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Tessa and Elliot Argue


Like to learn about the crazy stuff that happened this week? Tessa and Elliot Argue finds bizarre news headlines and stories to share with each other, while giving you a look into their marriage.


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Like to learn about the crazy stuff that happened this week? Tessa and Elliot Argue finds bizarre news headlines and stories to share with each other, while giving you a look into their marriage.





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The time has come,' the Walrus said,

Indeed, after 178 episodes every single week (except last week) since we started in February of 2019 Tessa and I are saying goodbye to the podcast. Nothing is wrong, we're just feeling that we are ready to move on to other projects and ideas we have. We thought it best to go out doing what we normally do, talking about weird news stories we've found from the last few weeks. I would like to say thank you, if you have ever listened, this has indeed been a work of love for both of us for over three years, and the fact that anyone has listened, ever, really does feel nice to know. It feels very bitter-sweet to say we're moving on, but I think we are both ready to tackle some new challenges. We may be back though; never say never. We both have other projects we are working on, some in the podcast space, others that are not. You can stay in touch with us through several means. We will also be sure to use this feed to update on any new shows we may come up with. Tessa can be found on her: Twitter Instagram TikTok Elliot is at: Twitter Gaming Nexus Again, thank you. So long, and thanks for all the fish


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No episode this week, be back next week

I was in Las Vegas for a couple of days at the end of the week. We just didn't get to it and didn't have a standby episode like we normally do. We will be back next week like we have the 177 weeks before.


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Velveeta releases a cheese-scented nail polish

We also talk about Google AIs coming to take over, weird things we do as a couple, and vabbing (it's pretty terrible).


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Man who complained he had 'adult potato' thrown at his head

We also talk about mysterious rockets crashing into the Moon, Justin Timberlake apologizing, and Minority Report.


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Man Says He Spent $8,500 a Year on Pepsi Addiction

It's episode 175! Is this the end of the podcast? Despite my attempts to make it so probably not.


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Exorcists complain too many possessed people to handle

Once again we are back with Michelle, to actually go over some news headlines this week.


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Woman approved for affordable house, 29 years after applying

Michelle is back, and we have a huge pile of news headlines to get to this week!


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Talking walls

What would a conversation be like between you and the walls of your room, if you were in the fifth grade? Well we have the answer, as we once again delve into a notebook Elliot's mother found while cleaning his childhood home. There's also a poem about dreams, as well as an essay about what Elliot did on winter break, that is 100% untrue.


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Occult club rejected after complaint it may summon Satan

We also talk about the church of the flying spaghetti monster!


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Dolly Parton to star in a musical on TikTok about Taco Bell's Mexican pizza

We also talk about balding men, cutting grass, and inappropriate Wordle solutions.


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What if hair could talk?

My mom recently stumbled upon an old grade school notebook I had. Inside were writing scenarios that are straight gold. What are a couple of the samples about you ask? What if you could buy shoes for walking up walls? What if balls were square? Good stuff.


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Heads up, we get super liberal this week

You've been warned. I actually cut most of the hard core stuff Tessa spouted for you snowflakes.


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Woman marries pet cat in bid to stop landlord separating them

We also try Flamin' Hot Mountain Dew. It goes about how you'd expect.


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Robber asked victim to ‘pinky promise’ not to report it

If this isn't our longest episode ever, it's certainly close. It's also the first episode that has had zero content editing done. Usually I'll do a little touch up here or there to get rid of the long pauses, but because I'm finishing this up about a half hour before my bedtime the night before release I've only made sure all the mic levels were ok. Please enjoy.


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Man who paid $2.9m for NFT of first tweet set to lose almost $2.9m

Tessa also shares the most bizarre item brought to school for show and tell.


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Romance novelist who wrote ‘How to Murder Your Husband’ goes on trial in shooting of spouse

We are back with another episode of weird news headlines from the week.


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The one where we take turns crying

Things get a bit emotional this week as Michelle joins us to play Let's Get Deep.


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Miami spent $350,000 on new park lights, the park closes at sundown

We are also shocked to learn the Columbus ranks pretty highly in the best pizza town contest. There's also talk of cranes vs crocs, the winner was also surprising.


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A snake is eyed as the culprit in man's death until cops realize it can't pull a trigger

Disney adults, Mike Tyson, and pickles also make our list of topics this week.


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We made top 5 lists

We’re back with Michelle, and doing something a bit different this week. Instead of headlines from the news we made top 5 lists. Lists include Michelle’s top 5 break up songs, top 5 things kids have said to Tessa at work, and Elliot’s top five days of the week to give you an idea of who's lists are the best. Also the show I was trying to think of is Legion, great show, worth a watch and it’s only 3 seasons long. This week's podcast art is by our friend Jeff, check out his podcasts Spielberg Chronologically, Movie Draft House, and Budget Arcade.
