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Dad's Movie Night

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Two dads watching movies from our youth and trying to figure out if they hold up, should they be rebooted, and... should we force our kids to eventually watch them.


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Two dads watching movies from our youth and trying to figure out if they hold up, should they be rebooted, and... should we force our kids to eventually watch them.



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Episode 180: DMN E180 The Burbs

How can we resist your charms, Mr. Hanks? Short answer.... We can't! One of the more underrated Tom Hanks movies and this one did not disappoint! So many great moments that I had forgotten about. Enjoy!


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Episode 179: DMN E179 Battlestar Galactica

The original pilot episode and we were joined by Pete's brother Mikey! This was one of Mikey's FAVORITE shows of his youth. Did it hold up? You be the judge! Pete, Brian, and Neil were definitely on board with this choice


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Episode 178: DMN E178 Action Jackson

Carl Weathers was one of the best action heroes of the silver screen in our youth. Who could forget Apollo Creed or Dillon? Epic stuff right there. This movie, however..... was not any of those. It was a wild entertaining ride that the three of us are still trying to figure out if we were left wanting more... or just wanting something else. But man, it was a FUN ride!


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Episode 177: DMN E177 Mio in the Land of Faraway

If you ever wondered if Christian Bale would make a movie where his character's name was Jum-Jum..... then look no farther! Brian chose this gem of a movie for Neil and Pete and if they weren't mesmerized, stupefied . . . dare I say even justified with everything they said about it.


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Episode 176: DMN E176 Dr. Strangelove

This might be one of those movies that you MUST watch and implore your children to watch when they are old enough. Thanks to Neil for getting us to put this one on the pod. You'll laugh at the absurdity, you'l cry at the themes that are even more relevant today than ever. 5 Stars


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Episode 175: DMN E175 The Adventures of Baron Munchausen

So. Many. Questions.... A fantasy romp that wasn't allowed to credit Robin Williams because his agents didn't want his named to be used to "pimp their film". This was a wild, wonky, donkey ride of epic proportions. Not sure if we are recommending it or just want you to see it so we can ask you our questions. Amazing set design and the always amazing Uma Thurman bring this story more gravitas than we expected.


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Episode 174: Dad's Movie Night Halloween Double Feature

What an adventure! We went down memory lane with one of the OGs of horror, George Romero's Night of the Living Dead and boy have horror movies come a long way since then. That girl eating her mother's intestines though.... yay!! Not to be outdone, Neil brought in an underrated deep cut from the wayback. Black Christmas is one to check out for sure!


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Episode 173: DMN Toys

Do you remember the movie that Robin Williams got to extra Robin Williams and then Robin Williamsed all over his Robin Williams? Yeah. Kinda like that.


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Episode 172: Flight of the Navigator

The anti-DARYL. What a fun ride. Pee-Wee, you were awesome in this one. We realized that we have been having issues with the audio and we promise the next episode will )hopefully) fix the issue. Something about batteries dying or something. An


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Episode 171: Red Sonja

We sorta remember this movie.... We wish we had remembered how much it was unlike Conan. Neil was our saving grace, Brian had fun, and Pete's microphone was up too loud for his giggle fit. Not the best audio and our apologies are for naught because we refuse to go back and watch it again


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Episode 170: DMN S2 E42 Dark City

It's always night time. It's dark. It's a city. If aliens were incompetent and didn't know how to research or cite their sources. Brian came up with this one and to be honest it was a hoot! Weird, fun overacting, and a patina of earnestness that was refreshing. Was it good? Did it hold up? Should it be rebooted? hmmmmm......


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Episode 169: DMN E42 The Lawnmower Man

Weirdly accurate and one heck of a ride. The dads were on their best behavior because Brian's dad KIRBY was here!! This movie had everything except coherency... and we almost kinda wanted to like it.


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Episode 168: DMN Special Episode JOHN WICK

Guess what's out this weekend? YAY!!


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Episode 167: DMN E41 S2 Johnny Mnenomic

Brian was worried at the start of this. Pete remembers nothing. Neil was perfect, as always.


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Episode 166: DMN E39 S2: Cyborg

We LOVE the JVCD, buuuuuuut.... this movie was hubris on our part. It's like when you have 87 minutes to eat an 8lb burger (with fries and a coke) and you're down to that final 1/3 of the meal..... you realize you Do, in fact, have the time to finish... buuuuuuuuutya just don't really 'need' it and you know you're going to hate yourself in the morning.


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Episode 165: DMN S2: E38 Dick Tracy

When you need a Dick to solve a mystery... I have nothing else to add.


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Episode 164: DMN E37 S2 DC Cab

Have you ever wanted to see Mr. T and Gary Busey team up for a movie about cab drivers in Washington DC? MEEEEEEE TOOOOO!!!


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Episode 163: DMN E36 S2 Hardware

Woof. What could have been a cool concept and an interesting idea for a movie was made into.... this. Thanks, Neil. This one is on you.


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Episode 162: DMN E35 S2 Batman: The Animated Series

On this trip down memory lane, Pete, Neil, and Brian take a look at a few episodes from the first season of our favorite Batman (the late Kevin Conroy). All we have to say is that it's better than we remember!!! Huzzah


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Episode 161: DMN E34 S2 Little Nemo: Adventures in Slumberland

Whoa Brian.... just, whoa. After watching this forgotten gem of a flick Neil and Pete understand the inner workings of Brian's brain a little bit more. So much weirdness. So much wild and colorful animation. So many questions.
