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Dashu Mandarin Podcast

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Hello, everyone, it's Dashu Mandarin here. We're three Chinese teachers that focus on providing authentic and valuable Chinese learning materials for the Chinese learners of intermediate level and above. In this Podcast, we will talk about all kinds of things concerning China and Chinese culture, society, etc. You can also watch the video version on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfsNycNoClXZA1FuUJSGT0w Welcome to join us.


United States


Hello, everyone, it's Dashu Mandarin here. We're three Chinese teachers that focus on providing authentic and valuable Chinese learning materials for the Chinese learners of intermediate level and above. In this Podcast, we will talk about all kinds of things concerning China and Chinese culture, society, etc. You can also watch the video version on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfsNycNoClXZA1FuUJSGT0w Welcome to join us.




BeijingerChinese podcast EP98: Can you understand mandarin with beijing accent? 北京口音

Finally, a Beijinger guest is here! Can you understand Mandarin with a Beijing accent? Mandarin accent is fun, our guest will join us to explore the changes in Beijing, discuss the unique charm of Beijing dialect, and share his experiences living abroad. Beijing dialect, as a branch of Chinese dialects, is known for its rich and colorful expressions and unique phonetic features, presenting both intrigue and challenge. Join us as we delve into the charm of Beijing dialect! 今天的节目我们请到了一位地道的北京人,我们的主题是“北京话普通话你听得懂吗?”我们的嘉宾将和我们一同探讨北京这座城市的变迁,畅谈北京话的独特魅力,以及他在国外的生活经历。北京话是中国方言中的一支,其丰富多彩的表达方式和独特的语音特点充满了趣味和挑战,我们将深入探索北京话的魅力所在!



Chinese Podcast 97: 6 Places to Travel in Mainland China and Taiwan | 6个旅行目的地 | places to visit 2024

Today's podcast episode is all about the 6 interesting destinations in mainland China and Taiwan! Each dashu will recommend two destinations they believe are worth visiting. These destinations could be popular tourist spots or hidden gems off the beaten path! Through our conversation, you'll not only get travel inspiration but also learn a wealth of Chinese vocabulary related to traveling. Join us as we embark on this journey to explore the joys of travel! Check out these 6 Places to Travel in Mainland China and Taiwan 今天的节目我们将带你探索中国大陆和台湾的6个最值得一游的目的地!今天三位大叔每人都会向大家推荐两个他们认为最值得去的目的地。这些目的地可能是大家熟知的,也可能是一些小众的隐藏宝藏!通过我们的闲聊,不仅可以获得旅行灵感,还能学习到与旅行相关的丰富中文词汇。快来和我们一起听听吧,探索旅行的乐趣!



Chinese Podcast EP96: Indonesian Guy Speaks Chinese Better Than Most Chinese 印尼小伙的中文简直太完美了

In today's mandarin podcast, we are honored to have a special guest - an Indonesian guy who speaks Chinese better than most Chinese! And joining us is our dear friend, the lovely chinese teacher Peipei. This Indonesian gentleman, who once studied performing arts at a university in China, is now an entrepreneur managing several business projects between China and Indonesia. This includes a Chinese language education project in collaboration with Peipei - Real Talk Mandarin. Their vision is to serve as cultural bridges between the two nations, fostering better understanding and promoting friendly exchanges between their peoples. 今天的节目我们有幸邀请到了一位特别的嘉宾——来自印尼的小伙子,他的中文竟然比大多数中国人还要流利!除此之外,我们还有我们的老朋友,优秀的中文老师珮珮。这位印尼小伙曾在中国大学学习表演,如今是一位企业家,在中国和印度尼西亚之间经营着多个商业项目,其中包括与Real Talk Mandarin的珮珮老师合作的汉语教育项目。他们的愿景是成为两国之间的文化桥梁,让两国人民更好地了解彼此,促进两国之间的友好交流。



Chinese Podcast EP95: This Chinese Teacher Deserves an Oscar 角色扮演语境教学法

We've got a special guest again — Dolores! She's a teacher who excels in role-playing contextual teaching methods, creating courses filled with engaging videos that make learning Chinese a lot more fun. Her course designs are not only creative but also help learners master the most authentic Chinese expressions in real-life contexts. Today,let's dive into the stories behind her creative process! 大家好!今天的节目里又有一个特别的客人—Dolores老师!她是一位擅长角色扮演语境教学法的老师,通过创意十足的课程视频,让学习中文变得更有趣。她的课程设计不仅富含创意,而且能帮助大家在真实语境中掌握最地道的中文表达。今天,让我们一起来聊聊她背后的创作故事吧!



Chinese Podcast EP94: Will you quit job and travel the world? 你会辞去工作去环游世界吗?

Will you quit job and travel the world? 你会辞去工作去环游世界吗? Today, we've got a super cool Chinese teacher with stories! Not only is he a mandarin teacher, but also a true world traveler with a wealth of stories and unique life experiences. He always carries this enviable relaxed vibe and sometimes even throws in some unexpectedly cool moves. His stories will not only broaden your horizons, but also give you a whole new perspective on life! So, let's dive in and hear what he's got to share! Chinese Podcast 大家好!今天我们有个特别的客人要介绍给你们——一位超酷的中文老师!他不仅是我们的老师,还是一个真正的世界旅行者,有着丰富的故事和独特的人生体验。他总是带着一股令人羡慕的轻松自在,有时甚至还有些不按牌理出牌的酷炫态度。他的故事不仅会让你们大开眼界,还会让你们对生活有全新的认识!快来一起听听他的故事吧!



Chinese Podcast EP93: How to Stay Motivated to Study Chinese 学习中文如何保持动力

Today, we are fortunate to have Keren from Unconventional Chinese join us to discuss "How to Stay Motivated to Study Chinese." With her expertise in comprehensible input methods, Keren brings a wealth of experience in teaching Chinese. She will share with us the intrinsic motivation and sources behind learning Chinese. Whether you're a beginner or have some prior knowledge, there's something valuable to learn from Keren's insights. We hope this conversation will inspire and motivate you on your journey to learning Chinese. 今天,我们有幸邀请到了Unconventional Chinese的Keren老师来和大家探讨“如何保持学习中文的动力”。Keren老师以其擅长的可理解输入方法在中文教学领域有着丰富的经验,她将与我们分享学习中文的内在动力和源泉。无论是初学者还是有一定基础的学习者,都能从Keren老师的经验中受益匪浅,希望大家能够在这次交流中获得灵感和动力,坚定地走上学习中文的道路。



Chinese Podcast EP92: Chinese Influencer Teachers Behind the Scene | 你不知道的中文老师的趣事

We have two outstanding Chinese influencer teachers, Peipei and Roots, in today's Chinese podcast. Peipei, a hardworking Chinese teacher, has risen from being a chinese teacher to becoming a team leader. On the other hand, Roots is not only an excellent Chinese teacher but also a funny content creator for Chinese learning. Together, Peipei and Roots have collaborated on many entertaining mandarin projects on Instagram. Today, we will delve into the behind-the-scenes stories of Chinese influencer teachers and discuss the importance of learning real Chinese and authentic Chinese. We will also explore Peipei's Real Talk Mandarin products and services. https://www.realtalkmandarin.com/ 本期中文播客,我们有幸邀请到两位中文教学行业的佼佼者,一位是勤奋努力的中文老师Peipei,她已经从一名普通的中文老师晋升为团队的领导;另一位则是优秀的中文教师Roots,同时也是一个搞笑的中文学习内容创作者。Peipei和Roots在Instagram上共同创作了许多有趣的内容。今天,我们将深入探讨中国影响力教师的幕后故事,以及学习真实中文和地道中文的重要性,并了解Peipei的Real Talk Mandarin产品和服务。



Chinese Podcast EP91: Chinese Gen Z is Crazy? 中国的零零后是怎么想的?

What do you think of Chinese Gen Z? Chinese millennial is open-minded or conservative? We've invited a millennial Chinese young people, Chen Kefan, to share with us his experiences as a chinese student studying abroad, as well as his perspectives on love, life, values and his future plans. Let's hear what this young chinese boy has to say about these topics. 中国的零零后是怎么想的?很开放还是相对保守?我们邀请了一位千禧年的中国年轻人陈柯凡,他将与我们分享他的留学生活、情感观、生活观和价值观, 以及他对未来的打算等等。让我们一起听听这位年轻人对这些话题的见解和想法。



Chinese Podcast EP90: How to Find Good Chinese Teacher? 如何找到好的中文老师?

In today's episode, we are privileged to have Chinese teacher Lin, a seasoned educator and renowned social media influencer mandarin teacher, joining us. From the perspective of an experienced chinese teacher, she shares valuable insights and discusses what qualities make a good Chinese teacher. Let's dive into her insights together! 今天的节目,我们有幸邀请到了琳老师,一位具有多年教学经验和社交媒体知名度的汉语教师。她从中文教师的角度与我们分享了一些宝贵的心得,并探讨了什么样的老师才能成为一位优秀的中文老师和华文老师。让我们一起来听听她的分享吧!



Chinese Podcast EP89: Japanese Manga in China 日本动漫在中国流行吗?

Japanese Manga in China is popular? Do you know the Japanese Anime in Chinese? Today's Chinese podcast we will talk about Japanese animation in China. As avid fans of anime in China, we've all grown up watching various Japanese anime such as "Naruto," "Detective Conan," and many more. These works have not only amassed a huge fan base in China but also significantly influenced our culture and way of life. We'll be sharing some personal anecdotes and insights into the impact of Japanese anime in China. Additionally, we'll introduce you to some of the Chinese names of popular Japanese anime, giving you a glimpse into these classic works from a different perspective. Stay tuned! 大家好,欢迎收听我们的节目!今天我们将探讨一个备受瞩目的话题:日本动漫在中国的流行程度。作为中国的动漫爱好者,我们在成长过程中肯定看过许多日本动漫,比如《火影忍者》、《名侦探柯南》等等。这些作品不仅在中国拥有大量粉丝,也在很大程度上影响了我们的文化和生活。我们会分享一些我们个人的观点和故事,探讨日本动漫在中国的影响力。此外,我们还会介绍一些日本动漫在中国的中文译名,为您揭开这些经典作品的另一面。敬请期待!



Chinese Podcast EP88: Polyglot speaking Chinese 会说中文的意大利多语者

Today, we have the pleasure of interviewing language coach and chinese learner Andrea, an Italian polyglot who speaks Chinese. Andrea is a true polyglot, fluent in multiple languages, including Chinese. During the interview, we'll dive into his experiences and stories as a polyglot, as well as his years living in China. Not only has Andrea lived in several cities across China, but his major was also Chinese, giving him a deep understanding of Chinese culture and language. Let's hear his stories and explore his insights into language learning and understanding China together! Our guest - Andrea Roberto Blog - thehikingpolyglot.eu/blog Ins - the_hiking_polyglot 大家好,欢迎来到我们的节目!今天我们有幸采访到了会说中文的意大利多语者 Andrea。他是一名真正的polyglot,精通多种语言,其中包括中文。在采访中,我们将聊聊他作为polyglot的学习经验和故事,以及他在中国多年生活的经历。Andrea不仅在中国的多个城市生活过,而且他的专业是中文,因此他对中国文化和语言有着深入的理解。让我们一起听听他学习汉语的故事,探索他在学习语言和了解中国方面的见解吧!



Chinese Podcast EP87: What is Like Being Latino Asian? 拉美华人 - 阿根廷华裔小伙的生活

Chinese learners, Welcome to our chinese podcast! Today, we have a special guest joining us from Argentina. He is a young man of Chinese descent, but grew up in Argentina with his parents who are from Taiwan. As a Latino Asian, he has a unique identity and life experience. In this episode, we will delve into his story and life experiences, as well as explore what it's like living in Argentina as a Latino Asian. Let's dive into his fascinating journey together! 欢迎来到我们的中文播客节目!今天,我们邀请到了一位生活在阿根廷的华人小伙,他的父母来自台湾,而他自己却在阿根廷长大。作为一个Latino Asian,他拥有着独特的身份和经历。在这一期节目中,我们将深入探讨他的故事和人生经历,以及他在阿根廷生活是怎样的。让我们一起走进阿根廷,了解阿根廷华人的精彩故事吧!



Chinese Podcast EP86 Can You Learn a Language with Duolingo? 你真的能用多邻国学中文吗?

Can You Learn a Language with Duolingo like Apps? How is it like to practice your Duolingo like apps knowledge in real life? We have invited Ben to share his experience and thoughts on using Busuu to learn Polish. For many, starting to learn a new language with an app like Duolingo, Busuu, Babbel, seems convenient, but can you really make progress using it? Ben will provide us with some insights based on his firsthand experience. Let's dive into his story together 你能用类似Duolingo的应用程序学会一门语言吗?在现实生活中,用类似Duolingo的应用程序练习你的语言知识是什么感觉?我们邀请了Ben来分享他使用Busuu学习波兰语的经验和想法。对许多人来说,使用类似Duolingo、Busuu、Babbel等应用程序开始学习一门新语言似乎很方便,但你真的能够取得进步吗?Ben将根据自己的第一手经验为我们提供一些见解。让我们一起来探讨他的故事。



Chinese Podcast EP85: 6 famous chinese people You Need to Know. 六位中国名人

Who are the 6 famous chinese people we prepared? The three of us dive into the intriguing world of Chinese culture. In this episode, we're uncovering the lives of 6 famous Chinese figures you absolutely need to know. Each of us has prepared two renowned individuals from China, and through vivid descriptions, we challenge the other two to guess who we've chosen. Join us as we explore the rich tapestry of Chinese history and celebrity, and see if you can guess along with us. Tune in now! 欢迎收听今天的汉语播客,在这期中文播客中,我们三个人将深入探讨中国文化的魅力。在这一集中,我们将揭示六位你绝对需要了解的中国名人。每个人都准备了两位来自中国的知名人物,通过生动的描述,我们向其他两位挑战,猜出我们选择的是谁。快来加入我们,探索丰富的中国历史和名人故事,看看你是否能和我们一起猜出答案。立即收听!



Chinese Podcast EP84: How to Learn Chinese with Comprehensible Input? 如何用可理解性输入法学习中文?

Today's guest is Chinese teacher Keren. Hailing from Shenzhen, China, Keren ventured to the United States in 2012 to pursue her master’s degree in Education.In 2015, Keren embraced Comprehensible Input-based teaching methods in her Chinese classes. Fast forward to 2018, and she's teaching soldiers Chinese via Comprehensible Input in the US Department of Defense.Her life in the US has been a gateway in itself. From hiking to diving, camping to snowboarding, skydiving to traveling the world – she's done it all. Reflecting on her incredible journey, Keren realized her mission is to help people around the world find their gateways through the Chinese language. So, join us today as we unravel the secrets of learning Chinese with Comprehensible Input. Remember, it's not just about learning a language; it's about becoming confident, one word at a time.



Chinese Podcast EP83: Learn Mandarin with 6 Chinese Songs!六首中文歌教你学中文!

What's your favorate Chinese song? Who is your favorate Chinese singer? Can I learn mandarin with Chinese songs? Absolutely! Learning Mandarin with Chinese songs can be a fun and effective way to improve your language skills. Here are some ways you can use Chinese songs to enhance your Mandarin learning: Today we will introduce 6 Chinese songs that great for learning Chinese! Listening Practice: Songs expose you to the natural rhythm, intonation, and pronunciation of the language. Regularly listening to Chinese songs helps improve your listening comprehension. 中文听力练习:歌曲使你接触到语言的自然韵律、语调和发音。定期听中文歌曲有助于提高听力理解能力。 Vocabulary Building: Songs often contain a variety of vocabulary, including colloquial expressions and slang. You can learn new words and phrases by understanding the lyrics and their meanings.中文词汇积累:歌曲通常包含各种词汇,包括口语表达和俚语。通过理解歌词及其含义,你可以学到新的词汇和短语。 Grammar Understanding: Songs can provide examples of grammar usage in context. Analyzing the lyrics can help you understand sentence structures and grammatical patterns.中文语法理解:中文歌曲可以提供语法在上下文中的使用示例。分析歌词有助于理解句子结构和语法模式。 Cultural Insight: Music reflects the culture of a language. By exploring Chinese songs, you gain insight into Chinese culture, traditions, and societal themes.中国文化洞察:音乐反映了一种语言的文化。通过探索中文歌曲,你可以深入了解中国文化、传统和社会主题。 Memorization: Repetition is a powerful tool for language learning. Singing along to Chinese songs can help you memorize words and phrases more effectively.中文记忆:重复是语言学习的有效工具。跟着中文歌曲唱歌可以帮助你更有效地记忆单词和短语。



Chinese Podcast #82: How to Learn Chinese Better in 2024?2024年如何更好地学习中文?

🌟 Unlock the Secrets to Mastering Mandarin in 2024! 🌟 In today's episode, we're unveiling the ultimate guide on "How to Learn Chinese Better in 2024." Whether you're a seasoned learner or just starting, we've got the tips, tricks, and strategies to supercharge your Chinese language journey. From immersive learning techniques to the latest digital tools, we're your passport to fluency. Join us for an enlightening discussion filled with insights, motivation, and actionable steps. 🚀📚 Ready to elevate your Chinese skills to new heights? Let's embark on this language-learning adventure together! #Chinese #Mandarin #learnchinese 🌟 2024年,汉语学习新法则大揭秘!🌟 在今天的节目中,我们为您揭示“如何在2024年更好地学习中文”的终极指南。无论您是老练的学习者还是初学者,我们都有能够让您的中文学习之旅变得更轻松的贴士、技巧和策略。从沉浸式学习技术到最新的数字工具,我们是通往流利之门的钥匙。加入我们,共同探讨充满见解、动力和可行步骤的讨论



Chinese Podcast EP81: Things You Don't Know about Chinese Funeral你不知道的中国葬礼的细节

Dive into the Chinese funerals in this podcast episode! Uncover the intricacies of Chinese funeral customs and rituals, shedding light on a lesser-explored aspect of Chinese culture. 🌟 If you're passionate about learning Chinese and unraveling the mysteries of Chinese traditions, this episode is a must-listen. Join us as we navigate through the nuances of this solemn yet culturally rich topic, offering you a unique perspective that goes beyond language learning. 🎙️ Tune in and broaden your understanding of China, one podcast episode at a time! #LearnChinese #ChineseCulture #FuneralCustoms #chinese 在这期播客中,我们深入探讨中国葬礼的世界,揭示你之前未曾了解的细节!解开中国葬礼习俗和仪式的复杂面纱,为你呈现中国文化中一角少为人知的部分。🌟 如果你热衷于学习中文,同时对揭示中国传统的神秘之处感兴趣,那么这一集绝对不能错过。加入我们,一同探索这个庄重而充满文化底蕴的话题,为你提供超越语言学习的独特视角。🎙️ 聆听并拓宽你对中国的理解,一期又一期的播客之旅中不断丰富你的知识!



Chinese Podcast EP80: Mandarin VS Cantonese Speaking 普通话VS粤语/广东话

How to study Cantonese in 2024? Today, we have the pleasure of welcoming a fantastic teacher from Hong Kong, Ms. Lin! Join us as we delve into the significance of learning Cantonese, compare Mandarin VS Cantonese, discuss the challenges of mastering Cantonese, how to learn Cantonese, and explore this beautiful yet intricate dialect. Whether you're a beginner or looking to elevate your Cantonese skills, this episode promises valuable insights and practical tips. Let's welcome Ms. Lin and embark on an exciting journey into the world of Cantonese learning! 2024年怎样学粤语? 今天我们有幸邀请到了来自香港的优秀老师,林老师!我们将深入探讨为什么学习粤语如此重要,比较粤语与普通话的独特之处,还会探讨学习粤语的挑战以及如何有效掌握这一美丽而复杂的方言。无论你是初学者还是想要提高粤语水平的学习者,这期节目都将为你带来丰富的经验和实用的技巧。让我们一同迎接林老师,探索粤语学习的乐趣!



Chinese Podcast EP79: How to study chinese in 2024 with Dashu Mandarin 大叔中文2024年展望:跟大叔们学中文学汉语

How to study chinese in 2024 with Dashu Mandarin? We will talk about our individual plan and plan for Dashu Mandarin in 2024! 2024年怎么学中文?大叔们今天聊聊我们的新年计划! Learn Chinese with our free Podcast every Wednesday (Chinese videos with pinyin subtitle, hanzi subtitle and english subtitle), 每周三我们有免费的中文播客 Study Chinese with our free Chinese Livestreaming every Monday and friday in 2024. 每周一和周五我们有两场直播! Improve Chinese level with natural Chinese conversation in 2024! 2024年在自然有趣的中文对话中提高中文水平!
