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Podcast by Bam and the Junk



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Season 2 Episode 4 - It's a Quarantine Easter, Buddy

It's another week without one half of the Bam and the Junk family, and it's a week with an experiment: recording live on Instagram! We also tried Facebook but it wasn't working and we don't know why! But if you're curious about how one half of us looks, check out @nigelsuckslol on Instagram.


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Season 2 Episode 3 - Story Time - Waiting

This week we head back for another of Nigel's stories, one of his personal favorites - Waiting! A story about a man that goes to different waiting rooms and talks to people that don't have anyone to talk to. Turns out Nigel is not great at off the cuff reading of his stories, maybe he should practice more.


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Season 2 Episode 2 - Remake Yourself VS. Remaster Yourself

This week Bam and the Junk tackle the topic of remakes and remasters in the world of video games and film. Who are they for? What purpose do they serve? Do we like them? Do we have the authority to talk about this? Check it out!


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Season 2 Episode 1 - You Can Make Sequels of Your Friends

We're back baby! Bam and the Junk returns from their hiatus for season 2, only to talk about... second seasons! And sequels, and spiritual successors, and so on. The ride is riveting.


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Episode 11 - 15 more seconds and we would have hit an hour thirty

Nigel comes back after a near month long hiatus that only happened because he's a putz, so we talk about things that happened in that time and have a blast. Won't you join us?


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1/2 of Bam and the Junk rambling for 42 minutes

Rajen talks to himself about E3, Nigel, and drawing; then pauses for the other half the time.


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Episode 10 - :(

This is a slightly more serious talk of ours, talking about mental health and our personal coping mechanisms. Featuring our friend Jackson!


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Episode 9 - Wanna hear the best segue in the world?

We delve into the mysteries and wonderful things about music in this week's podcast, but we spend about 20 minutes talking about cars first, so I guess you've gotta deal with that.


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Episode 8 - We were gonna talk about music, then we talked about Sekiro for an hour

It's basically the title, but with the extra bonus of a lot of discussion about fantasy writing and story telling as well! Spoiler warnings for Sekiro and Game of Thrones. So like, you've been warned.


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Episode 7 - mOnKeY tImE

We're absolutely obsessed with Love, Death & Robots, and we subject you to our ramblings about it in this week's podcast! Sorry we're kinda late on giving this to you, we're bad at keeping a schedule. But that's what makes us fun, right? Spontaneous.


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Episode 6 - Blowjob, Death, Polio

We have a special guest this week: our friend Jackson! His introductory episode has us discussing everything from how FDR died to the impressivenenss of those that dedicate their lives to science. He's kinda cool, we'll probably have him back again.


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Episode 5 - Attila isn't a good band, but I respect them: A music discussion

With this episode we spend more time than usual discussing music, creation, and most importantly: selling out. We also advertise Nigel's new book, but there will be more on that later.


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Episode 4 - This is barely an episode, it's like 10 minutes

This is an intermission episode to let y'all know that we're still here, life just gets in the way sometimes. But! Nigel is also trying out something new: story time! In the future it will hopefully be its own subsection of content within here if it's enjoyable, but for now enjoy his shortest short story and listen to him ramble for another few minutes after that!


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Episode 3 - The basement is the mind of the subconscious

We take another casual approach to what a podcast is with tonight's upload, and discuss everything from a beer museum to the mild existential crisis I go through every time I try to write something.


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First time gamer? Listen to us tell you what you should play

In this podcast we discuss what we think would be a good way to get someone into video games, specifically what we think would be a good first game for someone to play, and why, plus a bunch of other video game conversations. Next time we'll probably hit up some new subject material.


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Zelda, Mario, and Pokemon are in the same universe, with very little evidence

Our first real podcast as Bam and the Junk. we touch on a multitude of subjects while forgetting to do an introduction. Probably how the rest of our podcasts will turn out.


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This is our introduction to what we're trying to do with this. The real podcast is in the next upload.
