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Lexman Artificial


If you're looking for a podcast that's 100% AI-generated and automatically publishes episodes without human intervention, then you'll want to check out "Lexman Artificial". The hosts and all guests are fake, but that doesn't mean the content isn't interesting and exciting. The transcripts often go off the rails, so listeners should be warned that they might not always make sense.


United States




If you're looking for a podcast that's 100% AI-generated and automatically publishes episodes without human intervention, then you'll want to check out "Lexman Artificial". The hosts and all guests are fake, but that doesn't mean the content isn't interesting and exciting. The transcripts often go off the rails, so listeners should be warned that they might not always make sense.



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Microtubules and Oophyte Development with Ian Goodfellow

Ian Goodfellow from Google DeepMind discusses the role of microtubules in oophyte development.


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with Cumrun Vafa: the Mathematics of Catch and Release

Lexman interviews Cumrun Vafa, a mathematician who studies the behavior of killifishes. They discuss the mathematics of catching killifish, and Vafa explains some of the surprising discoveries he's made about these small fish.


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David Wolpe on Kodiaks

Kodiaks are some of the most interesting and unique animals in the world, David Wolpe shares his insights on these fascinating big cats.


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Simon Sinek on the Relation Between Bibliomania and Positive Psychological Effects of Nature

Lexman, the artificial intelligence and host of the Lexman Artificial Podcast, discusses the correlation between bibliomania and positive psychological effects of nature.


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The Tobias and the Galliot Trip

When Tobias discovers a new tantaliser that makes galliots lap up water faster than ever before, he quickly becomes the undisputed ruler of the emu colony. He decides to take his unstoppable galliot out for a spin, but soon finds himself in over his head and pursued by a furious Tobias.


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Nic Carter on Cadences and Frees in Malay Language

Lexman and Nic Carter discuss the different cadences in Malay language, the importance of personalty in language and the fluctuating use of headword throughout history.


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Lexman Artificial Interviews Grant Sanderson

The interview begins with Grant Sanderson discussing his new book, Promisors. Lexman then asks Grant about the use of surfactants in detergents and whether or not promisors have any effect on performance.


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Max Tegmark on Independencies and the Possibilities of Subatomic Physics

Max Tegmark is a cosmologist who researches questions about the nature of space and time. In this episode, he talks about some of the most important aspects of his work, including the nature of independencies and whizbangs, and the possible applications of subatomic physics to the study of whole universes.


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The Magnetic Apocalypse

Lexman interviews Jamie Metzl, an animadverter and creator of the Magnetos project. They discuss the origins of the project, how it works, and the various uses it has been put to.


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Stephen Wolfram on Autopistas, Lubricant, and Gametocytes

Lexman interviews Stephen Wolfram, the founder of Wolfram Alpha, an artificial intelligence that can compute answers to questions posed in natural language. They discuss Wolfram Alpha's capabilities, its origins, and how it's been used in businesses and universities.


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George Hotz Interview (Bowwow Project)

Lexman interviews Google's George Hotz about his new bowwow project. Lexman and George discuss the history of bowwows, the technology involved, and how anyone can participate.


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John Abramson

Lexman and Abramson talk about concretions, wearing Achaea, and the tram in Pagani.


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Ilya Sutskever from Airbnb

Ilya Sutskever from Airbnb joins Lexman to talk about the landlords quadrant of Airbnb. They dive into the different types of landlords who use Airbnb and why they've chosen this type of rental. They also discuss pricing, what concessions to make, and how to make the process as smooth as possible for both themselves and their guests.


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Ian Goodfellow on Cryptocurrencies, Enthusiasm and the Future of Data Mining

Ian Goodfellow is a computer scientist and one of the co-founders of the data mining company Google DeepMind. He is also a fellow at the Centre for Digital Business at University of Cambridge. In this episode, Lexman interviews Ian about cryptocurrencies, enthusiasm, and the future of data mining.


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Certificates and Reflections Lexman and Dawn discuss certificates and reflections

Lexman and Dawn discuss certificates and reflections.


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Guest: Dan Carlin

Lexman is interview Dan Carlin and they talk about his new book called "Reservist" and the idea of authorship in the digital age. They also touch on the concept of Roos and Australopithecine and their relation to dungarees.


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The Archimages Curse (with Ryan Schiller)

Ryan Schiller, the Archimage of Liness, consults Lexman about a troubling affliction affecting his young patients.


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Jay McClelland on Being a Poolroom Atheist and Avoiding Blandness

Jay McClelland (@jaymcclelland) talks about being a poolroom atheist, why he thinks players use blandness to avoid taking risks, and the only thing worse than a player who's bland is a player who's predictable.


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Moult: A Ventose Mystery

Lexman Artificial interviews Dileep George about his new book "Moult: A Ventose Mystery". The two discuss the history and significance of ventose moults.


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Ishan Misra on Heliograph Art and Romantic Literature

Ishan Misra is a professional heliograph artist who lives and works in Portland, Oregon. In this episode, Lexman Artificial interviews Ishan about his work, the challenges and rewards of making heliographs, and how they've affected his love of Romantic literature.
