Digging In with Allison Dore
Allison Dore in conversation with all kinds of people, talking about the meaning of life, what people believe, how they got where they are... Lots of big ideas.
Allison Dore in conversation with all kinds of people, talking about the meaning of life, what people believe, how they got where they are... Lots of big ideas.
Damhnait Doyle
When Damhnait Doyle released her first solo album in over a decade this year, I was thrilled! Even more so when I got to interview her, and then invite her on Digging In.
We talk about the pressure to look a certain way, aging as a women in show business, and the conversation we need to start having around alcohol in the arts. We also talk about what she reveals about her self in the songs on her new album 'Liquor Store Flowers', and how she found her way to being vulnerable.
You can follow her on Facebook: @DamhnaitDoyle, on Twitter: @davnetdoyle and on Instagram: @damhnaitdoylesongs.
Learn more about her and her music: damhnaitdoyle.com
Alli Walker
Alli Walker realized one day that she wasn't making music that really mattered to her: "I was singing about booze, boys and break-ups because that’s what everyone else was singing about." So she made a change. Now she writes and performs 'mindful music' or 'conscious country' - songs that are authentic and uplifting, vulnerable and encouraging.
We talk about having a positive impact, how social media can affect your mindset, and the challenges that come with trying to change for the better.
You can follow Alli on Facebook @alliwalkermusic, on Twitter @alliwalker, and on Instagram @alliwalkermusic and follow the hashtags #mindfulmusic and #consciouscountry
Learn more about her at www.alliwalker.ca
Raffaela Weyman, professionally known as RALPH, is a thoughtful, conscientious, super cool synth-pop musician.
We talk about the difference between Raffa and RALPH, why it's important to evolve your thoughts and language, why self-care matters, and which shocking celebrity she looks like.
Her latest single is Gravity, and 'No Muss No Fuss' will be out August 14, 2019. Her album 'A Good Girl' is available everywhere.
Follow her on Facebook: @songsbyralph; on Twitter: @songsbyralph and on Instagram: @songsbyralph and you can learn more about her www.songsbyralph.com
James FitzGerald
Author James FitzGerald used his writing as a way to start counter-acting years of silence and stigma in his family. Having lost his grandfather to suicide, and almost losing his father to it as well, he broke the cycle for himself by facing the mental illness in his family and telling his story. He joins Allison to talk about how silence and shame only add to the pain, and how he learned to speak up and take care of himself.
You can learn more about James and his wonderful books at www.jamesfitzgerald.ca
Jully Black
Jully Black is a famous musician, but she is also a dynamic, inspirational, powerhouse human being. We talk changing your mind to change your life, why you need to stay rooted in the present, and how Jully found her vocation.
We also talk about Empowered In My Skin and the women's conference she co-founded. For more information click HERE. For all Jully's music, tour dates, and more go to jullyblack.ca
Laura Robinson
Laura Robinson is a multi-hyphenate: an inventor (she co-created the games Balderdash and Identity Crisis), singer/songwriter, actor, speaker, and producer (Identity Crisis became Celebrity Name Game, hosted by Craig Ferguson. Oh, and she contributed to TWO Chicken Soup For The Soul books: Hooked on Hockey and Count Your Blessings.
We cover many topics, including: how to know an idea is a good one, the key to having your fingers in many pies, making sure you make time for yourself, and more. You can follow Laura on Twitter @balderdashgirl
Dave Merheje
Comedian Dave Merheje joins me for a candid conversation on anxiety, fashion, and why he felt he needed to change the way he approached his life and career. You can follow Dave on social media @davemerheje , check out his website davemerheje.com and watch his special here!
Nadia Elkharadly
Nadia Elkharadly is the co-founder of Addicted Magazine (weraddicted.com; @weraddicted) and Handsome International Men (himpromotions.com; @himpromotions.com). We talk overcoming self-doubt, limiting beliefs, and why creativity is so important. Nadia really forged her own path, and explains how sometimes taking the first tiny step is often the hardest part. You can follow her on socials @thenadiae
J. Paul Nadeau
Paul Nadeau has LOTS of stories. From his abusive childhood, to his many years in law enforcement, to his changing personal life, he is willing to share them all! He is the author of "Take Control of Your Life: Rescue Yourself and Live the Life You Deserve", a unique spin on how to turn negatives into positives in your life.
You can follow Paul on Twitter: @jpaulnadeau
Mike "Nug" Nahrgang
Mike “Nug” Nahrgang is pretty much everywhere: stage, screen, and stream. In addition to talking WWE on Aftermath on Sportsnet 360, he is also active in the wrestling world in and around Toronto. He is an actor, improviser and his podcast “Illusionoid” is going into its 10th season. We talk taking control of your health, surrounding yourself with good people, the various tribes in comedy, and more!
You can follow him on all social media @nugnahrgang
Monica Parker
Monica Parker is a pragmatic positive thinker with a distaste for buzz words. We cover a lot of topics including: acceptance, awareness, and Pope Francis. Monica shares stories from her life, including a lovely one about Gilda Radner, and answers the question "Is George Clooney really a nice guy?"
You can find out more about Monica on her website iammonicaparker.com
Jay Brody v.3
The first person to do 3 episodes of this show, Jay Brody proves that he has layers! He shares more stories from his troubled childhood, we discuss how to learn to love yourself, having faith in yourself, and MORE.
Jay is one half of The Dumb Show, heard on SiriusXM channel 168, Canada Laughs, at 8pm ET on Wednesdays, and my frequent cohost on The Breakdown, SiriusXM channel 167, 2-5pm ET Monday-Friday,
Jesse Teran
10 years ago, after a big heartbreak, Jesse Teran moved to a new city, changed his name, and started a new life. Today, he is reclaiming his life, facing his demons, and embracing who he is. Dealing with his Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, living openly as a bisexual, and taking back his real name, the man formerly known as Dean Young is energized and inspired.
For now you can find him on Twitter @ComicDeanYoung
Kristy LaPointe
Kristy LaPointe is the writer, producer and star of the new web series "Yoga 101" which is available at cbc.ca/comedy, and it combines just some of the many jobs she does. This conversation includes topics like balance, therapy, and making changes in your life. We both talk about how far we've come, how no one is ever perfect, and how small changes add up.
You can follow Kristy on social media: Twitter @kristylapointe Face book @kristylapointe and Instagram: @plant.based.kristy
Amira de Vera
Amira de Vera is a Toronto-based publicist who founded her own company, Project Four PR, just over a year ago. We talk about starting your company, if you are ever really ready to break out on your own, and how the universe lets you know you are on the right track.
You can learn more about Amira by following her company on Twitter: @projectfourpr Instagram: @projectfourpr Facebook: facebook.com/ProjectFourPR or check out her website: projectfourpr.com
The Update Episode
The show is taking a short hiatus, this is a brief episode where Allison explains why, when the show will be back, and gives some food for thought in the meantime.
Tara Shannon
Tara Shannon wears pretty much all the hats. A successful singer/songwriter who runs her own label Willow Sound Records, which is actually a co-op that empowers young artists to forge their own career. Mother to 7. C Suite Entrepreneur. Wife. But she has had her fair share of bumps in the road and has thought deeply about what really matters in life.
You can see more from Tara on her website tarashannonmusic.com or on Twitter @TaraShannonSW or Facebook and Instagram @tarashannonmusic
Chantel Marostica
Chantel Marostica is a comedian and very patient human. They are a non-binary person living their transition very publicly on social media to help us all learn as they go through their own learning process. We talk a lot about the challenges that brings, both from strangers and family and friends. We also talk about evolving as a comedian and a person, as well as how in life - if you're trying you're doing okay.
You can follow Chantel on Twitter @ChantyMarostica and Instagram @chantelmarostica
Unstoppable Tracy Schmitt
Unstoppable Tracy Schmitt is the author of the book Unstoppable YOU, a decorated athlete, a motivational speaker, and a 4 way amputee. Her championship mindset is partly from being an athlete, but also really instilled in her by parents who challenged convention for her success.
We talk positivity, emotional output, and the need for self-care. And how to get what you want in life!
Follow Tracy on Facebook @unstoppabletracy, on Instagram @unstoppabletracy, on Twitter @unstoppabletrac
Final Question Compilation
For the holiday season I decided to make a super cut of answers to the final question I ask "If you could have everyone in the world realize, accept or understand one thing, what would it be?"
I used 12 answers and kept them pretty short, but I hope it's a little inspiration heading into the New Year!
We have answers from: Graham Clark, Shawn Hogan, Adrienne Kress, Boomer Phillips, Erin Keaney, Shaun Proulx, Courtney Gilmour, Jay Brody, Rebecca Kohler, Illvibe, Tiffany Pratt, and Jon Dore!