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Blue Glasses Math

Education Podcasts

I am not a math person…is that true? See your math identity through a new lens. Through insightful conversations, we delve into how our math perspectives shape our identity. Whether you believe you're 'not a math person' or not, this podcast will change the way you view yourself and mathematics!"


United States


I am not a math person…is that true? See your math identity through a new lens. Through insightful conversations, we delve into how our math perspectives shape our identity. Whether you believe you're 'not a math person' or not, this podcast will change the way you view yourself and mathematics!"



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Aligning our values with basic human needs in math class.

In this episode, we kick things off with a thought-provoking quote from Dan Meyer: "Students know what it feels like to have their education done to them rather than with them and they vastly prefer the latter." Let's dive into what this means and how it ties into the core human needs of autonomy, competence, and relatedness in the classroom. We'll ask the big question: "Do our educational values align with these basic human needs?" By fostering autonomy, building competence, and nurturing relationships, we can transform learning into a more engaging and effective experience for students.


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It's a matter of perspective (and a reference to The 3 Little Pigs).

What do I actually mean when I say, "shift our perspective on what it means to be a math person"? Why the Blue Glasses? In this episode, you will learn more about the reason why I am calling for a shift in perspective. Why I think that the focus on "good at math" has been misdirected. Why I think math can be a vehicle for hope, agency and persistence. Inspiration for this episode, Brene Brown, Atlas of the Heart, page 97.


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How do teachers see themselves as math people? A peek at math teacher identity.

In this episode, 2 in a series of 3, we begin to take a peek at how math teacher identity may influence how they show up as math teachers. Yes, each teacher brings their own unique stories with them to their lessons. Those stories influence how teachers plan lessons, ask and answer questions, respond to faulty student reasoning and more. Let's take a look at changing the perspective on learned helplessness - through the lens of math teacher identity.


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Learned Helplessness in Math Class, 1 of 3

In this first of a three-part series, I talk about learned helplessness in math class. Is helplessness learned, or taught? What does helplessness represent? What are the implications of helplessness? And what can we do about it? Let's shift our perspectives on what it means to be "helpless" in math class. This series was inspired by this quote: Equitable Practices without high expectations are nothing more than misguided enablement. - Charles Williams


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Bitter or Sweet? If you could "see" your students' math autobiographies in a jar.

Do teachers (and parents) play a role in shaping the flavors of students' mathematical narratives? You bet! We have the power to influence the bitterness or sweetness of students' mathematical experiences. Join me as I introduce the metaphor of a Mason jar as a container for students' math autobiographies. Each of our students comes to us with a jar - pre-filled with their thoughts and beliefs about math and about themselves as math learners. How do the contents shift over the course of a school year? Let's take a look.


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Empowering Math Confidence: Beyond Outcomes

Building math confidence is like planting a seed that grows into a sturdy tree, providing a strong foundation for all future mathematical exploration and learning. It's important because confident students are more likely to take risks, embrace challenges, and persist through difficult problems, viewing mistakes not as failures but as vital steps in the learning process. .


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The Confidence Factor

Confidence is key when teaching and learning math effectively. So why are so many teachers (yes...there are plenty out there)...not super confident when it comes to teaching math "effectively"? In this episode I talk about what confident teachers do...and how vulnerability is a necessary factor in the confidence equation.


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Math Class is Training Ground for Life

In a profession that makes all other professions possible, teachers have a lofty task. Teachers are tasked with preparing our kiddos to step out in the world and be able to function as independent members of society. What if we saw math class as a training ground to develop the life skills that every human needs, like curiosity, patience, concentration, self-confidence and perseverance. Because these are the skills that our learners will need as the step into a world that we can't even imagine.


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When the Superintendent Walked in on a Math Fight

Yup. The superintendent walked in on a fight, and witnessed, first-hand, how learners' beliefs will shift when they are given the space to express their opinions and co-create their mathematical thinking with one another. Let's take a look.


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Listen up. When we listen to students, beliefs will shift

In this episode, I revisit the belief cycle Beliefs Thoughts Actions Results and begin to explore how simple actions we take, such as listening, can foster shifts in how students see themselves as math learners.


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Navigating the Belief Cycle in Math Class

Imagine a student facing a complex math problem. The belief here might be, "I'm not good at math." This thought can lead to hesitancy in action, perhaps disengagement, disruptive behaviors, daydreaming. . And the result? A reinforcement of the belief, "See, I just can't do math." In this episode, I introduce the belief cycle and how it drives how students see themselves as math learners AND how teachers see themselves as math teachers. I reference the belief cycle and the emotion wheel to make a connection between our beliefs, our emotions and math learning and teaching. This is just the beginning of a much larger conversation. Navigating the Belief Cycle in Math Class


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Hope as a Function of Math Tinkering

When we change our perspective on how mistakes help us learn, we develop hope from the struggle that is part of the problem solving process. In this episode, I explore the idea around tinkering in math and how tinkering, making mistakes and learning from those mistakes is where mathematical learning leads to hope in learners' future success. This episode was inspired by Brene Brown and Francis Su Brene Brown TED Talk Mathematics for Human Flourishing by Francis Su


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Emotions + Math?

In this episode, we explore the somewhat uncharted territory of emotions in the world of math. I discuss the profound human experiences of frustration and satisfaction, showcasing how we can support learners in their emotional journey simply by not rescuing them from the uncomfortable emotions that sometimes accompany learning math.


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Roller coaster? or Math Class?

In this episode we explore the similarities between rollercoasters and math class. People pay good money to ride rollercoasters so they can experience the thrill of the ups and downs...they pay to be scared. They pay for this experience because they feel safe. In a math class, there are twists and turns that can sometimes make students (and teachers) feel like they just need to grab the bathroom pass and avoid the "rollercoaster" altogether. Unless, of course, they feel safe.


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Feelings Matter in Math

We spend so much time thinking about the "right" curriculum, choosing and analyzing quarterly assessments, and designing environments for learning. What if we started paying attention to the "feelings" that happen when we do math? Come take a look. Your perspective may shift.


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What happened when I took the textbooks away

When I took the textbooks away, my 8th graders started to believe in themselves as mathematical learners.


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Fire her! My 8th grade students were done with my shenanigans in math class.

My students complained to the school principal about my teaching style. They asked the administration remove me from my job as their 8th grade math teacher. In this episode of Blue Glasses Math, I tell the story about what happened when my students got fed up with my incessant questioning about their mathematical reasoning. They insisted that I didn't tell them the steps for solving problems...and that is why I should be fired for not doing my job.


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Angry students and shiny red textbooks

What happens when an experienced teacher comes together with students who don't buy what she is selling?
