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Deeper Than Skin w/Ramia

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Deeper Than Skin is a podcast created with the aim of helping its listeners to ponder the hard questions of life. Questions about purpose, self-worth, love, family, relationships and everything else in between. Deeper than Skin challenges its listeners to examine their lives critically and develop the courage to remedy the sections that feel inauthentic or ascribe meaning to the portions that feel meaningless. Deeper Than Skin is aimed at being a catalyst for the kind of thinking and subsequent actions that will fuel personal revolutions.


United States


Deeper Than Skin is a podcast created with the aim of helping its listeners to ponder the hard questions of life. Questions about purpose, self-worth, love, family, relationships and everything else in between. Deeper than Skin challenges its listeners to examine their lives critically and develop the courage to remedy the sections that feel inauthentic or ascribe meaning to the portions that feel meaningless. Deeper Than Skin is aimed at being a catalyst for the kind of thinking and subsequent actions that will fuel personal revolutions.



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Dreams to Reality ft. David Scarlett

Ramia speaks with David Scarlett founder of The Football Fortress and host of the Biassed Bruddas Podcast. David shares the many roads he has travelled to finally arrive at this destination in his life. He lauds his parents for their unwavering support that gave him the confidence to go after his interests which lead to him discovering the passion he had for sports journalism. He encourages the listeners to pivot hard and execute on their visions now, not later. Too many of us are waiting...


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Pain is Inevitable

Pain is inevitable, but what kind of pain would you rather to have? Growing pains or stagnation pains? We can either face the pain of growing and sacrificing daily for the outcomes we want or we can delay the pain until there is a catastrophe. When there is a catastrophe, the guilt and shame usually drives us to create extreme habits that are largely unsustainable. Ramia explores how each type of pain looks and feels and how we can leverage the growing pains to make a better lives for...


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Fear is a Lie

Fear. This four letter word causes us so much unecessary pain. Ramia explores how most of the fears we have are rooted in lies and present no real danger to us, or at least not to the degree we imagine it. He goes on to show that most times the thibgs we fear would liberate us if we pursued them. Inspite of this, we choose to preserve the current conditions not realizing it is our jail and a more dangerous than the things we are afraid of. What are your fears? Are they rooted in lies?...


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Impressing People: Major Limitation

Ramia explores how limiting it is for hs to always orient our decision making towards pleasing people. Often we even neglect our own needs and desire just to get a "pat on the back" that leaves us feeeling empty and unfulfilled. He challenges us to question why we value the validation of others mlre tha creating meaning in our own lives. A live lived impressing people is a life devoid of joy, meaning and purpose. Does that sound appealing to you?


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Take Control of Your Destiny

Ramia delves into the reality that the majority of us are not taking control of our destinies. We often neglect the work that needs to be done and drown ourselves in the distractions of the day. Instead of taking up the mantle we defer blame to our bosses, kids, the government, just about anything else except ourselves. Ramia challenges us to stop wasting our very finite lives looking on the lives of others, envying the lives of other, but never deciding the life we want or doing the work...


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Start Where You Are: Be Honest

Ramia encourages listeners to start where they are. The pretentious layers we wear to seem more than or further than we are only stagnates us in the long run. He encourages us to be honest, vulnerable and to build internal points of security so that our identity is tied to our willingness to learn and grow rather than the illusion of perfection. The struggle to become and create is par the course and is not an indictment on our abilities. Struggle enthusiastically.


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Inauthenticity: A price too big to pay.

Ramia explores the topic of inauthenticity and how it affects everything in our lives. He encourages listeners to examine points of inauthenticity and evaluate the value of being inauthentic. He challenges the listeners to break away from the mould and face the temporary confrontation rather than continue to suffer in silence. He explains that the intensity of a desire to escape your current life is a good barometer of how authentic you have been.


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Who have I been?

Ramia calls the listeners to examine who they have been up to this current moment in their lives. He challenges them to determine if the person they have been was based on their deliberate design or if it was driven by outside forces. He challenges listeners to examine if the narratives that drive their self-suppression are rooted in reality or if they are fictitious tales. He encourages them to make time to reconnect with their authenticity and electricity in a world that competes for their...
