The Office: The Untold Tale
The untold stories behind The Office, one of the most iconic television shows of the twenty-first century, told by its creators, writers, and actors
When did you last hang out with Jim, Pam, Dwight, Michael, and the rest of Dunder Mifflin? It might have been back in 2013, when the series finale aired . . . or it might have been last night, when you watched three episodes in a row. But either way, fifteen years after the show first aired, it’s more popular than ever, and fans have only one problem--what to watch, or read, next.
Fortunately, we have that answer. In season 2 of this podcast, The Office: The Untold Story of the Greatest Sitcom of the 2000s, we will take you behind the scenes of your favorite moments and characters. Fans of the office will get the inside scoop on key episodes from 'The Dundies' to 'Threat Level Midnight' and 'Goodbye, Michael,' including behind-the-scenes details like the battle to keep it on the air when NBC wanted to pull the plug after just six episodes and the failed attempt to bring in James Gandolfini as the new boss after Steve Carell left, spotlighting the incredible, genre-redefining show created by the family-like team, who together took a quirky British import with dicey prospects and turned it into a primetime giant with true historical and cultural significance.
Hilarious, heartwarming, and revelatory, The Office gives fans and pop culture buffs a front-row seat to the phenomenal sequence of events that launched The Office into wild popularity, changing the face of television and how we all see our office lives for decades to come.
United States
The untold stories behind The Office, one of the most iconic television shows of the twenty-first century, told by its creators, writers, and actors When did you last hang out with Jim, Pam, Dwight, Michael, and the rest of Dunder Mifflin? It might have been back in 2013, when the series finale aired . . . or it might have been last night, when you watched three episodes in a row. But either way, fifteen years after the show first aired, it’s more popular than ever, and fans have only one problem--what to watch, or read, next. Fortunately, we have that answer. In season 2 of this podcast, The Office: The Untold Story of the Greatest Sitcom of the 2000s, we will take you behind the scenes of your favorite moments and characters. Fans of the office will get the inside scoop on key episodes from 'The Dundies' to 'Threat Level Midnight' and 'Goodbye, Michael,' including behind-the-scenes details like the battle to keep it on the air when NBC wanted to pull the plug after just six episodes and the failed attempt to bring in James Gandolfini as the new boss after Steve Carell left, spotlighting the incredible, genre-redefining show created by the family-like team, who together took a quirky British import with dicey prospects and turned it into a primetime giant with true historical and cultural significance. Hilarious, heartwarming, and revelatory, The Office gives fans and pop culture buffs a front-row seat to the phenomenal sequence of events that launched The Office into wild popularity, changing the face of television and how we all see our office lives for decades to come.
Reboot? | I hope we can do it before any of us kick the bucket.
The Aftermath | My fifteen-year-old niece is a fanatic.
KEY EPISODE 12 | Finale
Season 9 | A lot of us were low on gas.
Life in the Background | I learned not to count lines in a script.
Season 8 | It was Cheers without Ted Danson.
Meet the New Boss | What if Queen Latifah becomes the manager?
KEY EPISODE 11 | Goodbye, Michael
KEY EPISODE 10 | Threat Level Midnight
Season 7 | Somebody didn’t pay him enough. It was absolutely asinine.
Steve | He Would Stand There and Help Every Single Person Out of the Van
Spin-off Blues | Parks and Recreation should have been a spin-off.
Key Episode 9 | Niagara
Season 6 | Are We Jumping The Shark? it Shouldn't be this Slap Sticky!
The Trouble with Movies | You Made it Work For Ed Helms You Need to Make it Work For Me
13927 Saticoy St | You Wouldn't Wanna Walk Around There at Night For Sure
Key Episode 8 | Stress Relief
Key Episode 7 | Weight Loss
Season 5 | I Feel Like I'm in a Horror Movie and I'm The Only One That Sees The Monster
Greg | My Image of Him is of The Absent Minded Professor