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Serving Ice


If life is a ball of yarn, then these two dudes would be the kittens, playfully unraveling it on the throw rug in your living room. Fireplace optional.


United States


If life is a ball of yarn, then these two dudes would be the kittens, playfully unraveling it on the throw rug in your living room. Fireplace optional.



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Episode 37: Some Are Friends

Episode 37 Topics include: –OMG! Click Here To See Justin Getting Sued! You Won’t Believe What Happens Next! –We are the loving saboteurs –Travel –Solidarity for Ferguson, MO –Carlton Mellick III‘s Apeshit –Friends vs Acquaintances in the Feelings Contest (The Ladder Match) ***Bill called it! Like the good little hobbit that he is, Dylan already went on his trek […]


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Episode 36: Art (and) Official Feelings [Serving Delusional Loners Ice: Part II]

Episode 35 [featuring the Delusional Loners] **Hey, friends. This episode is a part two of sorts- last week, the Delusional Loners had us on their podcast. Some of the things we talk about on that episode made their way over to this one. While this episode should stand alone, you might have a little more […]


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Episode 35: Raising the Parents of God’s Children

Episode 35 [featuring Kalyn Kratzer] Topics include: –Christianity –Evolution –Adaptation –Parental love Click here to find Kalyn on twitter. Click here to find Kalyn on instagram. Click here to find Kalyn on youtube. Click here to listen to Kalyn’s husband’s first Serving Ice episode. Click here to listen to Kalyn’s husband’s second Serving Ice episode. […]


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Episode 34: Make Ups

Episode 34 [featuring Kalyn Kratzer] Topics include: –Makeup –Societal expectations –Insecurities –Baldness –Charm –Gender roles Click here to find Kalyn on twitter. Click here to find Kalyn on instagram. Click here to find Kalyn on youtube. Click here to listen to Kalyn’s husband’s first Serving Ice episode. Click here to listen to Kalyn’s husband’s […]


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Episode 33: In Guilt We Trust

Episode 33 Topics include: –Illicit corn dog sales –Bullwinkle and Bulldozer –(Don’t talk to) Cops –The timeline of corruption –Bullying –How doors work Follow these links for some context: Click here to listen to THE ACTUAL AUDIO of The Dead Kennedy’s performance demonstration at The 1980 Bay Area Music Awards. Click here to read an […]


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Episode 32: Black Bars

Episode 32 Topics include: –Censorship –Art –[Name redacted] and [Name redacted] –Media responsibilities –Satan Follow these links for some context: –Among many other things, Jello Biafra was the outspoken singer of the Dead Kennedys Click here to read bits from Jello’s biography from his label’s website. The events surrounding the raiding of his house are […]


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Episode 31: Forever Spinning

Episode 31 Topics include: –The introduction of a new SI segment, “Bring Bring, Motherfuckers” –Rides for an American themed amusement park –Conspiracy theories –Legends of dead presidents –What inanimate object do you feel sorry for? –A black cat popped Dylan’s tire Follow these links for some context: Starting in 1968, activist / educator, Jane Elliott […]


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Episode 30: Domus

Episode 30 Topics include: -Justin makes new friends over lunch -SI’s favorite fictional characters -Justin birded -Stackin’ dogs -Our history is fiction (but you can change it) Follow these links for some context: Click here to read about redirecting to the NSA’s redirecting to (as of this writing, it redirects to the Koch […]


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Episode 29: Lock, Stock, and One Battered Judge

Episode 29 with special guest, Tabitha. Topics include: –Tabitha punching a judge (seriously- how cool is that?!) –Dylan getting accosted in a mall, then demanding a more proper beating –A young Bill making a kid send him to the hospital –Tabitha hitting a guy with a big, black rubber wiener –Justin getting yelled at for […]


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Episode 28: We Can Make A Mess Like Nobody’s Business

In Episode 28, Bill, Justin, and Dylan each share a story where they get into a jam, make a mess, or encounter a disaster. Follow these links to just find us: Want to say witty things to us in 140 characters? Click here to just find us on twitter. Want to talk about the episode? Click here […]


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Episode 27: Fike Club

Justin and Bill fight homophobia, who is Juan?, Justin gets a new job, Dylan pits Ted Nugent and Fred Durst against each other, answering machine high jinks, homework, Fike Club, and more. Follow these links (especially the first few): Below are a bunch of wikis from the people Dylan mentions at 23:01-23:32. Please don’t limit […]


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Episode 26: “Goblitago” (una registrazione audio per proiettare a 24 bpm)

Episode 26 finds the Serving Ice hosts recovering from their frustrating standoff by talking about the rights, control, and responsibility a creator has, owes, and transfers to his creation, legacy, and audience. Flow chart to come. Enjoy. Follow these links: Justin mentions the podcast “Scriptnotes.” Click here to check that out. We mention our pal […]


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Episode 25: The Ultimate Standoff

**** Hey, friends! Due to cocktail of unexpected events, unpreparedness, and bouts of depression, Serving Ice has fallen a bit behind schedule. We’re pulling ourselves together this week with the release of Episode 25 on Friday, Episode 26 early next week, Episode 27 later in the week, then when we hit Episode 28 on May 6th, we […]


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Episode 24: Doug Explains the Bible

Bill, Justin, and Dylan are joined by special guest Doug O’Bern. After Dylan promotes Doug to furniture status, the four of them discuss mall jobs, bodily owner’s manuals, ant hills, and personal interpretations of the Christian faith. Check out these fun links: Click here to find Doug’s personal facebook page, here to find his […]


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Episode 23: Double Features

Bill, Justin, and Dylan sit down to talk about double features, conjoined twins, and the drawbacks of dating djinns. Something about a mantis, too. Check out these links: Click here to find our iTunes page. Click here to find our Twitter-thing and here to find our Facebook-thing. We’re on a podcast network created by some of our friends. If you […]


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Episode 22: In Search Of… The White Man March

In episode 22, Dylan talks about a recent adventure where he tried to infiltrate, study, and inevitably mock a group of white supremacists, Justin falls for the KKK’s new PR hook, and Bill reveals a secret about The Sons of Anarchy motorcycle club. Check out these great (and not so great) links: Click here […]


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Episode 21: Destroying Something Beautiful

Episode 21 finds the Serving Ice hosts, along with returning guests, Alex and James, sitting down to discuss a perverted, telepathic money tree, explore the ins and outs of the Fight Club sequel, and talk about artistic integrity, humility, and ego. Follow these links for some context! Click here for James and Alex’s hitchhiking twitter. […]


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Episode 20: Is Dead

Recorded in September, released in March, fermented to perfection. This top-shelf episode aged for six long months until the time was right to serve it. Two of Dylan’s old friends joined your hosts in the studio to laugh over handfuls of candy corn. Subjects include hitchhiking, Japanese culture, the expiration date of Serving Ice (we’re […]


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Episode 19: Those 10% Times

In Episode 19, Justin and Dylan regale Bill with stories of late night fun with strangers. Losing sight of the bigger picture, Dylan gets bent out of shape over pizza, while Justin makes a new friend who may be a ripple in time. Bill talks about going on a casino journey with Dylan. FxTxNxT / […]


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Episode 18: Have You Met America Sometimes?

In episode eighteen, the Serving Ice crew work through some of the questions left behind from the previous episode. Together, the three hosts boldly confront corruption, racism, stereotypes, and patriotism, as attempt to dismantle the mechanics behind each. Follow these links for as much context as we’re willing to give you: Click here for that […]
