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Rocky Mountain UFO Podcast


We talk about UFOs, the paranormal, movies, documentaries, alternative health, and an open exchange of information of ideas in a fun and entertaining way.


United States


We talk about UFOs, the paranormal, movies, documentaries, alternative health, and an open exchange of information of ideas in a fun and entertaining way.





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Episode 107 UFO Landings UK with Philip Mantle

Philip Mantle is a long-standing UFO researcher and author from the UK. He was formerly the Director of Investigations for the British UFO Research Association (BUFORA) and the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) Representative for England. He is the founder of FLYING DISK PRESS. We talk to Philip about the history of UFO sightings in the UK and high strangeness over the years with the UFO phonema. A very entertaining interview with a great guest. Philip is the author of the new book UFO Landings UK available now on Amazon and your favorite book reseller.


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Episode 106 The Black Knight Satellite Beyond the Signal with Billy Carson

Has there been an ancient satellite orbiting the earth for thousands or millions of years? We talk about the new documentary The Black Knight Satellite Beyond the Signal with writer, producer, and director Billy Carson of 4 Bidden Knowledge TV. We also discusss high strangeness on the moon, Egypt, Antartica and more in the very entertaining episdoe of the Rocky Mountain UFO Podcast. Support our podcast here: Watch 4 Bidden Knowledge TV here:


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Episode 105 Angels or Visitors, Ghosts, Heaven and Hell Episode

Throwback Thursday Interview from with George Noory from Coast to Coast AM and Ancient Aliens and Bill Birnes from UFO Hunters and UFO Magazine. They talk about their new book Worker in the Light or Journey to the Light. I was one of their guests who contributed to their book. They discuss angels, visitors, ghosts, heaven and hell. Order the books from today's show. Worker in the Light Journey to the Light UFO Hunters Book One


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Episode 104 Alan Dean Foster Interview Part 2

Part 2 of our interview with Alan Dean Foster. Alan talks about what successful habits you need to be a good writer. He also talks about Star Trek "The Animated Series", Star Trek "The Motion Picture", why he moved out of Hollywood and Los Angeles, book and. music recommendations, Tesla, and more. Read or listen to Alan's books here. *Unlimited reading from over 1 million ebooks *Unlimited listening to thousands of audiobooks *Read on any device Watch Star Trek “The Animated Series” and Star Trek “The Motion Picture” here.


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Episode 103 A Tear in the Sky Podcast

Recapturing the famous Tic Tac videos of UAP (UFOs) in Catalina, California. Starring William Shatner, Michio Kaku, Travis Taylor. My interview with director Carolyn Cory from "Ancient Aliens" , "The Unexplained" on the History Channel. A team of UFO and UAP investigators attempt to re-capture, in real time, the US Navy "TicTac" UFOs and other space anomalies, using state-of-the-art, military-grade equipment and technology Today on the Rocky Mountain UFO Podcast we interview Director Carolyn Cory about her new film "A Tear in the Sky". Episode 104. Director Caroline Cory Starring William Shatner, Michio Kaku, Travis Taylor Genres Science Fiction, Documentary, Action Show links Watch "A Tear in the Sky" movie This award-winning documentary A Tear in the Sky takes you on an unprecedented journey into the UFO / UAP phenomenon. A team of military personnel, scientists and special guest William Shatner will attempt to re-capture, in real time, the US Navy "TicTac" UFOs and other space anomalies, using state-of-the-art, military-grade equipment and technology. What they find instead are thought-provoking clues into the true nature of the UFO phenomenon and the very fabric of our spacetime reality. Other show links. Recapturing the famous Tic Tac videos of UAP (UFOs) in Catalina, California. Starring William Shatner, Michio Kaku, Travis Taylor. My interview with director Carolyn Cory from "Ancient Aliens" , "The Unexplained" on the History Channel. A team of UFO and UAP investigators attempt to re-capture, in real time, the US Navy "TicTac" UFOs and other space anomalies, using state-of-the-art, military-grade equipment and technology Thanks Mike and the gang for all of your work putting this platform together. Today on the Rocky Mountain UFO Podcast we interview Director Carolyn Cory about her new film "A Tear in the Sky". Episode 104. Director Caroline Cory Starring William Shatner, Michio Kaku, Travis Taylor Genres Science Fiction, Documentary, Action Show links Watch "A Tear in the Sky" movie. Link below This award-winning documentary A Tear in the Sky takes you on an unprecedented journey into the UFO / UAP phenomenon. A team of military personnel, scientists and special guest William Shatner will attempt to re-capture, in real time, the US Navy "TicTac" UFOs and other space anomalies, using state-of-the-art, military-grade equipment and technology. What they find instead are thought-provoking clues into the true nature of the UFO phenomenon and the very fabric of our spacetime reality. Other show links. Watch the video version on our YouTube Channel Super Human Order "A Tear in the Sky" Watch movie Among Us Please consider supporting our channel If you repost this interview on another platform please include the link to support our channel. Thanks


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Episode 102 Hot Tubs and UFOs

Just put this video together for the YouTube version of my podcast. A short audio documenting a triangle UFO sighting from 2006 at a hot tub party in Rawlins, Wyoming. Here's an audio short about a UFO sighting that was reported during a hot tub party in Rawlins, Wyoming in October of 2006. Here's a link to the YouTube video that was a lot of fun to put together. Hot Tubs and UFOs YouTube video We'd appreciate it if you'd subscribe to our podcast. Have a great day!


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Episode 101 Alan Dean Foster Interview part 1

Today's guest is a national treasure. The amazing Alan Dean Foster. If you are a Science Fiction fan my guess is that you have at least one or probably multiple books written by Alan Dean Foster in your book shelf or on you iPad or Kindle. Alan's writing career has spanned over 5 decades and his past clients included George Lucas, Gene Roddenberry, JJ Abrams and many others. He wrote the original Star Wars a New Hope novelization with guidance from George Lucas and also published the very first expanded universe novel “Splinter of the Mind's Eye”. He later returned to writing Star Wars writing The Approaching Storm and later the novelization of Star Wars: Episode 7 The Force Awakens. Today we'll discuss his amazing writing career, Star Wars, Star Trek, Aliens, Transformers, and UFOs. I pleased to welcome Alan Dean Foster the show today.
