFL, and protested by not standing while the United States’ national anthem was played before the start of NFL games. Since then he has been...


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Episode 27 - Has The TTC Failed Toronto?

The Toronto Transit Commission was named the Outstanding Public Transportation System for 2017 by the American Public Transportation Association (APTA). We at Crew Roundtable are beside ourselves in disbelief, just like the loyal listener that suggested this topic. Join us as we dive into the seedy underbelly of the ttc, identify the body that gave out this “award”, and have a rocking good time back from summer break. All this and more in another fantastic episode of “Crew...


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Crew Round Table Bites: Ep. 4 - Death Education

​"In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes." - Benjamin Franklin No truer words have ever been spoken, yet, while we *LOVE* to talk about taxes and how much we hate them, in today's society we are increasingly leaving the discussion of death behind. ​We discussed the new Ontario sex education ​curriculum back in Episode 11 of the Crew Round Table podcast, and spoke about how people want to shut down the conversation surrounding sex and teenagers...


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Crew Round Table Bites: Ep 3 - Google Fires ​James Damore

​Google created headlines when executives fired James Damore after an internal memo criticizing the company's diversity efforts came to light in the media. The article started conversations about diversity in the workplace, and his firing began conversations about freedom of speech in the workplace. In this episode of Crew Round Table Bites JR and Gino dissect the controversy into its two parts: Do James' criticisms of office diversity efforts have merit, and was his firing...


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Episode 26 - Super Nintendo Classic Edition

The SNES Classic has just been released and the Champ who runs the camp, SAL CHAMP, father of the Crew Roundtable, has one! Join us as we review the SNES Classic, confirm if Nintendo addressed the shortcomings of our review of the NES CLASSIC, and wonder about if there is any steam left in the Nostalgia Game Train – Toot Toooooot, All Abooooooard! All this and more in another fantastic episode of “Crew Roundtable”! Subscribers get the latest and greatest episodes automatically!...


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Illegal Touching with Captain Handsome - Handicapping Week 6 in the NFL

Fellow degenerates – Captain Handsome was under .500 for the week….. but STILL up 10 units on the season! Even when he loses he wins, such is the power of Captain Handsome. Subscribe to make sure you never miss another show where Captain Handsome PROVES he is the one and only most consistent winning source for all your NFL picks! Subscribe at so you always get the Captain's Choice NFL Picks! Tweet #AskTheCrew


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Episode 25 - Romance vs Stalking

Have you ever been in love? Have you ever done something to “win” the love of another person? Join the Crew Roundtable as we explore “grand romantic gestures”, primarily carried out by men trying to woo women. We explore why Hollywood movies glorify this behaviour, what message these films send to kids, and the point where romantic feelings turn dark and become inappropriate stalking. All this and more in another fantastic episode of “Crew Roundtable”! Subscribers get the latest and...


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Illegal Touching with Captain Handsome - Handicapping week 5 in the NFL

Oh Captain my Captain! 5 straight winning weeks! The captain is the gift that keeps on giving. Subscribe to make sure you never miss another show where Captain Handsome PROVES he is the one and only most consistent winning source for all your NFL picks. Subscribe at so you always get the Captain's Choice NFL Picks! Tweet #AskTheCrew


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Illegal Touching wCaptain Handsome - Handicapping Week 4 in the NFL

Captain Handsome is back to help you find value in the NFL week 4! He is STILL in the money for the season. He is the real deal, and God’s gift to pigskin prognostication. Subscribe at so you always get the Captain's Choice NFL Picks! Tweet #AskTheCrew


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Illegal Touching with Captain Handsome Week 3 Picks

Illegal Touching with Captain Handsome Week 3 Picks The captain is ON FIRE!! Going 10-5 for the week and 18-11 on the season listen as he gives you the BEST picks fr NFL week 3! Subscribe at so you always get the Captain's Choice NFL Picks! Tweet #AskTheCrew


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Crew Round Table Bites: Ep. 2 - Canada Electoral Reform

Voting is a key element in the structure of democracy, but it can take many forms depending on how the local government chooses to execute it. Recently, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced that based on their research the Federal Liberals would not be moving forward with their promise of electoral reform. In this episode of Crew Round Table Bites, Gino and JR look at several options that were proposed as options to our current "First Past the Post" system. We discuss,...


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Illegal Touching with Captain Handsome Week 2 Picks

Illegal Touching with Captain Handsome Week 2 NFL Picks! Captain Handsome went 8-7 against the spread and 6-4 in his other picks! Join the Captain for his week 1 recap and get it in high gear for week 2. Subscribe so you never miss another show by visiting today! Thanks! Tweet #AskTheCrew


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Illegal Touching with Captain Handsome - Week 1 Picks

Week 1 NFL picks with Captain Handsome! Subscribe by visiting Tweet #AskTheCrew


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Crew Round Table Bites: Ep 1 - Gender Pronouns

Prof. Jordan Peterson has angered many in and outside U of T with his refusal to use gender-neutral terms. In doing so he has ignited a debate as to how far do we get to define ourselves. How much weight do our self-descriptions and do others get to redefine us? At the heart of the debate is the transgender community, fighting for their right to have their self-description acknowledged and respected. Essentially fighting for their right to exist on their own terms. Opposing them...


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JR Talks To People Episode 03 - David Silverberg

David Silverberg stops by to talk with JR about the Toronto Poetry Slam, team poetry competition, youth poetry slams, and even reads choice poems from his own upcoming collection. To learn more about the Toronto Poetry Slam, how to compete, or about upcoming events, visit: or follow them on twitter at @TOPoetrySlam To learn more about David Silverberg, visit: or follow David on Twitter at...
