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LIAKP Episode 81 - Announcing Kilt Of Horrors 2018 LIVE

Special guest on this episode is Cheri as we discuss the upcoming Kilt Of Horrors 2018. Our 3rd Annual Kilt Of Horrors 2018 will be LIVE this year! Pick up some tickets and come hang out with us as we tell some spooky kilt stories! Have you ever worn your kilt to the beach? How does that work? Rick wonders if it's easier just to wear a swim suit. Also, some kilted dudes in Arkansas march to support open carry and no one tells them they can't.


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LIAKP Episode 80 - What's Your Tartan Type?

Do you know the difference between the different types of tartans? Rick discusses what makes a modern tartan, ancient tartan, weathered, hunting and dress tartans. A big restaurant chain tried to prevent the usage of the word "kilt" in another restaurant's name and a transgendered man receives some inappropriate behavior for wearing a kilt. Are you a person who goes "regimental" under your kilt? Rick wants to know your reason for doing so. Thanks for being a part of Episode 80!


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LIAKP Episode 79 - Buying New Kilt Stuff

Rick has decided to commit to a healthier lifestyle in order to fit better into his kilts. And to reward himself, he has his eyes on two different pair of knee-high kilt boots, a pair from Renboots and a pair from Verillas. Which pair will he purchase?? A listener wants to know the best way to clean kilts so Rick goes straight to the experts for advice and gets some useful techniques from The Kiltmakery. Rick announces the 3rd Annual "Kilt of Horrors" Halloween Storytelling Event.


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LIAKP Episode 78 - The Return

The Life In A Kilt Podcast returns with Rick hosting alone and introducing an all new format. Today he discusses getting rid of things. Junk around the house. Weight. Kilts. Wait, what? Listen and find out why he would want to get rid of kilts. Play along with our new Kilt Quiz feature and get all kinds of glory! Keep in touch friends! Send your feedback.


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LIAKP Episode 77 - May 2018

In the May 2018 edition of the Life In A Kilt Podcast, we discuss Renaissance Festivals, rude questions, Scotty Wallace and His Irresistible Kilt of Freedom, Irish surnames, window washing kilt people, Brotherhood of the Kilt and we say goodbye as we decide to close the podcast. Thanks to everyone who went on this journey with us! We hope we gave you information, support and entertainment! Kilt on!


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LIAKP Episode 76 - April 2018

It's April and many people start bringing out their kilts for outdoor activities after a long hibernation in storage. Rick and Cheri discuss briefly how to bring the dormant kilts back into active life. Rick is thinking ahead toward Renaissance Festival season and trying to decide on a new way to wear his kilt. And he just may have decided on something. When you are known for wearing a kilt, people seem disappointed when they meet you in pants. Rick tells a few sad no-kilt stories. Happy...


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LIAKP Episode 75 - March 2018

It's the March 2018 Edition of the Life In A Kilt Podcast. We're back with a tweaked format and we aren't yet sure what we think about it. We'd love your feedback! This month we talk all things Irish including an interview with Ireland's own David Burke about what life is really like in Ireland and what they think of our St. Patrick's Day shenanigans. We discuss Irish tartans and how to find them and present to you a fairly extensive list of March events where you would be right at home...


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LIAKP Episode 74 - Irish Goodbye

It's Burns Day week so Rick and Cheri play a recitation of Robert Burns' "My Love Is Like A Red, Red, Rose" by Simon Tait. A discussion follows about the future of the Life In A Kilt Podcast. Are we completely done? Listen and give us your feedback, please. Our Live Beer Review is Daura from Damm. Slainte!


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LIAKP Episode 73 - Going Formal

Next week there will be Burns Suppers all over the globe and it's one of the best times to get out your kilt formal wear and fancy up your town. If you aren't used to wearing your kilt in a formal environment, Rick and Cheri have some information about what jackets are available and what the differences are between them. Are there ones better suited (sorry) for Burns Suppers? Our Live Beer Review this week dims the lights on Prairie Noir by Prairie Artisan Ales.


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LIAKP Episode 72 - How Do You Pleat?

We're only slightly late for this episode but we're blaming it on the head lice! This week we discuss all we know about kilt pleats and discover it's a little more interesting than we thought it would be. If you don't know the difference between a box pleat or a knife pleat or pleating to stripe compared to pleating to sett, this episode is for you. Our Live Beer Review is the tasty Chickbok from Chattanooga Brewing Company. Slainte!


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LIAKP Episode 71 - Aren't You Freezing In That Thing??

Happy 2018 to everyone! Hope you had a safe New Year's celebration. Temperatures here have plummeted into the teens so what better time is there to examine all of the necessary steps one needs for cold weather kilt-wearing. We go into the details so you want have to worry about any of your bits freezing during this winter. Our Live Beer Review warms us up with Cinq Cents by Chimay. Let's do this year right, friends!


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LIAKP Episode 70 - I Resolve

We're coming down off of that Christmas high and preparing ourselves to face 2018. Cheri and Rick list their New Year's resolutions including Rick's list of things he will no longer do in a kilt. The Live Beer Review slips in Moody Tongue Caramelized Chocolate Churro Baltic Porter by Moody Tongue Brewing Company. Here's to forgetting old acquaintances! And pretty much everything else.


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LIAKP Episode 69 - I'll Have A Blue Light Christmas

Well, Cheri is in trouble with the traffic law again. Will things ever change? At least it isn't too late for Santa to exchange her gifts for coal. And speaking of gifts, many of you out there will be getting a new kilt for Christmas. For some of you it may be your very first one. We know how intimidating it can be to first go out in a kilt and maybe you are wondering where some of the best places are to wear your kilt. Never fear because Rick and Cheri have a list of some of the best...


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LIAKP Episode 68 - The Gift That Keeps Giving The Whole Year!

It's our annual gift giving episode. Sorry we didn't get you anything. Except for a year's worth of FREE PODCASTS!! In this episode Rick and Cheri open their gifts from Santa. They have obviously been good all year! Our Live Beer Review splits open Death By Coconut by Oskar Blues Brewery.


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LIAKP Episode 67 - 2017 Christmas Gift Guide for Kilt Wearers

It's our annual gift guide for kilt wearers so if you are still looking for that perfect gift for your favorite kiltie, we're here to help you out. To see the list and find links to all of the products we mention, make sure to visit LifeInAKilt.com. Our Live Beer Review features TWO beers, the first is a home made brew made by one of Cheri's coworkers and the second is Eighty from Yee Haw Brewing Company. Can the little home made milk porter hold its own up against a brewery ale? SPOILER...


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LIAKP Episode 66 - Don't Ask What's Under My Kilt

This week we start settling in to our new format with more kilt focused episodes. After posting a meme about kilts and sexual harassment this week on the Life In A Kilt Facebook page, Rick and Cheri decide to revisit one of their most controversial discussions. Why is there so much sexual inappropriateness surrounding kilt wearing? What has your experience been with this? Please let us know. Our Live Beer Review blows up with Bomb! by Prairie Artisan Ales. Thanks for hanging out with us,...


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LIAKP Episode 65 - Stuffed

It's Thanksgiving and we stuffed ourselves as usual. And one of us (we won't mention who) may have had too much Thanksgiving wine. Hmm, could be an interesting show. We discuss losses this week in the Partridge Family and the Manson Family. Cheri admits to an obsession with serial killers and Rick is confident she already has a "serial killer gimmick" if she ever chooses to go into the industry. St. Andrew's Day is approaching and we discuss the facts about St. Andrew and the possibilities...


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LIAKP Episode 64 - Whoever Answers These Questions Three...

Our Live Beer Review this week is Monty Python's Holy Grail Ale by Black Sheep Brewery and in honor of that, Rick has created a Monty Python and The Holy Grail quiz. Unfortunately, Cheri fails the quiz epically. Perhaps you will do much better. Rick and Cheri debate the most perfect album ever created and it turns out to be not much of a debate as they both agree on the same album (Cheri says Fluid Ounces' In The New Old Fashioned Way and Rick agrees, although he admits he is currently...


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LIAKP Episode 63 - Night Crawlers

We're seriously into November now and experiencing the joys of fall such as colorful leaves, cooler temperatures and things crawling on you at night. Wait, what?? Apparently Cheri had a unwanted late night guest and had to take matters into her own hands. Rick reads some feedback about the new plans for the Life In A Kilt Podcast and we let the voice of the people dictate our future! Mostly. Even though one listener is pretty clear that Rick shouldn't be moving to remote Alaska. Rick and...


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LIAKP Episode 62 - Kicking In The Holidays

We're back! After a bit of a vacation filled with special episodes, including the Kilt Of Horrors 2017, Rick and Cheri return to the microphones for a brand new show! In this, episode 62, we announce the winner of our Kilt Of Horrors story contest and tell a little bit of information about what happened during recording the stories. Rick purchased a new fall kilt from UT Kilts and is pretty excited about it. Cheri wants to know what music artists can give you physical chills with their...
